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Well I am in a flare

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Well I should have seen this coming, i've been pushing myself for the past year day after day school, house, kid, husband, and finally it all came crashing down. My arms hurt so bad and weak I can hardly hold them up to type.

I faxed my withdraw from 2 of my classes from school so now to tell the guys tonight ,,, mom has came crumbling down I can't do it anymore!

I have appt Monday with my Neuro, and I am sure he is going to increase my Imuran again. I am on 300mg a day now, so i'll be back to being sick all the time again, but if I keep going I am going to be in the hospital.

I just wanted to leave you all know I will not be online for awhile, until I climb out of this crash.

I love you all

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will be praying for you.


Well I am in a flare

Well I should have seen this coming, i've been pushing myself for the past year day after day school, house, kid, husband, and finally it all came crashing down. My arms hurt so bad and weak I can hardly hold them up to type.

I faxed my withdraw from 2 of my classes from school so now to tell the guys tonight ,,, mom has came crumbling down I can't do it anymore!

I have appt Monday with my Neuro, and I am sure he is going to increase my Imuran again. I am on 300mg a day now, so i'll be back to being sick all the time again, but if I keep going I am going to be in the hospital.

I just wanted to leave you all know I will not be online for awhile, until I climb out of this crash.

I love you all

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