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Re: Newcomer with LOTS of questions!

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Thank you Karith, and everyone else who has responded - WOW!

I have been speaking to Dr. Vicari's office and it is more than a

month wait for a consultation (we don't want to put this off that

long). We have a consultation at Cranial Tech (in Oak Brook - IL)next

Friday. I also just left a message for Pat Rogel at Children's

Memorial - hopefully I'll hear back from her soon.

Thanks again for ALL of your help and support - I'll keep you posted

(and will probably have MORE questions)!

Jenn ('s Mom)

> > >

> > > Hi - this week my son had his 6-month check-up and the

> > pediatrician did

> > > not see any improvement in his head shape and

> > suggested that he get

> > > fitted for a cranial band. The Dr office gave me

> > information on

> > > Cranial Tech and the DOC band - but I know there are

> > other brands and

> > > companies out there. I am looking for any feedback

> > that anyone has

> > > about the various bands out there (DOC, STAR,

> > Hanger...). We live in

> > > the Western suburbs of Chicago.

> > > Thank you SO much for any help/info that you can

> > provide. I just want

> > > to do what is best for my little boy.

> > >

> > > I have shed my share of tears these past few days and

> > I am so glad to

> > > find this resource and to find out that many families

> > have

> > > plagiocephaly success stories!

> > > :o)

> > >


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