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Wow, did I get off track

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Help, tonight is a tough one-- and I'm feeling so very off track. I started to answer an email to Shauna-- and ended up

going off the path to the religion issue-- which had nothing to do with her--(you, Shauna) I'm sorry. The brain is not connected to the shoulders, neck, head...

So many of us keep the info lines open and flowing, and I love that everyone is beginning to post again after such a quiet time.

As for me, I'm lost right now, and I'm trying my hadest to take time away, and I'm not doing it- I'm forgetting to take care of me-- and I'm feeling it tonight.

I don't want anyone to think I'm saying don't post and discuss your feelings-- because it is that-- the discussions of feelings, emotions, joys and sorrows that make this such a wonderful group.

We all have ways we cope- faith is one that is a huge foundation for so many-- and we need to honor that part of ourself-- and that part of our relationship to our Higher power. When we all relate with open hearts and minds-- this can be so very powerful and healing.

I think that what Im trying to say is please know that as we discuss faith, we also have to understand that this is not where we ever want to create a judgemental situation where we end up creating another place where people can't also show the anger that can come from chronic illness.

If this is making any sense to anyone-- I guess what I'm saying is know that even the faithful can be very angry and hurt and they might even swear or curse that same god they so love and that is ok too. Obviously we cant get to far into the cursing-- but again-- know that all the "stuff" will be held with the love and respect it so deserves.

I know that sometimes what I need to do most is to sit in quiet meditation (is that why I'm up at midnight when all the dogs and hubby is sound asleep) so that I can quiet my soul and eventually get some rest.

Man, the drugs are doing a number on my head-- and I'm spinning tonight-- so here is the vortex ride that I spoke of, and I'm fighting to stay centered tonight.

This has to be part of a pre-holiday Christmas funk, and the panic of the thought that I will be doing Christmas Eve here with my family, and then have to do Christmas day with 's family and then probably left overs with the folks again on the weekend. Get me off this train!!!

So, I come back to breath deepl, slowly, and know that it is all good-- and rest.

Love and Peace to all,


NS Co-owner/moderator

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