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Hair test posted for review

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Re my hair test results, many thanks for any comments.

I do not strictly meet the counting rules. I take a lot of

supplements, and am not sure how that affects the interpretation. For

reference, I am 57 years old.

Dean kindly put my hair test results up at


but meanwhile I've thought of a lot more symptoms and health history

than what I gave to Dean so, if you would, please use the expanded

version below instead of the version posted there. Thanks much for

the patience of anyone reading this!

1) What are your current symptoms and health history?


- tonsils removed, age 10

- had 43 uterine fibroids surgically removed at age 45

[most of the following symptoms are in the AI book:]

- Feelings in head, like a pressure or as if filled with lead. (I

searched this out using onibasu.com and found a lot of people

describing things like this.) Also noises.

- allergies, EI/chemical sensitivities -- and now electro-sensitivity

- colitis, irritable bowel, etc., which often seems connected to

arthritic symptoms (when diet is restricted to about three " safe "

things, it usually keeps all these under control), muscle stiffness.

- obsessive-compulsive problems

- attention deficit, " brain fog, " confusion, forgetting

- dry, brittle hair

- hands and feet are usually cold, even while dancing vigorously

- photophobic, as in I turn down my monitor's brightness at night --

it hurts my eyes.

- I used to have very painful and profuse menses

- some history of skin infections, rashes, dermatitis, fungus; itching


[There may be some redundancy here, but looking at page 56 of the AI

book I found the following matches:]

- Not sweating. This has been going on at least since I was in my

thirties. (Strangely, I had a lot of sweating happen during the first

2-3 months after the palladium crown --see below.)

- low body temperature

- first menstruation at almost age 10

- intermittent blurred distance vision

- chronic fatigue (comes and goes)

- bleeding gums (comes and goes, pretty bad lately), tender teeth,

metallic taste (comes and goes - was really bad while I had a

palladium crown), blisters in the mouth (thought these were from a virus)

- headaches, inability to concentrate, dizziness (dizziness and

disorientation worse when eating sulfur foods)

- allergies, constipation/diarrhea, intestinal cramps and pains, cold

hands and feet, joint pains, foot cramps (more than leg cramps)

- anxiety, tension, depression, forgetfulness, shyness, easily

embarrassed, irritable (comes and goes)

[Page 57 of the book starts to get more technical, but from what I can

make out I have the following:]

- I've noticed that I have been shedding lots of skin around my ankles

and the bases of my toes, especially the last few months.

- I have very dry skin, for many years now.

- My balance has been becoming worse, especially in the dark I can

barely maintain it -- doing yoga, chi gong, etc.

2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed?

Braces? First amalgam etc...)

First amalgams at some young age like 5 or 6

Braces for a couple years, age 14-15. Four teeth were pulled for this.

Wisdom teeth removed (4) about age 19

During period of ages 18-35 I got LOTS of amalgams, and then started

to need crowns at about age 26 or so. Got lots of those ( " gold " or PFM

[stainless steel], and over amalgam in most cases)-- of course with no

protection from the ground-off mercury bits or the vapor -- plus a

metal bridge. First root canal placed about age 28. First root canal

tooth rotted out (it held up one end of the bridge) and was yanked out

at about age 35. Another root canal was placed (with amalgam in the

root) at about age 42. At age 32 I had a series of disastrous

procedures, including " crown lengthening " surgery, which resulted

finally in a tooth being pulled and the above-mentioned metal bridge.

That makes a total of 10 extractions. All done by standard operating


5 months ago I had a crown break and got it replaced - it was replaced

with " pure palladium " (porcelain was baked on). Then I had a rapid

onset of inflammation-related health problems, and finally I connected

them to the crown and had it removed. This was when I started to look

seriously at the dental metals issue. I seem to be in some kind of

hyper-reactive state ever since this incident.

3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the

dental cleanup have you completed?

I have not had any cleanup yet, to my frustration.

I have 7 metal crowns -- one of the crowns is that root canal with

amalgam in the root and, two exposed stubs. I have one onlay of some

kind, and some veneer stuff bonded onto front teeth, and some white

fillings of some kind.

4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during


Don't know. Probably amalgams though.

5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and

especially travel shots)?

Huh. Can't remember, as I haven't had any in so long. Polio?

Tuberculosis? I never get flu shots.

6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time of

hair test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.

Well. Supplements I have taken in past few months, regularly:

Vitamin C, average 10 g per day, sometimes nothing, sometimes a lot

more. Calcium/Mag Citrate powder probly 750 mg Ca to 50% Mag., some

days nothing., Pantothenic acid, 300-500 mg per day. Glucosamine HCl,

abt. 1500 mg. Enzymes: Neprinol 5 caps, Serralone 3 caps, Zymactive

5 caps (helped with the inflammations). Other than that, probly

about 50% of the time I would take some B-complex (B-25 or B-75) and

vitamin K, and a multi-mineral tablet (Country Life Total Mins,

Iron-Free: 60-120mcg chromium, 25-50 mcg molybdenum, 250-500 mg mag.,

7-15 mg zinc, 50-100mcg selenium, 50-100 mg potassium, 50-1,000 mg Ca,

250-500 mg phosphorus, 1/2 - 1 mg copper and manganese, and some other

stuff). Lecithin granules, a few spoonfuls. Occasional CoQ10, 300 mg.

Vitamin A 25k, Vit. D 4k, both from fish oil -- I stopped that a

couple of months ago and now I take dry E and A from Beta Carotene.

Before I discovered that I seem to be better off without sulfur, I was

taking MSM, milk thistle, Quercetin, rutin, bilberry, and green tea

extract (not sure if they all have sulfur or not), taking tons of

turmeric and ginger, eating lots of garlic, cabbage, broccoli, green

vegetables, eggs, yogurt, plus sardines. During the previous several

years I took large doses of ALA and RLA at random times, and also

chlorella and occasional cilantro. I was about to re-start chlorella

before I found these Andy Cutler yahoo groups. Recently I tried NDF

(1/2 drop) but got intestinal problems immediately. NCD seemed easier

(I got up to 5 drops I think) but finally I had the same problem with

that. OH, I use Potassium Chloride as a salt substitute.

7) Other information you feel may be relevant?

I played with mercury as a child (4 years old). Don't remember how

often -- an adult showed it to me and I remember that we pushed drops

of it around with our fingers.

When my office was painted with mercury-based paint in 1989 or so, I

suffered horribly plus the skin on my face peeled.

In Jan. 2005 I ate _one_ piece of canned mackerel that brought me to

an awful crisis (including inner shaking), effects of which lasted for

months (I took many, frequent saunas). I assume that was one

particularly contaminated fish.

The last 20 years I lived in a house that is in a moderately a high

electromagnetic field, due to on-street power lines nearby. (I've read

that makes mercury come out of fillings faster.) I can't live there

now due to electrosensitivity.

8) What is your location - city & country (so that we can learn where

certain toxins are more prevalent).

California: Richmond (a very contaminated place) or Berkeley (San

Francisco area), USA.


phew! THE END.

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