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How much of merc damage is permanent/irreversible? (Was : need encouragement

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I think our body can recover from the mercury component of our

illness but as stringworship has mentioned there may be other issues

including bugs that need to be specifically addresed

Alos i have read that it takes our cells 6-7 years to regenerate..do

not know if this is true or not BUT if we have mercury in our bodies

for many years its in our cells and can be chelated but will take

many years. The same with CWD (cell wall deficient bugs).but i think

we need to get down to this level with ALA I suppose on the

chelatioin side and the treat with a safe abx protocol if we are not

totally recovered with chelation alone

I believe mercury must be addresed if we are to get the other things

fixed and if given all the right treatments that are mentioned in AI

we are more likely to recover than not

BUT there are other treatments in this and next posting that i will

also mention that i undertook which i think have helped me. I know

its impossible to try everything in AI but feel its very important to

try as many as we can afford

Last August i was very bad had severe MCS, very fatigued likely

adrenal burnout, thyroid problems, had head problems and body aches

so bad i was searching for a way to end my life. I believe I was/am

very toxic with mercury and believe lyme and other bugs are a part of

my overall illness (see very bottom of posting)

I am guessing that if after 6-12 months that you have been unable to

increase chelators and do not feel any better that it may be your

detox pathways that might be helped with a combination of

liver/gallballder suport (ie maybe the castor oil packs); lymph

support; crainial sacral massage.

I also think that my bad protocol i was under(The mad bioresistance

freak) that had me on a very strict raw food diet and

probiotics...anti fungals, aloe vera and mangosteen supps that

cleaned pounds of decayed fecal matter out of me-part of my 40 pound

weight loss) [which mobilized mercury as well] is now helping me

assimiliate these chealtors and these supps and has made it easier

for stuff to move out of me. just a thought

If i had to put a number on it, I think I am 25% recovered but 100%

better than a year ago

I have recently been able to drammatically increase ALA and have gone

on my 4 mile am hikes for the first time in likley a year. I

attribiute this to not only the chelation cleasning BUT also the new

abx treatment i started 2 months ago (even though I am now having

herxing problems with this antibiotic treatment

Things that i think helped per AI (in no particlar order)

** zinc and taurine..there are many articles that i have read that

say these two minerals or supps work very synergistically together

** niacinamide, selenomethionine for mcs. I have fast phase 1 just

like AI suggests will create a more severe form of MCS. This

niacinamide calmed it down right away. Selenomethionine will also

help making mercury inert i believe AI says and must also help with

thyroid as its in temp syndrome protocol as a herbal supp to

take with his T3

** Chanca Piedra (herb from A) for kidney support. It makes

sense you have to support your kidneys as they are a primary organ

for detoxing

** getting off dmsa and going on dmps and for me continous chelation

helped as well. I take 40 mgs every 3-4 hrs. I had to start very low

I believe it was 3-4 mgs of dmsa. I started chelation November 26,

2007.. I have done my share of dumb dosing (too much-too fast, mostly

with ALA)

** I did a lot of liver gallbladder and lymph support..including

gallbladder packs which always make me feel better. I believe it

lossens up toxins and bowels even for me: I also did a lot of

trampolining , dry brushing and drinking cleavers for lymphs.

Cleavers is a herb of some sort that you can get at some higher end

food stores. I am not sure if whole foods carry. It supposed to act

as a cleansing for lymphs

** For fungus and yeast, which i believe we all have i was really

strict with diet, no carbs, sugars, little fruit (I have just started

eating fruit again). My diet has basically been chicken, celery (both

organic) and cashew butter (I had food allergies to almonds and whad

been eating almond butter). I also eat a lot of popcorn. I fall off

the wagon once-twice a week and have a burrito or soemthing like this

I was also taking and still am taking biotin as its supposed to be

anti candida. I used to see regular almost what i called pond slime

coming out of me for months before i had amalgam out and months

after. anderson also gave me Amazon A-F from Raintree Nutrition

for I believe fungus related problems

** I had a food allergy test which helped. It turned out I was

allergic to eggs, milk and almonds, not that i ate a lot of milk and

eggs but I had been eating eggs a lot before i realized from AI I had

a sulphur food problem

** i also started taking Betaine HCL (I believe acid helps with

digestion) along with vitamin C with meals and chromium picolinate

(I had pre iabetic levels of blood sugar 18 months ago) along with

enzymes. I sytopepd taking enzymes a month or so ago as i ran out and

right when i started this new abx protocol and became unbelievable

constipated which the enzymes have relieved (Source Naturals-

Essential Enzymes)

*vitamin A for my low salivary IGA which is in part i belive due to

mercury messing up my immune system.

** Coq10-Ubiquinol. This ubiquinal form of C0-q10 is supposed to be

10 times better than other forms of coq-10. I believe this supp helps

with all forms of cellular energy and especially heart

** Milk Thistle. Again I tried to take the most intensive form

available which i usually get from anderson. I am sure some of

these brands can be purchased from a whole foods or whatever. I now

take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day of life extensions Mega silymarin

which has 900 mgs of milk thistle extract per tablet

** I have tested as having variations of the Herpes virus which were

activated 4-5 year ago. To have kept this in check I was taking 1000

mgs of lysine and 1000mgs of arginine 2 times a day

** i had been taking 15-18 mgs of melatonin with my .50 mgs of

klonoprin for sleep until I read on this forum that melatonin can i

belive hurt adrenals (I cannot remember exactly what it was that was

with negative for melatonin but I cut it back to about 6 mgs). I now

notice that if I do not take the melatonin for sleep i have a less

restful sleep

** for adrenals i had been taking 20 mgs HC (10 in am and 10 before

sleep). I now take 10 mgs total per day. I also had been taking 7

keto dhea; and pregnenolone . I have eliminated the latter on the new

abx and cut the HC dosage and am trying to get my adrenals to kick

back in on their own. I will be re-testing shortly

** waiting 6 months for thyroid work I think was the right thing to

do . In May/2008 i went on wilsons temp protocol and was lucky to be

able to right my thyroid and temps (which occasionally still crsah

under stress and this new Abx Treatment)

* various flax and fish oils which i have now stopped as are

contraindicated on abx protocol. same with vitamin D and B's

Do not know if this is right or wrong but know i had reached

what i felt was the time to go after the lyme bugs after cutting some

of my mercury load over 8 months of chelation

** magnesium lots of it; kept me regular and i think is a super

supplement that helps in may ways (average daily dosage aprox 800-

1600 mgs Brand Lonegevity Science Magna Calm 16 oz from A)

* i also had a badly infected root canal removed 4 months ago which

made me as sick as i had ever been (over the last 5 years) for 4

weeks but then i recovered so these things are toxic as hell

**I was doing pretty well 2.50 months ago before i started this abx

BUT know in my heart that its (abx) working due to my herxing on a 25

mgs antibiotic dosage every two days)


51 year old, 20-25 years of allergy shots and mult amalgam fillings

(8 I believe). Health was downhill since probably 25 maybe even

younger and did not realize it until i went off a cliff 5 years ago

(lost hearing, then severe aches, liver flukes); 2-3 year ago got

worse with bad protocols



> Any thoughts, anyone?


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> Last August i was very bad had severe MCS, very fatigued likely

> adrenal burnout, thyroid problems, had head problems and body


> so bad i was searching for a way to end my life.

----What do you think helped the most with the bodyaches?

> I am guessing that if after 6-12 months that you have been unable


> increase chelators and do not feel any better that it may be your

> detox pathways that might be helped with a combination of

> liver/gallballder suport (ie maybe the castor oil packs);

--------Andy is against castor oil packs I think, but I can't

remember why?

> I also think that my bad protocol i was under(The mad


> freak) that had me on a very strict raw food diet and

> probiotics...anti fungals, aloe vera and mangosteen supps that

> cleaned pounds of decayed fecal matter out of me-part of my 40


> weight loss) [which mobilized mercury as well] is now helping me

> assimiliate these chealtors and these supps and has made it easier

> for stuff to move out of me. just a thought


Why do you think this was a bad protocal? Because it mobilized


> If i had to put a number on it, I think I am 25% recovered but


> better than a year ago


> I have recently been able to drammatically increase ALA and have


> on my 4 mile am hikes for the first time in likley a year.

----Great! Your hard work has paid off!

> ** I did a lot of liver gallbladder and lymph support..including

> gallbladder packs which always make me feel better.

---What are these packs?


> ** I have tested as having variations of the Herpes virus which


> activated 4-5 year ago. To have kept this in check I was taking


> mgs of lysine and 1000mgs of arginine 2 times a day

----How do you test for viruses?

> ** for adrenals i had been taking 20 mgs HC (10 in am and 10


> sleep).

-----Did you have your adrenals tested? Which test if you don't

mind me asking?


Congrats on your progress, Mike. Hope it continues.


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