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Re: People that have been cured and dont need to chelate anymore

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> Are there any testomonies/past posts which have been saved from people

> who have successfully chelated for 6months-2/3/4 years and are now well

> and fully living a normal life, no yeast problems, no mental problems

> and dont need to buy lots of supplements anymore ect...

There is the love letters file:


Mostly these are reports from parents chelating children, and mostly

snapshots of chelation progress. You will find some interesting

reports, and some reports from adults chelating themselves. Often the

adult report is mixed in a long children report (like, btw, I had CFS,

chelated and am all better now). Moria stopped collecting many years ago.

There are tons of reports in the autism mercury group from both adults

and adults chelating children that haven't been a part of anyone's

collection so far. I would love to go through the archives and find

them - it's a panning for gold type exercise.

I have started to link to progress reports as I come across them. I

only started this recently, and it is very incomplete. (see links

section here)

TK has a chelation progress file in the files section here. Most of

those would also be in the one I set up in the links section.

There are some adult reports in onibasu wiki. I have some of those in

the one I set up.

There are some reports in amazon reviews of Andy's " Amalgam Illness " book.

Many people move on from the groups and get busy with life long before

they are all better, and then forget to post a progress report. Many

others aren't on the internet.

> I need a pick me up by reading these im hoping it will give me some

> belief that i will get better.

If you find others that I am not aware of, please let me know. There

are more, mostly in autism mercury archives.

Also am i right in thinking that Andy

> was once himself mercury poisoned, and he is now cleared and living a

> normal life ?



There are several reports from long ago that told about how seriously

ill he was. Some of those are in onibasu wiki, and some haven't been

" captured " yet, but I remember reading them.

I met him, and can tell from how fast he thinks and how active he is

that he is better than normal.


> Thanks alot


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> If you find others that I am not aware of, please let me know. There

> are more, mostly in autism mercury archives.

I had a bit more time today to have a broswe through the archieves,

heres a link which you mite like if u dont already have it


chelation/messages/1709?threaded=1 & m=e & var=1 & tidx=1

I particualry like the post from the creator of this forum who after

about 15 months of chelating would say there cured thats inspired me

quite alot. I also noticed that after 7 months of chelating, they began

to chelate non stop without breaks ( i know you shouldnt really do

this, but its explained in his post why) for a very long time, maybe in

a few months time its someting which i mite try, doing longer rounds as

at the moment i can already handle a week on, week off with 25mg.

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