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cerebral folate deficiency

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It is a good idea to get the antibody test done at the Quadro's lab but if it is

not possible, you can just try 5-MTHF which is available without prescription

and see if it helps your kid. If you son does have typical features of cerebral

folate deficiency then I would say that he should be getting the supplement as

the sooner you do, the better the results are. Continue with the casein free

diet including all types of animal milks.



> hello,

> ������ My� son is now�� seven� and has� had�

epilepsy� for� six� yrs which has� not been�� well� controlled�

by� drugs. i read� about� checking� cerebral folate� deficiency on

this� group� .i feel� after looking at how� this� begins� and�

what� are the presentations� of� it� my� son�� fits� quite�

well into this. please� if there is� anyone� that has� tried��

leucovorin or� any other�� for� CFD then please let me know. i have�

had�� the� nutrigenomic testing� done� which� shows� deficits�

in the� folate uptake.� his� flglu� result w as also� high many yrs�

ago on the� metabolic� profile� i had� done.�� more recently i

have� had an OAT�� what� can i look� for� on that� and� on

the� amino� acids� in urine� to� see if� any� signs� further.?

his� homocysteine� has� been� low� and� also� cysteine�

value.�but is� there� anypoint in� doing the�� autoiantibody�

> presence before� starting the� supplements? i w a s doing� DAN

protocol� for� a� year� but then� few�� months� ago� left it a

s i� didnt� see� very much� from it� also wa s doing the� gfcf and

then� scd.� also� again� didnt see great things� but� still i am on

the� gfcf� diet.

> does� anyone know� if there� is� advise� available quickly after

the� methylation panel from� amy yasko�� or how� it� works. he�

has� had� many� snps which i� really need� guidnace� for quickly.�

he has�� low���� dopamine� and problem� with serotonin�

poathway�� too.

> �thanks� tahira


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