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Re: Anyone know of a sleep away facility to help teens with severe s

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I was overwhelmed by all the responses to my posts. Thank you all from

the bottom of my heart. I will follow the leads and see what I can find.

Forgive me for answering several posts at once, but I am limited on


I took my son to 2 different local practitioners that use the XYTO. At

the time my son was still taking his supplements, but refused to

change his diet (he eats a diet that is loaded with carbs, gluten and

dairy). I eat a diet that is gluten and dairy free, so I do not buy

any of these foods, but unfortunately my husband is not a believer

that food has any effect on health. I took my son to these

practitioners because he refused to do the Great Plains Autism

Spectrum Panel of Tests that our DAN doctor prescribed. The XYTO

indicated a problem with heavy metals and with bad bacteria in the

gut. The acupuncturist muscle tested all of his supplements and we

continued with the ones she said to continue and added some to correct

those issues.

A few months later, I got my strength together to get the Great Plains

labs done. I tried to bribe my son with some of his favorite special

foods, but he refused. So, I hid his XBOX and said he wouldn't get it

back until the end of the weekend, after the 3 days of tests (2 days

of stool tests, urine, hair, blood) were all completed. I succeeded in

getting the tests, but unfortunately I made him hate me even more.

The results showed that he did have urinary peptides for casein (not

for gluten). However a previous stool test from EnteroLab showed him

to have both a gluten and soy intolerence.

His hair showed high levels of nickel and silver as well as medium

levels of arsenic. Lead and Mercury were both low, but I do understand

that sometimes autistic kids cannot excrete these 2 heavy metals and

that is why they don't show up in the hair samples. My husband didn't

believe this, by the way, even though I copied pages of books that

backed this up.

His stool tests were not catastrophic since he had been taking

probiotics (100 billion strength) for over a year. The only dysbiotic

flora was the Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria, that the DAN doctor

didn't think was catastrophic, although he did suggest we add

grapefruit seed extract to the supplements.

No major food allergies.

The Organic Acids test did show high Arabinose, the marker for

candida. Funny that this didn't show up in the stool test. So, again

my husband thought this test was not reliable. There was also a high

Quinolinic/5-HIAA Ratio, however the the other neurotransmitter

metabolites were within range.

I adjusted some of the supplements, with the help of our DAN doctor,

however they didn't make much of a difference. The doctor said we

really needed to try the GAPS diet. He said that in his experience

that is what made the most difference. Unfortunately we had tried

going gluten free about 8 months before and it was a disaster. My son

got angrier and angrier. Several times he tossed the gluten free

products in the trash. And then he managed to sneak forbidden foods at

school. My husband finally put an end to the diet after he took our

son to a gastroenterologist and tests came back negative for Celiac.

So, going on an even stricter diet was not going to happen no matter

how much I wanted to implement it.

As I said in my original post, now my son refuses to take any

supplements. He is in much worse condition. He is a brilliant young

man and he used to be so high functioning. Now he cannot pay attention

in school, doesn't do most of his homework and won't admit that he has

any problem - other than lousy parents!

It is such a sad and frustrating story. I appreciate all of your

prayers. I pray all the time. I am hoping that something will happen

that will make him come around and try the supplements again, and

perhaps this time the diet. Hopefully before my husband manages to

convince him to take meds.

Thank you all again.


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Well, there are ways to go around the diet and gluten. Mindlinx and

some other probiotics can assist in digesting gluten and casein. I have

used many different nerve protectors. I currently use Goji. I have

used Turmeric. I also use Feverfew. The important thing for me was

that I always use things for inflammation, often several things at once,

because the symptoms come from the inflammation. Mindlinx is the only

probioitc that I have seen amazing things from. I have used many name

brands that should have worked, but barely worked, if at all.

Heidi N

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Thanks, Heidi.

When my son was taking his supplements I was giving him gluten digesting

enzymes. as well as tumeric, goji and other super food powders in his smoothies,

fish oils, broccali sprout capsules, etc. for inflammation. The problem is that

now he refuses to even talk to me, and if I leave supplements out for him, he

refuses to take them.

I will check out Mindlinx, though, since it sounds interesting. Perhaps at some

point my son will decide to take his supplements again. He usually gets

interested in healthy food and supplements as soon as he gets sick. Since it is

cold and flu season, that could happen at any time now. . .

Thanks, again,



> Well, there are ways to go around the diet and gluten. Mindlinx and

> some other probiotics can assist in digesting gluten and casein. I have

> used many different nerve protectors. I currently use Goji. I have

> used Turmeric. I also use Feverfew. The important thing for me was

> that I always use things for inflammation, often several things at once,

> because the symptoms come from the inflammation. Mindlinx is the only

> probioitc that I have seen amazing things from. I have used many name

> brands that should have worked, but barely worked, if at all.


> Heidi N


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Sometimes, when my children slept, I dropped homeopathic drops on their

lips - usually only one or two is needed. Or, I would rub their

magnesium sulphate or B12 cream on their leg while they slept. They had

high anxiety back then, and it was difficult to get them to take

things. There are also sprays for the skin, such as Bach remedies.

There is a video on You-Tube called 's Recovery Interview about a

teen recovering after starting treatments at age 14. And I suppose

there are lots more that may help motivate your son.

Heidi N

Thanks, Heidi.

When my son was taking his supplements I was giving him gluten digesting

enzymes. as well as tumeric, goji and other super food powders in his

smoothies, fish oils, broccali sprout capsules, etc. for inflammation.

The problem is that now he refuses to even talk to me, and if I leave

supplements out for him, he refuses to take them.

I will check out Mindlinx, though, since it sounds interesting. Perhaps

at some point my son will decide to take his supplements again. He

usually gets interested in healthy food and supplements as soon as he

gets sick. Since it is cold and flu season, that could happen at any

time now. . .

Thanks, again,


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Hi Heidi,

Funny that you should mention the You-Tube called 's Recovery, just last

week I purchased a book on Amazon about another teen's recovery,

Zimmerman. It's a funny book about what he thought when his Mom introduced the

special diet and supplements. So far I haven't managed to get my son to read it.

.. .

We've used Bach flower remedies before and didn't see any noticeable results,

although the rescue remedy did seem to work when he was younger and nervous

about going to school. I used to call it butterfly spray to calm the butterflies

in his stomach when he was afraid. Other than for that purpose it didn't help

him much.

I am not familiar with vitamin B12 in cream form. When he was taking his

supplements I gave him sublingual methyl cobalamin. Is there a particular brand

that you can suggest.

Thanks again for all your suggestions.



> Sometimes, when my children slept, I dropped homeopathic drops on their

> lips - usually only one or two is needed. Or, I would rub their

> magnesium sulphate or B12 cream on their leg while they slept. They had

> high anxiety back then, and it was difficult to get them to take

> things. There are also sprays for the skin, such as Bach remedies.

> There is a video on You-Tube called 's Recovery Interview about a

> teen recovering after starting treatments at age 14. And I suppose

> there are lots more that may help motivate your son.


> Heidi N



> Thanks, Heidi.


> When my son was taking his supplements I was giving him gluten digesting

> enzymes. as well as tumeric, goji and other super food powders in his

> smoothies, fish oils, broccali sprout capsules, etc. for inflammation.

> The problem is that now he refuses to even talk to me, and if I leave

> supplements out for him, he refuses to take them.


> I will check out Mindlinx, though, since it sounds interesting. Perhaps

> at some point my son will decide to take his supplements again. He

> usually gets interested in healthy food and supplements as soon as he

> gets sick. Since it is cold and flu season, that could happen at any

> time now. . .


> Thanks, again,

> Arielle


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There is an autism recovery doc who I guess is kind of a NIDs doc, but

doesn't use the SSRI's. Anyhow, his name is Kendall in Austin,

TX, and he creates formulas. Look on his supplement website,

www.neurobiologix.com to find it. Join his support forum to learn what

to expect from it - die-off and all.

Heidi N

Hi Heidi,

Funny that you should mention the You-Tube called 's Recovery, just

last week I purchased a book on Amazon about another teen's recovery,

Zimmerman. It's a funny book about what he thought when his Mom

introduced the special diet and supplements. So far I haven't managed to

get my son to read it. . .

We've used Bach flower remedies before and didn't see any noticeable

results, although the rescue remedy did seem to work when he was younger

and nervous about going to school. I used to call it butterfly spray to

calm the butterflies in his stomach when he was afraid. Other than for

that purpose it didn't help him much.

I am not familiar with vitamin B12 in cream form. When he was taking his

supplements I gave him sublingual methyl cobalamin. Is there a

particular brand that you can suggest.

Thanks again for all your suggestions.


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Hi Heidi,

Very interesting website. I spent a little time on it this afternoon and I will

definitely explore it further.

Thank you for all of your wonderful information.



> There is an autism recovery doc who I guess is kind of a NIDs doc, but

> doesn't use the SSRI's. Anyhow, his name is Kendall in Austin,

> TX, and he creates formulas. Look on his supplement website,

> www.neurobiologix.com to find it. Join his support forum to learn what

> to expect from it - die-off and all.


> Heidi N



> Hi Heidi,


> Funny that you should mention the You-Tube called 's Recovery, just

> last week I purchased a book on Amazon about another teen's recovery,

> Zimmerman. It's a funny book about what he thought when his Mom

> introduced the special diet and supplements. So far I haven't managed to

> get my son to read it. . .


> We've used Bach flower remedies before and didn't see any noticeable

> results, although the rescue remedy did seem to work when he was younger

> and nervous about going to school. I used to call it butterfly spray to

> calm the butterflies in his stomach when he was afraid. Other than for

> that purpose it didn't help him much.


> I am not familiar with vitamin B12 in cream form. When he was taking his

> supplements I gave him sublingual methyl cobalamin. Is there a

> particular brand that you can suggest.


> Thanks again for all your suggestions.


> Arielle


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