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Hi Marci,

Please don't be so hard on yourself. I know it is hard, I felt so

guilty because I did want to know what I was going to have and the

doctors never found the CF. I had 3 or 4 ultrasounds and we never

saw it nor did the doctors. I could not wait to know and it still

was'nt found so maybe they still would not have seen it.

I also did the " what if.., and maybe if.. " thing for a while not

only because we knew nothing about CF but also because we went

through 2 doctors and wasted lots of time. But, looking back I am

just sooo glad that my daughter is doing great and nothing else was

wrong with her. I am happy she is walking and has perfect little

feet. CF is fixable and really small compared to what other parents

have had to endure. Enjoy your little girl and remember you are not

at all selfish for the decision you made!

Best Wishes,


BL CF 12/16/03

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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I didn't know-and we knew the sex. I am going to talk to my doctor

and find out if it was known on the 20 week US-also going to request

more US in future pregnancies just so we can be prepared!

Kathleen mom to 8/28/04 bcf fab 14/7

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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I didn't know-and we knew the sex. I am going to talk to my doctor

and find out if it was known on the 20 week US-also going to request

more US in future pregnancies just so we can be prepared!

Kathleen mom to 8/28/04 bcf fab 14/7

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Hey Marci,

I wanted to let you know that I also had several ultra-sounds more

then usual, even some at the anti-natal testing unit looking

for " problems " and none of the several places I went to saw Collin's

clubfoot. They did guess his sex right though. I'm so sorry for

everything your feeling, it is truly not your faught that the baby has

clubfeet. I think even if they did look for the sex of the baby they

may have not seen it. I know it can be hard at first, I had a lot of

feeling of guilt at first, trying to figure out if I " bent " wrong in

the garden, etc..I use to beat myself up. I pray that all the

feelings your having now will pass soon. I'm sure talking will help a



Collin's story at http://www.geocities.com/chele323232

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Hey Marci,

I wanted to let you know that I also had several ultra-sounds more

then usual, even some at the anti-natal testing unit looking

for " problems " and none of the several places I went to saw Collin's

clubfoot. They did guess his sex right though. I'm so sorry for

everything your feeling, it is truly not your faught that the baby has

clubfeet. I think even if they did look for the sex of the baby they

may have not seen it. I know it can be hard at first, I had a lot of

feeling of guilt at first, trying to figure out if I " bent " wrong in

the garden, etc..I use to beat myself up. I pray that all the

feelings your having now will pass soon. I'm sure talking will help a



Collin's story at http://www.geocities.com/chele323232

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I'm going to jump in on this too...I had my u/s with Ava at 18.5

weeks--we didn't want to know the sex, they measured the thigh, and

that was it. No mention of her feet or anything. It was a complete

shock to us when she was born. But quite honestly, should I ever get

pg again, I don't think I would want them to look for CF. Nothing

can be changed by knowing it's there, and it would have just led to

further testing and worry and again--nothing would have been any

different. We had the name of the ortho we were going to see

literally the day she was born, and an appt. by the following day. I

can understand why someone would choose to find out about CF if they

have a history...but for me, I figure, why worry? I don't even find

out the sex of my babies before birth...To me the u/s was a cursory

exam looking for anything potentially more serious...Spina bifida,

heart/lung/kidney/liver defects, etc. I realize that I'm not the

norm--I don't do the AFP test/quad test, I've only had the glucose

testing with my 1st pg. I personally feel alot of the tests they do

are unnecessary, at best. But I understand that some people feel

better having more testing done, and knowing.

All that being said, hopefully I NEVER have to go through another


> >Anyway my son is now 2 and his feet are wonderful and it was not

as bad as I

> >thought it was going to be and maybe if we didn't know beforehand

we could

> >have saved ourselves the weeks of worry and just dealt with it

when he was

> >born - who knows.......


> Rach,


> I think I'm on this side of the fence with this one... I don't

know that I

> *would* have wanted to know beforehand. They didn't catch it on

any of our

> scans either. And I had a few of them in the end that should have

seen it

> but they weren't looking at feet then so I can understand it being

> missed. I was fortunate enough to get a doc who was on the right

track in

> the first place, but even so we did end up switching docs for a

more proper

> Ponseti Method casting (plus is was going to be free at Shriners -

win win

> situation at the time) and I knew to come to the internet right

away to get

> the skinny on it too. It only took me a few hours, if that, to

come to the

> conclusion I was going to use this method and it was easy enough

for me in

> this rather large city to find a skilled doc. If I didn't have


> options however, knowing beforehand would have been much more

> important. So this does go both ways, at least IMO. I liked

having a

> worry free pregnancy and it worked out for us anyway. But had it


> more difficult to get proper care right away... knowing and


> beforehand would have been invaluable.


> What's kind of interesting is that I had my laptop in the hospital

for 4

> days and I hardly touched it. I was so tired, and they'd told me

it was

> positional and would resolve itself... time and again. I guess I


> wanted to believe that. Of course till a more experienced doc

looked at it

> on day 4 and pronounced it a true CF. Even then, with the hours I


> waiting to be released I didn't look online much - still tired of


> and just did cursory research and napped (which is not normal for

me, I'm

> online way too much and normally would have been right on it but

this was

> my third c-section and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep at

home so I

> slept there a lot!). It wasn't till I got home that I took much

time to

> check it out. She was at her Ponseti Doc 1 day before her first

cast was

> to come off and we haven't looked back since. So, super easy for

us and I

> don't regret not knowing beforehand at all. I haven't even

requested a

> full copy of the pictures from the u/s we did have to see if it

showed then

> or not. I should do that. They did look everything over really


> perhaps it was too early?


> Kori

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I'm going to jump in on this too...I had my u/s with Ava at 18.5

weeks--we didn't want to know the sex, they measured the thigh, and

that was it. No mention of her feet or anything. It was a complete

shock to us when she was born. But quite honestly, should I ever get

pg again, I don't think I would want them to look for CF. Nothing

can be changed by knowing it's there, and it would have just led to

further testing and worry and again--nothing would have been any

different. We had the name of the ortho we were going to see

literally the day she was born, and an appt. by the following day. I

can understand why someone would choose to find out about CF if they

have a history...but for me, I figure, why worry? I don't even find

out the sex of my babies before birth...To me the u/s was a cursory

exam looking for anything potentially more serious...Spina bifida,

heart/lung/kidney/liver defects, etc. I realize that I'm not the

norm--I don't do the AFP test/quad test, I've only had the glucose

testing with my 1st pg. I personally feel alot of the tests they do

are unnecessary, at best. But I understand that some people feel

better having more testing done, and knowing.

All that being said, hopefully I NEVER have to go through another


> >Anyway my son is now 2 and his feet are wonderful and it was not

as bad as I

> >thought it was going to be and maybe if we didn't know beforehand

we could

> >have saved ourselves the weeks of worry and just dealt with it

when he was

> >born - who knows.......


> Rach,


> I think I'm on this side of the fence with this one... I don't

know that I

> *would* have wanted to know beforehand. They didn't catch it on

any of our

> scans either. And I had a few of them in the end that should have

seen it

> but they weren't looking at feet then so I can understand it being

> missed. I was fortunate enough to get a doc who was on the right

track in

> the first place, but even so we did end up switching docs for a

more proper

> Ponseti Method casting (plus is was going to be free at Shriners -

win win

> situation at the time) and I knew to come to the internet right

away to get

> the skinny on it too. It only took me a few hours, if that, to

come to the

> conclusion I was going to use this method and it was easy enough

for me in

> this rather large city to find a skilled doc. If I didn't have


> options however, knowing beforehand would have been much more

> important. So this does go both ways, at least IMO. I liked

having a

> worry free pregnancy and it worked out for us anyway. But had it


> more difficult to get proper care right away... knowing and


> beforehand would have been invaluable.


> What's kind of interesting is that I had my laptop in the hospital

for 4

> days and I hardly touched it. I was so tired, and they'd told me

it was

> positional and would resolve itself... time and again. I guess I


> wanted to believe that. Of course till a more experienced doc

looked at it

> on day 4 and pronounced it a true CF. Even then, with the hours I


> waiting to be released I didn't look online much - still tired of


> and just did cursory research and napped (which is not normal for

me, I'm

> online way too much and normally would have been right on it but

this was

> my third c-section and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep at

home so I

> slept there a lot!). It wasn't till I got home that I took much

time to

> check it out. She was at her Ponseti Doc 1 day before her first

cast was

> to come off and we haven't looked back since. So, super easy for

us and I

> don't regret not knowing beforehand at all. I haven't even

requested a

> full copy of the pictures from the u/s we did have to see if it

showed then

> or not. I should do that. They did look everything over really


> perhaps it was too early?


> Kori

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I also did not find out until after my son was born about his clubfoot -

and I live in Iowa City (Ponseti Method Central). In our case, it was

the nurse in the nursery who told me about his clubfeet several hours

after he was born. Jakob had casts (although surprisingly NOT Ponseti

Method casts) by the time he was 24 hours old. At one week old, the

first orthopedist referred us to Dr. Weinstein (a colleague of Dr.

Ponseti's) which was the best thing he ever did for us. Jakob is now 7

1/2 and will be starting 2nd grade on Monday. Until his most recent

follow up in April 2005, no one at his school was aware of it. I only

told his teacher then because she was questiong Jakob's report of the

appointment ( " The doctor says my feet are just excellent. " ) .

marci21175 wrote:

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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I also did not find out until after my son was born about his clubfoot -

and I live in Iowa City (Ponseti Method Central). In our case, it was

the nurse in the nursery who told me about his clubfeet several hours

after he was born. Jakob had casts (although surprisingly NOT Ponseti

Method casts) by the time he was 24 hours old. At one week old, the

first orthopedist referred us to Dr. Weinstein (a colleague of Dr.

Ponseti's) which was the best thing he ever did for us. Jakob is now 7

1/2 and will be starting 2nd grade on Monday. Until his most recent

follow up in April 2005, no one at his school was aware of it. I only

told his teacher then because she was questiong Jakob's report of the

appointment ( " The doctor says my feet are just excellent. " ) .

marci21175 wrote:

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Marci -

You can't beat yourself up over this. How many people in this world

decide not to find out what they are having prior to giving birth?

That's not a selfish decision to make at all, it's one that many,

many people make. There are many people who do find out early on

that there child will be born with clubfoot - and still aren't able

to find a treatment option that works for their child. Please stop

thinking you could have done something different - you're a good


Holly :)

Zachary 7/27/02

Right C/F

Treated by Dr. Ponseti

DBB Nights Only

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Marci -

You can't beat yourself up over this. How many people in this world

decide not to find out what they are having prior to giving birth?

That's not a selfish decision to make at all, it's one that many,

many people make. There are many people who do find out early on

that there child will be born with clubfoot - and still aren't able

to find a treatment option that works for their child. Please stop

thinking you could have done something different - you're a good


Holly :)

Zachary 7/27/02

Right C/F

Treated by Dr. Ponseti

DBB Nights Only

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Thank you to everyone who replied to my post. I really do feel much better

about it now.

marci21175 wrote:

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Thank you to everyone who replied to my post. I really do feel much better

about it now.

marci21175 wrote:

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Hi Marci,

I have a similar story.. not finding out the sex of my son either. I am

actually glad I didn't know about the club foot because I would have

worried myself sick that something else was wrong and not just a little

footsie that can easily be corrected. Also, I read somewhere that many

times people get ultrasounds and techs can not tell a child's foot is

clubbed until a certain stage of development. So for you and me, our babies

feet might have looked fine at the time they did the ultrasound. I know it

is hard. Lori


From: nosurgery4clubfoot

[mailto:nosurgery4clubfoot ] On Behalf Of Holly

Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 7:41 PM

To: nosurgery4clubfoot

Subject: Re: did you know?

Marci -

You can't beat yourself up over this. How many people in this world

decide not to find out what they are having prior to giving birth?

That's not a selfish decision to make at all, it's one that many,

many people make. There are many people who do find out early on

that there child will be born with clubfoot - and still aren't able

to find a treatment option that works for their child. Please stop

thinking you could have done something different - you're a good


Holly :)

Zachary 7/27/02

Right C/F

Treated by Dr. Ponseti

DBB Nights Only

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Hi Marci,

I have a similar story.. not finding out the sex of my son either. I am

actually glad I didn't know about the club foot because I would have

worried myself sick that something else was wrong and not just a little

footsie that can easily be corrected. Also, I read somewhere that many

times people get ultrasounds and techs can not tell a child's foot is

clubbed until a certain stage of development. So for you and me, our babies

feet might have looked fine at the time they did the ultrasound. I know it

is hard. Lori


From: nosurgery4clubfoot

[mailto:nosurgery4clubfoot ] On Behalf Of Holly

Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 7:41 PM

To: nosurgery4clubfoot

Subject: Re: did you know?

Marci -

You can't beat yourself up over this. How many people in this world

decide not to find out what they are having prior to giving birth?

That's not a selfish decision to make at all, it's one that many,

many people make. There are many people who do find out early on

that there child will be born with clubfoot - and still aren't able

to find a treatment option that works for their child. Please stop

thinking you could have done something different - you're a good


Holly :)

Zachary 7/27/02

Right C/F

Treated by Dr. Ponseti

DBB Nights Only

> I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in


> ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the


> so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't


> see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back


> the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't


> it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her


> before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and


> the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm


> having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


> Marci


> Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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Hi Marci, Lori et all,

I could probably win the booby prize for the beat-yourself-up contest

when we found out is had bilateral cf at the 20 week utrasound.

And I did find out the sex and knew about the cf :-{. I wish I would

have know about this group then.

I said this previously but we are American and were living in London

at the time. We actually had a doctor or " consultant " as they are

known there doing the ultrasound scans. He had previously been an

obgyn but enjoyed the us technology and no late on calls with growing

children so he switched careers. We had my 8 year old son in the

room with us and we noticed he was spending alot of time looking at

the feet. He asked us to come back again in a week and calmly said

there were some areas he couldn't get because of the position of the

baby so we didn't think anything of it but fortunately didn't bring

our son back when he told us the news, thank god as it was quite

traumatc for us. He said that talipes is hard to catch on

ultrasound, especially if the position of the baby isn't quite right,

with baby moving around etc. Usually they are looking for

potentially more urgent issues concerning heart, brain, other organs,

blood flow etc and just don't always get the time to be as thorough

on the feet. This was a radiologist even, not the tech.

I played the beat up game right through her birth and into casting.

We were in a clinic at Chelsea Westminster hospital in London with a

Ponsetti certified orthopedic surgen. It wasn't until then that I

realized just how fortunate we were. There were children there from

all over the world who had been treated incorrectly, some for several

years, who were seeking the Ponsetti method. One child came from the

ines, her family moved to London when she was 3 as she could

not walk her treatment had been so poor. They had recast her etc,

she was in the brace and was running around the office!!

So even if somehow any of our children got off on slightly the wrong

start on correction or slow detection, you're on the right track now

which is the most important thing!


p.s. The UK radiologist had never heard of the Ponsetti method and

was very interested to follow the progress. We send him pictures of

the treatment, results and now he uses it in his lectures to make

sure others in the UK know of the method :-}

> > I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet


> an

> > ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the

> sex,

> > so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't

> accidently

> > see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back

> above

> > the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't

> wanted

> > it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her

> feet

> > before she was born. Then we would have done all the research


> got

> > the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm

> really

> > having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> > decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.

> >

> > Marci

> >

> > Mollie 5-25-05 bcf







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Hi Marci, Lori et all,

I could probably win the booby prize for the beat-yourself-up contest

when we found out is had bilateral cf at the 20 week utrasound.

And I did find out the sex and knew about the cf :-{. I wish I would

have know about this group then.

I said this previously but we are American and were living in London

at the time. We actually had a doctor or " consultant " as they are

known there doing the ultrasound scans. He had previously been an

obgyn but enjoyed the us technology and no late on calls with growing

children so he switched careers. We had my 8 year old son in the

room with us and we noticed he was spending alot of time looking at

the feet. He asked us to come back again in a week and calmly said

there were some areas he couldn't get because of the position of the

baby so we didn't think anything of it but fortunately didn't bring

our son back when he told us the news, thank god as it was quite

traumatc for us. He said that talipes is hard to catch on

ultrasound, especially if the position of the baby isn't quite right,

with baby moving around etc. Usually they are looking for

potentially more urgent issues concerning heart, brain, other organs,

blood flow etc and just don't always get the time to be as thorough

on the feet. This was a radiologist even, not the tech.

I played the beat up game right through her birth and into casting.

We were in a clinic at Chelsea Westminster hospital in London with a

Ponsetti certified orthopedic surgen. It wasn't until then that I

realized just how fortunate we were. There were children there from

all over the world who had been treated incorrectly, some for several

years, who were seeking the Ponsetti method. One child came from the

ines, her family moved to London when she was 3 as she could

not walk her treatment had been so poor. They had recast her etc,

she was in the brace and was running around the office!!

So even if somehow any of our children got off on slightly the wrong

start on correction or slow detection, you're on the right track now

which is the most important thing!


p.s. The UK radiologist had never heard of the Ponsetti method and

was very interested to follow the progress. We send him pictures of

the treatment, results and now he uses it in his lectures to make

sure others in the UK know of the method :-}

> > I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet


> an

> > ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the

> sex,

> > so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't

> accidently

> > see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back

> above

> > the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't

> wanted

> > it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her

> feet

> > before she was born. Then we would have done all the research


> got

> > the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm

> really

> > having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

> > decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.

> >

> > Marci

> >

> > Mollie 5-25-05 bcf







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I did find out at 5 months and started doing research right away!!!! Marci,

please don't beat yourself up about it. Don't waste time on the shoulda,

coulda, woulda. I'm sure you're doing the best job you can now and they're so

resiliant she'll catch up quickly... You know back in the day there wasn't such

thing as ultrasound so your actions were perfectly normal..



marci21175 wrote:

I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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I did find out at 5 months and started doing research right away!!!! Marci,

please don't beat yourself up about it. Don't waste time on the shoulda,

coulda, woulda. I'm sure you're doing the best job you can now and they're so

resiliant she'll catch up quickly... You know back in the day there wasn't such

thing as ultrasound so your actions were perfectly normal..



marci21175 wrote:

I've read that some of you found out about your babies clubfeet in an

ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound I did not want to know the sex,

so the tech did not look at the whole baby so we wouldn't accidently

see anything. She did measure a thigh bone but went right back above

the waist. Now I am beating myself up thinking that if I hadn't wanted

it to be a secret, there's a chance we might have known about her feet

before she was born. Then we would have done all the research and got

the right care sooner. Did most of you know before birth? I'm really

having a hard time with this and feel that because of a selfish

decision I put my baby behind in getting the right treatment.


Mollie 5-25-05 bcf

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I agree with ee that " knowing " was in the

end a good thing because it helped us be prepared

for Lily's treatment. *However*, the radiologist

(one of the best in the country, co-author of a standard

text on ultrasound) scared the heck out of us when

he discovered her clubfoot at an 18 week ultrasound.

He went right into all the 200+ other things that

can be associated with clubfoot, emphasizing that

some of them were fatal and urging us to get an

amnio asap. This scare made us uneasy during the

rest of the pregnacy (in spite of the reassurance

we received from a genetic counselor and the gazillion

ultrasounds the perinatalogists did to look for something else,

since we decided against the amnio). So in the

end I'm glad we knew, but could have definitely done

without the fear mongering radiologist.

And Marci, let me get on the bandwagon & encourage you

in your quest to ease up on yourself. Your little sweetie

has a great Mom! You're on the right path and your

little one is still a little shy of three months old, right?

I'm sure the short delay you had in getting the right

treatment will soon be a distant memory. There are so

many kiddos out there who started with the Ponseti method

much later and are doing terrific. Give yourself a virtual

hug from all of us.


Lily, 3/28/05, lcf, 23/7 P/M FAB (down to 20 hours tomorrow!!!!)

Tessa, 7/17/02

> > >Anyway my son is now 2 and his feet are wonderful and it was


> as bad as I

> > >thought it was going to be and maybe if we didn't know


> we could

> > >have saved ourselves the weeks of worry and just dealt with it

> when he was

> > >born - who knows.......

> >

> > Rach,

> >

> > I think I'm on this side of the fence with this one... I don't

> know that I

> > *would* have wanted to know beforehand. They didn't catch it on

> any of our

> > scans either. And I had a few of them in the end that should


> seen it

> > but they weren't looking at feet then so I can understand it


> > missed. I was fortunate enough to get a doc who was on the


> track in

> > the first place, but even so we did end up switching docs for a

> more proper

> > Ponseti Method casting (plus is was going to be free at

Shriners -

> win win

> > situation at the time) and I knew to come to the internet right

> away to get

> > the skinny on it too. It only took me a few hours, if that, to

> come to the

> > conclusion I was going to use this method and it was easy enough

> for me in

> > this rather large city to find a skilled doc. If I didn't have

> these

> > options however, knowing beforehand would have been much more

> > important. So this does go both ways, at least IMO. I liked

> having a

> > worry free pregnancy and it worked out for us anyway. But had


> proven

> > more difficult to get proper care right away... knowing and

> researching

> > beforehand would have been invaluable.

> >

> > What's kind of interesting is that I had my laptop in the


> for 4

> > days and I hardly touched it. I was so tired, and they'd told


> it was

> > positional and would resolve itself... time and again. I guess


> really

> > wanted to believe that. Of course till a more experienced doc

> looked at it

> > on day 4 and pronounced it a true CF. Even then, with the hours


> had

> > waiting to be released I didn't look online much - still tired


> course

> > and just did cursory research and napped (which is not normal


> me, I'm

> > online way too much and normally would have been right on it but

> this was

> > my third c-section and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep


> home so I

> > slept there a lot!). It wasn't till I got home that I took much

> time to

> > check it out. She was at her Ponseti Doc 1 day before her first

> cast was

> > to come off and we haven't looked back since. So, super easy


> us and I

> > don't regret not knowing beforehand at all. I haven't even

> requested a

> > full copy of the pictures from the u/s we did have to see if it

> showed then

> > or not. I should do that. They did look everything over really

> well,

> > perhaps it was too early?

> >

> > Kori






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I agree with ee that " knowing " was in the

end a good thing because it helped us be prepared

for Lily's treatment. *However*, the radiologist

(one of the best in the country, co-author of a standard

text on ultrasound) scared the heck out of us when

he discovered her clubfoot at an 18 week ultrasound.

He went right into all the 200+ other things that

can be associated with clubfoot, emphasizing that

some of them were fatal and urging us to get an

amnio asap. This scare made us uneasy during the

rest of the pregnacy (in spite of the reassurance

we received from a genetic counselor and the gazillion

ultrasounds the perinatalogists did to look for something else,

since we decided against the amnio). So in the

end I'm glad we knew, but could have definitely done

without the fear mongering radiologist.

And Marci, let me get on the bandwagon & encourage you

in your quest to ease up on yourself. Your little sweetie

has a great Mom! You're on the right path and your

little one is still a little shy of three months old, right?

I'm sure the short delay you had in getting the right

treatment will soon be a distant memory. There are so

many kiddos out there who started with the Ponseti method

much later and are doing terrific. Give yourself a virtual

hug from all of us.


Lily, 3/28/05, lcf, 23/7 P/M FAB (down to 20 hours tomorrow!!!!)

Tessa, 7/17/02

> > >Anyway my son is now 2 and his feet are wonderful and it was


> as bad as I

> > >thought it was going to be and maybe if we didn't know


> we could

> > >have saved ourselves the weeks of worry and just dealt with it

> when he was

> > >born - who knows.......

> >

> > Rach,

> >

> > I think I'm on this side of the fence with this one... I don't

> know that I

> > *would* have wanted to know beforehand. They didn't catch it on

> any of our

> > scans either. And I had a few of them in the end that should


> seen it

> > but they weren't looking at feet then so I can understand it


> > missed. I was fortunate enough to get a doc who was on the


> track in

> > the first place, but even so we did end up switching docs for a

> more proper

> > Ponseti Method casting (plus is was going to be free at

Shriners -

> win win

> > situation at the time) and I knew to come to the internet right

> away to get

> > the skinny on it too. It only took me a few hours, if that, to

> come to the

> > conclusion I was going to use this method and it was easy enough

> for me in

> > this rather large city to find a skilled doc. If I didn't have

> these

> > options however, knowing beforehand would have been much more

> > important. So this does go both ways, at least IMO. I liked

> having a

> > worry free pregnancy and it worked out for us anyway. But had


> proven

> > more difficult to get proper care right away... knowing and

> researching

> > beforehand would have been invaluable.

> >

> > What's kind of interesting is that I had my laptop in the


> for 4

> > days and I hardly touched it. I was so tired, and they'd told


> it was

> > positional and would resolve itself... time and again. I guess


> really

> > wanted to believe that. Of course till a more experienced doc

> looked at it

> > on day 4 and pronounced it a true CF. Even then, with the hours


> had

> > waiting to be released I didn't look online much - still tired


> course

> > and just did cursory research and napped (which is not normal


> me, I'm

> > online way too much and normally would have been right on it but

> this was

> > my third c-section and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep


> home so I

> > slept there a lot!). It wasn't till I got home that I took much

> time to

> > check it out. She was at her Ponseti Doc 1 day before her first

> cast was

> > to come off and we haven't looked back since. So, super easy


> us and I

> > don't regret not knowing beforehand at all. I haven't even

> requested a

> > full copy of the pictures from the u/s we did have to see if it

> showed then

> > or not. I should do that. They did look everything over really

> well,

> > perhaps it was too early?

> >

> > Kori






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Not to " beat the dead horse " anymore, but I wanted to throw my 2

cents in also....

FYI- when I was pg with , I had 2 ultrasounds and the cf wasn't

detected, though her sex was. After she was born, though, I

remembered that they told me that she was " sitting " on her one leg-

they were talking about this as they were trying to get a good shot

to determine the sex- not that they were trying to get a view of the

leg and foot.

Months later, I asked our very cool pediatrician to review the

ultrasound tapes and pictures just to see if it had been present at

the earlier u/s (I told him that I wanted to try to pinpoint when it

developed in order to try to determine how severe it was- not that I

was faulting the staff for not diagnosing it). He told me that they

had shots of the leg and shots of the foot, but no shots of the leg

and the foot together. I also had Dr. P review the ultrasound

records and he had the same conclusion.

At that hospital, the ultrasound technicians weren't instructed to

specifically look for clubfoot according to the pediatrician.

In my subsequent two pregnancies, whenever I'd have an ultrasound, I

would ask the technicians if they would usually look for clubfoot.

All of them said " no " . So, I guess that unless they happen to get a

good shot of the legs/feet- it's not going to be caught via

ultrasound (or if that particular technician has " found " one or more

cases during their career- maybe they'd be more inclined to look for

that particular anomaly). So many babies are curled up in a ball,

have their legs crossed, or are kicking and moving all the time- I

guess it'd be hard to say how many times one could actually " catch "

clubfoot just during a regular routine ultrasound. They really

spend their time trying to get all the important measurements done

and diagnosing potentially " major " issues- so clubfoot isn't too

important........except to those of us with family history or prior

children with clubfoot- and *then* we have to have the level 2

pointed u/s to rule it out. :)

Like ee, I had asked for it to be ruled out with my next two

pregnancies- only because I wanted to make " treatment/travel plans "

for my maternity leave, but not because I was worried about dealing

with it per se. :)

Have a good one!

& (3-16-00, left clubfoot)

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Actually, I was totally thinking of you when I wrote this ee.

Like I said--I can completely understand why some people would want

to find out, especially if you have to travel a great distance for

treatment. Or even if you just *want* to know! But we're only 35

mins from her doc, so we really don't need much more than a

babysitter for the morning. But I realize I'm probably in the

minority here! :-)

> > >Anyway my son is now 2 and his feet are wonderful and it was


> as bad as I

> > >thought it was going to be and maybe if we didn't know


> we could

> > >have saved ourselves the weeks of worry and just dealt with it

> when he was

> > >born - who knows.......

> >

> > Rach,

> >

> > I think I'm on this side of the fence with this one... I don't

> know that I

> > *would* have wanted to know beforehand. They didn't catch it on

> any of our

> > scans either. And I had a few of them in the end that should


> seen it

> > but they weren't looking at feet then so I can understand it


> > missed. I was fortunate enough to get a doc who was on the


> track in

> > the first place, but even so we did end up switching docs for a

> more proper

> > Ponseti Method casting (plus is was going to be free at

Shriners -

> win win

> > situation at the time) and I knew to come to the internet right

> away to get

> > the skinny on it too. It only took me a few hours, if that, to

> come to the

> > conclusion I was going to use this method and it was easy enough

> for me in

> > this rather large city to find a skilled doc. If I didn't have

> these

> > options however, knowing beforehand would have been much more

> > important. So this does go both ways, at least IMO. I liked

> having a

> > worry free pregnancy and it worked out for us anyway. But had


> proven

> > more difficult to get proper care right away... knowing and

> researching

> > beforehand would have been invaluable.

> >

> > What's kind of interesting is that I had my laptop in the


> for 4

> > days and I hardly touched it. I was so tired, and they'd told


> it was

> > positional and would resolve itself... time and again. I guess


> really

> > wanted to believe that. Of course till a more experienced doc

> looked at it

> > on day 4 and pronounced it a true CF. Even then, with the hours


> had

> > waiting to be released I didn't look online much - still tired


> course

> > and just did cursory research and napped (which is not normal


> me, I'm

> > online way too much and normally would have been right on it but

> this was

> > my third c-section and I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep


> home so I

> > slept there a lot!). It wasn't till I got home that I took much

> time to

> > check it out. She was at her Ponseti Doc 1 day before her first

> cast was

> > to come off and we haven't looked back since. So, super easy


> us and I

> > don't regret not knowing beforehand at all. I haven't even

> requested a

> > full copy of the pictures from the u/s we did have to see if it

> showed then

> > or not. I should do that. They did look everything over really

> well,

> > perhaps it was too early?

> >

> > Kori






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Marci our stories couldnt be more alike. I didnt find out about my daughters

bcf until she was born either. Mollie and Sydney were acutally born on the same

day.I went through the very same guilty feeling and now i wouldnt change any of

it for the world. We got quick and wonderful Ponsetti treatment.

Be happy and enjoy her. it will all be ok

mom to Sydney 5/25/05 23/7 Dobbs Brace


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Marci our stories couldnt be more alike. I didnt find out about my daughters

bcf until she was born either. Mollie and Sydney were acutally born on the same

day.I went through the very same guilty feeling and now i wouldnt change any of

it for the world. We got quick and wonderful Ponsetti treatment.

Be happy and enjoy her. it will all be ok

mom to Sydney 5/25/05 23/7 Dobbs Brace


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