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Re: Physicians who prescibe LDN

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Hi Juice,

It's never a good idea to post when you're not feeling well (or after a glass of red wine) LOL!

has MS (as do most who post here), but I don't - so if you're feeling fine and just want to direct some of that anger somewhere, send me an email - better me than adding stress to everyone here - they have enough of their own daily struggles to deal with.



4. Re: Physicians who prescibe LDN Posted by: "Lucille" juicedolan@... juicedolan Date: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:23 pm (PDT), I proved my point in attaching what someone posted so that YOU could see that these OH SO PROTECTED lists aren't any good to anyone if they aren't kept up. And as that post shows they aren't. SO if someone asks for the name of a Dr. let's just put it out there. So you can quit trying to back-paddle out of your corner. As for my Neuro, I did post his info on the board! But I guess YOU just didn't see it! And I'm still giving it out to people when they ask me for it. And in case you didn't see it I just posted an up-to-date website for everyone to use IF THEY WANT that has Dr.s all over the place that they can call. with good links to get LDN. AND THE DR.'S themselves put it together! Again no one asked you to post your list. Keep it to yourself on your board. It will only get US in trouble here.

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Juiceplease believe me there is a lot that goes on that you do not know about.  We are friends with Larry the compounder  and believe me there is a whole bunch of us that make sure there are people that get doctors names all behind the scenes. There are very valid legal issues that this is done this way. and believe me when I tell you that if people start posting doctors names on a public board they will stop writing prescriptions. Being that i probably know more of these doctors than anyone here with the exception of Skip who knows this also-we thank god every day when new doctors call and ask questions and we can send them a dvd. I know this upsets you and some of my other friends here but for right now its the way it has to be.I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING TO HURT LDN and the fact that we as a group are getting doctors to write an prescription for an off label drug based on antidotal  evidence is really quite miraculous. The reason I had to go to Colorado is that my moms doctor didn't want to write a simple prescription for her and yes it off label but it is so widely used its really a no brainer.  that cost me two week of having to be there. it cost my mom a week and half in a neuro-psych unit  trying to get her medications adjusted when she shouldn't have have to go through that. There was no reason for it. and these are drugs that are used every day wide and far in elderly psychiatry.so now that we have these guy writing it and many do it out of the goodness of their hearts they are still not 100% on board. we still have work to do to convince them to "come out of the LDN closet" and that will come.just not right now.cyndiOn Aug 27, 2006, at 2:09 AM, Lucille wrote: Well there you have it.  They were asking YOU to remove them from YOUR list.  Not from an email that was posted by someone else.  It's the lists that cause the trouble. Not when people post the name in discussion get it?  As adults I'm sure people know that just because a Dr.'s name is posted on this board it doesn't mean they are going to be able to waltz in and get a script.  They aren't going to slap down good hard earned money without doing a little footwork first.  That goes for alot of things not only getting a script for LDN or buying a car.  Give people a little more credit in the intelligence area.  Don't make people ask their Dr.'s for permission.  That isn't their job.  Nor is it yours.  Maybe the Dr. doesn't mind getting new patients and prescribing LDN but doesn't want their name on any list?  Let people post what they want.  Monitor your list on your board and when you see someone post a name put it on your list if you want and if you don't well then don't.  If Dr. Gluck see's a post he doesn't like then as the owner of the group he can delete it right?  Or he can send that person an email direct right?  Not you or me or anyone else.  Did you know this is the only discussion group that has rules?  But I've yet to see an email telling someone not to post a particular subject from Dr. Gluck himself.  So don't parlay what has happened to you off as something that has happened to his board.   Covet and protect your list on your board and let the people on this board alone.  They aren't hurting anyone. Bren <b63powell@...> wrote: >> Hi Art,> I went back and did what you do. I looked through all the posts from when the board frist started regarding physicians who prescribe LDN and guess what? Everybody was posting the names and numbers of their own Drs. in their emails incase someone else needed it. There were no "lists" to post so nobody got in trouble. It was all being done by someone asking "Does anyone know..." and then someone would respond and that was that. There weren't any posts from Dr's asking that their names be removed from any "list" either. There were no threats of any lawsuits. Again, if you have your own website with a "list" then be worried otherwise, this isn't the forum for it. Alot of the old messages are answered by Dr. B., and he gives out Skips name and number LOL! I didn't see anyone sending him a an email telling him he better ask Skip for permission LOL!> Sincerely, > Juice=========There is a post on this forum directed at me() from a particular doctor's nurse asking me to please remove that doc's name from my list stating he does not prescribe LDN and never has. Actually, I believe their were two posts from two different doc's staff who came here asking me to remove that doc from my list. Doing a search on this forum doesn't bring up every single post related to a particular topic.

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And from what message number is this comment from? Is this ANOTHER one

that missed my eye? Sounds unbeleivable that EVERY doctors contact had

a problem. Could someone be that incompetent to supply such bogus

information when anothers health is at stake?


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If the dr wants his name posted its best he does it

himself so no one can be held libel :(

--- Lucille <juicedolan@...> wrote:

> This group is here to help each other. If a name of

> a Dr. is posted because they happen to be educated

> on LDN and are willing to prescribe it to help

> people who need it why pray tell would that wrong?

> They get a new patient who pays money, the patient

> gets LDN??? I'm still unable to figure out the

> " wrong " part. Unless of course someone is trying to

> keep the list of prescribing Drs. all to themselves?

> But what good would come of that? My Dr. told me

> he didn't mind? I say put it out there. Besides I

> really don't think someone is going to run into a

> Drs. office and start crying saying " well you gave

> it to sally and susie and I want it too wah!! " LOL!


> Art Hansen <rtee54@...> wrote:

> >

> > Just in case any one in southern California is

> looking for a

> > neurologist that will write a prescription for LDN

> There is one in

> > Fullerton..Don't know if I should post his

> complete address here ?

> > Here's the name Fullerton Neurology and Headache

> Center.. I have been

> > getting my prescription from Apothecary Options

> Chico CA. . .I took

> > AVONEX AND NOVANTRONE It did nothing .. I cant say

> LDN is 100%

> > effective for me. But I can say its a Lot better

> then taking the

> > available m.s. medications.. I have been using LDN

> for a little over

> a

> > year now.

> >


> --


> You shouldn't post any of his information unless you

> have his

> permission first.







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  • 1 month later...

Can you send me a list of docs who prescribe LDN in Washington State ? None of my docs will do this for me.


We had many people here not getting permission from their doctor

before they posted the doc's name on a public forum. I accumulated a

list of LDN prescribing docs. Larry-The Compounder copied my list and

put it on his website. One of the doctors on that list threatened a

lawsuit against Larry. So that's why the list is no longer put in

public. I saw the letter from the doc's lawyer that Larry got, it's

best to keep the doctor's names off public forums unless that doctor

has said it is fine with him/her or you may find yourself in a lawsuit.

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