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Re: Ignored by this group so far, what's up?

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Hi Reggie, so sorry that you feel that way, but this is a very nice

group, I don't post that much but I do read the messages. Just be

patient you'll receive responses to your messages.

Peace and Blessings


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Hi Reggie, so sorry that you feel that way, but this is a very nice

group, I don't post that much but I do read the messages. Just be

patient you'll receive responses to your messages.

Peace and Blessings


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Thanks Allicia for being so sweet ... of course i

understand how it can be when things flare up.

Yes ... it is weird being an African American man with

this. In black culture (from my generation), being a

man meant being " cool " and having your shit together.

It's not manly in our society to be sick PERIOD unless

it's Cancer, or something dire. Black men have been so

focused on proving manly equality that it's like I'm

from another planet if I say anything about this

stuff, so I rarely ever do. It's been a long haul

since 1986 when I was first diagnosed, thank God there

are groups like this.

Take care,


--- Allicia21@... wrote:

> Reggie,

> NO one is ignoring you...I " m sure as you know

> this..that there are

> days that you feel like talking and others that you

> don't even feel like

> saying anything....as in the past two days with

> me...I haven't really posted

> much and usually I put something funny to make

> someone laugh, but I've been

> busy..and haven't felt too bad the last couple of

> days. So I've been busy

> trying to do what needs done around the house...that

> I haven't been able to

> do due to the HUGE flare I've been in FOREVER!!!

> Although I have a slight bit of a

> headache...I don't feel bad though.

> I will take a slight bit of a headache everyday if

> it meant I wasn't so dang

> sick that I couldn't get out of bed or out of the

> house.

> I guarantee that know one is ignoring you

> ..infact I think I commented

> on your introduction, can't remember (foggy) but try

> not to take it

> personally. I do agree though.....I bet it is very

> hard on you..being a man

> and like you said being black probably makes it hard

> on you within itself. I

> have a friend I might put you in touch with....she

> has fibro and cfs. She

> sure is a sweetie.

> I hope you are doing well. Keep your chin up.



> Allicia



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thanks Allicia for being so sweet ... of course i

understand how it can be when things flare up.

Yes ... it is weird being an African American man with

this. In black culture (from my generation), being a

man meant being " cool " and having your shit together.

It's not manly in our society to be sick PERIOD unless

it's Cancer, or something dire. Black men have been so

focused on proving manly equality that it's like I'm

from another planet if I say anything about this

stuff, so I rarely ever do. It's been a long haul

since 1986 when I was first diagnosed, thank God there

are groups like this.

Take care,


--- Allicia21@... wrote:

> Reggie,

> NO one is ignoring you...I " m sure as you know

> this..that there are

> days that you feel like talking and others that you

> don't even feel like

> saying anything....as in the past two days with

> me...I haven't really posted

> much and usually I put something funny to make

> someone laugh, but I've been

> busy..and haven't felt too bad the last couple of

> days. So I've been busy

> trying to do what needs done around the house...that

> I haven't been able to

> do due to the HUGE flare I've been in FOREVER!!!

> Although I have a slight bit of a

> headache...I don't feel bad though.

> I will take a slight bit of a headache everyday if

> it meant I wasn't so dang

> sick that I couldn't get out of bed or out of the

> house.

> I guarantee that know one is ignoring you

> ..infact I think I commented

> on your introduction, can't remember (foggy) but try

> not to take it

> personally. I do agree though.....I bet it is very

> hard on you..being a man

> and like you said being black probably makes it hard

> on you within itself. I

> have a friend I might put you in touch with....she

> has fibro and cfs. She

> sure is a sweetie.

> I hope you are doing well. Keep your chin up.



> Allicia



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thanks Allicia for being so sweet ... of course i

understand how it can be when things flare up.

Yes ... it is weird being an African American man with

this. In black culture (from my generation), being a

man meant being " cool " and having your shit together.

It's not manly in our society to be sick PERIOD unless

it's Cancer, or something dire. Black men have been so

focused on proving manly equality that it's like I'm

from another planet if I say anything about this

stuff, so I rarely ever do. It's been a long haul

since 1986 when I was first diagnosed, thank God there

are groups like this.

Take care,


--- Allicia21@... wrote:

> Reggie,

> NO one is ignoring you...I " m sure as you know

> this..that there are

> days that you feel like talking and others that you

> don't even feel like

> saying anything....as in the past two days with

> me...I haven't really posted

> much and usually I put something funny to make

> someone laugh, but I've been

> busy..and haven't felt too bad the last couple of

> days. So I've been busy

> trying to do what needs done around the house...that

> I haven't been able to

> do due to the HUGE flare I've been in FOREVER!!!

> Although I have a slight bit of a

> headache...I don't feel bad though.

> I will take a slight bit of a headache everyday if

> it meant I wasn't so dang

> sick that I couldn't get out of bed or out of the

> house.

> I guarantee that know one is ignoring you

> ..infact I think I commented

> on your introduction, can't remember (foggy) but try

> not to take it

> personally. I do agree though.....I bet it is very

> hard on you..being a man

> and like you said being black probably makes it hard

> on you within itself. I

> have a friend I might put you in touch with....she

> has fibro and cfs. She

> sure is a sweetie.

> I hope you are doing well. Keep your chin up.



> Allicia



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thank you Vonn,

Sometimes I forget that love and kindness flow at

their own rate and to simply be open. You and others

have responded with kind words that are sincere and

deeply appreciated on my end. I hope to offer help to

others since I've lived with CFS for so long.

Be well,


--- red_tops BeatricePS1@...> wrote:

> Hi Reggie, so sorry that you feel that way, but this

> is a very nice

> group, I don't post that much but I do read the

> messages. Just be

> patient you'll receive responses to your messages.


> Peace and Blessings

> Vonn




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Thank you Vonn,

Sometimes I forget that love and kindness flow at

their own rate and to simply be open. You and others

have responded with kind words that are sincere and

deeply appreciated on my end. I hope to offer help to

others since I've lived with CFS for so long.

Be well,


--- red_tops BeatricePS1@...> wrote:

> Hi Reggie, so sorry that you feel that way, but this

> is a very nice

> group, I don't post that much but I do read the

> messages. Just be

> patient you'll receive responses to your messages.


> Peace and Blessings

> Vonn




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Thank you Vonn,

Sometimes I forget that love and kindness flow at

their own rate and to simply be open. You and others

have responded with kind words that are sincere and

deeply appreciated on my end. I hope to offer help to

others since I've lived with CFS for so long.

Be well,


--- red_tops BeatricePS1@...> wrote:

> Hi Reggie, so sorry that you feel that way, but this

> is a very nice

> group, I don't post that much but I do read the

> messages. Just be

> patient you'll receive responses to your messages.


> Peace and Blessings

> Vonn




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Hey Reggie, I do understand about black men because i'm a black

woman. Try not to be so hard on yourself, because it doesn't matter

what ethnic group you're from, you're still a human being; plus you

have nothing to prove to anyone.

So just be cool and trust in the Lord, everything else will fall in


Peace and Blessings


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Hey Reggie, I do understand about black men because i'm a black

woman. Try not to be so hard on yourself, because it doesn't matter

what ethnic group you're from, you're still a human being; plus you

have nothing to prove to anyone.

So just be cool and trust in the Lord, everything else will fall in


Peace and Blessings


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Hey Reggie, I do understand about black men because i'm a black

woman. Try not to be so hard on yourself, because it doesn't matter

what ethnic group you're from, you're still a human being; plus you

have nothing to prove to anyone.

So just be cool and trust in the Lord, everything else will fall in


Peace and Blessings


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Hi Vonn,

Sorry I gave the impression I'm hard on myself, I am

but in this regard I simply meant to explain the

social expectations we all have to avoid sometimes to

feel better about WHO we are in total.

Thank you so much for caring enough to respond ...


--- red_tops BeatricePS1@...> wrote:

> Hey Reggie, I do understand about black men because

> i'm a black

> woman. Try not to be so hard on yourself, because it

> doesn't matter

> what ethnic group you're from, you're still a human

> being; plus you

> have nothing to prove to anyone.


> So just be cool and trust in the Lord, everything

> else will fall in

> place.


> Peace and Blessings

> Vonn




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Thanks ...

This whole group thing is new to me and I had no clue

what to expect, now I do and it's cool. You're

absoutely right that each post fits and seems

personal. I just want to help others as much as I can,

that's my focus to share.

Be well,


--- patidu@... wrote:

> I recently joined this group myself and also feel

> that my posts have been

> ignored. It is tuff when you join a group --

> looking for help and answers

> and get nothing in reply. I was planning on giving

> it another day or so and

> would then leave. Hope things improve and that you

> get the support you seek

> and certainly need.



> Every post that comes through this list is for

> everyone. If one post has a

> person's name on it, that could still be there from

> days ago as the subject

> line very seldom gets changed until the topic runs

> out.


> No one is ignoring your posts. If they haven't got

> an answer, they will read

> it and usually someone else will be interested and

> answer.


> This group is for everyone. Not just certain

> individuals. You can't expect

> personal replies everytime you post. If you read

> the postings, you will get

> plenty of help. Every email that goes through here

> has something that can

> help you if you want help and you read them. You

> ask a question and you will

> get a reply.


> I hope that both you and Reggie stay and get the

> help that you both need.

> All of us need help or we would not be here. I can

> think of better things to

> do then to worry why someone has not answered an

> email that I posted


> Take care,

> Irene


> Books may well be the only true magic

> Alice Hoffman



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thank you for your time and focus, I have a better

understanding of how things work now and it's fine.

This is truly a community of people who's experiences

parallel each other's. The spiritual paradigm says

that we are all connected by a higher state of

existance, this proves that.

Be well,


--- Darcy Stockstill catstamp@...> wrote:



> hansmprnc wrote:


> > I recently joinded this group to form a support

> network of people who

> > deal with the same affliction I have dealt with

> since 1986. So far no

> > one has said hello or acknowledged any of my

> posted messages and I'm

> > not sure why.


> I know that it feels frustrating when this happens,

> however, please

> remember we are sick too. I wish I had the energy

> to respond to each

> new person, formally welcome them, and reply to

> every post I see, but

> that just isn't going to happen. I suffer from

> severe fatigue, and I

> answer posts when I can. Others do the same.

> Sometimes people think

> someone else will answer a post or they don't know

> the answer, so rather

> than respond with a " sorry, I don't know " , they say

> nothing. Sometimes,

> it's best just to send another post reasking your

> question. And I

> suspect the number of posters has dropped off

> because this is August,

> people are using their time and energy to get their

> kids or themselves

> back to school, last minute vacations and the huge

> number of other tasks

> that seem necessary to do this time of the year. So

> please stick around,

> people respond to you when they can. I had a number

> of posts I wanted

> to comment on, yours being one of them, but I know

> I'm just not going to

> be able to make it, I'm just too tired. The lack of

> posts has more to

> do with how we feel than anything about you.

> Darcy



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Thank you for your time and focus, I have a better

understanding of how things work now and it's fine.

This is truly a community of people who's experiences

parallel each other's. The spiritual paradigm says

that we are all connected by a higher state of

existance, this proves that.

Be well,


--- Darcy Stockstill catstamp@...> wrote:



> hansmprnc wrote:


> > I recently joinded this group to form a support

> network of people who

> > deal with the same affliction I have dealt with

> since 1986. So far no

> > one has said hello or acknowledged any of my

> posted messages and I'm

> > not sure why.


> I know that it feels frustrating when this happens,

> however, please

> remember we are sick too. I wish I had the energy

> to respond to each

> new person, formally welcome them, and reply to

> every post I see, but

> that just isn't going to happen. I suffer from

> severe fatigue, and I

> answer posts when I can. Others do the same.

> Sometimes people think

> someone else will answer a post or they don't know

> the answer, so rather

> than respond with a " sorry, I don't know " , they say

> nothing. Sometimes,

> it's best just to send another post reasking your

> question. And I

> suspect the number of posters has dropped off

> because this is August,

> people are using their time and energy to get their

> kids or themselves

> back to school, last minute vacations and the huge

> number of other tasks

> that seem necessary to do this time of the year. So

> please stick around,

> people respond to you when they can. I had a number

> of posts I wanted

> to comment on, yours being one of them, but I know

> I'm just not going to

> be able to make it, I'm just too tired. The lack of

> posts has more to

> do with how we feel than anything about you.

> Darcy



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Thank you for your time and focus, I have a better

understanding of how things work now and it's fine.

This is truly a community of people who's experiences

parallel each other's. The spiritual paradigm says

that we are all connected by a higher state of

existance, this proves that.

Be well,


--- Darcy Stockstill catstamp@...> wrote:



> hansmprnc wrote:


> > I recently joinded this group to form a support

> network of people who

> > deal with the same affliction I have dealt with

> since 1986. So far no

> > one has said hello or acknowledged any of my

> posted messages and I'm

> > not sure why.


> I know that it feels frustrating when this happens,

> however, please

> remember we are sick too. I wish I had the energy

> to respond to each

> new person, formally welcome them, and reply to

> every post I see, but

> that just isn't going to happen. I suffer from

> severe fatigue, and I

> answer posts when I can. Others do the same.

> Sometimes people think

> someone else will answer a post or they don't know

> the answer, so rather

> than respond with a " sorry, I don't know " , they say

> nothing. Sometimes,

> it's best just to send another post reasking your

> question. And I

> suspect the number of posters has dropped off

> because this is August,

> people are using their time and energy to get their

> kids or themselves

> back to school, last minute vacations and the huge

> number of other tasks

> that seem necessary to do this time of the year. So

> please stick around,

> people respond to you when they can. I had a number

> of posts I wanted

> to comment on, yours being one of them, but I know

> I'm just not going to

> be able to make it, I'm just too tired. The lack of

> posts has more to

> do with how we feel than anything about you.

> Darcy



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Hi reggie...

I just recently started posting myself...i think there are so many

people inthis list, its hard to keep track of! I know I am going to

have to get used to seeing so many names, and connecting them with

their posts...LOL!

Anyhoo...heya!! And welcome :)


> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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Hi reggie...

I just recently started posting myself...i think there are so many

people inthis list, its hard to keep track of! I know I am going to

have to get used to seeing so many names, and connecting them with

their posts...LOL!

Anyhoo...heya!! And welcome :)


> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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Hi reggie...

I just recently started posting myself...i think there are so many

people inthis list, its hard to keep track of! I know I am going to

have to get used to seeing so many names, and connecting them with

their posts...LOL!

Anyhoo...heya!! And welcome :)


> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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Hi !

I have been here for a few months, and have posted only twice before

yesterday, and I felt as tho those posts were " ignored " too, until I

realized...I think there are just so many people on the list...a lot

seem like wel known friends to the others, and I believe at the time

there were some crisi things going on with different people.

Dont worry...I have been involved with the yahoo clubs/groups thing

for a long while (over 3 years, different clubs), and as people get

used to seeing different posts, they also get used to seeing YOU.

Give it some time, and you will most likely find some great friends.

Or stick around and read...there is some great information floating

in here, and honestly, this is one of the better clubs I have

found...not only in yahoo, but from all the different forums...msn,

ez board, etc.

Just hang in there, hun...it may take some time, but i am sure you

will find with time, you and i and reggie will be one of

the " regulars " :)


> Reggie,

> i receintly joined this group myself and also feel that my posts

have been ignored. it is tuff when you join a group - looking for

help and answers and get nothing in reply. I was planning on giving

it another day or so and would then leave. Hope things improve and

that you get the support you seek and certainly need.


> jennifer


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Hi !

I have been here for a few months, and have posted only twice before

yesterday, and I felt as tho those posts were " ignored " too, until I

realized...I think there are just so many people on the list...a lot

seem like wel known friends to the others, and I believe at the time

there were some crisi things going on with different people.

Dont worry...I have been involved with the yahoo clubs/groups thing

for a long while (over 3 years, different clubs), and as people get

used to seeing different posts, they also get used to seeing YOU.

Give it some time, and you will most likely find some great friends.

Or stick around and read...there is some great information floating

in here, and honestly, this is one of the better clubs I have

found...not only in yahoo, but from all the different forums...msn,

ez board, etc.

Just hang in there, hun...it may take some time, but i am sure you

will find with time, you and i and reggie will be one of

the " regulars " :)


> Reggie,

> i receintly joined this group myself and also feel that my posts

have been ignored. it is tuff when you join a group - looking for

help and answers and get nothing in reply. I was planning on giving

it another day or so and would then leave. Hope things improve and

that you get the support you seek and certainly need.


> jennifer


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Hi !

I have been here for a few months, and have posted only twice before

yesterday, and I felt as tho those posts were " ignored " too, until I

realized...I think there are just so many people on the list...a lot

seem like wel known friends to the others, and I believe at the time

there were some crisi things going on with different people.

Dont worry...I have been involved with the yahoo clubs/groups thing

for a long while (over 3 years, different clubs), and as people get

used to seeing different posts, they also get used to seeing YOU.

Give it some time, and you will most likely find some great friends.

Or stick around and read...there is some great information floating

in here, and honestly, this is one of the better clubs I have

found...not only in yahoo, but from all the different forums...msn,

ez board, etc.

Just hang in there, hun...it may take some time, but i am sure you

will find with time, you and i and reggie will be one of

the " regulars " :)


> Reggie,

> i receintly joined this group myself and also feel that my posts

have been ignored. it is tuff when you join a group - looking for

help and answers and get nothing in reply. I was planning on giving

it another day or so and would then leave. Hope things improve and

that you get the support you seek and certainly need.


> jennifer


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--- Hi Reggie. I have a hard time keeping up with who all is in this

particular group. I also am overworked and my kids are keeping me

pretty darn busy right now! You might have noticed I am pretty

direct when I post. It looks like people have been replying by

reading the titles of the posts and I hope you feel better. This is

a good group; hang in there.

In @y..., " hansmprnc " wrote:

> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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--- Hi Reggie. I have a hard time keeping up with who all is in this

particular group. I also am overworked and my kids are keeping me

pretty darn busy right now! You might have noticed I am pretty

direct when I post. It looks like people have been replying by

reading the titles of the posts and I hope you feel better. This is

a good group; hang in there.

In @y..., " hansmprnc " wrote:

> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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--- Hi Reggie. I have a hard time keeping up with who all is in this

particular group. I also am overworked and my kids are keeping me

pretty darn busy right now! You might have noticed I am pretty

direct when I post. It looks like people have been replying by

reading the titles of the posts and I hope you feel better. This is

a good group; hang in there.

In @y..., " hansmprnc " wrote:

> Hi,


> I recently joinded this group to form a support network of people


> deal with the same affliction I have dealt with since 1986. So far


> one has said hello or acknowledged any of my posted messages and


> not sure why.


> I've been through hell and back with this stuff and have gathered

> tons of information that might help someone. Also it's just good to

> have friends who can relate and you don't feel embarrased to tell

> about how you feel. As a man, and a black man at that ... it has


> been an easy ride becuase in society generally men are not supposed

> to admit these feelings, tired ? so what ...


> Anyway, maybe someone will say hi?...


> Reggie

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