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I'm glad you at least have a good point of reference. I think once you get through the insurance hurdles and can be seen by someone with knowledge it will make a difference.This is the place to vent your frustrations. We have all been down this road in one way or another. It, for lack of better terms,just sucks!!!! But we have each other, and that in and of itself is priceless!Remember to breathe! I sometimes forgot too ;o) in TexasFrom: Reeves <nlreeves (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>Subject: Re: "House" - slight topic changeTo: @ yahoogroups. comDate: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 1:11


My request was specific to the comment about the "the phenomenon that we all know -- that LFTs go higher initially, but

they drop to more "normal" levels when the damage has been done." That is not something I found in my research, and I want to know more about it.

I know you are trying to be helpful, but you don't know my daughter or how she handled the transition to college. I'll also acknowledge that I'm probably still reacting to having to take the diagnostic lead because her doctor refused to take my concerns seriously - the third time in her life she has had a serious illness when I had to fight to get the doctor to recognize that something serious was going on - the first was UC, when for a year her GP refused to give me a referral to a GI doc. With that history (particularly the very recent diagnostic history) I am a bit tender at the suggestion that I what I am seeing isn't really what I think it is.There was a fairly dramatic change that she noticed mid-November, at which point she literally thought she was going crazy because her mind stopped feeling/thinking right. The fatigue has gradually and steadily increased since then to the point where it is constant and relatively (for

her) extreme.. She has gone from being the valedictorian of her high school class who transitioned successfully to being a college freshman - far more successfully than I would have predicted - to a student who was unable to finish two papers in December because she could no longer concentrate and who is now at risk of failing every single class this semester because she cannot stay awake long enough to do her work. When she can stay awake she can't concentrate (she has make-up work to do in every class but one, some of it from the first couple of weeks of the semester, and she will drop one class in the next day or two because she has missed about half of the work in that class and just can't keep up). At the end of first semester, when she couldn't finish her papers,she managed to switch to doing work it was easier to concentrate on (Calculus she easily finished with an A, for example, and she had no problems completing the work in

every other class). Now, when the fatigue hits she is pretty much out of it for everything (including socializing) . February 10 was the last comfortable phone conversation I have had with her; the last before that was Decembe 17. I know the dates because those have been the only two conversations I have had with her since the first week in December when she has sounded at all interested in life - rather than just dead. The realization that her liver was involved (mid January) was actually a relief to her because it explained so many of the symptoms (some major, some minor, mostly intermittent) she has had over the years, and some that are new (she had headaches for the first time ever in December). Initially, we hoped it was drug toxicity that might be corrected by switching medication. Although I was pretty sure it was PSC by the end of January, I didn't share my suspicions with her to avoid adding an emotional

drain to the physical drain she was already experiencing. The worst of the symptoms are now relatively constant (itching and fatigue). The specific diagnosis (which she learned 12 days ago) while certainly emotionally devastating is too recent to have been the cause of her difficulties over the past three months. The first dramatic changes in her thinking (November - when she first started feeling something was wrong/December - when I could see something was wrong and it first seriously impacted her academic performance) came before we had any clue that there was something physical wrong, or that the liver was involved.So when Penny commented about the LFT numbers going higher then falling back to normal after the damage is done- and I see how dramatically different she has been since December - I want to find more information about this phenomenon - particularly since every reference I have found on itching and

thinking/reasoning difficulties associated with liver disorders describe these syptoms as being relatively late symptoms, and she has been itching at least for 4 years, and her ability to concentrate and do language based analysis dramatically declined around December.No - I don't think she is near end stage, but I had been hoping we were in the very early stages since she was only diagnosed because I browbeat her doctor into continuing to look for a cause when he was sure that her low numbers meant nothing serious was wrong. If the low numbers were a dip after a peak, she may be farther along than I had hoped - so I am interested in learning about this phenomenon to see how it fits with what we have observed (since I can't make her doctor go back and do the tests I had requested that he do all along, but he didn't think were important)., Mom to 18 yo daughter UC 6/95, PSC 3/09..From: Logan Berg <cswb (AT) safelink (DOT) net>TIt seems you are blaming too many things on the disease. your daughter has been diagnosed with a life altering disease, she is a freshman. Many, many freshmans feel overload and fatigue, insomnia, reasoning problems etc, and they don't have liver disease. It could be the fatigue (which is any stage liver disease) and overwhelming changes in her life that are causing the thingking

problems. If your daughter is near end stage, she will be having edema, ascities, bleeding varicies, jaundice, ataxia (hand flapping), changes in amonia, creatinine. take care, hope your daughter can get through this semester and find her level. Cheryl ID PSC

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Guest guest

I'm glad you at least have a good point of reference. I think once you get through the insurance hurdles and can be seen by someone with knowledge it will make a difference.This is the place to vent your frustrations. We have all been down this road in one way or another. It, for lack of better terms,just sucks!!!! But we have each other, and that in and of itself is priceless!Remember to breathe! I sometimes forgot too ;o) in TexasFrom: Reeves <nlreeves (AT) yahoo (DOT) com>Subject: Re: "House" - slight topic changeTo: @ yahoogroups. comDate: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 1:11


My request was specific to the comment about the "the phenomenon that we all know -- that LFTs go higher initially, but

they drop to more "normal" levels when the damage has been done." That is not something I found in my research, and I want to know more about it.

I know you are trying to be helpful, but you don't know my daughter or how she handled the transition to college. I'll also acknowledge that I'm probably still reacting to having to take the diagnostic lead because her doctor refused to take my concerns seriously - the third time in her life she has had a serious illness when I had to fight to get the doctor to recognize that something serious was going on - the first was UC, when for a year her GP refused to give me a referral to a GI doc. With that history (particularly the very recent diagnostic history) I am a bit tender at the suggestion that I what I am seeing isn't really what I think it is.There was a fairly dramatic change that she noticed mid-November, at which point she literally thought she was going crazy because her mind stopped feeling/thinking right. The fatigue has gradually and steadily increased since then to the point where it is constant and relatively (for

her) extreme.. She has gone from being the valedictorian of her high school class who transitioned successfully to being a college freshman - far more successfully than I would have predicted - to a student who was unable to finish two papers in December because she could no longer concentrate and who is now at risk of failing every single class this semester because she cannot stay awake long enough to do her work. When she can stay awake she can't concentrate (she has make-up work to do in every class but one, some of it from the first couple of weeks of the semester, and she will drop one class in the next day or two because she has missed about half of the work in that class and just can't keep up). At the end of first semester, when she couldn't finish her papers,she managed to switch to doing work it was easier to concentrate on (Calculus she easily finished with an A, for example, and she had no problems completing the work in

every other class). Now, when the fatigue hits she is pretty much out of it for everything (including socializing) . February 10 was the last comfortable phone conversation I have had with her; the last before that was Decembe 17. I know the dates because those have been the only two conversations I have had with her since the first week in December when she has sounded at all interested in life - rather than just dead. The realization that her liver was involved (mid January) was actually a relief to her because it explained so many of the symptoms (some major, some minor, mostly intermittent) she has had over the years, and some that are new (she had headaches for the first time ever in December). Initially, we hoped it was drug toxicity that might be corrected by switching medication. Although I was pretty sure it was PSC by the end of January, I didn't share my suspicions with her to avoid adding an emotional

drain to the physical drain she was already experiencing. The worst of the symptoms are now relatively constant (itching and fatigue). The specific diagnosis (which she learned 12 days ago) while certainly emotionally devastating is too recent to have been the cause of her difficulties over the past three months. The first dramatic changes in her thinking (November - when she first started feeling something was wrong/December - when I could see something was wrong and it first seriously impacted her academic performance) came before we had any clue that there was something physical wrong, or that the liver was involved.So when Penny commented about the LFT numbers going higher then falling back to normal after the damage is done- and I see how dramatically different she has been since December - I want to find more information about this phenomenon - particularly since every reference I have found on itching and

thinking/reasoning difficulties associated with liver disorders describe these syptoms as being relatively late symptoms, and she has been itching at least for 4 years, and her ability to concentrate and do language based analysis dramatically declined around December.No - I don't think she is near end stage, but I had been hoping we were in the very early stages since she was only diagnosed because I browbeat her doctor into continuing to look for a cause when he was sure that her low numbers meant nothing serious was wrong. If the low numbers were a dip after a peak, she may be farther along than I had hoped - so I am interested in learning about this phenomenon to see how it fits with what we have observed (since I can't make her doctor go back and do the tests I had requested that he do all along, but he didn't think were important)., Mom to 18 yo daughter UC 6/95, PSC 3/09..From: Logan Berg <cswb (AT) safelink (DOT) net>TIt seems you are blaming too many things on the disease. your daughter has been diagnosed with a life altering disease, she is a freshman. Many, many freshmans feel overload and fatigue, insomnia, reasoning problems etc, and they don't have liver disease. It could be the fatigue (which is any stage liver disease) and overwhelming changes in her life that are causing the thingking

problems. If your daughter is near end stage, she will be having edema, ascities, bleeding varicies, jaundice, ataxia (hand flapping), changes in amonia, creatinine. take care, hope your daughter can get through this semester and find her level. Cheryl ID PSC

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

nne,I hope you know how very much I appreciate your prayers.I know you pray powerfully.love,KateTo: mserslife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:28:24 PMSubject: RE:

Kate I am sorry to hear this. I will keep you both in my prayers.



To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"

"May the Lord Bless you and keep you,

May the Lord Make his face shine upon you, and give you Peace...Forever"

Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life


Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancer


Angel Feather Loomer


The Cancer Club




> Hi all,

> As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

> exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a

> call

> about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of

> 101. The

> admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

> the

> camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

> really of

> what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

> Obviously,

> they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on

> a

> daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up

> for

> visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I

> spoke

> with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been

> doing

> better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this

> afternoon to

> 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

> They have

> doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has

> a tv,

> which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are

> giving him

> cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers

> for

> immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp.

> Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...

> love to all,

> Kate


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Works in all emails, instant messengers, blogs, forums and social networks.

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Guest guest

nne,I hope you know how very much I appreciate your prayers.I know you pray powerfully.love,KateTo: mserslife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:28:24 PMSubject: RE:

Kate I am sorry to hear this. I will keep you both in my prayers.



To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"

"May the Lord Bless you and keep you,

May the Lord Make his face shine upon you, and give you Peace...Forever"

Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life


Anxiety Depression and Breast Cancer


Angel Feather Loomer


The Cancer Club




> Hi all,

> As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

> exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a

> call

> about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of

> 101. The

> admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

> the

> camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

> really of

> what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

> Obviously,

> they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on

> a

> daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up

> for

> visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I

> spoke

> with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been

> doing

> better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this

> afternoon to

> 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

> They have

> doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has

> a tv,

> which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are

> giving him

> cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers

> for

> immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp.

> Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...

> love to all,

> Kate


Send your photos by email in seconds...

TRY FREE IM TOOLPACK at http://www.imtoolpack.com/default.aspx?rc=if3

Works in all emails, instant messengers, blogs, forums and social networks.

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Guest guest

Poor guy! Prayers for All Better Quick, so he can enjoy the rest of camp!


in WY

Practical Blackwork Designs



" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "


Hi all,

As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call

about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101.

The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking

to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to

come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the

days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at

1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good

hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned

environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being

well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale,

water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad

that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be

anxious in anything...

love to all,


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Guest guest

Poor guy! Prayers for All Better Quick, so he can enjoy the rest of camp!


in WY

Practical Blackwork Designs



" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "


Hi all,

As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call

about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101.

The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking

to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to

come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the

days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at

1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good

hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned

environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being

well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale,

water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad

that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be

anxious in anything...

love to all,


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Guest guest

Poor guy! Prayers for All Better Quick, so he can enjoy the rest of camp!


in WY

Practical Blackwork Designs



" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "


Hi all,

As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call

about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101.

The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking

to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to

come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the

days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at

1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good

hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned

environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being

well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale,

water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad

that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be

anxious in anything...

love to all,


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Guest guest

Thank you ever so much, Akiba!love you, KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:46:31 PMSubject: Re:

Healing prayers of Brigid, may her Mantle cover and protect him.



Pragmatic Visionary



Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Guest guest

Thank you ever so much, Akiba!love you, KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:46:31 PMSubject: Re:

Healing prayers of Brigid, may her Mantle cover and protect him.



Pragmatic Visionary



Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Guest guest

Thank you ever so much, Akiba!love you, KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:46:31 PMSubject: Re:

Healing prayers of Brigid, may her Mantle cover and protect him.



Pragmatic Visionary



Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Guest guest

Thanks, ! I appreciate the prayers muchly!Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:54:56 PMSubject: RE:

Poor guy! Prayers for All Better Quick, so he can enjoy the rest of camp!


in WY

Practical Blackwork Designs



"You get a wonderful view from the point of no return..."

Hi all,

As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call

about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101.

The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking

to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to

come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the

days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at

1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good

hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned

environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being

well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale,

water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad

that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be

anxious in anything...

love to all,


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Guest guest

Thanks, ! I appreciate the prayers muchly!Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 2:54:56 PMSubject: RE:

Poor guy! Prayers for All Better Quick, so he can enjoy the rest of camp!


in WY

Practical Blackwork Designs



"You get a wonderful view from the point of no return..."

Hi all,

As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an

exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call

about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101.

The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of

the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure

really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is.

Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking

to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to

come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the

days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at

1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good

hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned

environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being

well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale,

water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad

that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be

anxious in anything...

love to all,


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Guest guest

Hi Kate,

I hope gets better soonest so he can enjoy sports activities. I believe that he will be up in two days...

Much love,


Subject: To: MSersLife Date: Saturday, July 9, 2011, 9:17 PM

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Guest guest

Hi Kate,

I hope gets better soonest so he can enjoy sports activities. I believe that he will be up in two days...

Much love,


Subject: To: MSersLife Date: Saturday, July 9, 2011, 9:17 PM

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Thanks so much, Nukhet. Keep him in your thoughts, please. I hope you are right with your prediction!love to you my friend,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 4:02:39 PMSubject: Re:

Hi Kate,

I hope gets better soonest so he can enjoy sports activities. I believe that he will be up in two days...

Much love,


Subject: To: MSersLife Date: Saturday, July 9, 2011, 9:17 PM

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there.

They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Thanks so much for the prayers, Cait. I covet them and I'm sure they will help.I hope it resolves soon.Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 8:23:43 PMSubject: Re:

/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Thanks so much for the prayers, Cait. I covet them and I'm sure they will help.I hope it resolves soon.Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 8:23:43 PMSubject: Re:

/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Thanks so much for the prayers, Cait. I covet them and I'm sure they will help.I hope it resolves soon.Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 8:23:43 PMSubject: Re:

/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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Add mine as well Kate, for both and yourself. Just be warned though, it doesn't matter how old our children are.. we STILL worry about them! Even with Earl being 29, when he got sick this past spring, I was shoving Tylenol and Popsicles down his throat!HUGS|)onnaTo: MSersLife Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2011 10:40:11 PMSubject: Re:

Thanks so much for the prayers, Cait. I covet them and I'm sure they will help.I hope it resolves soon.Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 8:23:43 PMSubject: Re:

/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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That's so true, Donna. My oldest just turned 23, and I still dote onher and worry. Thanks for the prayers for myself and . It meansthe world to me.love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sun, July 10, 2011 7:48:22 AMSubject: Re:

Add mine as well Kate, for both and yourself. Just be warned though, it doesn't matter how old our children are.. we STILL worry about them! Even with Earl being 29, when he got sick this past spring, I was shoving Tylenol and Popsicles down his throat!HUGS|)onnaTo: MSersLife Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2011 10:40:11 PMSubject: Re:

Thanks so much for the prayers, Cait. I covet them and I'm sure they will help.I hope it resolves soon.Love,KateTo: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 8:23:43 PMSubject: Re:

/ Poor , I hope whatever it is goes away quickly and he can enjoy the camp activities again. It sounds like they're taking good care of him. Prayers on the way for 's quick recovery and Mom's worrying to stop. Another week and you'll be there visiting him ... hugs, Cait

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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I will be thinking of and will say a prayer for him (and YOU). Isn't it wonderful that he loves it there so much?hugs SharonThis email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. To: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 11:17:45 AMSubject:

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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I will be thinking of and will say a prayer for him (and YOU). Isn't it wonderful that he loves it there so much?hugs SharonThis email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. To: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 9, 2011 11:17:45 AMSubject:

Hi all,As many of you know, my son, (11) was awarded a scholarship for an exclusive sports camp in the Berkshires (MA) for 7 weeks. I received a call about three nights ago from the doctor at the camp. had a fever of 101. The admitted him to the health center that they have right on the grounds of the camp.The next day, they started him on zithromycin. They are unsure really of what he has. They don't believe it's strep, but unsure what it is. Obviously, they are treating as a bacterial infection. I have been talking to him on a daily basis. All he talks about is how he can't wait for us to come up for visiting day on the 15 and 16th of July. He's counting down the days. I spoke with them again just this afternoon. The nurse said, although

he had been doing better, and they got his fever under control, it spiked at 1 this afternoon to 102.9. I am trying NOT to freak out. I know he's in good hands there. They have doctors and nurses, and he is an airconditioned environment and even has a tv, which they don't have at camp. He is being well cared-for. They are giving him cool showers, ice pops, gingerale, water, etc. Just please send prayers for immediate healing. He feels bad that he's missing out on the fun of camp. Prayers for me too, to not be anxious in anything...love to all,Kate

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