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Re: Hep B immunization

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I agree with whatever reasons anyone has as to not get vaccinations, but

I TOTALLY DISAGREE as to your statement of " Hep. B is a disease found

among drug users and prostitutes " , as I know 2 people that have Hep. B

and neither are drug users or prostitutes or have ever been sexually

involved with drug userts or prostitute .

on Long Island New York


On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:24:50 -0500 " Michele Haynes "

m.haynes@...> writes:

> None of my children were given vacs at birth, but my undxed Asperger

> son got

> all his shots except the Hep B, though we did run way behind on our

> schedule -- kind of deliberate tardiness. I have never allowed any

> of my

> children to get the Hep B vaccine. Hepatitis B is a disease found

> among IV

> drug users and prostitutes.



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>But they were sexually active correct??

I did a very brief websearch and this statement is a sample of what I found:

Taken from an official statement for San


" According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

200,000 Americans are

infected each year with hepatitis B, a serious and potentially life

threatening viral infection

of the liver. Hepatitis B can be prevented with immunization.

The hepatitis B virus is spread through blood and bodily fluids, by

sexual transmission,

occupational exposure to infected blood, sharing needles or from mother

to child during

childbirth. It also can be spread through close, continuous, or

household contact including

sharing razors and toothbrushes with an infected person or from

exposure to infected

blood or bodily fluids during an athletic event. "

Please note that being " sexually active " does not put one at risk any more

than playing soccer or accidentally using someone else's toothbrush or


I post this for the simple reason that I don't think we need to stereotype

infected persons according to how they contracted a virus. That type of

activity only perpetuates misunderstanding. It also gives a false sense of

security to those that fall outside the society-based stereotype. For the

record, I am anti-vaccination.


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epickwick@... wrote:

> ,


> My babies were born 12 weeks early. They got their Hep B shots at what

> should have been 35 weeks gestation.



My babies were born 15 weeks early and they were vaccinated at what would have

been 34 weeks gestation. But remember that hospitals are full of bad bugs. I'm

not saying that I would do that again but my boys spent 100 days and 114 days in

the hospital. If they were going to get Hep B, they would get it there.

Also, for any of you who are wondering about polio vaccinations, remember that

until recently most kids got the oral polio. This was a live virus. The reason

for doing this was that they live virus vaccinated people who didn't get their

vaccinations. It spread the virus through the air. My kids never got the oral

polio because my husband is on immune suppressants. By the way this is a very

good excuse for not vaccinating. I have successfully stretched out vaccination

periods for my daughter because of dh's rheumatoid arthritis. If anyone in your

family takes steroids or immune suppressants this can be a reason to avoid

vaccinations for those of you looking for a reason other than a religious one.

I'm not sure that my son's autism was contributed to by his vaccinations but I

was concerned enough that my daughter got a totally different schedule. I am

old enough that I haven't had half these new vaccinations. I have never had Hep

B. I was almost 17 when I got my measles shot and as far as I know it was just

measles, not the MMR. I got rubella when I was 7 or 8 and never held a titer.

I had a booster when I was 23 and I am currently checking to see if that was a

MMR or just Rubella. We had small pox and Diphtheria when we were 11. It

seemed like out whole life we were getting our shots, one at a time. I don't

think I've ever had a shot for mumps but I really couldn't say.

I'll probably always vaccinate just because I am an older mom and so were my

parents. They have friends who are polio survivors who have various levels of

disabilities. We have had family member die from mumps, measles, scarlet fever,

etc. But, all those people died pre antibiotics. So, it still freaks me out.

But, the bottom line is that NOBODY should be made to vaccinate! A decision

made on all the facts should be respected! Boy, nothing makes me more angry

than someone who feels that they were pressured into doing something that they

didn't want to do!


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I recently graduated nursing school in May 2000. Three years

prior I had my 3 series of Hep-B shots, does anyone out there thing this

could effect my baby daughter due on June 24, 2001??

Hugs, Terry.B

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Terry, I would think you could lower any risks by lowering your current

mercury exposure as much as possible as well as any other risks, such as any

chem. exposures, additives etc. Atleast the mercury is already probably

embedded in your organs--better for baby prob. Try to get the least amount

of labor intervention possible, watch your own diet etc. Hang in there and

all you can do is the best with what you know now and have faith that all is

going to be okay. Much love, :)

Re: Hep B immunization



> I recently graduated nursing school in May 2000. Three years

> prior I had my 3 series of Hep-B shots, does anyone out there thing this

> could effect my baby daughter due on June 24, 2001??


> Hugs, Terry.B




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I am very interested in how this disease was contracted. Is it really an

epidemic and danger to our children? I do admit that the information I had

is several years old.

I know that AIDS started out as mostly danger to homosexuals and IV drug

users, but eventually became more prevalent.

Again, any info you have to share is much appreciated.


Michele in CT

Re: Hep B immunization


>I agree with whatever reasons anyone has as to not get vaccinations, but

>I TOTALLY DISAGREE as to your statement of " Hep. B is a disease found

>among drug users and prostitutes " , as I know 2 people that have Hep. B

>and neither are drug users or prostitutes or have ever been sexually

>involved with drug userts or prostitute .

> on Long Island New York

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In a message dated 2/20/01 10:38:30 AM Pacific Standard Time,

tntpilger@... writes:

<< Keep in mind that mercury affects boys more than girls for some reason.

.....Just as autism does ...possibly more than a coincidence. >>

That's interesting you said that because when was in the NICU the

nurses told me that baby boys seem to do worse than the girls. Maybe they are

weaker. Who knows. That might explain why it effects boys more than girls.

Bridgett in KY

Mommy to two wonderful boys

(9) Autism

(7) ADHD

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> My twins were born at 28 weeks too. They were also given HepB shots prior

> to being released from the hospital before their actual due date.


> Tell me about the " recovered from PDD " part of your sign-off. My twins are

> 5.5 years old.


> Best Wishes:

> Mead



Austin was dx'd PDD in March, 2000. His ATEC was at 89 at that time. I

could count on one hand the number of times he had asked a 'wh' question.

His language was mostly echo, eye contact was minimal, he was on his toes

most of the time, he had terrible diarreha off and on -- but mostly on. I

remember his first session at speech and language. He was almost 4 years

old and couldn't answer a single wh question. I sat behind that mirrored

window and cried.

Less than 1 year later, we took him in for a re-evaluation. The

psychologist told us he is not autistic. He does have an auditory

processing issue that he is confident Austin can overcome. His ATEC is now


Austin had a lot of interventions but the key ones were Auditory Integration

Therapy and THIS DIET.

Speech and Language has been also very much needed. I believe Austin lost

about 2 1/2 years. But he is catching up quickly. He has also had Physical

Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy and Occupational Therapy.

With the original testing, his IQ levels ranged from 60 something to 157 (he

was also dx'd as hyperlexic)

With the last testing his scores were all in the average range on the verbal

testing and in the superior range for the non-verval testing. The


told us that once the auditory issue is overcome, Austin will most most

likely score in the superior range across the board.

My baby is back.


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RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

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> My twins were born at 28 weeks too. They were also given HepB shots prior

> to being released from the hospital before their actual due date.


> Tell me about the " recovered from PDD " part of your sign-off. My twins are

> 5.5 years old.


> Best Wishes:

> Mead



Austin was dx'd PDD in March, 2000. His ATEC was at 89 at that time. I

could count on one hand the number of times he had asked a 'wh' question.

His language was mostly echo, eye contact was minimal, he was on his toes

most of the time, he had terrible diarreha off and on -- but mostly on. I

remember his first session at speech and language. He was almost 4 years

old and couldn't answer a single wh question. I sat behind that mirrored

window and cried.

Less than 1 year later, we took him in for a re-evaluation. The

psychologist told us he is not autistic. He does have an auditory

processing issue that he is confident Austin can overcome. His ATEC is now


Austin had a lot of interventions but the key ones were Auditory Integration

Therapy and THIS DIET.

Speech and Language has been also very much needed. I believe Austin lost

about 2 1/2 years. But he is catching up quickly. He has also had Physical

Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy and Occupational Therapy.

With the original testing, his IQ levels ranged from 60 something to 157 (he

was also dx'd as hyperlexic)

With the last testing his scores were all in the average range on the verbal

testing and in the superior range for the non-verval testing. The


told us that once the auditory issue is overcome, Austin will most most

likely score in the superior range across the board.

My baby is back.


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RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

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