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I believe it's not just the mold, but your total toxic load that can

be causing these problems. These never leave us unless we achieve

some sort of detoxing of the liver and other body systems and do

lipid replacement therapy (planned or accidentally).

Since the toxins/neurotoxins are fat-soluble, they never exit the

body because they are siphoned back through the body from the colon -

- except those excreted if we sweat (like the FIR sauna) or take a

binding fiber like CSM that forces them out, or the newest cutting-

edge therapy, doing a detox using the Kane type detoxing

with PhosChol and Glutathione type pushes, or the oral protocols

along with other associated protocols. (Even the whole lemon/olive

oil drink daily can have some positive effects, as can the organic

caffeinated coffee enemas for dumping some of the bile's toxic


I've recently found information on more " cutting edge " information.

That is, like we all knew, some of us ARE canaries: We cannot

protect ourselves as

we should from toxins, nor can we metabolize them, xenobiotics, etc.,

and these build up in our bodies creating many more problems. For a

bit of information on this, this site can explain some of it. Do a


on " Functional Liver Tests " to learn more:


I may not be able to change any defects I find I have from test


but at least I am learning more and more effective methods (some

simple ones, too) for daily detoxing.

Some of the evidence I've picked up along the way that has convinced

me my liver does not have normal Phase I or Phase II detoxification

capabilities (and my physicians

looked at me like I was from Mars) is when I ate meat and took my

medications, my feet began to hurt terribly. Got so bad I could

hardly walk. When I stopped the

meat, the pain began going away almost immediately. When I took

HRT, the hormone buildup on testing was uncanny/scary. When I was

on another antibiotic low-dose, long-term, I had a gigantic sciatic

attack that lasted for

weeks. I am, apparently, one of those that cannot eliminate the

byproducts of things. About the meat and the feet, they told

me, " But your liver enzymes are normal " . My reply, " It doesn't

matter if they are normal or not on the tests, the causes and

effects speak for

themselves. I can't help it if my tests are not revealing what is

going on!!!! "

Surprisingly, I heard two scientists being interviewed yesterday on

People's Pharmacy, and when asked about people's inability to detox,

they said it was very cutting edge and they were actually involved

in a study in which they had patients use a type of mouthwash,

swish, spit it into vials and send to a lab. The cells from the

inside of our cheeks are tested for genetic functioning. I was so

excited to hear them discussing this. AND, you will be interested

to know that the study is on pesticides, fertilizers,

nitrates/nitrites, etc. effect on people as to cancer and other

disease. They have had thousands of people self-reporting and

participating in the study. Folks, I believe we are on to

something -- hope we all live long enough to see the fruition of


Enough already! Hope this is helpful to some of you, too.


> ,


> When my parents retired they moved into an elderly only trailer


> Suddenly my mother had terrible allergies. We covered the

entire ground

> under the trailer with plastic and that fixed the allergy problem.




> > , took a week here in NC but I finally got feeling well

after a week

> of

> > hell. Felt depressed and down and weak. First thing I did was

move all

> the

> > plants in the house to outside and I felt a little better

immediately it

> seems.

> > Then tumeric gave me my life back just like the Boswellin use

to. Then I

> > felt grand this morning--the best yet since being here--and I

had to go

> under the

> > house to get some stuff I store under there. In the back of my

mind I

> > thought " Hmmm...wonder how much mold is really under here...is


> ALWAYS mold

> > under houses or might my house not have any? " Well, I expected

to be free

> of any

> > reaction after getting under the house, just for a couple

minutes. Then

> not

> > long after that I went to feeling like crap and did not want to

do my

> workout

> > I had planned before work. I immediately jumped in shower to do

> > decontamination routine one should do for mold hits. Felt

better. Then

> went to spa club

> > and did dual session heavy sauna and felt even better. So


> interesting

> > how even getting under the house can maybe give me mold hits. I


> it's

> > got to be mold, right? What else could it be? Now, I am not

convinced at

> all

> > that Shoemaker is right about mold as being the cause of my

CFS. But that

> > doesn't mean that it isn't a key ingredient that is kicking a

man when

> he's down.

> > Seems mold might affect virtually every one of us here.

> >

> >

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> I've recently found information on more " cutting edge "


> That is, like we all knew, some of us ARE canaries: We cannot

> protect ourselves as

> we should from toxins, nor can we metabolize them, xenobiotics,


> and these build up in our bodies creating many more problems.

The way this illness moved through my community is inconsistent with

the " Canary " concept. Not only did it pass by the people who were

known to be immune compromised with various illnesses, the very fact

that this would emerge in a place of lesser toxic burden is kind of

like saying that this is a " canary in a coal mine syndrome " in which

the canaries INSIDE the mine are doing fine while those outside in

the fresh air are dying.

The theory has to fit the facts.


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I'm not sure what your information is telling you, but what my

information is me is that contact with various chemicals,

medications,etc. it seems are not broken down and eliminated in me

as they are in probably the majority of people whose Phase I and

PHase II liver detox pathways are working.

This information is informing me in all probability (since my

experience corresponds with this) that these substances are building

up in my own body (making me, in this instance a " canary " (defined

in this instance as one (in a random group) who for biological

reasons perhaps is more sensitive to environmental and medicines and

become ill more easily because of an overload of these


I'm not looking for an argument here -- just sharing information

recently learned from respected sources concerning our possible

inability to process things, making us more vulnerable. Hope this

time I have made myself clear.



> > I've recently found information on more " cutting edge "

> information.

> > That is, like we all knew, some of us ARE canaries: We cannot

> > protect ourselves as

> > we should from toxins, nor can we metabolize them, xenobiotics,

> etc.,

> > and these build up in our bodies creating many more problems.


> The way this illness moved through my community is inconsistent


> the " Canary " concept. Not only did it pass by the people who were

> known to be immune compromised with various illnesses, the very


> that this would emerge in a place of lesser toxic burden is kind


> like saying that this is a " canary in a coal mine syndrome " in


> the canaries INSIDE the mine are doing fine while those outside in

> the fresh air are dying.

> The theory has to fit the facts.

> -

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> This information is informing me in all probability (since my

> experience corresponds with this) that these substances are


> up in my own body (making me, in this instance a " canary " (defined

> in this instance as one (in a random group) who for biological

> reasons perhaps is more sensitive to environmental and medicines


> become ill more easily because of an overload of these

> neurotoxins).

Yes, you were clear the first time. Invoking the " canary theory " is

very straightforward. It presupposes that the illness strikes the

weakest first.

This is precisely the point I reject.

I watched CFS go through my community and strike down the very people

that the canary concept would say to be the last ones to be hit,

unless of course, they had some hidden immunological defect.

However given the cluster groupings of this illness, it seem

statistically unlikely that there would be a large group

of " canaries " could all be sequestered together so closely that they

could simultaneously manifest a heretofore unknown illness from

normal and customary exposures.

Everything I saw is diametrically opposed and statistically almost

impossible to be in agreement with the canary concept.


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First, let me say my first response to the above subject, " Re: mold "

did not include your original post (if yours was the original post)

now could I locate it by doing a search. I do not receive e-mail

from this group, but just go to the site and scan messages for

information. My post re: mold and its effects on some people was

reponding to another poster on YOUR thread.

I don't quite understand what your argument here is -- nothing is

absolute for any group of people who become ill.

Over the early 1990's, I purchased and read many books by Dr. Majid

Ali. One of them especially has remained in my memory. Here is a

bit of his writings on " the canary " . Hopefully, this will be of

interest to some and of help to some. It has helped me understand

better why something that makes me ill does not affect my husband or

children. I'm very sure I have a defect (genetic or otherwise)

which keeps me from processing/defending against some foods, meds,

pollution, etc., allowing it to build up and cause even greater


Chapter 1: The Canary and Chronic Fatigue

by Majid Ali, MD

You can order this book at & Noble.com


Note: The information on this website is presented for educational

purposes only.

It is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified professional.

Seven Canaries

Chronic fatigue — I write in the preface — will be the dominant

chronic health disorder of the 21st century. This is the first core

message of this book.

" Chronic fatiguers " are human canaries. In old mining days, miners

carried canaries in cages deep into their mine shafts. The birds

were a sort of intelligence system. If there were any poisonous

gases in the shafts, the birds would warn the miners. When the birds

collapsed or died, the miners knew there were toxic gases in the

shaft even though they could not smell them. They left the birds and

ran out to escape the poisonous mine gases.

Why did the canaries die when exposed to poisonous mine gases but

not the miners? Why did the miners not suffer any ill-effects most

of the time even though they were exposed to the same poisons that

killed the canaries? The canaries died because of their small size —

there was so little of their molecular defenses to be destroyed, so

little of their energy and life span enzymes to be poisoned. Yet,

the miners didn't die because there was so much of them to be

poisoned. The differences between the canaries and miners are

entirely quantitative — the basic chemical equation of life — the

redox reaction — is the same in both. Oxidative molecular defenses

in man and canary are identical, and so it is for such diverse

living beings as single-celled bacteria, monkeys and monstrous


Chronic fatiguers are human canaries. This is the second core

message of this book. It must be understood by those who suffer from

chronic fatigue states, and those who care for them t, hat chronic

fatiguers are different. Viral infections that common people can

clear in days leave chronic fatiguers exhausted for weeks and

months. Ordinary people do not even recognize when they are exposed

to common environmental pollutants such as formaldehyde, organic

solvents such as xylene and toluene, perfumes, paints and car

exhaust fumes. Most chronic fatiguers are debilitated by such

exposures. Most people breeze through sugar, insulin and adrenaline

roller coasters without blinking an eye until degenerative and

immune disorders make their appearance years later. Not so with

chronic fatiguers. Even an occasional ice-cream cone can put them in

bed for hours. Most people are not aware of foods that cause adverse

bowel responses and allergic reactions. Not so with chronic

fatiguers. Minor indiscretions exact major tolls from them. A large

number of common people go about their business with aluminum,

mercury or lead overload, never knowing how these toxic metals are

poisoning their life span enzymes. Not so with chronic fatiguers.

Their immune and molecular dynamics cannot sustain such burdens. We

all recognize what stress is and how it injures us — at least

theoretically. Stress has altogether different dimensions for

chronic fatiguers. Most people intellectualize about anger at dinner

tables. Not so with chronic fatiguers. Anger is a constant companion

for chronic fatiguers — except for those few who find new spiritual

dimensions through windows of suffering opened by chronic fatigue.

Chronic fatiguers are different. The critical element for chronic

fatiguers is not what microbes and toxins do; rather, it is how

their molecular defenses fail to cope with such injury. For the

human canaries, the soil (molecular and immune defenses) is more

important than the seed (the virulence of microbes and toxicity of


DNA sequences set us up for oxidative injury; environmental triggers

set off the oxidative reactions that cause chronic fatigue states.

Environmental elements, of course, include those that surround us

externally and those that exist within our internal ecosystems.

Looked at another way, chronic fatiguers are people who have been

genetically programmed to respond differently to microbial invasions

and environmental toxins. Their vulnerabilities are woven into their



Diseases, I wrote in The Cortical Monkey and Healing, are burdens on

biology. These burdens are imposed upon our genetic makeup by our

external and internal environment. The intensity of suffering —

diseases as they evolve with time — caused by these burdens is

profoundly influenced by a third element: the choices we make in our

response to these burdens. [end of copied material)



> > This information is informing me in all probability (since my

> > experience corresponds with this) that these substances are

> building

> > up in my own body (making me, in this instance a " canary "


> > in this instance as one (in a random group) who for biological

> > reasons perhaps is more sensitive to environmental and medicines

> and

> > become ill more easily because of an overload of these

> > neurotoxins).


> Yes, you were clear the first time. Invoking the " canary theory "


> very straightforward. It presupposes that the illness strikes the

> weakest first.

> This is precisely the point I reject.

> I watched CFS go through my community and strike down the very


> that the canary concept would say to be the last ones to be hit,

> unless of course, they had some hidden immunological defect.

> However given the cluster groupings of this illness, it seem

> statistically unlikely that there would be a large group

> of " canaries " could all be sequestered together so closely that


> could simultaneously manifest a heretofore unknown illness from

> normal and customary exposures.

> Everything I saw is diametrically opposed and statistically almost

> impossible to be in agreement with the canary concept.

> -

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> I don't quite understand what your argument here is -- nothing is

> absolute for any group of people who become ill.

I'm quite sure that there are some " canaries " mixed in.

But this illness has demonstrated that it just plain doesn't care if

you are a canary or not.

" Toxic overload " is a good concept and common sense and I'm sure it

plays some part in peoples illnesses but it is absolutely not the

cause if CFS strikes clusters of people who presumably weren't at a

canary convention and are living in the most pristine environments

left on the planet.

The theory must fit the facts.


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You say a lot what you think CFS is not, but I am not clear what you think it

is. It seems like you think there is an infectious agent, because it occurs in

clusters. You have said you don't think it is environmental because Tahoe was

" pristine " . But then you believe it is mold. Can you please clarify what you


Not an attack, I am just curious and trying to piece together the different

things you post.



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> You say a lot what you think CFS is not, but I am not clear what

you think it is. It seems like you think there is an infectious

agent, because it occurs in clusters. You have said you don't think

it is environmental because Tahoe was " pristine " . But then you

believe it is mold. Can you please clarify what you think?

People often hear me say " induced reaction to mold " and hear " mold

caused " . But if you look over my posts, I consistently say that CFS

is NOT caused by mold.

The first time I walked into Dr Cheney and Dr s office I said

that I had an inexorable and increasing reactivity to mold that did

not correspond to exposure and kept getting worse no matter how well

I tried to take care of myself.

I told them that this is an " infection induced reactivity to mold "

and predicted that if this illness went around the world as easily as

it did in Incline, " There will be people claiming that mold is

killing them. "

Nobody believed me at the time, and after almost 20 years of being

told that mold reactivity of this level is impossible, watching the

epidemic of Sick Building Syndrome and " Mold Hysteria " is a horrific

vindication of my statements at the inception of the CFS epidemic.

I don't know what causes CFS but if you remember my " bumblebees

can't fly " post on this list, you can see that my point is that if

the theory doesn't fit the facts, it's time to quit trying to force a

square peg into a round hole and admit that a new perspective is


The " Toxic overload/Canary concept " , nutritional deficiency

and " stress " theories are all proposals that were easily ruled out

the first day of wathing this new paradigm emerge.

Yet after 20 years, people are still trying to stretch these concepts

outrageously beyond their historical pathogenesis to explain

something that is clearly unrelated.



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Perhaps this " canary " line of thinking continues, because we

become " canaries " as the disease progresses?




> People often hear me say " induced reaction to mold " and hear " mold

> caused " . But if you look over my posts, I consistently say that


> is NOT caused by mold.

> The first time I walked into Dr Cheney and Dr s office I


> that I had an inexorable and increasing reactivity to mold that did

> not correspond to exposure and kept getting worse no matter how


> I tried to take care of myself.

> I told them that this is an " infection induced reactivity to mold "

> and predicted that if this illness went around the world as easily


> it did in Incline, " There will be people claiming that mold is

> killing them. "

> Nobody believed me at the time, and after almost 20 years of being

> told that mold reactivity of this level is impossible, watching the

> epidemic of Sick Building Syndrome and " Mold Hysteria " is a


> vindication of my statements at the inception of the CFS epidemic.

> I don't know what causes CFS but if you remember my " bumblebees

> can't fly " post on this list, you can see that my point is that if

> the theory doesn't fit the facts, it's time to quit trying to force


> square peg into a round hole and admit that a new perspective is

> required.

> The " Toxic overload/Canary concept " , nutritional deficiency

> and " stress " theories are all proposals that were easily ruled out

> the first day of wathing this new paradigm emerge.

> Yet after 20 years, people are still trying to stretch these


> outrageously beyond their historical pathogenesis to explain

> something that is clearly unrelated.

> -

> -

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> Perhaps this " canary " line of thinking continues, because we

> become " canaries " as the disease progresses?

> Zippy


CFSers are felled by psychological stresses that have no historical

precedent of consistently causing any illness resembling CFS.

Doctors have extreme difficulty seeing the order of the cause/effect

relationship despite hordes of people who suddenly acquired

such " stress intolerance " screaming expressions at them such as;

" We are DEPRESSED because we are SICK! Not SICK because we are

depressed! " .


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Yes, these machines on their website are super expensive. They are the

commercial size so are larger than most. I bought a Shark Steamer (better than

the red one on TV) for $100 and have been happy with it. It lasts for about 1/2

hour before refilling, so that's enough for me with my low energy levels. I

spent a couple of hours intermittently on my refrigerator/freezer and it has

never looked so good. Cleaned my old formica in the kitchen with a metal front

wrap that was dirty and it came right up with a little scrubbing with the

plastic scrubby attachment. I can't wait to clean the bathroom toilets, and the

multi-framed windows in our house that have mold and junk. They are actually

mini pressure-washers but you need to have cloths ready to wipe up the

yuck~white is recommended cuz you can bleach them afterwards. We live on the

west coast and mold is prevalent here and I haven't cleaned up as well since

being sick, so it's overtaking the house. I will have a cleaner house this

summer. in La Selva Beach, CA

Re: Lyme, CFIDS, Mold and MSH?

I looked into this myself out of curiosity, but they seem so

expensive. I have a friend who has a different one that cost a couple

hundred and she also swears by it.

> I struggled with the environmental side of this for several years

as I

> live in the moldy Wash DC area, and my wife has bad MCS so chemical

> cleaners are out. We finally purchased a vapor-jet steam cleaner

and it

> is a dream. Once you buy the beast you have spent your last dollar


> mold cleaning products. And it really is the only non-chemical


> we have found that works with CFS, because it takes little energy

to use

> (you don't have to scrub the stuff off, just blast it and then

rinse it

> away). You can also use these on cloth and carpet and wood, and we


> it on our mattresses from time to time. The temp of the steam will


> all mold, even deep in fabric.


> Here is the unit I bought, worth every penny.


> http://www.allergybuyersclubshopping.com/ladvapsteamc.html

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I am very allergic to mold & love the steam cleaner I got to clean

everything & get rid of mold.

The steam vapor is so hot it evaporates right away, though I do not use it

on heavy carpets. But I do use it on heavy drapes & steamed cleaned some

heavy clothes & they did not stay damp at all. I use it on hardwood floors & it

sterilizes & cleans everything so it is so fresh smelling & gets rid of

mustiness. Makes it much easier to clean.

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I use a shark & they are not that expensive, & well worth the $$

I also bought a higher pressure shark one that you can carry over your

shoulder & it was amazing cleaning out the rat infested garage, could shoot a

high pressure spray very far up into the rafters & loft to clean & sterilize.

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Couldn't some of the steam (which is a moisture, right?) stay in the items

cleansed, especially if they were porous (like fabric), and thus cause mold?

(like when a carpet is steam-cleaned, it is still damp afterwards). Also, are

these units bigger/heavier than a Dust-Buster (for those of us who have

limitations holding any weight and in hand and grip strength) thanks - les

Re: Lyme, CFIDS, Mold and MSH?

I looked into this myself out of curiosity, but they seem so

expensive. I have a friend who has a different one that cost a couple

hundred and she also swears by it.

> I struggled with the environmental side of this for several years

as I

> live in the moldy Wash DC area, and my wife has bad MCS so chemical

> cleaners are out. We finally purchased a vapor-jet steam cleaner

and it

> is a dream. Once you buy the beast you have spent your last dollar


> mold cleaning products. And it really is the only non-chemical


> we have found that works with CFS, because it takes little energy

to use

> (you don't have to scrub the stuff off, just blast it and then

rinse it

> away). You can also use these on cloth and carpet and wood, and we


> it on our mattresses from time to time. The temp of the steam will


> all mold, even deep in fabric.


> Here is the unit I bought, worth every penny.


> http://www.allergybuyersclubshopping.com/ladvapsteamc.html

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These units are fairly large. There are two types, steam and " Dry

vapor " . I think Kurt got dry vapor. They're popular in Europe. So

it's not wet steam. And its expensive! :)

> > I struggled with the environmental side of this for several


> as I

> > live in the moldy Wash DC area, and my wife has bad MCS so


> > cleaners are out. We finally purchased a vapor-jet steam


> and it

> > is a dream. Once you buy the beast you have spent your last


> on

> > mold cleaning products. And it really is the only non-


> solution

> > we have found that works with CFS, because it takes little


> to use

> > (you don't have to scrub the stuff off, just blast it and


> rinse it

> > away). You can also use these on cloth and carpet and wood,

and we

> use

> > it on our mattresses from time to time. The temp of the

steam will

> kill

> > all mold, even deep in fabric.

> >

> > Here is the unit I bought, worth every penny.

> >

> > http://www.allergybuyersclubshopping.com/ladvapsteamc.html



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Okay what model do you have?

It's also good if you're into " clean " which I personally am and there

are white tiles in my kitchen and bathroom.

Its just that Kurt's model is expensive.

I know that same allergy buyers club has a cheaper model...ladybug or


Kurt if you could weigh in why you chose that particular model.

The problem with mold in my place is in the walls, its a prewar 1929

building. So I keep windows open and have air filter machines in

every room.

> I am very allergic to mold & love the steam cleaner I got to clean

> everything & get rid of mold.

> The steam vapor is so hot it evaporates right away, though I do

not use it

> on heavy carpets. But I do use it on heavy drapes & steamed

cleaned some

> heavy clothes & they did not stay damp at all. I use it on

hardwood floors & it

> sterilizes & cleans everything so it is so fresh smelling & gets

rid of

> mustiness. Makes it much easier to clean.




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I almost bought one of those and the salesperson talked me out of it, said they

overheat and weren't any good and many were returned. I really wanted to buy it

but she scared me off. I'm glad to hear this, now I am going to rethink this,

there are so many things I dont' have the energy to clean anymore and this might

really help me 'clean up' around here!


Re: Re: Mold

I use a shark & they are not that expensive, & well worth the $$

I also bought a higher pressure shark one that you can carry over your

shoulder & it was amazing cleaning out the rat infested garage, could shoot a

high pressure spray very far up into the rafters & loft to clean & sterilize.

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I tried a shark and it was lousy for me anyway. They're cheap but a

sponge and hot water works better. I think going with the dry vapor

steamers (expensive) are best.

> I almost bought one of those and the salesperson talked me out of

it, said they overheat and weren't any good and many were returned.

I really wanted to buy it but she scared me off. I'm glad to hear

this, now I am going to rethink this, there are so many things I

dont' have the energy to clean anymore and this might really help

me 'clean up' around here!


> Marcia

> Re: Re: Mold



> I use a shark & they are not that expensive, & well worth the $$

> I also bought a higher pressure shark one that you can carry

over your

> shoulder & it was amazing cleaning out the rat infested garage,

could shoot a

> high pressure spray very far up into the rafters & loft to clean

& sterilize.




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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 7/9/2005 7:54:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,


Question: Once I seal of any more moisture getting to the inside, if

there is any mold on the inside, will it go away?

No, the mold will not go away. In fact, it could continue to grow. You

need to get rid of it. There are various chemical substances that take it


but I would start with good ole bleach and water.

There was just a piece on the news, about a doctor on the eastern shore of

MD, that has had wonderful results helping people get rid of mold sickness.

They showed people traveling to see him from all over the country, and also

out of the country. I believe his name was Shoemaker, or Shumacher, something

like that. People who had been sick for years were getting well. If you

were interested, I could try and get the information.


RN, Holisitic Healthcare Consultant

_www.EndOfMortgage.com_ (http://www.EndOfMortgage.com)

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Hi, Barb.

Yes, that's Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. His new book is called Mold

Warriors, and is available from http://www.moldwarriors.com

There is a chapter in the book about remediation of buildings that

have mold in them, but it is not very optimistic. Here's a

quotation from page 411:

" Don't even think that splashing some bleach on mold or painting

over some contaminated drywall, 2 by 4 framing or plywood will do

anything other than create tons of financial liability for failure

to remediate properly. "

From page 421: " When they say a UV filter or an ozone machine or

something that hums and whistles and emits a blue flame is going to

protect you, RUN away, holding your checkbook tightly. "

From page 409-410: " Based on what I see every day in fulltime mold

practice, it's a rare home that can be made safe. Why can I say

that to you? I'm not trying to make you unhappy and I'm not trying

to sell kits used by fire departments to burn down vacated, moldy

homes. I'm telling you what I have observed since I first started

treating the first of 2000 mold illness patients back in 1998.

" The sad facts are that despite all of the advances in HEPA

filtration for vacuum devices, topical treatment of mold populations

with powerful chemicals like bleach, quats, phenols, peroxides and

others, and all the other nifty things remediators can do, mold

usually doesn't move out after it moves in. Once mold gets a

foothold in your home, growing on your cellulose and using your

moisture, it will be incredibly hard to eradicate. That means if

you go back to visit your 'remediated space' after you're primed for

mold illness, chances are you will get sick again. "


> In a message dated 7/9/2005 7:54:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> writes:


> Question: Once I seal of any more moisture getting to the inside,


> there is any mold on the inside, will it go away?




> No, the mold will not go away. In fact, it could continue to

grow. You

> need to get rid of it. There are various chemical substances

that take it away,

> but I would start with good ole bleach and water.


> There was just a piece on the news, about a doctor on the eastern

shore of

> MD, that has had wonderful results helping people get rid of mold


> They showed people traveling to see him from all over the

country, and also

> out of the country. I believe his name was Shoemaker, or

Shumacher, something

> like that. People who had been sick for years were getting

well. If you

> were interested, I could try and get the information.


> Barb

> RN, Holisitic Healthcare Consultant












> _www.EndOfMortgage.com_ (http://www.EndOfMortgage.com)





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Guest guest

Can mold grow on concrete? We have an old damp basement.



> > In a message dated 7/9/2005 7:54:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > writes:

> >

> > Question: Once I seal of any more moisture getting to the inside,

> if

> > there is any mold on the inside, will it go away?

> >

> >

> >

> > No, the mold will not go away. In fact, it could continue to

> grow. You

> > need to get rid of it. There are various chemical substances

> that take it away,

> > but I would start with good ole bleach and water.

> >

> > There was just a piece on the news, about a doctor on the


> shore of

> > MD, that has had wonderful results helping people get rid of


> sickness.

> > They showed people traveling to see him from all over the

> country, and also

> > out of the country. I believe his name was Shoemaker, or

> Shumacher, something

> > like that. People who had been sick for years were getting

> well. If you

> > were interested, I could try and get the information.

> >

> > Barb

> > RN, Holisitic Healthcare Consultant

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _www.EndOfMortgage.com_ (http://www.EndOfMortgage.com)

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

" You can ask me " mentioned being contaminated with mold for years. I've just

started to think that could be me. I posted recently about a moldy basement

and forced hot air heat. I think I've been breathing this for the 8 years

I've lived here.

What should I know about how this has affected my health, and what to do

about it?

Will I get better if I move to a less contaminated house? Will it take a

long time? What else will I need to do?



> Why Cherry Juice works


> Hi,

> A lot of people are interesed in Cherry Juice for their aches and

> pains and general good health, here is some research information

> I thought would be of interest:



> Why Cherry Juice Works:




> According to ongoing research, daily consumption of Cherry Juice

> reduces the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. To

> date no other fruit or vegetable has the pain relieving

> properties of Montmorency Cherries. According to research at

> Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan the presence of

> three powerful anthocyanins in Montmorency Cherries prevents

> inflammation.




> A major population of Americans suffers from some form of joint

> disease, including osteoarthritis and gout. Pain from arthritis

> reduces mobility and quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no

> cure. However, there are reasonable natural, and even flavorful,

> methods to managing your arthritis or gout pain. Research has

> taught us that inflammation associated with arthritic disorders

> is the chief cause of discomfort. Foods that decrease

> inflammation can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. In

> particular, the Royal Ridge 100% Montmorency Cherry Juice is a

> leader among foods that possess anti-inflammatory properties. The

> key is consistency. Make drinking cherry juice a part of your

> healthy eating plan every day.


> Bioactive anthocyanins (pigments) present in cherry juice from

> Montmorency tart cherries are the powerhouses that help relieve

> inflammation. As an added bonus, these same anthocyanins may

> significantly reduce your risk for colon cancer, the third

> leading cancer in America.


> Cherry juice from tart cherries contain flavonoid compounds that

> function in the same manner as NSAIDs and can inhibit both COX

> enzymes. However, research also shows that flavonoids can protect

> against stomach damage, unlike their NSAID counterparts.


> When pain from arthritis and gout strikes the body, most people

> don’t care how their medicine works, as long as it does work.

> What many pain sufferers take for granted is the complex chemical

> process that allows their pain medication to work. It’s the same

> chemistry of the cherry juice contents that is making tart

> cherries and cherry juice concentrates the preferred “medication”

> for a booming generation of pain sufferers


> The high levels of antioxidants found in cherries, particularly

> melatonin, provide a protective function and prevent unwanted

> symptoms. This may make cherry juice and concentrated cherry

> products superior to over the-counter pain relief because

> cherries block pain in the same manner and reduce potential

> side-effects. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice, which meets the

> industries highest standards has become the natural alternative

> for those who no longer wish to take prescription medication such

> as Vioxx. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice comes in a concentrate form,

> by drinking one ounce a day, for only $.043 cents a serving , on

> a regular basis has helped tens of thousands of people gain

> relief from the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis,

> gout and fibromyalgia.




> There is lots of good research and testimonials from individuals

> who have discovered the benefits of Royal Ridge Cherry Juice. Go

> to: http://www.mycherryjuice.com and read the information or

> http://www.echerryjuice.com. I would definitely recommend

> checking into this if you have not heard of the benefits of

> drinking cherry juice.



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Dear,

On the mold allergy, you can get yourself a Biozone

Air purifier for your bedroom, and one for the moldy

basement. You can also wash down surfaces with

bleach, those that you can reach.

Biozone Scientific air purifiers kill mold, house dust,

and pathogens including viruses.

Many Blessings,

Whitneay T. Vanwells Ph.D, C.A.S.

Identity Therapist,

Master Spiritual Healer, & Ayurveda Health Professional

FusionMasters TM Ltd.

And, Leading Spirit Solutions TM Mall:

For Information On Our Phone Counseling Sessions:


For Information On Health, Self-Help Devices, & Radionics:


New Spiritual Healing & Identity Webinar Classes Starting Soon!


-- Why Cherry Juice works


> Hi,

> A lot of people are interesed in Cherry Juice for their aches and

> pains and general good health, here is some research information

> I thought would be of interest:



> Why Cherry Juice Works:




> According to ongoing research, daily consumption of Cherry Juice

> reduces the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. To

> date no other fruit or vegetable has the pain relieving

> properties of Montmorency Cherries. According to research at

> Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan the presence of

> three powerful anthocyanins in Montmorency Cherries prevents

> inflammation.




> A major population of Americans suffers from some form of joint

> disease, including osteoarthritis and gout. Pain from arthritis

> reduces mobility and quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no

> cure. However, there are reasonable natural, and even flavorful,

> methods to managing your arthritis or gout pain. Research has

> taught us that inflammation associated with arthritic disorders

> is the chief cause of discomfort. Foods that decrease

> inflammation can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. In

> particular, the Royal Ridge 100% Montmorency Cherry Juice is a

> leader among foods that possess anti-inflammatory properties. The

> key is consistency. Make drinking cherry juice a part of your

> healthy eating plan every day.


> Bioactive anthocyanins (pigments) present in cherry juice from

> Montmorency tart cherries are the powerhouses that help relieve

> inflammation. As an added bonus, these same anthocyanins may

> significantly reduce your risk for colon cancer, the third

> leading cancer in America.


> Cherry juice from tart cherries contain flavonoid compounds that

> function in the same manner as NSAIDs and can inhibit both COX

> enzymes. However, research also shows that flavonoids can protect

> against stomach damage, unlike their NSAID counterparts.


> When pain from arthritis and gout strikes the body, most people

> don’t care how their medicine works, as long as it does work.

> What many pain sufferers take for granted is the complex chemical

> process that allows their pain medication to work. It’s the same

> chemistry of the cherry juice contents that is making tart

> cherries and cherry juice concentrates the preferred “medication”

> for a booming generation of pain sufferers


> The high levels of antioxidants found in cherries, particularly

> melatonin, provide a protective function and prevent unwanted

> symptoms. This may make cherry juice and concentrated cherry

> products superior to over the-counter pain relief because

> cherries block pain in the same manner and reduce potential

> side-effects. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice, which meets the

> industries highest standards has become the natural alternative

> for those who no longer wish to take prescription medication such

> as Vioxx. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice comes in a concentrate form,

> by drinking one ounce a day, for only $.043 cents a serving , on

> a regular basis has helped tens of thousands of people gain

> relief from the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis,

> gout and fibromyalgia.




> There is lots of good research and testimonials from individuals

> who have discovered the benefits of Royal Ridge Cherry Juice. Go

> to: http://www.mycherryjuice.com and read the information or

> http://www.echerryjuice.com. I would definitely recommend

> checking into this if you have not heard of the benefits of

> drinking cherry juice.



> __________________________________________________


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When I lived back east most everyone where I lived had a mildewy basement.

I didn't know what it was when I first got there, and thought for sure it

was mold. It was not, it was mildew. There is all the difference between

molds and mildew. You don't want to be in a house where there is black mold.

Mildew is a completely separate issue. That is okay as long as you treat

it. And here is what you can do. I would first get a professional to check

it out, you will feel better. Then you might think about doing these

things: get a dehumidifier - leave it run and empty if out often. Get a

good mask, wash down the walls with household bleach or something stronger

that you can get exactly for this purpose at Home Depot. Some say Clorox is

not the thing to use. When the walls are completely dry, you paint a

protective surface on them, and do that every time you see mold coming

through. As a general maintenance, you paint with this particular substance

again, that you can get from Home Depot to secure the mold from coming

through. It stops it in its tracks! Then all you have to do is keep the

dehumidifier going in the humid or wet weather. When it rains turn it on,

when it is hot and humid turn it on, and any other time you feel it is

necessary. You don't have to move. Just take precautionary measures. For

whole house air purifiers, there are many on the market. But you might get

the basement cleaned up first.


-- RE: mold

Hi Dear,

On the mold allergy, you can get yourself a Biozone

Air purifier for your bedroom, and one for the moldy

basement. You can also wash down surfaces with

bleach, those that you can reach.

Biozone Scientific air purifiers kill mold, house dust,

and pathogens including viruses.

Many Blessings,

Whitneay T. Vanwells Ph.D, C.A.S.

Identity Therapist,

Master Spiritua

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Try this it works

The Odatus® Immune System for Buildings




2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'><font

style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'><hr color=#A0C6E5


From: <i> & quot;Ann Greenberger & quot;

& lt;greenline@... & gt;</i><br>Reply-To:

<i> </i><br>To:

<i> & lt; & gt;</i><br>Subject:

<i>RE: mold</i><br>Date: <i>Fri, 23 Sep 2005

10:31:37 -0400</i><br>




& quot;You can ask me & quot; mentioned being contaminated with mold for years.

I've just<br>

started to think that could be me. I posted recently about a moldy


and forced hot air heat. I think I've been breathing this for the 8


I've lived here.<br>


What should I know about how this has affected my health, and what to do<br>

about it?<br>


Will I get better if I move to a less contaminated house? Will it take a<br>

long time? What else will I need to do?<br>









& gt; Why Cherry Juice works<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Hi,<br>

& gt; A lot of people are interesed in Cherry Juice for their aches and<br>

& gt; pains and general good health, here is some research information<br>

& gt; I thought would be of interest:<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Why Cherry Juice Works:<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; According to ongoing research, daily consumption of Cherry Juice<br>

& gt; reduces the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. To<br>

& gt; date no other fruit or vegetable has the pain relieving<br>

& gt; properties of Montmorency Cherries. According to research at<br>

& gt; Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan the presence of<br>

& gt; three powerful anthocyanins in Montmorency Cherries prevents<br>

& gt; inflammation.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; A major population of Americans suffers from some form of joint<br>

& gt; disease, including osteoarthritis and gout. Pain from arthritis<br>

& gt; reduces mobility and quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no<br>

& gt; cure. However, there are reasonable natural, and even flavorful,<br>

& gt; methods to managing your arthritis or gout pain. Research has<br>

& gt; taught us that inflammation associated with arthritic disorders<br>

& gt; is the chief cause of discomfort. Foods that decrease<br>

& gt; inflammation can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. In<br>

& gt; particular, the Royal Ridge 100% Montmorency Cherry Juice is a<br>

& gt; leader among foods that possess anti-inflammatory properties. The<br>

& gt; key is consistency. Make drinking cherry juice a part of your<br>

& gt; healthy eating plan every day.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Bioactive anthocyanins (pigments) present in cherry juice from<br>

& gt; Montmorency tart cherries are the powerhouses that help relieve<br>

& gt; inflammation. As an added bonus, these same anthocyanins may<br>

& gt; significantly reduce your risk for colon cancer, the third<br>

& gt; leading cancer in America.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; Cherry juice from tart cherries contain flavonoid compounds that<br>

& gt; function in the same manner as NSAIDs and can inhibit both COX<br>

& gt; enzymes. However, research also shows that flavonoids can protect<br>

& gt; against stomach damage, unlike their NSAID counterparts.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; When pain from arthritis and gout strikes the body, most people<br>

& gt; don’t care how their medicine works, as long as it does work.<br>

& gt; What many pain sufferers take for granted is the complex chemical<br>

& gt; process that allows their pain medication to work. It’s the same<br>

& gt; chemistry of the cherry juice contents that is making tart<br>

& gt; cherries and cherry juice concentrates the preferred “medication”<br>

& gt; for a booming generation of pain sufferers<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; The high levels of antioxidants found in cherries, particularly<br>

& gt; melatonin, provide a protective function and prevent unwanted<br>

& gt; symptoms. This may make cherry juice and concentrated cherry<br>

& gt; products superior to over the-counter pain relief because<br>

& gt; cherries block pain in the same manner and reduce potential<br>

& gt; side-effects. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice, which meets the<br>

& gt; industries highest standards has become the natural alternative<br>

& gt; for those who no longer wish to take prescription medication such<br>

& gt; as Vioxx. Royal Ridge Cherry Juice comes in a concentrate form,<br>

& gt; by drinking one ounce a day, for only $.043 cents a serving , on<br>

& gt; a regular basis has helped tens of thousands of people gain<br>

& gt; relief from the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis,<br>

& gt; gout and fibromyalgia.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; There is lots of good research and testimonials from individuals<br>

& gt; who have discovered the benefits of Royal Ridge Cherry Juice. Go<br>

& gt; to: <a

href= " http://www.mycherryjuice.com " >http://www.mycherryjuice.com</a> and

read the information or<br>

& gt; <a href= " http://www.echerryjuice.com. " >http://www.echerryjuice.com.</a>

I would definitely recommend<br>

& gt; checking into this if you have not heard of the benefits of<br>

& gt; drinking cherry juice.<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt;<br>

& gt; __________________________________________________<br>

& gt;

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