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In a message dated 5/16/01 6:07:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

susuw@... writes:

<< Guess I need to sharpen the points on my pointy shoes, huh? >>

Yep susan, I'm gonna go get me a NEW pair!!! And this New year will just

start in JUNE!!!


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Bless your heart, when it rains it pours. Did they at least say how long it

would be before the test results came back??

My daughter had mono and I know how bad they can feel from that.

You sure have your hands full girl. I pray you get some peace soon from all

your worries. God knows, you deserve it.

Please let us know when you find out what's wrong with . I will be

saying special prayers for you in the mean time.

If you need me , I'm here, OK?



They dont know what's wrong with . Are

testing her for lymphoma and mono. Told her to take motrin and use heat on

all the swollen glands. If she isn't better in 2-3 WEEKS to come back.

Sorry, i'm not waiting 2-3 weeks.

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YES WE ARE!!!! Love your attitude . You are something else.

But weren't we suppose to kick RP out the door this year??????? LOL

Guess I need to sharpen the points on my pointy shoes, huh?



Hey, we were all going to kick this RP out the door in jan 2001......Well I

just feel it ....and June 1st will be the start for all good things..!! The

next 6 months will be as good as the last 6 months were bad. LOL

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Did go to the ER.? What's with these doctors?

So are you going back on the Imuran?

I'll take some of that heat if you would like to share. LOL

We had a high of 60 and drizzle all day.



> Well guys, I'm home again.... They dont know what's wrong with .


> testing her for lymphoma and mono. Told her to take motrin and use heat


> all the swollen glands. If she isn't better in 2-3 WEEKS to come back.

> Sorry, i'm not waiting 2-3 weeks. Poor thing, she is in so much pain.

> Didn't say much about the menengitis. Guess the nurse was out of place to

> tell her that. Her neck is so stiff though. This dr she saw was in a


> hurry. I tried my best to get answers and couldn't. Will see what the

> blood tests show. Maybe just a virus or some weird thing.


> My PCp's nurse called me and told me that the dr wanted me to go up on my

> Imuran to 100mg......?????? HE took me off of it about a month ago!!!

> Asked if I should start over on 50mg and she didn't have a clue...said she

> would call me back. Still haven't heard.


> As you can tell, I've pretty much had it today with drs. LOL Rich has


> sleeping all day, don't know if it's from the meds or the depression. Dr.

> changed his meds again this morning. Geez......I just know things will


> back to some kind of normal soon. LOL


> It is hot and windy here today. If I had the energy, I'd go work in the

> yard, might still. But with the water rationing, I have to wait till


> 6pm and can only water on M, W, and Fridays. LOL Between the rolling


> outs and the water problems, can't wait til summer. LOL


> Hope everyone is having a good day... I just know each day will get better

> for us from today on...:))))


> hugs to you all











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Well, you can just bring those pointy shoes to my house and give this old RP

a good kick in the " you know where " .


> In a message dated 5/16/01 6:07:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> susuw@... writes:


> << Guess I need to sharpen the points on my pointy shoes, huh? >>

> Yep susan, I'm gonna go get me a NEW pair!!! And this New year will just

> start in JUNE!!!


> hugs











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Gad you are having a hell of a time. I would take someplace

else. Damn doctors. When are you suppose to get tests back?

I'm so sorry you are going through such a bad time. Some days its just best

to get outside and escape from reality for awhile. Yesterday was such a nice

day I sat on the deck " nude " and soaked up rays. Luckily no one can see me or

the neighbors would think I was a beached whale. Dermy told me to get sun.

You take care of YOU....Sue

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Tell and Rich that they are in my thoughts and prayers. For you I am

sending extra prayers. Please take care of yourself and don't let all this get

you down. I know it is hard but I am right there pulling with you!

Take Care!

Lots of Love



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  • 1 month later...
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I am so sorry about your accident. I hope everything goes well with



> Hello Group,


> I wanted to update everyone on what is happening in my life and my

> future research plans. Everything has been placed on hold for the

> last month and a half. I was in a bad accident in mid-May. I

> fractured my right forearm, damaged my elbow joint, and re-injured


> right rotator cuff. I have not told many people because I was


> to be fixed after my first surgery. I was not. I have been laid


> this entire time. I have my second surgery tomorrow, July 10th. I

> will be in a full arm cast for four to five weeks but should be


> to new after some rehab. My wife has been trying her best to reply

> to all of the emails, but has fallen behind. Now she is just


> all of the emails for me to answer once I am well again.


> Before I was injured, Pascoe and I were trying our best to


> up two different chat rooms for rosacea sufferers (one time for

> sufferers in the US and another time for international sufferers in

> different time zones). We will resume this once I have started

> rehab. We are both open to suggestions about the best chat room

> locations and times to conduct the discussions.


> I have been in close contact with two laser physicians who are

> considering writing a major journal article about the medical

> necessity of laser treatment for moderate to severe rosacea


> or patients with severe facial flushing and skin burning


> This medical article could be extremely helpful in getting


> companies to cover or reimburse laser therapy. These physicians


> stressed two concerns though. First, they are private practice

> physicians who don't have experience in writing major medical


> articles. Second, they are concerned about alienating other laser

> practitioners because right now laser treatment is paid directly


> of the pockets of rosacea sufferers (versus the hassles that

> physicians have to go through to get money from insurance


> In order to help make sure that this article gets published, I have

> sent them dozens of medical articles on rosacea flushing and


> sensations. I have also offered to help write most of the article


> take pressure off of them. I have tried to make them understand


> rosacea sufferers desperately need this type of medical article.

> Hopefully this will come to fruition.


> I have also recruited two physicians (and possibly a third one) to

> test topical nitric oxide inhibitors on rosacea sufferers. These

> physicians would then write articles about the effectiveness and

> safety of these topical medications in the treatment of rosacea

> symptoms. If there are no adverse reactions then these physicians

> would continue to treat patients under close supervision. We do


> need to wait 6 to 7 years for FDA approval and pharmaceutical

> companies to develop these products. We can start treatment and

> research tomorrow. The only problem is that Sigma Chemicals, the

> only company that makes medical grade nitric oxide inhibitors


> & LNAME), only sells this blocker to biomedical research


> So, I am trying to figure out how to get these substances from my


> to the physicians. It has to be bought through my grant money and

> usage is closely monitored. We will figure a way around this once


> go back to work. I am also going to figure out how to make


> nitric oxide blockers available for testing and treatment. They


> quite insoluble and only dissolve in special alcohol mixtures. Two

> new neuronal blockers have recently been developed that are more

> soluble. We shall soon see.


> Once I am better, I am going to become quite active again on the

> Internet, re-join various support groups, add lots of information


> my web site, and start my quarterly newsletter. The first thing


> I am going to do is set up a page on my web site to gather


> (names) of rosacea sufferers to support Pascoe. I am

> nominating him to be on the NRS Grant Committee as an independent

> rosacea sufferer to relay our appreciation for the current


> our many concerns, and our future hopes. This is a way that we can

> use 's support group (i.e. you guys) constructively to make a

> difference. We are the ones who have given the NRS 90% of their

> grant money, so we should have some influence or say in the


> to be funded. I would like to gather at least 5,000 names and will

> submit a letter of nomination to the Grant Board. We can make a

> difference.


> Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who purchased my book for

> supporting my research. It really does make a huge difference in


> I can devote my time and energy. I would also like to relay that


> of the beginning kinks in shipping have been smoothed out. I will

> also be adding our shipper's toll-free number to my web site for

> anyone who has questions about delivery (1-, Tim Urda).



> Talk to everyone soon,



> Geoffrey


> =================


> Dr. Geoffrey Nase

> Ph.D. Microvascular Physiologist

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  • 10 months later...
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Hang in there. You are in allot of peoples prayers.



Hello to all,

I am still having a hard time, but am checking in as I can. I am still not up

to answering all my mail. I apologise.

Thank you for all of your hard work. Thank you, too, for your thoughts.


Karyn E. , RN

Founder / President

Pancreatitis Association Intl.


3rd Annual International Symposium on Pancreatitis


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Cheryl,

somehow Yahoo snipped off your name from the signature :-((

Great to hear that Jake is doing so well overall, at least until June.

At the very beginning we alternated labs from the clinic and from our

ped. Three times the ped's lab cultured for only 48 hours because " we

have always done it this way and won't change it for a child with

CF " . Three times they found nothing. On the other hand the clinic's

lab cultured the throat swabs for at least one week. Three times they

found staph and once h.flu. After that we were convinced that

cultures have to grow for a week to get proper results.

Contamination of cultures has been reported by others in the past, I

think it has never happened to us. A mix-up would be a bad mistake, I

hope there is another explanation for Jake's changing lab results.

Nice to have seen a message from you after a long time, please keep

us updated.



> Hi, I hope everyone has been having a better summer than

me. I feel

> totally stressed out, and ready to explode. I hope some of your

words of

> wisdom will help. :) So far, my son Jake -w/cf has been in pretty


> health. He is an active crazy 2 1/2 year old, and never stops for

a second.

> He only coughs when he has a cold, which isn't that often, and he

is in the

> 50% percentile for weight, and 75% percentile for height. He is

such a

> pleasure and his smile brightens up my whole day. I love him too



> Anyways, in June he caught bronchitus from me. And in July-

it showed

> he cultured pseudomonas for the first time. And after his first


> inhalations, he cultured -MRSA, and Ecoli? , not

psuedomonas????? I

> wonder if they could get labs mixed up/and /or contaminated them.


> he just went in for a hernia operation a week after the last sputum


> tests, and the results aren't in. (so they tell me, I don't

believe them-it

> was done last Thursday in the operating room)

> But, The nurse at the hospital told us the samples were not

growing anything

> after 48 hours. So why can't the dr's office tell us anything now,

a week

> later?


> Anyways, during his procedure, they inserted a PIC line. And

> currently he is on IV meds. (TOBI, and maxipine [at the hospital

they gave

> him 5 doses of vancomycin.)


> My question, how long does hospital's let the bacteria

grow? Does

> anyone have any experience with messed up labs, and any other

comments of

> support or advice?


> thanks,

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HI, I too wonder about the labs. They usually take 3-7 days to grow staph

bacteria. When Traci was in the hosp. in December '01 she cultured for MRSA,

Last week she went in again and the labs came back with no staph bacteria at

all. She ALWAYS cultures for psuedomones. Traci is not a cougher either. We

always have to do a throat swab, unless she is under, and that hasn't been

for two and a half years. She is on Tobra and Cefepime IV now.

We only go in the hosp. for 3 days to get a Tobra level and then come home on

IVs. I hate being around all the sick kids. Traci has to stay in her room

since she cultered MRSA and that is like prison. Much more relaxed at home.


Mom to Traci 7w/cf and 11w/ocf

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now (but

Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)

YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how high your

#'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie since I had a

negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen numbers that

high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some reading

and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby early

on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't have had

anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)

----- Original Message -----

Well things are going well for us.

I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.

We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

don't have to cook! ;)

News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this might

be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get the

first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


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I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now (but

Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)

YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how high your

#'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie since I had a

negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen numbers that

high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some reading

and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby early

on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't have had

anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)

----- Original Message -----

Well things are going well for us.

I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.

We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

don't have to cook! ;)

News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this might

be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get the

first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


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I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now (but

Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)

YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how high your

#'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie since I had a

negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen numbers that

high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some reading

and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby early

on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't have had

anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)

----- Original Message -----

Well things are going well for us.

I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.

We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

don't have to cook! ;)

News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this might

be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get the

first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


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*The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) *

LOL That's what I thought when they said WOW, you are really

pregnant. As opposed to????? ;) I'm really hoping this is a twin

pregnancy. My friend probably won't do this again since it is so

much money. At first she didn't want twins, but now she is really

hoping it is!

Isn't amazing how things work how they should- you having only 1 baby

instead of twins! Doesn't always make it easy at the time, but God

knows! :)


> I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now


> Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)


> YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how

high your

> #'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie

since I had a

> negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW

you are

> really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen

numbers that

> high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some


> and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby


> on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't

have had

> anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)



> ----- Original Message -----


> Well things are going well for us.

> I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

> probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

> think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

> visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

> only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

> hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

> didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

> lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

> hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

> Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

> house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.


> We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

> don't have to cook! ;)


> News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this


> be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

> pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

> the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

> leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

> Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

> about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

> twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get


> first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


> Trish





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*The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) *

LOL That's what I thought when they said WOW, you are really

pregnant. As opposed to????? ;) I'm really hoping this is a twin

pregnancy. My friend probably won't do this again since it is so

much money. At first she didn't want twins, but now she is really

hoping it is!

Isn't amazing how things work how they should- you having only 1 baby

instead of twins! Doesn't always make it easy at the time, but God

knows! :)


> I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now


> Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)


> YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how

high your

> #'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie

since I had a

> negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW

you are

> really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen

numbers that

> high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some


> and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby


> on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't

have had

> anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)



> ----- Original Message -----


> Well things are going well for us.

> I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

> probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

> think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

> visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

> only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

> hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

> didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

> lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

> hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

> Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

> house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.


> We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

> don't have to cook! ;)


> News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this


> be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

> pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

> the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

> leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

> Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

> about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

> twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get


> first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


> Trish





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*The lab tech came out and said WOW you are

really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) *

LOL That's what I thought when they said WOW, you are really

pregnant. As opposed to????? ;) I'm really hoping this is a twin

pregnancy. My friend probably won't do this again since it is so

much money. At first she didn't want twins, but now she is really

hoping it is!

Isn't amazing how things work how they should- you having only 1 baby

instead of twins! Doesn't always make it easy at the time, but God

knows! :)


> I'm sorry about Sam. My allergies are really bothering me right now


> Drew seems to be handling things ok. go figure! LOL)


> YEAH on the pregnancy test. It made me laugh when you said how

high your

> #'s were. I had a blood test to confirm pregnancy with Mattie

since I had a

> negative urine test with Drew. The lab tech came out and said WOW

you are

> really pregnant (is there a sort of pregnant?) He hadn't seen

numbers that

> high before. I can't remember what they were but I have done some


> and I think I was pregnant with twins with Mattie and lost one baby


> on. That's ok though :-) If we would have had twins we wouldn't

have had

> anymore children and we wouldn't have an :-)



> ----- Original Message -----


> Well things are going well for us.

> I'm really getting a good look at what Sam's sesonal allergies are

> probably going to mean for us. He has started coughing again and I

> think it asthma stuff kicking in b/c of allergies. :( We went to

> visit my Granparents house for the long weekend (6hrs away) and were

> only able to stay for 24hrs! They had neighbors that were cutting

> hay and grasses and it was really causing Sam major problems. I

> didn't even think to take the neubulizer since he hasn't needed it

> lately. So I wasn't willing to take the risk of ending up in the

> hospital will breathing problems. So we cut our trip very short!

> Back home he started clearing up almost the instant we walked in the

> house. So now I at least have a clue what this will be like.


> We will go over to MIL's tonight for a BBQ. It should be fun and I

> don't have to cook! ;)


> News on me- I can't remember last time I posted so some of this


> be a repeat. I went in on Thurs. for a blood test to see if I was

> pregnant or not (which I knew I was, but they needed numbers). So

> the beta results came back and I am pregnant. I asked about the

> leves and they want wanted me above 50 and I was 226! So I went in

> Sat. morning and did another test and they wanted that 226 to be up

> about 70% (so almost 400) and I was 874! I'm pretty sure it is

> twins, but we won't know forsure until the 5th or 6th when we get


> first ultrasound! I'm feeling good- but tired! ;)


> Trish





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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did you start at?

I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are similiar except I have asthma.

I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I started at 270. What area are you from? Hope

to hear from you soon.



HI everyone :)

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is Wow! I

will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing. I

have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been feeling

really good.

I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were floored.

They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since. Everyone

was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and this

time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood pressure

medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past Friday

to say everything was normal!

I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole process.

I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was not

diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a matter

of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only problems

were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as severe

or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and hung

out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last summer. I

didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and I

had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated myself to

manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I deserved

to be pampered.

I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep exercising

as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and have

been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11 pm.

I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for others

or vise versa. I still have much to learn.

For those of you who are considering surgery or have been approved

and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What have I

done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the dictionary

and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior to

surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op testing, I

came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever was

pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was still

so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

physically and mentally that you made the right choice.

I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will upload my

before and after pictures.

04/08/03 open RNY

-77 lbs

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Guest guest


Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did you start at?

I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are similiar except I have asthma.

I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I started at 270. What area are you from? Hope

to hear from you soon.



HI everyone :)

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is Wow! I

will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing. I

have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been feeling

really good.

I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were floored.

They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since. Everyone

was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and this

time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood pressure

medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past Friday

to say everything was normal!

I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole process.

I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was not

diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a matter

of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only problems

were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as severe

or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and hung

out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last summer. I

didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and I

had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated myself to

manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I deserved

to be pampered.

I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep exercising

as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and have

been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11 pm.

I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for others

or vise versa. I still have much to learn.

For those of you who are considering surgery or have been approved

and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What have I

done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the dictionary

and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior to

surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op testing, I

came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever was

pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was still

so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

physically and mentally that you made the right choice.

I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will upload my

before and after pictures.

04/08/03 open RNY

-77 lbs

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Guest guest


Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did you start at?

I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are similiar except I have asthma.

I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I started at 270. What area are you from? Hope

to hear from you soon.



HI everyone :)

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is Wow! I

will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing. I

have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been feeling

really good.

I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were floored.

They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since. Everyone

was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and this

time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood pressure

medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past Friday

to say everything was normal!

I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole process.

I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was not

diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a matter

of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only problems

were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as severe

or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and hung

out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last summer. I

didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and I

had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated myself to

manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I deserved

to be pampered.

I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep exercising

as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and have

been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11 pm.

I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for others

or vise versa. I still have much to learn.

For those of you who are considering surgery or have been approved

and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What have I

done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the dictionary

and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior to

surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op testing, I

came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever was

pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was still

so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

physically and mentally that you made the right choice.

I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will upload my

before and after pictures.

04/08/03 open RNY

-77 lbs

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Guest guest

Hey ,

77 pounds is incredible! Congratulations!! I didn't think it was

possible to lose that much in four months. If you don't mind my

asking, how much did you weigh when you had the surgery?

I got a laugh out of reading that you sat by the pool with the

attitude of a princess - you go girl!

Keep up the good work,


> Cary,

> Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did

you start at? I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are

similiar except I have asthma. I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I

started at 270. What area are you from? Hope to hear from you soon.

> Stacey

> Update



> HI everyone :)


> Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is

Wow! I

> will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing.


> have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been


> really good.


> I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were


> They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since.


> was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and


> time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood


> medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

> Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past


> to say everything was normal!


> I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole


> I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was


> diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a


> of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only


> were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

> Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

> active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

> anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as


> or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

> body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and


> out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last

summer. I

> didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and


> had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

> start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated

myself to

> manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I


> to be pampered.


> I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep


> as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

> deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

> experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and


> been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11


> I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for


> or vise versa. I still have much to learn.


> For those of you who are considering surgery or have been


> and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What

have I

> done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the


> and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior


> surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op

testing, I

> came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever


> pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was


> so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

> normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

> physically and mentally that you made the right choice.


> I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will

upload my

> before and after pictures.




> 04/08/03 open RNY

> -77 lbs




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Guest guest

Hey ,

77 pounds is incredible! Congratulations!! I didn't think it was

possible to lose that much in four months. If you don't mind my

asking, how much did you weigh when you had the surgery?

I got a laugh out of reading that you sat by the pool with the

attitude of a princess - you go girl!

Keep up the good work,


> Cary,

> Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did

you start at? I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are

similiar except I have asthma. I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I

started at 270. What area are you from? Hope to hear from you soon.

> Stacey

> Update



> HI everyone :)


> Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is

Wow! I

> will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing.


> have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been


> really good.


> I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were


> They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since.


> was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and


> time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood


> medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

> Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past


> to say everything was normal!


> I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole


> I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was


> diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a


> of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only


> were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

> Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

> active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

> anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as


> or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

> body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and


> out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last

summer. I

> didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and


> had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

> start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated

myself to

> manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I


> to be pampered.


> I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep


> as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

> deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

> experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and


> been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11


> I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for


> or vise versa. I still have much to learn.


> For those of you who are considering surgery or have been


> and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What

have I

> done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the


> and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior


> surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op

testing, I

> came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever


> pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was


> so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

> normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

> physically and mentally that you made the right choice.


> I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will

upload my

> before and after pictures.




> 04/08/03 open RNY

> -77 lbs




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Guest guest

Hey ,

77 pounds is incredible! Congratulations!! I didn't think it was

possible to lose that much in four months. If you don't mind my

asking, how much did you weigh when you had the surgery?

I got a laugh out of reading that you sat by the pool with the

attitude of a princess - you go girl!

Keep up the good work,


> Cary,

> Hi! congratulations on the new and improved you. What weight did

you start at? I am also the same age as you and my comorbs are

similiar except I have asthma. I had the open RNY on 7/7 and I

started at 270. What area are you from? Hope to hear from you soon.

> Stacey

> Update



> HI everyone :)


> Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is

Wow! I

> will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing.


> have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been


> really good.


> I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were


> They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since.


> was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and


> time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood


> medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

> Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past


> to say everything was normal!


> I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole


> I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was


> diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a


> of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only


> were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

> Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

> active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

> anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as


> or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

> body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and


> out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last

summer. I

> didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and


> had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

> start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated

myself to

> manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I


> to be pampered.


> I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep


> as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

> deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

> experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and


> been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11


> I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for


> or vise versa. I still have much to learn.


> For those of you who are considering surgery or have been


> and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What

have I

> done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the


> and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior


> surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op

testing, I

> came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever


> pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was


> so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

> normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

> physically and mentally that you made the right choice.


> I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will

upload my

> before and after pictures.




> 04/08/03 open RNY

> -77 lbs




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Guest guest

WOW!! That was a great testimony!! It said so much. I am considering this

surgery and your email helped alot.




HI everyone :)

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is Wow! I

will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing. I

have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been feeling

really good.

I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were floored.

They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since. Everyone

was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and this

time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood pressure

medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past Friday

to say everything was normal!

I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole process.

I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was not

diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a matter

of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only problems

were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as severe

or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and hung

out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last summer. I

didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and I

had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated myself to

manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I deserved

to be pampered.

I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep exercising

as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and have

been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11 pm.

I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for others

or vise versa. I still have much to learn.

For those of you who are considering surgery or have been approved

and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What have I

done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the dictionary

and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior to

surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op testing, I

came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever was

pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was still

so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

physically and mentally that you made the right choice.

I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will upload my

before and after pictures.

04/08/03 open RNY

-77 lbs

Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest guest

WOW!! That was a great testimony!! It said so much. I am considering this

surgery and your email helped alot.




HI everyone :)

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer. All I can say is Wow! I

will be 4 months out this Friday and this tool is truly amazing. I

have to say I am still learning the ropes, but I have been feeling

really good.

I went in for my yearly checkup at my OB/Gyn and they were floored.

They knew I was having surgery, but haven't seen me since. Everyone

was very supportive and estatic. My blood pressure was down and this

time last year my doctor and I discussed putting me on blood pressure

medication (I'm 29). They did a full blood workup (Cholesterol,

Glucose, you name it) and my doctor's nurse called this past Friday

to say everything was normal!

I feel truly blessed and so very fourtunate about this whole process.

I walked into this surgery with no major co-morbidities, I was not

diabetic, no joint problems etc, although I knew it was only a matter

of time before I would be plagued by those things. My only problems

were depression/social anxiety disorder and Poly-Cystic Ovarian

Disorder, headaches and back pain. I have always tried to stay

active. Today, I walk for an hour at least 5 days a week, the

anxiety attacks I would experience prior to surgery are not as severe

or frequent, as many days I would feel like a prisoner in my own

body. I went on a vacation with my family this past week, and hung

out by the pool in a bathing suit that was skin tight last summer. I

didn't care if I was the biggest person out there (I wasn't) and I

had the attitude of a princess! I plan on joining a gym so I can

start using free weights, and get a trainer. I have treated myself to

manicures and pedicures. 77 pounds ago, I didn't feel like I deserved

to be pampered.

I have learned in the past 4 months that you have to keep exercising

as it is vital to making the tool work. Carbs are from the 4th

deminsion of hell :) I am trying to stay away from bread. I

experience head hunger in the worst way especially at night and have

been trying to go to bed earlier as it seems to hit me around 11 pm.

I have also learned that what may work for me may not work for others

or vise versa. I still have much to learn.

For those of you who are considering surgery or have been approved

and are freaking out, or are newly post-op and thinking " What have I

done? " I went through it. Look up " freaking out " in the dictionary

and you will see my picture. I had horrible panic attacks prior to

surgery and questioned what I was doing. The day of pre-op testing, I

came home and cried. The day of surgery I was the calmest I ever was

pre-op. When I got home I was so relieved it was over, but was still

so overwhelmed and had no idea if I was coming or going. This is

normal, and I promise as each day goes by you will feel better

physically and mentally that you made the right choice.

I still have much to lose, but 77 lbs is a load off! I will upload my

before and after pictures.

04/08/03 open RNY

-77 lbs

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