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Dear Darcy,

I am sorry if it seems as though I do not listen. I do listen. I have stated

many many times that I was also diagnosed with IBS. Yes at first I responded

badly to some of the fruits and veggies. It was very painful. But I truly

believed that fruits and veggies were far better for me than my diet had been,

so I stayed the course. Now I have no symptoms of IBS. Maybe that is why it

seems that I didn't listen because I still push the diet to those with IBS.

I do not agree that what works for some will not work for others. I am sorry

but I do not believe that. I believe that fruits and veggies have all the

necessary vitamins our bodies need to fight off anything that comes our way.

Yes I do push this over and over. Why? Because I care that there are others in

this world who are still suffering from these horrible illnesses. I am sorry if

this is offensive to others. It is not my desire to offend anyone. But I

cannot go on with my life (Now that it is wonderful and symptom free) and not

share how I got here with others. I realize that many people will not accept

what I have to say, and I have no problem with that. But I do have a problem

with others shooting it down and saying it will not work for them without giving

it a 100% effort. This I cannot understand. I spent 6 years after being

diagnosed trying to find anything that would make me better. Nothing worked.

Until now.

There are a few people here who is going to give it a try....and I am thrilled

beyond belief. I will stay in this group to support them:) If you do not like

what I have to say why do you read my posts? I do wish you the best in life,

Darcy, truly I do. I do not mean to upset you at all. I talk about what worked

for me, I would be lying if I said It didn't matter to me whether you do the

lifestyle change, it does matter to me. I would not want you to suffer one more

day with these dreaded illnesses....and that is why I am here.

Darcy Stockstill wrote:

mickness36 wrote:

> I am so sorry that you lost your mother to cancer. That must of been, and I

am sure still is, very hard on you. I believe diet change is critical for

optimum health. I speak of it often here, in fact that is what I mainly speak

about. It cannot hurt to make a diet change, it can only help. I share my

testimony here because I think it would help all. I am getting the feeling that

I have become offensive to people here. I never meant to cause > others to get


Thank you for your sympathy in my mom's death. I would agree that a

good diet is much better than a bad diet. I can not speak for others,

but what is irritating to me is that you don't seem to be listening to

us in return. Several of us have mentioned that we can not handle a raw

fruit/veggie diet, and after trying exercise, we found it made us worst,

not better. From my perspective, you don't seem to hear this, and

insist that it would work for us if we only tried it. It gets

frustrating when someone comes along with something that has greatly

helped them, and insists it's the one true way, we need to do it without

listening to us and hearing what we're saying. I don't think you need

to leave. I wish you would hear what I and others have said, and accept

our points of view too. I also think that anyone who is going to try a

specialized diet, needs to either talk to their doctor or a nutritionist

to make sure they are getting everything they need, like some of the B

vitamins and amino acids necessary for good health.

This is my personal view and not any kind of official view.



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Guest guest

Dear Darcy,

I am sorry if it seems as though I do not listen. I do listen. I have stated

many many times that I was also diagnosed with IBS. Yes at first I responded

badly to some of the fruits and veggies. It was very painful. But I truly

believed that fruits and veggies were far better for me than my diet had been,

so I stayed the course. Now I have no symptoms of IBS. Maybe that is why it

seems that I didn't listen because I still push the diet to those with IBS.

I do not agree that what works for some will not work for others. I am sorry

but I do not believe that. I believe that fruits and veggies have all the

necessary vitamins our bodies need to fight off anything that comes our way.

Yes I do push this over and over. Why? Because I care that there are others in

this world who are still suffering from these horrible illnesses. I am sorry if

this is offensive to others. It is not my desire to offend anyone. But I

cannot go on with my life (Now that it is wonderful and symptom free) and not

share how I got here with others. I realize that many people will not accept

what I have to say, and I have no problem with that. But I do have a problem

with others shooting it down and saying it will not work for them without giving

it a 100% effort. This I cannot understand. I spent 6 years after being

diagnosed trying to find anything that would make me better. Nothing worked.

Until now.

There are a few people here who is going to give it a try....and I am thrilled

beyond belief. I will stay in this group to support them:) If you do not like

what I have to say why do you read my posts? I do wish you the best in life,

Darcy, truly I do. I do not mean to upset you at all. I talk about what worked

for me, I would be lying if I said It didn't matter to me whether you do the

lifestyle change, it does matter to me. I would not want you to suffer one more

day with these dreaded illnesses....and that is why I am here.

Darcy Stockstill wrote:

mickness36 wrote:

> I am so sorry that you lost your mother to cancer. That must of been, and I

am sure still is, very hard on you. I believe diet change is critical for

optimum health. I speak of it often here, in fact that is what I mainly speak

about. It cannot hurt to make a diet change, it can only help. I share my

testimony here because I think it would help all. I am getting the feeling that

I have become offensive to people here. I never meant to cause > others to get


Thank you for your sympathy in my mom's death. I would agree that a

good diet is much better than a bad diet. I can not speak for others,

but what is irritating to me is that you don't seem to be listening to

us in return. Several of us have mentioned that we can not handle a raw

fruit/veggie diet, and after trying exercise, we found it made us worst,

not better. From my perspective, you don't seem to hear this, and

insist that it would work for us if we only tried it. It gets

frustrating when someone comes along with something that has greatly

helped them, and insists it's the one true way, we need to do it without

listening to us and hearing what we're saying. I don't think you need

to leave. I wish you would hear what I and others have said, and accept

our points of view too. I also think that anyone who is going to try a

specialized diet, needs to either talk to their doctor or a nutritionist

to make sure they are getting everything they need, like some of the B

vitamins and amino acids necessary for good health.

This is my personal view and not any kind of official view.



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Mick writes > I thank God daily for where I am now:)

Mick, I am happy for you but your diet is really not for everyone. I have

IBS and could no eat all of those fruits and vegetables. We all need to do

what we believe help us. Your diet help you back to a normal life but I have

as normal a life as I want.

Of course, there are time like now, when I am in a major flare because of my

trip to London. Will I do it again, yes? I do my housework, cook, travel,

go to my chili cookoffs and cook and of course, I read. I basically do the

things that I used to do. Slower maybe but I do them.

I do not stay in bed. I am working on getting my books in my computer. There

are about 5,000 of them. I carry the boxes in from the garage. Heavy boxes.

So your way is not my way but your way is right for you and mine is right for

me. We are individuals and we have to find our own way just as you did. I

was diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks back and I have to learn to cook and

eat a different way.

I am 66 and I would not be running around and doing many of the things that

you do. I have neuropathy in my legs and we have tried vitamins and

supplements but there is nothing that can be done.

I no longer run around in circles trying this and trying that. My regime

suits me and I will stay with it.

I hope that you do not leave or have left this list. There are others on the

list that want to try your diet and they will need help. Stay and be there

for them.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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Mick writes > I thank God daily for where I am now:)

Mick, I am happy for you but your diet is really not for everyone. I have

IBS and could no eat all of those fruits and vegetables. We all need to do

what we believe help us. Your diet help you back to a normal life but I have

as normal a life as I want.

Of course, there are time like now, when I am in a major flare because of my

trip to London. Will I do it again, yes? I do my housework, cook, travel,

go to my chili cookoffs and cook and of course, I read. I basically do the

things that I used to do. Slower maybe but I do them.

I do not stay in bed. I am working on getting my books in my computer. There

are about 5,000 of them. I carry the boxes in from the garage. Heavy boxes.

So your way is not my way but your way is right for you and mine is right for

me. We are individuals and we have to find our own way just as you did. I

was diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks back and I have to learn to cook and

eat a different way.

I am 66 and I would not be running around and doing many of the things that

you do. I have neuropathy in my legs and we have tried vitamins and

supplements but there is nothing that can be done.

I no longer run around in circles trying this and trying that. My regime

suits me and I will stay with it.

I hope that you do not leave or have left this list. There are others on the

list that want to try your diet and they will need help. Stay and be there

for them.

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman

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  • 6 months later...

Another road cyclist...last summer while still having alot of what they

" residual " pain from cp I tried riding. I could not keep my up with my

partner, who I have to say is much more experienced than I, however, I used

to be able to 20 miles with no problem. I died the last time I went out

with him. Of course, I wasn't feeling good before I left, but I hate to

give in to the pain. I have been trying to get back in shape with spinning

and it just seems to aggravate my cp. It's kind of hard to describe and I'm

not giving up by any means, I'm trying spinning class tomorrow. But as long

as I don't do the long standing climbs I do ok, and jumps forget it...But

regular riding ok. I have to learn the meaning of the term, take it easy. I

hope you find out what is going on with you soon. Where are you going

tomorrow that you might learn something?


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Hang in there Tami...I know just how you feel. I went for quite a long time

until they did the ERCP to find the blocked duct. But it wasn't fun getting

there as you well know. I try not to think there isn't anything I won't be

able to do. For some people with cp I understand they are in way too much

pain, but I feel fortunate that my story is not nearly as bad as some

peoples'. I had planned on doing 3 rides in my area, one to be my first

century. I was too sick, in fact in the hospital for a couple of them.

Besides that, I will do my best to get back on my bike as soon as it is warm

enough. I love being out on the road. I've also signed up to go rafting in

May. So optimism has it's rewards! Hang in there and let me know what they



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi there.

I have a question about exercise. I've been using a pedal exerciser

for legs and arms. I have alot of neuro problems so use a power

wheelchair most of the time.

I'd like to be able to go swim, but am unable to dress myself alone,

especially after the heat of the therapy pools and changing rooms. It

is so warm I get like a noodle and can't seem to get my body to work.

anyone have any tips for exercise?



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