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In a message dated 12/11/98 9:52:06 AM Central Standard Time, FFBUD@...


<< I also seem to be bothered more at nite after I exercise in the evening. >>

I used to walk a couple of miles every night an hour or so before bedtime for

routine exercise purposes. I stopped due to some knee problems and my RLS is

MUCH better! Coincidence?


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  • 3 months later...
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In a message dated 3/20/99 2:42:28 AM !!!First Boot!!!, beckerk@...


<< I just have a question...does anyone find there rls worse after exercise,

even just a 20 minute brisk walk? I find it twice as bad after any type of

areobic exercise. >>

Yes, I use to take nightly walks for exercise and I found that it aggrevated

my RLS; however, when I ride my bicycle at night, no problems. Go figure, eh?


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In a message dated 3/20/99 2:42:28 AM !!!First Boot!!!, beckerk@...


<< I just have a question...does anyone find there rls worse after exercise,

even just a 20 minute brisk walk? I find it twice as bad after any type of

areobic exercise. >>

Yes, I use to take nightly walks for exercise and I found that it aggrevated

my RLS; however, when I ride my bicycle at night, no problems. Go figure, eh?


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I've noticed that exercise also makes the rls worse, but am not about to

give it up, as it works so well at keeping depression away, not to

mention the pounds. I have moderated my routines however, to include more

upper body and less leg workouts. This has helped somewhat, but I have

put on a few pounds since I stopped jogging (just walk the treadmill with

a slight incline now), and I miss that sweaty runners high, but oh well -

can't have everything.

ne, 59, Lawrenceville, NJ


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ne & group,

After writing earlier this morning (in a fog) and saying how

tired I was, I donned my sweats and went out for a morning run. ne,

you are so right, there is nothing like that " sweaty runner's high " . I

am so thankful that my depression is lifting in time for rhis first day

of spring, and that I now have the desire to get out there and enjoy it.

Exercise (for me, runnning &

walking) is truly a great preventative for that terrible enemy of mine,

depression. Unfortunately, winter weather, illness, injuries, letting

other things consume my time, too often take me away from it. I've also

put back on 10 of the 45 lbs. I've lost since last March, but it's

getting ready to come back off. I say,

" Hello Spring and thank you Lord for a beautiful

day " .

Ninette 51 TN

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  • 6 months later...

recumbent bikes are wonderful because they are easy on your joints and you

can actually read on them....the classified ad route is the way to go: as we

all know...lots of people buy them and never use them again.


(hasn't been to the gym in a week....ARGGG!!!)

Re: i just remembered something important



>Jean - can you get out and walk for even 5 minutes.. even just around

>the house? Fresh air will do wonders! What about getting a baby

>monitor to take with you in case he needs you.. it has a pretty far

>reception.. It really sounds as if you need some time for YOU! And you

>deserve it! Another great idea (which i have) is a recumbent exercise

>bike. Recumbent (if someone doesnt know) is the type where your feet

>are out in front of you, you almost recline a bit. Its easy on your

>joints, very comfortable. I bought my used for $100, but i guess Sears

>has them for around $300.



>>Big and Beutiful is a state of mind, Never let anyone tell you different.

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lol,,,,,i have a treadmill like that too...my ex husband bought it for

me...it was like, merry christmas DON'T YOU THINK YOU MIGHT EXCERCISE A

BIT.....what a backhanded present! It's still living at his house...a 1000

buck coatrack!


>And mine is one of those....Too bad you're not closer to me. It's

>just sitting over at my Mom's place being stored.


>Nat Baker

>Bakers' Little Ranch

>Home Page http://discover-net.net/~nbaker

>Farm for Sale http://discover-net.net/~nbaker/farm.html


>>Big and Beutiful is a state of mind, Never let anyone tell you different.

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lol,,,,,i have a treadmill like that too...my ex husband bought it for

me...it was like, merry christmas DON'T YOU THINK YOU MIGHT EXCERCISE A

BIT.....what a backhanded present! It's still living at his house...a 1000

buck coatrack!


>And mine is one of those....Too bad you're not closer to me. It's

>just sitting over at my Mom's place being stored.


>Nat Baker

>Bakers' Little Ranch

>Home Page http://discover-net.net/~nbaker

>Farm for Sale http://discover-net.net/~nbaker/farm.html


>>Big and Beutiful is a state of mind, Never let anyone tell you different.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Hi welcome newcomer,(whats your name????)

Re exercise. I used to do a lot of weightlifting, but I overdid it, I have

a very small frame and I was lifting weights too heavy for my small muscles

and burned myself out. Didn't know i had CMT then. The weightlifting did

help build up my (upper) legs but not my arms. I still go to the gym

occasionaly but mainly go for the cardio on the stationary bicycles or

eliptical machine.(which by the way is easier on knees). And I do lots of

stretching afterwards.

Lately, I've gone back to swimming (sure takes the pressure off sore

feet). I love the water and I really relax in it after swimming some

lengths for 15-20 mins. I relax by just floating, lying on my back and

relaxing, or I hold my breath and float face down and try to go completely

limp. This feels so peaceful. I feel great after a good swim. I had

swimming lessons in grade 9 and this really helped get over any fears about

deep water.

I would really reccommend aquasize (exercise in the water) as I found

this is a great way to get a good workout without heavy weightbearing.

I no longer walk for more than a few yards because my feet are deformed

from very high arches and claw toes, and it is way too painful to walk on

hard surfaces like pavement and concrete or floors without carpet. But I

think walking is great, especially since it gets you outdoors.

I have tried Yoga and some of the exercises are good, but I don't manage

the standing exercises well, so mainly do just the sitting and lying down

ones. Yoga is also good for deep relaxation.

I also can't wear regular shoes as I need a shoe with a large toe box and

very wide width. I wear New Balance 877 running shoes, theyre very

comfortable and they accomodate my orthotics and have extra cusioning for

the forefoot and heel which I need. but theyre not dress shoes!

Good luck finding the exercise that suits you best, and welcome to this list!.

At 10:32 PM 7/16/2000 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't post

>when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

>today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

>insights. Thanks.


>I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx gave

>me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a zillion

>times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

>point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc. I'm

>sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through the

>ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

>doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least some

>reasonable advice about dealing with it.


>Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics with

>the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to compensate

>for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have others

>had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

>deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

>manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to do a

>lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

>and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.


>The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

>progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

>articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others who

>have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got a

>knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I can

>wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace to

>alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

>case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!


>Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

>time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

>something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome, especially

>re what works with an AFO.


>What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both OTC

>and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema. I

>take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel desperate.

>Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

>working, etc. Any ideas, experience?


>As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

>and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting dead

>from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

>doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

>drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

>weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high



>Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a lot

>on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years ago

>(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the piano

>fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

>things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

>deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.


>BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

>positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

>spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories about

>spines and CMT?


>Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What? With

>my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do without

>causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I do

>sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

>What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!





>Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the rescue.





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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.


> >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through the

> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.


> >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through the

> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.


> >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through the

> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your reply. I'm Carolyn. I'm sure I've been doing a good

deal of trying to not have this disease, therefore overworking,

especially my feet & knees. But having come from a long line of

hypochondriacs (!) it's probably a natural thing. Yesterday I was on

my feet too much, and today I'm paying for it with even poorer

balance. Bummer. Oh, well, it could be worse, and maybe next time

I'll be a bit more cautious. I think I will start the water

exercises. I understand the Arthritis Foundation sponsors a number of

classes here (I'm in San , Texas.) Sounds like fun!

> >Hi, everyone. I guess I did something wrong yesterday and didn't


> >when I thought I did. Then had to run out. So... trying again

> >today. I'm new to the group, but already have gotten some good

> >insights. Thanks.

> >

> >I'm female, 61. Diagnosed about 10 years ago with CMT II. The Dx


> >me answers to really my whole life -- like why I had fallen a


> >times, why I couldn't do sports, why I couldn't get past a certain

> >point in piano playing no matter how hard I tried, etc, etc, etc.

I'm > >sure you know the routine! So the Dx was a good thing. Through


> >ten years I have finally found some (a few) sensitive and informed

> >doctors who know what the thing is, first, and who give at least


> >reasonable advice about dealing with it.

> >

> >Unfortunately I waited way too long (I think) to get orthotics


> >the result that my knees are shot, I think from trying to


> >for pronating feet and simply wearing out in the process. Have


> >had this happen - that the knees are gone, or painful because of

> >deterioration? Really until the knees got so bad, the CMT was

> >manageable. Not good, but manageable. I have just learned not to

do a

> >lot of things, and learned that in fact I can't do a lot of things

> >and it causes me pain or falls or soreness when I do them.

> >

> >The orthotics are good, but foot drop and deadness in one foot has

> >progressed to the point where the orthopedist is recommending an

> >articulating AFO for that foot. I would love to hear from others


> >have that kind of brace. I haven't ordered it yet because I've got


> >knee brace on the other knee and it's a monster. I don't think I


> >wear both at once and expect to walk and must wear the knee brace


> >alleviate pain in the knee. By the way, it's a " G-II Unloader " in

> >case anyone has one. For pain relief it is wonderful!

> >

> >Shoes are a continual problem, especially since I still work full

> >time in a business environment and would like to be able to wear

> >something that's not a boat. Any ideas would be welcome,


> >re what works with an AFO.

> >

> >What do you use for pain? I have found anti-inflammatories, both


> >and prescription, to have so many side effects, especially edema.


> >take a lot of tylenol and a few anti-inflams when I feel


> >Don't want to take a pain killer that knocks me out for driving,

> >working, etc. Any ideas, experience?

> >

> >As far as CMT itself, my feet are the worst. I mentioned pronating

> >and have orthotics which help a good deal. One foot is getting


> >from tips of toes about halfway up the foot. It has feeling, but

> >doesn't work well. Lots of muscle wasting, I guess. Lots of foot

> >drop. The other foot is much better, but the big toe is getting

> >weaker. That's the way the other foot behaved at first. Very high

> >arches.

> >

> >Hands - I see a lot of wasting, but not clawed yet. Still type a


> >on computer keyboard, although I'm not as accurate as a few years


> >(thank goodness for spelling checkers, etc). Can still play the


> >fairly well, although can't do rapid, finger-exercise kinds of

> >things. Must be careful about what I lift. Also, if I type a good

> >deal in a day, my lower arms will ache in the evenings.

> >

> >BTW, my mom (85) has a lighter case of CMT than I, but did test

> >positively for it. However, she has an extreme curvature of the

> >spine. I think it's the CMT and not osteoporosis. Any stories


> >spines and CMT?

> >

> >Finally, what do you do for exercise? Weights? Swim? Walk? What?


> >my knees so shot, I'm having trouble with anything I can do


> >causing myself much pain, except I do have some exercises that I


> >sitting or lying down that were designed for folks with bad knees.

> >What has worked for you? Cheers. I look forward to your replies!

> >

> >

> >

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >Life's too short to send boring email. Let SuperSig come to the


> >http://click.egroups.com/1/6809/13/_/616793/_/963786762/

> >-------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I to have noticed a change in flushing as a result of being in shape

with my exercise routine. I rollerblade about 5 times a week 40

minutes across various grades, hills ect. And the more in shape my

cardio-vascular the less I flush even during trigger times, such as

the commen late-afternoon flush. Also a note exercise builds

tissue...Hello collagen, more oxygen running through the body. But

it's true you need to work up to it as any doctor would say don't

over exert. Although I have had 5tx's and the majority of the

worrisome capillary web is gone so I am not worried as much that I am

contributing to the growth of these facial veins. What does Doctor

Nase say about exercise and being in shape?



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Guest guest

I to have noticed a change in flushing as a result of being in shape

with my exercise routine. I rollerblade about 5 times a week 40

minutes across various grades, hills ect. And the more in shape my

cardio-vascular the less I flush even during trigger times, such as

the commen late-afternoon flush. Also a note exercise builds

tissue...Hello collagen, more oxygen running through the body. But

it's true you need to work up to it as any doctor would say don't

over exert. Although I have had 5tx's and the majority of the

worrisome capillary web is gone so I am not worried as much that I am

contributing to the growth of these facial veins. What does Doctor

Nase say about exercise and being in shape?



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Guest guest

I to have noticed a change in flushing as a result of being in shape

with my exercise routine. I rollerblade about 5 times a week 40

minutes across various grades, hills ect. And the more in shape my

cardio-vascular the less I flush even during trigger times, such as

the commen late-afternoon flush. Also a note exercise builds

tissue...Hello collagen, more oxygen running through the body. But

it's true you need to work up to it as any doctor would say don't

over exert. Although I have had 5tx's and the majority of the

worrisome capillary web is gone so I am not worried as much that I am

contributing to the growth of these facial veins. What does Doctor

Nase say about exercise and being in shape?



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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

I used to go to the gym. Have had a membership since 1998. Even though I am

still a member (until this August), I have not been at the gym since July

2001. The last time wiped me out completely and I have been unable (or maybe

scared?) to try it again.

I definitely cannot do any exercise when I am having this stuff going on.

Just an excursion to the grocery store about kills me. When the pain and

fatigue calm down, I do okay.

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Guest guest

>>>when I try to exercise, I feel WORSE!

I always heard that exercise gives you more energy and makes you feel better.

Well, that has never been the case for me. For as long as I can remember I was

always exhausted after doing my exercise routine. I used free weights for legs &

arms, & crunches and I always did it right before bed. I worked 2nd shift at a

hospital and I would come home exercise, shower and then go to bed. I also drank

caffine and it never wired me. Even when I worked doubles, I drank Mtn. Dew and

it did nothing for me. Not even a sugar high. I guess I am just weird. Well, I

just thought I'd share. Take care everyone!!



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