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HI val, i will do what your telling me about the armour, anyway the endo that

gave me the armour is in the past, I dont want to see him even my own general

doc said that he was no good, and when a doc talks about another doc in this

way you know something is not right, esepcailly when they are both in the same


that endo had put me on armour about 4 months ago, but when my tsh was very

very high

and i had myzedema coma he started me at 100mcg, which was very low, so he

has been keeping me on a very low dose, no wonder a year later after my

myxedema coma I am in worst shape.

the worst thing is that my husband goes to work at 5am and i stay alone and

I get so scared when I get dizzy that I get a panic attack, thinking that i am

going to get sick while alone with my 2 girls, I am telling you this is a

nightmare :( as if you guys odnt already know. aghh

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:55:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> have you guys had chest pain, because right after I take my meds I get

> chest

> pains, and the doctor had given me topro;l but I wasnt sure whether to take

> it

> while I had low blood pressure, not sure if the toprol can stop my heart, so


> I havent been taking it


i had chest pains as a symptom of hypo...but not when taking Armour.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:57:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> I even let him read the thyroid book where it said

> that a low sex drive is common, bit of course he thinks that is all BS LOl


yep. low libido is definitely a hypo sign.


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Oh my being around a HYPO man val that should would be HORRIBLE!!!!

anyway its sad that your x pinched your leg, because if they only knew how

much this darn disease affects us inside and out, I mean my face swells up and I

have puffy eyes which are horrible, :(

anyway you know what my husband has HYPERTHYROID, or should I said he had,

he got very sick and was even admitted in the hospital but then he refused the

rai and later he stopped his meds 3 years ago and is fine!!

anyway when he lost like 50 pds in a few months I told him Iwish i had that

disease cause that way i could lose weigh and eat what i want,

.. anyway he would eat and eat and wouldnt gain an ounce, oh well a few years

later I became HYPER too but very unlucky because I actually gained weight!

of course only 10% of hyperpatients gain, and I was in that 10% I guess you

have to be careful what you wish for lol

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:29:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> oh my i just read that a low potassium can lead to a stroke! shucks I

> grabbed

> 2 bananas and am eating them right now,

i know this isn't really funny...but the visual of you grabbing the bananas

for a quick potassium fix got me tickled.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:29:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> I get so scared when I get dizzy that I get a panic attack, thinking that i

> am

> going to get sick while alone with my 2 girls, I am telling you this is a

> nightmare :( as if you guys odnt already know. aghh


i was like that too before diagnosis...so sick and dizzy. thank goodness i

only had a cat here to take care of....i know that is scary with the children.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:35:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> what were you taking for chest pain cindi?


I thought back then it was all related to my asthma diagnosis (which also

turned out to be hypo)...or I would think i was having a heart attack. But I

used an asthma inhaler.


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haha cindy its ok girl you can laugh atbout it LOL

I just read bananas are high in potassium and after reading about the

stroke,that scared me!!! thats all i need another reason to panic!!!

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wow you know what after the hypo I developed reactive airway disease, which

is simialr to astha i use an inhaler and take singulair daily

you knwo what I also developed a fibroid, I am wondering if the thyroid

caused all these problems, i have read thatwhen you have a weak liver you get


problems, I was thinking of doing a liver cleanse anyone tried it?

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my doc wanted to put me on , a low hormone birth control piils for my fibroid

but I was afraid that can mess up my thyrodi even more, I took birth control

pills ofr 10 years I always wonder if they caused this HYPO mess

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:45:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> wow you know what after the hypo I developed reactive airway disease, which


> is simialr to astha i use an inhaler and take singulair daily


> you knwo what I also developed a fibroid, I am wondering if the thyroid

> caused all these problems, i have read thatwhen you have a weak liver you

> get these

> problems, I was thinking of doing a liver cleanse anyone tried it?


i bet all these things could be related to the hypo.

several folks have done liver cleanses i think. the liver doesn't work so

well during hypo...and a liver detox can be helpful.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:45:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> developed reactive airway disease, which

> is simialr to astha

i'm not so sure there's a big difference in asthma and reactive airway. :)

both of them make you feel like you can't breathe I guess. I never had

regular asthma either...it was just the respiratory stuff from the hypo . i


felt like i had fluid building up in my chest. and i guess i did. hypo



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In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:51:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> I took birth control

> pills ofr 10 years I always wonder if they caused this HYPO mess


did you say you had been hyper before?

have you been tested for Hashimoto's antibodies?


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hey I was looking in to buying that Emergen C that is an enrgy drink too plus

has ton sof calcium and potassium, I wonder if i can take 3 or 4 a day,

woudl too mcuh potassium at one time mess me up? I just ate my 2 bananas now my

stomach hurts aghh

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Synthroid will not be enough thyroid hormones for someone as ill as you are! It

does not contain the T1, T2, T3 or Calcitonin direct that your body needs. I

would find a doctor that will treat you with natural thyroid. I fear you will be

miserable for years as many of us were on T4 only meds.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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I would be VERY leery of a doctor that prescribes without even seeing you. But

in a pinch, it is certainly better than staying on Synthroid. You haven;t hurt

your self by taking the Synthroid again. It IS better than nothing at all when

you have as low a thyroid as your is. I would take the Synthroid for now, and

hunt a local doctor that is willing to give you Armour. ASK them when you call

their office before making the appointment.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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Your doctor is an idiot! He gave you less Armour to prove to you that it didn't

work as he didn;t WANT to prescribe it. Ask US... We have all heard this crap

from doctors! No matter which med you decide to take for no, try to find a

better doctor and one that knows the benefits of Armour.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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While I respect that particular doctor alot and have read his book, it does say

he cannot treat you nor prescribe for you from these coaching sessions. Sad but

that is kind of a rip-off! If he cannot prescribe for you, you will still need

to find a doctor that will and is willing to treat you by symptoms and give you

ENOUGH Armour to feel well.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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