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Oh my, I am so upset I didnt know what to do and I took a synthroid, I mean I

am getting really dizzy and dont want to end up in the ER agai, this

situation is so stressful because now my doc probably wont put me back on

armour, and

i dont want to risk getting sick going back and forth from synthroid/armour, I

have totally screwed up, I know for a fact that I felt so much better on

armour even when my tsh was over 35, I felt more enery unlike with synthroid my

tsh was lower but i felt miserable, good ness I need to find a godo doctor soon

to regulate this, I looked online and came across this doctor thatgives phone

consults he charges $270 and tells you what you need to take, not sure what to

do if I should use him or what, please give me your opinion thanks

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by the way I am 30 years old and developed hyperthyroid after my 1st

pregnancy, and with my 2nd pregnancy I took 6 pills a day of pct, I forgot the


but it was something like that, my perinatlogist prescribed them, anyway I am

just losing hope, I am very depressed and stay home all day and take care of my

3 and 4 yr old, so imagine I have no energy and sometimes feel like I will

pass out, thats how dizzy I get, I just wish I wouldnt have gotten this rai


its by far the worst thing one can do to yourself, it has complicated my life

and actually almost cost me my life.

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Hi again, actually i do have a bottle of armour 2 gram pills, I have alot of

pills left, but what should I do, should I just take 2 armour tomorrow, and

stop the synthroid? I am not sure aghh I will try to find a holistic doctor

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you know what i just noticed that the doctor gave me .15 mg of synthroid

which equivalates to 1 1/2 grains of armour! it makes no sense to me I thought


had rasied the dose since I was on 2 grains of armour, this kin dof makes no

sense to me anyway I will pray that i find a godo doc to help me with this

before i go crazy..

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 7:41:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:




how much armour were you on?


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:17:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> I was on 2 grams, for about 4 months



i think you mean GRAINS. you just needed more Armour. tell the doctor you

REFUSE to change because Armour is better than synthroid..but that you have to

have enough to get your thyroid hormone levels higher.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:23:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> 2 gram pills, I have alot of

> pills left, but what should I do, should I just take 2 armour tomorrow, and

> stop the synthroid?

break a pill in quarters...take 2 1/2 tomorrow.


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here is thatw ebsite for that doctor, he does seem a bit greedy I mean $270

for a phone consult is alot, he actually doesnt prescribe anything he lets you

knwo what you need to take and then you inform your doc here is his website,

he is making easy money doing this since he doesnt even have to see the patient

or examine them.

_THYROID POWER-Thyroid and Health Coaching Sessions_


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yes he is a BIG IDIOT! I agree!

I mean he says bad things about armour and then gives me an even lower amount

of synthroid! makes no sense to me, I found a few holistic doctors, I will

call and make an appt tomorrow, meanwhile I was thinking of just taking the 2

grams of armour

do you think it wont mess me up to switch back to armour after i toolk

synthroid today?

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my endo told me this when I asked to be put on armour

he said

when you compare armour and synthroid its like comparing an old beat up carto

a mercedes!!

anyway after literally begging for it he gave in and me on armour but of

course a low dose to prove his point that its no good!

but ever since I am taking armour I have felt more energy even when my tsh is

that high, I mean of course i dont feel normal, but with synthroid i have

always felt out of energy even when my tsh was low.

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:37:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> 2 grams (120mgs) Opps I said 150 sorry my mistake, I am totally confused

> with

> all these numbers lol



that's not much. up your dosage immediately by 1/2 grain i would think. are

you splitting your dose or taking it all in the morning.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:45:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> Hi cindi yes I mean grains sorry I am crazy today, longg and confusing day



sounds like it. and being that hypo isn't helping your brain function as it

should. but it can get better. i think the Armour will do you just fine if

you get enough of it.

I would ask the doctor to run a Free T4 and Free T3 lab so you can really see

for sure what is going on with your thyroid hormone levels.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:46:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> my endo told me this when I asked to be put on armour


> he said


> when you compare armour and synthroid its like comparing an old beat up

> carto

> a mercedes!!


which is why we all dislike endos in general. he's ill-informed.

good for you for holding out for armour.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:46:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> do you think it wont mess me up to switch back to armour after i toolk

> synthroid today?


i don't think it will mess you up at all.


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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:49:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

melly@... writes:

> ok you mean take 2 and a half pills? or 2 1/2 grains?


2 and 1/2 grains. one regular pill plus 1/4 of a pill.


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have you guys had chest pain, because right after I take my meds I get chest

pains, and the doctor had given me topro;l but I wasnt sure whether to take it

while I had low blood pressure, not sure if the toprol can stop my heart, so

I havent been taking it

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In a message dated 1/13/2005 8:50:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

artisticgroom@... writes:

> just one's a bicycle and one's an airplane! LOL


lol. that's a good one, valerie.

hey - your neck get all better?


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Ok girls aside form all my symptoms which are so many, one that is very

obvious to my husband is that I have no desire for SEX!!! none at all, he


asks me if I still love him LOL, and I do its just that I dont feel like

having sex anymore at all!!! I even let him read the thyroid book where it said

that a low sex drive is common, bit of course he thinks that is all BS LOl

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hahah LOL

I like the waa you put it!! and I guess the synthroid is the bike

and armour is the airplane!! maybe I should mention this to the endo, bou of

course i will not be seeing hima anytime soon!!!!

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