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Re: OT Birds

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I have 3 birds, , my timneh african grey I've had for 19 years--he

was wild caught and imported. It took a couple of years to tame him but

he is a sweetheart, talks and whistles. Barney is a grey normal

cockatiel, we got him from an animal shelter in 1988, supposedly he was

7 then!!! This year we were given a young female cockatiel, Ladybug.

My nanday conure passed away 2 years ago, he had been with us since

1982--was wild caught, we did not know his age. He grew up with my

daughter and was loved dearly by all of us.

There are recipes for nutritious bird breads you can bake using jiffy

corn bread mixes, or corn meal. You put in all kinds of good

stuff--extra eggs, chopped, pureed veggies or fruits, nuts, etc. You

can make pans of it and cut in daily serving sizes and freeze in zip

baggies, then you just get out what you need for that day.

That little rhoomba vac sounds like a great thing to have!!! My grey

throws as much seed as he eats!!

Happy New Year to All!


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