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Re: irony

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Hi Marcy,

IMO your daughter looks like she may have scaphocephaly (long and

narrow) Have you had your daughter evaluated at a Cranial

Technologies? I know there is one other mom on here who's son had

scaphocephaly, I cant remember the mom's name but I think her son's

name was quinn and maybe she can offer some insight.

The good thing is your daughter is very young and if you do decide to

go the helmet route you are sure to receive excellent correction.

Best of luck in whatever you decide!

-mom to CJ - 2 years old

Doc Band Graduate 9/2007 (seems so long ago!)

> >

> > OK, I will first admit that I ap my children so I lay with kids

> until they

> > fall asleep and if they wake up in the night so sometimes I am

> laying around

> > waiting with nothing to do so I think about weird things if


> else is

> > on my mind lol. I especially like little quirky isn't that weirds

> >

> > So here are my 2 for today as both pertain to Plagio. I wonder


> ironic

> > it is that my only very late talker was my only plagio baby.


> are so

> > little studies done and the few done are small scale and there


> even

> > different ways plagio effects a child that would have to be taken

> into

> > account to do a study on everything. But in the few bits of

> reading it

> > talks about effecting ear and jaw but more implies fluid/ear

> infections.

> > Well my Plagio baby had Plagio pretty much from birth. Hearing

> tested fine

> > at birth, never tested after that but he passes all the


> to assume

> > he doesn't have a hearing problem or at least not a chronic one.

> Yet all my

> > other children have said their 1st at least 3 words by their 1st

> bday.

> > said no words at 12 mo, no words at 15 mo even. He was banded


> 9-12 mo

> > and had severe ear assymetry.

> >

> > But an interesting OTOH, he did not have a single ear issue


> he was

> > banded. He didn't get his 1st ear infection until 15 mo (my 2nd

> got her 1st

> > at 6 mo, my 3rd at 5 mo and both by his age had had severel), so

> post band.

> > It was a bad double ear infection and now we are not even sure it

> went

> > completely away b/c it has been a month and he has a severe


> ear

> > infection. As irony has it though, it was during the antibiotics

> from the

> > 1st one that he finally started talking. Of course this makes me

> wonder if

> > he has had fluid in the inner ear at all prior to this since that

> is not

> > something we would be able to know without testing for it and it

> would

> > effect speech. Which of course led me to, if it was in the inner

> ear and

> > now that we have straitened his ears has it somehow effected

> drainage so

> > that instead it is now in the middle ear thus causing ear

> infections? Even

> > with now knowing some words it isnt like my other kids learned

> words. His

> > are not comprehendable really, except mama. Not that my other


> spoke

> > perfectly, my 2nd had a lot of articulation issues. But most ppl

> could

> > guess what they were saying, I do not think anyone but me could

> guess what

> > he says except mama. dada was comprehendable too but he has said

> it less

> > than a handful of times and I havent heard it in weeks. But his

> other words

> > are weird. he says a sound like " oosch " which is " shoes " then he

> says a

> > sound like " eesch " which is cheese or keys depending on the

> context. then

> > he says the long i sound which is what he says for hi and bye.

> even more

> > interesting he also finally started signing at that time, signing

> dog and

> > fish and again he should have signed well before a year.

> >

> > Really makes you wonder

> >

> > Of course what I really believe is that the ear infections are


> to a

> > lessening of his immune system and immunities b/c he stopped

> breastfeeding

> > at 14 mo, 1st ear infection within a month. But still interesting

> looking

> > and wondering about if Plagio can play any role

> >

> >

> > --

> > SC SAHM to , , , , and what should we

> name our

> > baby girl?

> >

> > " We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget

> that he is

> > someone today. " ~Stacia Tauscher

> >









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