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Well IrishEyes, (didn't sign your email so not sure what else to call you) your

last couple of sentences are a clue. Could you be close to that time of the

month? Is that possible?

Now....... on the butt kicking.......




LIMIT COFFEE unless you want kidney stones.

EXERCISE even if it is walking farther to your car...... you know.

3 days........ follow these rules..... no breaking them. Get you started

back on track. After that..... limit your sugar to single digits, and your

carbs to under 30 PER DAY.

If you are having trouble with water...... try adding flavors to it...... or

flavored water. But get in at least 64 ounces a day.

I find once I got use to water, and I do 100 ounces a day, If I don't get it, I

feel awful.

Okay, enough on the lecture....... :) but you did ask for it.


**waaaaaaaa I was mean and cranky and weepy all day yesterday and the day

before. I don't LIKE ME! any help would be appreciated, including kicking my


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Singit Sista!!! Amen and AMEN!!! LOL

Theresa :0)~

*Nothing Tastes As Good As Thinness Feels*

Open RNY ~July 2001

Start Wt: 327

Size: 30/32

Date: 2/8/03 ~ -150 lbs

Size: 12 (maybe 10's)

Tummy Tuck: 1/13/03

Profile - ObesityHelp

http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=R997640335 & Z=962

IL Online Support Group


-- Re: help

Well IrishEyes, (didn't sign your email so not sure what else to call you)

your last couple of sentences are a clue. Could you be close to that time of

the month? Is that possible?

Now....... on the butt kicking.......




LIMIT COFFEE unless you want kidney stones.

EXERCISE even if it is walking farther to your car...... you know.

3 days........ follow these rules..... no breaking them. Get you started

back on track. After that..... limit your sugar to single digits, and your

carbs to under 30 PER DAY.

If you are having trouble with water...... try adding flavors to it...... or

flavored water. But get in at least 64 ounces a day.

I find once I got use to water, and I do 100 ounces a day, If I don't get it

I feel awful.

Okay, enough on the lecture....... :) but you did ask for it.


**waaaaaaaa I was mean and cranky and weepy all day yesterday and the day

before. I don't LIKE ME! any help would be appreciated, including kicking my


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How far out are you? I cant imagine " eating and drinking " that


(Im 6mo. post-op) I usually dont eat breakfast.....NEVER DID I cant seem


sometimes I will eat a protein bar around 11ish, then lunch is usually

1/2 cup

of soup and some crackers, and whatever I make for dinner for the family


eat a small amt. of. Iam very BAD about water, I can tolerate diet soda


if the carbonation is weak.( shake the hell out of it) and I usually have

a cup of java

in the am. Luckily, I dont seem to tolerate BREADS well, I get that , Oh,

I wish that I

could puke thing, and will take Tums/ Maalox for relief. I havent gotten

" sick " in a few

months but, certain foods will still not agree...rice and pasta being

hard since you really cant seem to

chew them well. Not to be gross, but I notice that alot of folks seem to

have " problems " with

bowles and I do have some concern with all the " softeners " people are

taking. Reason being,

your body will become dependent and NEED to use them. My mother is paying

a dear price

for that now, Im no doctor but I do worry that this will become a problem

for those people.

Don't you worry that your consuming too many calories????? I know I am

probably not

eating enough, and worry constantly about the Total calorie thing. I have

been okay with

weight loss, but this month has been hard, I was laid-up for 7 weeks with

little exercise

and right now, its that " time of the month " soooooo.....I'm trying to

stay away from the scale.

I do however think that maybe I would have more weight loss, if I ate

more, or rather had a

shake or so...Im just a little nervous about being able to tolerate more

volume...Maybe its a

feeling that I will lose the control I have,Does this make any sense to


sorry for the ramble, just trying to come to grips, I thought I was doing

soo well until I started reading

others posting.

Thanks for listening.

Take care,

Kim : )


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Thanks for the info. I just am still wondering what amt. of

calories that adds up to at the end of the day????

Iam going to check out some protein drinks this weekend, we have a

natural store that sells by the envelope, so

you dont have to " commit " to the whole canister....and of course I have

the " vita-lady " recommends from you guys

if all else fails. I havent had a big loss this month, due in part to an

injury that left me laid up for 7weeks, that was a very depressing

period. NO EXERCISE. dONT GET ME WRONG, i STILL HATE IT, but I see the

difference on the scale when i'm able to

do my walking etc.. I am joining a gym this week, mostly for the

machines. I already Hate the flabby underarm thing thats enviable

since I was 315.I do want to " firm " whatever I can. The biggest problem

being the inside of my legs.YUCK...............

HEY, I almost sound vain, imagine that!!!!! : ) !!! Actually, when

I see pics. at 315, I cant believe that I was So HUGE!!!!!!

FUNNY, how we never seemed to THINK we were that big huh?? Im 6mo.

post-op and still havent caught up in my head yet

with alot of stuff and worry about amounts I consume and thats why I ??

all the drinking and eating stuff.

Thanks for the input...

Take care,

Kim : )


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Thanks for the words. This has been a tough winter in NY. Not just

the snow, but BITTER COLD!!!!!!!!!!

I have been trying to do a little bit of walking anyway, (now that I

can!!!) My accident left me just about bed-bound

for TOO long,VERY DEPRESSED, so the combo weather/injury was a great

EXCUSE not to stop smoking

you know, the ole feel sorry for yourself thing?? This Thurs. I get the

final release from the Doc to return to work

and Im joining the gym so I think that will give me the " kick " I

need.Like the old saying goes " If at first you dont succeed.... "



KIM : )


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  • 6 months later...

Hi, I am about your age and weight and I understand feeling like you have to

lose weight now or never. I'm using a plan that a nutritionist showed me and my

partner (who is diabetic). Basically you are allowed 7 servings of grains (1/2

c. pasta or rice is serving), 3 servings of fruit (1/2c. or 1/2 banana), 3

servings of veggies (1/2 c. cooked), two 3 oz. servings of protein,

three 8 oz. servings of milk and 2 'extras' or fats (1 oz cheese, 2 tbls light

salad dressing) AND OF COURSE, LOTS of Water (at least 64 oz.). The

nutritionist gave us a chart with recommendations of when to eat what. I made

my own chart grouping things in food categories with a column for calories and

a column for fat grams. I like to keep track of these and see how I did at the

end of the day. However this eating plan supposedly works out to about 1600

calories if you stick to it. Hope this helps,

& Anita

Autumn, Classic Fawn Boxer, 7 yo

, Flashy Brindle Boxer, 6 yo

Riis, Boykin Spaniel, 7 yo


Columbia, SC, USA


I really feel like such a failure. It seems like every year from

January to May I lose thirty pounds and then I spend the rest of the

year gaining back forty. I was down thirty pounds by sticking with

Weight Watchers earlier this year. Somehow, I drifted away from the

WW support boards, realized that I had not journaled in weeks, felt

pretty good about things and decided I could lose the rest of the

forty pounds I wanted to lose on my own. That was around May first

and I have gained back 13 pounds. In the past I have tried Atkins,

low fat, Weight Watchers and about a million other things.

I am so tired of being fat. I have so much weight to lose. I am

really feeling so defeated.

I weigh 213 pounds when three months ago I swore to myself I was

going to lose more weight and never weigh over 200 again. I am so

sick of myself. I am 39 years old and I am afraid that if I do not

get a handle on this now, I never will.

I don't want to do anything weird or avoid a whole food group. I

don't want to starve or become a gym fanatic. How do you lose

weight and just eat moderately? I can't seem to moderate myself. Its

all or nothing. But I can't live with nothing for long and I gain

weight eating anything I want.

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Hi there! *wavs*

Welcome to the group : ) I'm Autumn, 36, married, no kids except my baby

doggie. :) It's interesting what you said about the Jan-May weight loss.

I've always been able to lose from around May-October, then I gain back.

I guess it starts with all the holiday eating and trips back home to


But more importantly, you are *not* a failure. You've done it before, you

can do it again. We all have slip up, bad days, bad weeks. The important

thing is to never lose sight of your long-term goals. Pick yourself up,

dust yourself off and start again.

You certainly don't have to starve or become a " gym fanatic " . The

hardest thing I have to learn is portion control. I eat (mostly) all the

right things-just way too much of them. I've learned what a single

portion looks like, and not to wait until I'm stuffed to stop eating.

I've also tried to slowly incorporate more overall physical activity into

my life as well as concentrated exercise. Start slowly and make gradual

changes so you can stick with it. (I had a " all or nothing " attitude

before, plus a habit in the past to go with everything with gusto-then

get bored or burnt out quickly.) Just take it slow. Easier said than

done, true, but it works!

This group is fantastic for ideas, information, support, whining, griping

and *fun*!

Hope to hear more from you soon!

Autumn :)

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 11:59:51 -0000 eie_renie408

<no_reply > writes:

I really feel like such a failure. It seems like every year from

January to May I lose thirty pounds and then I spend the rest of the

year gaining back forty. I was down thirty pounds by sticking with

Weight Watchers earlier this year. Somehow, I drifted away from the

WW support boards, realized that I had not journaled in weeks, felt

pretty good about things and decided I could lose the rest of the

forty pounds I wanted to lose on my own. That was around May first

and I have gained back 13 pounds. In the past I have tried Atkins,

low fat, Weight Watchers and about a million other things.

I am so tired of being fat. I have so much weight to lose. I am

really feeling so defeated.

I weigh 213 pounds when three months ago I swore to myself I was

going to lose more weight and never weigh over 200 again. I am so

sick of myself. I am 39 years old and I am afraid that if I do not

get a handle on this now, I never will.

I don't want to do anything weird or avoid a whole food group. I

don't want to starve or become a gym fanatic. How do you lose

weight and just eat moderately? I can't seem to moderate myself. Its

all or nothing. But I can't live with nothing for long and I gain

weight eating anything I want.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi again,

At first glance, what I see in your journal is that you're keeping within

points, but you're eating quite a bit of prepared, high-salt foods, which

could keep your weight up with water retention. Also, if you're not eating

your Flex points at all, you may indeed not be eating enough! FOr me it

doesn't work to eat all 35 of them in a week, but I definitely eat between

8-16 of them. And....you said " this morning " you weighed 6 pounds higher.

I'm guessing then, that it's your own scale you're going by? Do you do

official weigh-ins at WW? I know that my own body can vary in weight in a

day by a few pounds, but things even out by the end of a week. On the other

hand, if you had those tamales and chips last night, and weighed in higher

this morning....that high salt could be the culprit.

There are just so many varying factors. My first recommendation would be to

eat less prepared, processed foods, and more fresh protein like grilled

chicken breast with salad and baked potato..... that sort of thing.

Good luck to you !


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How much water are you drinking? I have better losses when I drink more water.

If you are exercising now and have not been in the past it could be muscle that

you are gaining. Like others have said I would use my flexpoints and see how

that works. I think the big is don't get really upset about it. Don't get lazy

but sometimes gains happen even when we do everything perfectly. If you weigh in

at meetings then don't do it at home--weighing myself everyday drove me crazy. I

have not weighed myself since my meeting on Monday and had a much better week.


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I agree with this...I lose more consistently when I am really diligent to

drink my water.

Also, you're right...gains do happen, even when we are doing everything we

know to do...but then at other times, the weight loss fairy comes and WHOOSH

- there goes 4 lbs...bye bye good riddance!

So don't panic. Remember....


in CO

-- Re: Re: HELP

How much water are you drinking? I have better losses when I drink more

water. If you are exercising now and have not been in the past it could be

muscle that you are gaining. Like others have said I would use my flexpoints

and see how that works. I think the big is don't get really upset about it.

Don't get lazy but sometimes gains happen even when we do everything

perfectly. If you weigh in at meetings then don't do it at home--weighing

myself everyday drove me crazy. I have not weighed myself since my meeting

on Monday and had a much better week.


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, Carla!

I want to welcome you to the group. I wont touch on this, because

some people in the group already has.




> I have had a 10 yr history of kidney infections that have


> flank pain. As of Dec 2004 the pain is now daily but the hospital


> doctors haven't been able to diagnosis me with any specific


> The pain was at first associated with high frutose corn syrup but


> it has progressed in the past 4 months I have increased pain after


> eat and when I urinate. The flank pain area feels like it swollen,

> inflammed, and hard. My urinalysis tests of late have shown normal

> results whereas in Dec and Jan every test I had showed I have high

> protein in my urine. I have also since developed high blood


> and low blood sugar. I have been successful in lowering my pain by

> working on and changing my diet but I still have pain. I feel that


> reading the information on your website that I have some of the

> symptoms listed but not all. I have been very frustrated with how

> little help doctors have been able to give me or how willing they

> have been to help me. I'm not looking for anyone to diagnosis me


> to see if there are other people out there that have simular


> and/or suggestions to help.

> Sincerely,

> Carla

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  • 5 months later...

Hello Danny. Sounds like your AFib is playing Battleship with you (hit

or miss). The diesel engine feeling or " squirrels in your chest " , as

it's been referred to before in this group, feeling is normal. Your

feet being cold is also normal as blood isn't being pumped at normal

efficiency while AFib is occuring. I'm not entirely sure about the

pain though. Maybe 1 out of 10 of my AFib episodes cause pain in my

right shoulder and armpit, but it's rare. It sounds like it's time to

see and Electrophysiologist (heart electrician) to have some further

testing done.

I have squirrels in my chest,


> My name is Danny and I'm 37 years old,

> It started on the 1st June 2005 with palputions while playing golf,

> next day I went to hospital with pains in my chest ecg etc were ok.

> Two more visits after feeling worse, same again ok, my doctor put it

> down to a virus (I like my doctor and feel she is understanding and

> helpful).

> 4 weeks later still no better, so my doctor sent me to the emergancy

> assement unit at the hospital. They felt I was over worried but

> would refer me to a cardiolgist.

> I paid to see one a week later, he agreed with the doctor that it

> could be a virus but agreed to do an exerise test. During this my

> heart went to 230bpm and I was told I had AF and put on 50mg Atenolo

> and asprin.

> I have since had a angiograph (my heart is fine)and another exersise

> test await results (although was better).

> I still get pain in my chest daily and the last 4 nights my heart

> wakes me up in the night it feels like an old diesel engine chugging

> away in my chest,is this normal?

> As I typre this my feet are freezing again, is this normal with AF?

> I also get a pain in my left leg when in AF does anyone else?

> Will I just settle down over time or do I need to do anything else?

> Thank you for reading this I have found this group very helpful.

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Hi Danny

Your cold feet might be a result of the medication.

I'm afraid the pounding when you lay down is normal for AF. Yoyu

might want to try propping yourself up in bed. The medication should

take it away a bit soon. If not, I would go back to the doc.

Pains in the legs are quite common too. I often get them. My doc

said position is very important. You could try altering position.

Right side maybe. It is a pain. I feel for you.


> Hi there - I am in the hospital with mine. Sounds like you need

to be

> converted and then placed on medication,


> I'd keep going back until I got results.


> Marna

> help



> > My name is Danny and I'm 37 years old,

> > It started on the 1st June 2005 with palputions while playing


> > next day I went to hospital with pains in my chest ecg etc were


> > Two more visits after feeling worse, same again ok, my doctor

put it

> > down to a virus (I like my doctor and feel she is understanding


> > helpful).

> > 4 weeks later still no better, so my doctor sent me to the


> > assement unit at the hospital. They felt I was over worried but

> > would refer me to a cardiolgist.

> > I paid to see one a week later, he agreed with the doctor that it

> > could be a virus but agreed to do an exerise test. During this my

> > heart went to 230bpm and I was told I had AF and put on 50mg


> > and asprin.

> > I have since had a angiograph (my heart is fine)and another


> > test await results (although was better).

> > I still get pain in my chest daily and the last 4 nights my heart

> > wakes me up in the night it feels like an old diesel engine


> > away in my chest,is this normal?

> > As I typre this my feet are freezing again, is this normal with


> > I also get a pain in my left leg when in AF does anyone else?

> > Will I just settle down over time or do I need to do anything


> > Thank you for reading this I have found this group very helpful.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Web Page - http://www.afibsupport.com

> > List owner: AFIBsupport-owner

> > For help on how to use the group, including how to drive it via


> > send a blank email to AFIBsupport-help

> >

> > Nothing in this message should be considered as medical advice,

or should

> > be acted upon without consultation with one's physician.

> >

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  • 2 months later...

thank you again for the response.

Kearns wrote: I just wanted to add, as I read more of

your details regarding your 10 year old son, I realize he wouldn't be a

candidate for a CI since he has hearing in one ear. As far as the hearing aid

issue I'm not familiar with unilateral hearing issues so while the wording of

your doctor may have sounded strange, it may be good information that aiding one

side would cause confusion. I don't know, but I'm sure there are others on the

list that have had some experiences that may be helpful.


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Thank you soo much! Since being on this site, I have gotten valuable

information and I am going to make an appointment at a place called HEI and see

what they have to say. since i am not happy with the information I am given by

the doctor, I am going to seek other avenues of help. I am sure I will come up

with something and i am going to share whatever I find with others!

Kearns wrote: YOU WROTE:

my doctor says that the implant would do no

good since there are no nerves or any of the little hairs left in my

son's ear and the loss is soo far into the ear that this would

simply do no good. I was told a hearing aid would do nothing but

transfer the sound to his left ear creating noise and thereby making

it a little harder to hear with the good ear! So you see my


Yes, I can see your frustration, and I'm utterly confused. I hesitate to say

this but it seems that your doctor is ill informed or perhaps you misunderstood

him. I really don't know your situation because you didn't go into detail about

what kind of loss your son has. It sounds like it's only in one ear? Was it


Cochlear implants often work for those who have no hair cells in the ear because

they directly stimulate the auditory nerve. Is your doctor saying he doesn't

have an auditory nerve?

Perhaps a hearing aid will help. You need to see an audiologist. I don't

understand that strange reasoning of the hearing aid " will transfer the sound to

his left ear " making harder to hear in the good ear. Good luck to you! Keep

asking questions. We're happy to help.


ryan's mom, 5 years, CI at 20 months


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Keisha - if it is hard to get into HEI in a timely manner there are

some private audiologists that are good in So Cal.

Actually - your school district should set your son up with the school

district audiologist for an appointment. They have equipment to test

kids with at the County Superintendent of Schools - at least in

Ventura County, this is true.

-- In Listen-Up , Keisha <hurstk_2000@y...> wrote:

place called HEI and see what they have to say. since i am not happy

with the information I am given by the doctor, I am going to seek

other avenues of help. I

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you will take the Wilshire BLVD EAST exit off the 405 south, then you

want to get and stay in the left lane until you get to Westwood Blvd

and turn left on Westwood. You'll be on Westwood for a mile or less,

and the medical center is on your left.

>That is soo great! thank you...so $7.00 for the day is not soo bad! Oh

and he loooooooooooooves AHHs! I just dont get that place but oh well,

the kids love it!

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He has been tested twice. Once at a place called Sonus, they specialize in

hearing impairment and hearing aids and the like. then later he was tested by

the audiologist on his ENT's staff. She tested him and came up with the almost

the same results with slight variations of a decibal or two.

So we have seen nothing but audiologists and he is soo done with those tests!

I am sure at UCLA we are going to have to go through another. We have everything

in one day, the hearing test and the ENT exam. I am sure it will make for one

long day!!!



Was it an actual audiologist who tested your son at the Dr.'s office?

The reason I ask is because I took Hayley to an ENT to get her ears

irrigated and walked about because they wanted to do a hearing test on

her. These were ladies who worked in the office who had taken a

class. I am not kidding. I asked them what they were planning on

testing exactly because she is deaf and I was not going there for a

hearing test - Hayley had had enough hearing tests at that point.

Anyway, since your son is going to UCLA it should all be fine and

confirmed or not then.

Once by a private company and then again by the audiologist at his

doctor's office. I

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You are a Godsend!!! Thank you soo much.

wrote: you will take the Wilshire BLVD EAST exit

off the 405 south, then you

want to get and stay in the left lane until you get to Westwood Blvd

and turn left on Westwood. You'll be on Westwood for a mile or less,

and the medical center is on your left.

>That is soo great! thank you...so $7.00 for the day is not soo bad! Oh

and he loooooooooooooves AHHs! I just dont get that place but oh well,

the kids love it!

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intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


> ever since i have found out that i have type 2 (on meds) i have turned

> into an eating machine. I want sugar and i want carbs. I find myself

> binging. Then I feel terrible. Can anyone please give me advice on how

> to control this crazy behavior


That's because you are " addicted to sugar and carbs " . I'm not talking

about all carbs but starchy ones. Breads, potatoes, corn, and rice

are the culprits for those who are sensitive to them. Not everyone is

but for those who are it triggers an uncontrolled craving and nothing

else sounds or tastes good. You feel sleepy, irritable or just low in

energy. I had that problem. I had to quit eating all those foods plus

corn syrups, sugars, other sweeteners. I began looking at ingredients

carefully. Don't eat packaged or processed foods. Sometimes just

eating at fast food places can trigger the response too.

What you can do to see the culprits is test before eating, record

numbers, test 2 hrs after eating, record how you feel too. That is

important to find a pattern.

I had to just decide to do away with the offending foods and knowing

that was how my body responded I did not give in and forced myself to

eat something else instead. It takes a while but getting out of the

cycle you will then feel more energy and actually enjoy foods you

always thought you hated. It's just hard getting out of the cycle but

can be done. Knowing why you are stuck and it has nothing to do with

will power but the body craving it. Then you can take charge and turn

it around. Believe me if you get thru a few weeks of none of these

offending foods the cravings begin to go away. I've eaten this way

for almost a year now and cannot stand some of those foods anymore. I

pick foods only by if I feel good physically and mentally not by

emotions. Anything that makes me feel crazy, lack energy, or brain

fog I don't eat anymore.

I had this CDE who would say if we did not eat our 5 vegetables and

fruits per day or 64 oz of water then we could not pick other foods to

eat. I used that as my basis when I was hungry or craving something,

forced myself to just do as she said and it was reversed. There are

some good books out there are carb cravings and addictions. Some

people can eat this stuff and have no problem. Since you do, I'm

thinking it's the same as what I went thru. As long as you keep

eating it, it's hard to get out of the cycle. At some point down the

road you will be able to slowly add back some and know your limits but

for now totally getting it out of the diet works. Then you can focus

just on your health and BG number goals. You'll feel much better.

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Guest guest


> ever since i have found out that i have type 2 (on meds) i have turned

> into an eating machine. I want sugar and i want carbs. I find myself

> binging. Then I feel terrible. Can anyone please give me advice on how

> to control this crazy behavior


That's because you are " addicted to sugar and carbs " . I'm not talking

about all carbs but starchy ones. Breads, potatoes, corn, and rice

are the culprits for those who are sensitive to them. Not everyone is

but for those who are it triggers an uncontrolled craving and nothing

else sounds or tastes good. You feel sleepy, irritable or just low in

energy. I had that problem. I had to quit eating all those foods plus

corn syrups, sugars, other sweeteners. I began looking at ingredients

carefully. Don't eat packaged or processed foods. Sometimes just

eating at fast food places can trigger the response too.

What you can do to see the culprits is test before eating, record

numbers, test 2 hrs after eating, record how you feel too. That is

important to find a pattern.

I had to just decide to do away with the offending foods and knowing

that was how my body responded I did not give in and forced myself to

eat something else instead. It takes a while but getting out of the

cycle you will then feel more energy and actually enjoy foods you

always thought you hated. It's just hard getting out of the cycle but

can be done. Knowing why you are stuck and it has nothing to do with

will power but the body craving it. Then you can take charge and turn

it around. Believe me if you get thru a few weeks of none of these

offending foods the cravings begin to go away. I've eaten this way

for almost a year now and cannot stand some of those foods anymore. I

pick foods only by if I feel good physically and mentally not by

emotions. Anything that makes me feel crazy, lack energy, or brain

fog I don't eat anymore.

I had this CDE who would say if we did not eat our 5 vegetables and

fruits per day or 64 oz of water then we could not pick other foods to

eat. I used that as my basis when I was hungry or craving something,

forced myself to just do as she said and it was reversed. There are

some good books out there are carb cravings and addictions. Some

people can eat this stuff and have no problem. Since you do, I'm

thinking it's the same as what I went thru. As long as you keep

eating it, it's hard to get out of the cycle. At some point down the

road you will be able to slowly add back some and know your limits but

for now totally getting it out of the diet works. Then you can focus

just on your health and BG number goals. You'll feel much better.

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> ever since i have found out that i have type 2 (on meds) i have turned

> into an eating machine. I want sugar and i want carbs. I find myself

> binging. Then I feel terrible. Can anyone please give me advice on how

> to control this crazy behavior


That's because you are " addicted to sugar and carbs " . I'm not talking

about all carbs but starchy ones. Breads, potatoes, corn, and rice

are the culprits for those who are sensitive to them. Not everyone is

but for those who are it triggers an uncontrolled craving and nothing

else sounds or tastes good. You feel sleepy, irritable or just low in

energy. I had that problem. I had to quit eating all those foods plus

corn syrups, sugars, other sweeteners. I began looking at ingredients

carefully. Don't eat packaged or processed foods. Sometimes just

eating at fast food places can trigger the response too.

What you can do to see the culprits is test before eating, record

numbers, test 2 hrs after eating, record how you feel too. That is

important to find a pattern.

I had to just decide to do away with the offending foods and knowing

that was how my body responded I did not give in and forced myself to

eat something else instead. It takes a while but getting out of the

cycle you will then feel more energy and actually enjoy foods you

always thought you hated. It's just hard getting out of the cycle but

can be done. Knowing why you are stuck and it has nothing to do with

will power but the body craving it. Then you can take charge and turn

it around. Believe me if you get thru a few weeks of none of these

offending foods the cravings begin to go away. I've eaten this way

for almost a year now and cannot stand some of those foods anymore. I

pick foods only by if I feel good physically and mentally not by

emotions. Anything that makes me feel crazy, lack energy, or brain

fog I don't eat anymore.

I had this CDE who would say if we did not eat our 5 vegetables and

fruits per day or 64 oz of water then we could not pick other foods to

eat. I used that as my basis when I was hungry or craving something,

forced myself to just do as she said and it was reversed. There are

some good books out there are carb cravings and addictions. Some

people can eat this stuff and have no problem. Since you do, I'm

thinking it's the same as what I went thru. As long as you keep

eating it, it's hard to get out of the cycle. At some point down the

road you will be able to slowly add back some and know your limits but

for now totally getting it out of the diet works. Then you can focus

just on your health and BG number goals. You'll feel much better.

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If you find you need one on one support regarding food issues, you might

consider seeing if there is an Overeaters Anonymous group near you. When I

was able to go to meetings, not only did I loose weight without dieting but

by not needing to eat the foods I really didn't need to eat, but I found

there were actually a lot of diabetics and people with other medical issues

that mean having to stop eating certain foods and they found they couldn't.

I wish there was an OA meeting around where I lived that worked for me now!

Be sure I'll keep looking. Those cravings are awful! And other people in

my life merely say stop eating what you aren't supposed to as they stuff

their mouths with what they enjoy grrrrrrrr


> > ever since i have found out that i have type 2 (on meds) i have turned

> > into an eating machine. I want sugar and i want carbs. I find myself

> > binging. Then I feel terrible. Can anyone please give me advice on how

> > to control this crazy behavior


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If you find you need one on one support regarding food issues, you might

consider seeing if there is an Overeaters Anonymous group near you. When I

was able to go to meetings, not only did I loose weight without dieting but

by not needing to eat the foods I really didn't need to eat, but I found

there were actually a lot of diabetics and people with other medical issues

that mean having to stop eating certain foods and they found they couldn't.

I wish there was an OA meeting around where I lived that worked for me now!

Be sure I'll keep looking. Those cravings are awful! And other people in

my life merely say stop eating what you aren't supposed to as they stuff

their mouths with what they enjoy grrrrrrrr


> > ever since i have found out that i have type 2 (on meds) i have turned

> > into an eating machine. I want sugar and i want carbs. I find myself

> > binging. Then I feel terrible. Can anyone please give me advice on how

> > to control this crazy behavior


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