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Re: Does flat head correct itself? - reassured today

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I really know where you are coming from with this. No, there is no

proof anything is going to be wrong developmentally. While I was

doing my research for my appeal to insurance I really learned alot.

One study out of Australia took every single study done about plagio

and basically determined that they all stink. Either there were not

enough subjects, there was bias involved(like CT or starband

sponsored), or the studies were just not done in a very scientific

way. They basically called all of the studies for and against banding

poor as well as all of the studies that showed links to anything.

So the bottom line is we just don't know. I have to assume if there

was some significant link to developmental delays, it would have been

proven by now. The funny thing is that while my insurance company was

trying to deny me on " it's only cosmetic " they sent me the first

study that made me worry about developmental delays. It said the vast

majority of kids with plagio tested in the average range, which would

be just like any other population of kids. But it then went on to say

NONE had tested advanced. That worried me a little and I totally used

it against them in my appeal and won! Basically I think the chances

of developmental delay is the same as for any child and I am going to

work on that assumption. It is just too upsetting to think that she

could have any developmental delays. Remember, ALL of our kids have

plagio and NONE of us want there to actually be a link to

developmental disability.

With that being said, there is also no definite proof that this is

purely cosmetic and could not affect things like ear issues, jaw

issues, sinus issues ect... I think these would be more likely if

you think about the nature of the problem, skull out of it's intended

shape. Ear issues that cause fluid to build up in the inner ear can

lead to hearing loss then developmental delays. That is where my

major concern lies and the reason I ultimately chose to go with the

helmet. Along with the cosmetic issue, which I personally feel IS a

big deal no matter how much doctors and insurance companies downplay


Those of us who have decided to band have done so because we did not

want to take the chance that not correcting the plagio could lead to

other issues. We have had to really look at the possibilities and in

many cases focus on them to deal with Doctors and Insurance. I truely

hope nothing is wrong with any of our babies, past the shape of their

heads. Unfortunately there are studies out there that make us

question this and therefore I have choosen to be as proactive about

it as I can. We can only choose what is right for ourselves and our

own children. We do this based on the knowledge we have and our

instincts. Mine told me to do the helmet even when the doctors said I

could wait and see.

Good Luck to you,

I'm glad that this came

up today. I was going to post earlier but got busy at work today.

> My son is in a Starband and is scheduled to graduate the end of

this month after 3 months banded.

> At his daycare there is a child that has the flat spot on the

back of his head (Brachy, I think). It is VERY noticable to me

because I know what I'm looking at, and I've heard other parents

refer to him as " the flat headed kid " if they don't know his name so

I know I'm not being overly sensitive.

> Yesterday his flatness was VERY noticable, but after talking with

the daycare provider it is becoming more and more apparent that he is

learning delayed....he also is having lot's of ear issues.

> It really reassured me that my husband and I had made the right

decision to band. There is no proof his issues would not have shown

up anyway, but I feel better in knowing that I have done what I can

do make sure that it doesn't happen to my son.



> Mother to , 8 mths, plagio, Starbanded 1/11/07





> " In the depths of winter, I finally found there was in

me an invincible summer. "







> ---------------------------------

> Get your own web address.

> Have a HUGE year through Small Business.


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