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Re: lipoceutical glutathione

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Thanks so much for the feedback. I am inclined to give it a try

as well.

> >

> > Can anyone please describe their child's response when lipoceutical

> > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

> > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

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I didn't see this post earlier and I don't know if you've rec'd any

negative reaction stories (or who knows? Maybe I replied already):

I started Ian (4) on Lipoceutical Glutathione the first week of

July. At 5 drops/day he did fine. No pos or neg. After about 4

days I upped the dose to maybe 1/2 tsp MAX in his morning rice

milk. That night he developed abdominal cramping. He doesn't

verbalize pain, but it was visually obvious to us his tummy hurt.

He had a sloppy poop that day. I went back to a few drops/day but

the cramps/loose stools continued.

I stopped the stuff after about 10 days. It took 2 days, but his

stools are back to normal and the cramping appears to be gone.

We will not use it again. I consider it a $45 bummer for my son.


> > >

> > > Can anyone please describe their child's response when


> > > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

> > > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

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My son has been on lipoceutical glutathione since May. He's doing really really

well. We give him 1/4 tsp first thing in the morning with a little bit of grape

juice, and then again at night. We try to give it on an empty stomach, but

that's sometimes hard at night. We give it along with all his other

supplements. When we combined it with increased vitamin C we saw a lot of

improvement, mostly in expressive language and motor planning. I've never heard

that it helps motor planning, but it was a big problem for him and he keeps

making progress every week.

, mom to (3, ASD)

Lipoceutical Glutathione

Can anyone please describe their child's response when lipoceutical

gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

Is it best to give the lipoceutical glutathione at any particular

time (i.e., by itself or with other types of supplements)?

Thanks so much for your assistance!

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Hi Pam,

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that this

supplement did not produce any positive changes within your son.

Of course, I am more confused than ever ... as others have

provided a testimonial regarding lipoceutical glutathione.

I think these things are so variable and depend on the


> > > >

> > > > Can anyone please describe their child's response when

> lipoceutical

> > > > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

> > > > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

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I wish I knew why some responded well, some responded negatively and

some failed to respond at all. This story can be applied to all


Does lipo-glut actually boost glutathione levels? Anybody have lab

tests that support that? My son's Great Smokies Detox Profile

showed low levels of plasma glutathione amongst other indicators

that we needed to increase glutathione levels (low plasma cysteine

and a low glutathione/cysteine ratio).

One would think, based on the theory behind lipo-glut, this

supplement would have been good for Ian.


> > > > >

> > > > > Can anyone please describe their child's response when

> > lipoceutical

> > > > > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

> > > > > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

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I just started the lipoglut with my two kids who both have low

levels from great smokies. I also am supplementing oral glut. but

think I need to stop and just do one at a time. My daughter is

super emotional on 1/8-1/4 tsp. My son I'm not seeing anything. It

has only been 2 days. Holly

> > > > >

> > > > > Can anyone please describe their child's response when

> > lipoceutical

> > > > > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

> > > > > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.

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Lipoceutical Glutathione seems to be something that's all over the place as

far as helping kids. It seems that many kids have trouble at first finding

the optimal dose that they can tolerate. Some parents started higher,

dropped very low and then moved this up to slowly to a dose that didn't make

their kids stimmy, strange, etc.


[ ] Re: Lipoceutical Glutathione


> Hi Pam,


> Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that this

> supplement did not produce any positive changes within your son.

> Of course, I am more confused than ever ... as others have

> provided a testimonial regarding lipoceutical glutathione.

> I think these things are so variable and depend on the

> individual.






>> > > >

>> > > > Can anyone please describe their child's response when

>> lipoceutical

>> > > > gluathione has been added? We are very close to using this

>> > > > supplement but want to hear feedback before we do.





> =======================================================


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> Could it cause constipation? We are up to 10 drops a

> day of it and my son has been having round balls for

> bowel movements these past few days. His tummy is big

> and round again and he rubs it as to say it hurts. :(


I have read a few stories where glutathione causes yeast, which can

cause the symptoms you write above. Try increasing your yeast

protocol, see if that helps.


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  • 2 months later...

I got some and haven't tried it yet, will let you know how it goes, I plan to

start verrrryyyy slloowwww!!!


Lipoceutical Glutathione


Has anyone any experience of using this product. Does it help

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm kinda just starting. I'm doing a lot of other things right now to replace

all the sulfer amino acids i tested low in but everything I take in regards to

this makes me so much more tired :-( I am also taking the lipo suppositories

once a week. I'm going very slow on the lipo glut because its lecithin based and

that in the past has given me horrendous dizziness to the point of not being

able to stand. So it says take a tsp a day but right now I'm taking about 4 or 5

drops is all to see if I can tolerate it and even at that only about 4 or 5 days

a week, I'm going to have to work up very slowly. I still can't tolerate the

whey proteins well, worked my way up to 1tsp (scoop a day rec is 1 and 1/2) but

I was becoming so tired I could not function again. So bumped it back down to

1/2 tsp about 4 or 5 days a week so I can still function at my puny level. I

have taken TMG about a year or so in case anybody is thinking oh if only I took

that I could tolerate the wheys. (am taking immuneprorx). So I guess that

doesn't help you much, but I'm getting started with it, I'm trying to hit the

glut in as many ways as possible and then get it retested before the end of the

year to see if I've made any progress but this is going much slower than I

wanted to because taking any of the amino's I tested low on, or any glutathione

(except the IV which I can only afford rarely and it only helps with a Myers

cocktail same time) makes me more tired. The thing that helps me the most is a

myers IV and glut following it. I've had Myers alone, not as effective and glut

alone, not as effective. But the myers first and then hook up the glut and push

that IV after it makes me feel better for about 2 wks, sometimes 3.



>I can identify with your experience. My doctor prescribed Clobetasol

> Propionate Cream, 0.05 per cent (extremely strong cortocosteroid cream)

> for ear and scalp itching and it really stopped it cold. I've gone two

> years now without my ears itching.


> I also itch when I have an allergic reaction -- sometimes all over. A

> lot of dust and mold comes from central heating ducts this time of year.

> And this is hayfever season (ragweed pollen, etc.) Benadryl or other

> anti-histamine might help. But there are natural anti-histamines that

> work well too -- bromelain, quercetin, vitamin C, freeze-dried Stinging

> Nettle (Urtica dioica), and pancreatic enzymes. You may also want to

> change your diet for a few days. An increase in total allergic load can

> lower your allergic threshold and make you react to things you don't

> normally react to. Good luck!

> --Vickie


> On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 18:14:01 -0000 " kdrbrill " <kdrbrill@...>

> writes:

> Hi all. I've had an itchy scalp, and itchy ears for at least a couple

> years now, (and anxiety

> for 20 years) but just in the last few weeks the itching has spread,

> become worse and in

> the last few days is practially intolerable.



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  • 1 month later...

We use Reduced L-Glutathione transdermal for my son. The current version was

prescribed by his doctor and compounded in a pharmacy, but before I used

Kirkman's for a brief time. Neither has too strong of a smell.

As I understand Glutathione's benefit is in long term use by compensating for

low/absence of glutathione in autistic children. We have seen no side effects

and it is so easy to use. Also, I have noticed that my son sweat more when on

glutathione particularly at night when asleep his scalp gets damp. He and I

are not normally sweating much which maybe because we have impaired detox

pathways. At first I thought that I may be imagining this but a few days ago I

stopped it for two days and he stopped sweating noticeably. I am hoping this

means that his body doing better at naturally detoxing. Transdermal use is

really helpful for my son, because there is just so much I can give him orally

without aggravating his already injured gut.

My son is 30.5 lb and 3y 4m old.

Hope this helps.


--- chelseygoddard <chelsey.goddard@...> wrote:

> We recently started my 4 1/2 year old son on lipo glutathione. I was

> hoping that others who have tried it would be willing to share their

> experiences - both positive and negative. I've heard that for some

> kids it can aggravate yeast.


> Also, it smells so horrible. My always supplement compliant son is

> really turned off by it. Does anyone have any recommendations for

> masking the taste/smell?


> Thanks.


> Happy Holidays!


> Chelsey





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Yes, it aggravated the yeast a lot. So, for the time being, we stopped. We

had it complounded in unflavored version suspension with stevia -- and it

must have been tolerable because my little guy did take it through the syringe

-- but it did smell.

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Add it to a juice, start off slow and low doses, don't give it late

in the afternoon or evening. Seems like it can hype the kids up

giving it too late in the day.

If you run into a yeast problem, go to once a day only.

In , " chelseygoddard "

<chelsey.goddard@v...> wrote:


> We recently started my 4 1/2 year old son on lipo glutathione. I


> hoping that others who have tried it would be willing to share their

> experiences - both positive and negative. I've heard that for some

> kids it can aggravate yeast.


> Also, it smells so horrible. My always supplement compliant son is

> really turned off by it. Does anyone have any recommendations for

> masking the taste/smell?


> Thanks.


> Happy Holidays!


> Chelsey


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


It will be interesting to see the replies. My daughter takes a

teaspoonful in the morning and one in the evening -that is altoghether

around 800 mg lipoceutical glutathione pr. day, which means that a

2 oz bottle of lipoceutical glutathione in her case lasts around a



> Is anyone using lipoceutical glutathione ? If so, how much are you

> taking per day ? I'm trying to get a handle on the cost.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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I get mine from www.gshnow.com. Beware - it's pricey! You know, I

must've gotten my first bottle from somewhere else, because I was able

to order a 2 oz trial size, for I think around $34.



> What company did you buy your Lipoceutical glutathione from?


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Here's a great webpage on glutathione:


Notice that the first things listed as a symptom of glutathione

deficiency is coordination problems.

Hope this helps! You're not going to find any research on apraxia

and glutathione (at least I didn't), but you'll find that a lot of

people in the autistic community use it and/or its precursors.


> >

> > What company did you buy your Lipoceutical glutathione from?

> >


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