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I swear, I am going to kill someone

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Well, not, unfortunately.

Right after Lou and I were separated, my mother hired a cleaning service for

me as she could see that I was feeling overwhelmed.

I loved it and the lady who ran it was SO nice.

Unfortunately she sold the business. And the first visit that that woman

made to my house, she called CPS. Mind, my house had been being cleaned

professionally every week for about nine months, and how seriously dirty was

it going to be? Not very...

And she refused to clean my house which was all prepared for cleaning. My

friends all came over and we had a big weekend house cleaning party which

was actually a lot of fun and when I let CPS in on Monday my house was about

as clean as it has ever been, even down to freshly painted kitchen cupboards

(my friends kind of went overboard; I rather think that a quick vacuum of

the house would have been good enough for CPS because when you have

professional cleaning you pick everything up anyway). I had cinnamon

muffins in the oven and I gave the CPS workers one while they told me what a

lovely home I had.

I definitely felt it was harassment though NOT CPS's fault in my case.


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> My question is why in the world would the woman who bought the business

call CPS? I want to know what she was thinking?


My house was too much work. Her business primarily consisted of cleaning

the already clean houses of working couples. When I argued with her about

her dropping cleaning my house, she just got mad and wanted to punish me.

Shouldn't have argued of course because why would I want to hire someone

like that anyway, but all I could think was that the house was already to


Oh, and she offered me help and it turned out to be psychological

counselling. I burst into tears when she refused to clean my house (my

sister had just died a few days earlier and I was in a more emotional state

than usual as it really is not the kind of thing that I would normally do).

> I really want to know what anyone thinks who does that to someone else

under false assumptions.


She was just hateful. I told her why I needed housecleaning help: five kids,

no husband, kid with autism who needed, in those days, a LOT of watching and

she told me that she had four kids, one of whom had cerebral palsy, and a

husband who worked long hours and SHE was coping so what was my problem?

Only later did I wonder just how closely she had to watch the kid with CP

(assuming that was not a lie too) and if she ever found her kid with CP

jumping on the roof of her van...

> What we are trying to understand is how in the hell someone from CA could

make a call to MD and make a report when she has NO basis for anything,

never been in the house, never met or any of the kids and for CPS to

take it seriously.


No idea. Some people are just plain hateful.

> A friend of mine in Alabama at the time (I think that is where she was)

had let another friend and her children stay with her temporarly and she

first hand seen neglect and abuse (it was really bad) and when this person

and her kids moved out to live with her oldest child in NY my friend made a

complaint and they told her they couldn't do anything about it since it was

coming from out of state.


> So how in the hell does this work?


Only invalid and harassing out of state complaints are allowed?


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It's BECAUSE you're homeschooling and bucking the system. They don't like

that. Your " friend " probably looks at you and sees Yates. People can

imagine all sorts of things in their minds. CPS probably looked at you and

saw Yates too.

One schizophrenic nut decides to kill her children because she's " thinks

they're disabled " and the whole freaking world looks at mothers with


Nobody will ever convince me that Yates' husband is not on the

spectrum. He's a NASA scientist after all.

I bet at least one or two if her kids were too since she said " she felt like

they were disabled. " I bet she was right.

Anyway, I'm sure that case has a lot to do with CPS and your " friend's "



Your " friend " is a busybody dyke by the way.

Sissi -- making her own assumptions

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> Only later did I wonder just how closely she had to watch the kid with CP

> (assuming that was not a lie too) and if she ever found her kid with CP

> jumping on the roof of her van...

I can tell you exactly how many times that happened.


My nephew Ray-Ray that I'm always talking about also has CP (fairly mild

case compared to some I've seen) and he can't even jump on a trampoline



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I called CPS (called DFACS here-- Department of Family and Childrens

Services) when Boone's lunch was being withheld and when he was being held

to the floor.

Since I was reporting a school system employee, our county called in an

investigator from another county for an unbiased investigation.

The woman was terrific. She came here, talked to me, talked to my kids,

talked to my husband and even attended an IEP meeting with me and my lawyer.

We had ten minutes advance notice that she was coming. The house looked like

it normally does.

She told me she thought I was amazing and she didn't know how I managed

everything. I told her I couldn't possibly manage without my daughter.

Maybe it was because I called her and not the other way around. Her only

concern was that Amber told her she wanted to get a real job and she was

worried that if she did that we'd have a to find someone else to be with

Boone after school. We had a weird experience with a sitter before and Amber

didn't really want anyone else besides her or my mom watching Boone.

When I told the invstigator how much I paid Amber for the amount of work she

does, she wasn't too concerned that Amber would get a better job. (She was

getting $75 a week to take Boone to school in the a.m. and get him off the

school bus in the afternoon. She stayed with him until I got home from work

around five and that's only three days a week.)

Amber did get another job (she works for my best friend at the country club

on weekends) but she still watches Boone when she gets home from school

three days a week so I can get some work done. She only gets $50 a week from

me now.

Now that I've gotten completely away from the point I was trying to make,

I'll shut up.


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> I'm sure there are lots of lovely people in the cleaning business. I just

> happen to know some that are not. I never really intended to make such a

> sweeping statement.

Ha, ha, great pun considering the subject, but unintended I do believe?

Thanks for not coming down on me too hard!

Now that is something that Sue would not do to you!


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Just not sure who I should kill first. That is the problem. I am really

stressed out to the point at the moment I want to puke. This is not good. I

think I better pull out the prozac again before I start having uncontrolable

panic attacks again. It bothers me that when things get bad of late that I have

to be medicated to keep from totaly loosing it.

Ok, I know that I have told part of this story here. Back in 2001 we had a

false report called into child protective services that we were not meeting the

developmental needs of children because Savannah was just diagonosed with ASD

and she wasn't automatically instutionalized. The report was called in by

someone who was supposed to be my best friend, who I have known since 3rd grade.

works with severely impared adults with a variety of issues so she thinks

she knows everything. She doesn't approve of me having a large family,

homeschooling (especially an ASD child, it just isn't right and she needs

professional help and blah blah blah), and that I actually have sex with my

husband and enjoy it (according to her ~ please don't laugh to hard, this is

really abusurd ~ I am repressed and abused by my husband because no woman in

their right mind would be pregnant as often as I have without being forced and

that was forcing me to have sex with him without protection and yadda

yadda yadda. Note here about , she is a year older than me, has never

been married and the only boyfriend that she has ever had was a psychopath who

raped her. All of her female friends are either gay or hate their husbands).

We got into an ugly fight on the phone one day (keep in mind that she lives in

CA and has never met or my children) and I told her to get her head out of

her ass. Next thing that I know there is a socail worker on my door step.

The social worker that showed up was an ex-teacher, decided that I should not be

homeschooling (it is rather anti-homeschooling around here. The county takes it

as a personal slap in the face that they are not being allowed to educate

children because the schools are so good. Yea, and this is why there is a Yahoo

group dedicated to everything that is wrong with the sped dept). This bitch

told me right to my face that I " have so many children that I can't possibly

take care of them all " . She decided that we needed this service and that

severice and tried to get them for us (such as WIC, renters assistance and some

other stuff that we DO NOT qualify for. She didn't believe us on that matter,

did not believe that my husband makes what he does, that we have excellent

health coverage, etc). The woman was a major pain in the ass. She gets

involved with the county on the homeschooling, forces (against COMAR) more

homeschooling reviews and so forth and between her and the school rep that did

our reviews (we are using an umbrella school now) tried to end our homeschooling

program without telling us (this way they could drag us into court on truancy

violations) and so forth. Went through a lot of crap on the homeschooling about

how our kids should be tested by the school and all kinds of other shit.

Basically, their agenda was to get my kids in school where they could get the

extra money for sped that they do NOT provide. One of the things that I found

out about the elm school that they would have attended was that all classes are

held in both English and Spanish because there are so many Latino immagrants

that can't speek English and they need to accomidate all the kids. Nothing

agaisnst the rather large Latino community here, but that is NOT the sort of

class that I want my kids in. I don't think that it is conductive to learning

(even if I did have some iota of faith in the public school system), especially

to autistic children.

This social worker turned our case over to someone else. This someone else was

ok really. She wasn't really a bitch or anything. She ended up quitting. I

don't think she was cut out for the job. She was to mellow and not the hardass

sort that you come to expect from CPS. We did not hear from CPS in like a year,

next thing we know we return home one day and there is a letter on the door from

another social worker that the case was handed to. We called our laywer at the

Home School Legal Defence Association and he got involved again. When the

worker was told that this case had basically turned into harassment and should

have been closed, and the lawyer denied him access to the kids he yelled at our

lawyer. I mean he really yelled at . was standing about 50 feet

away from the social workers car where he had all the windows rolled up where

couldn't hear the conversation and was yelling at so loud that Chris

could hear him! Well, here is the thing. When the guy did the inspection of

our house, he told that everything was fine. Turned around and told

that the house was dim, that there were no books in the house for the kids (the

asshole must be blind, there were 4 ~ 2 large and 2 small ~books in the house

for the kids. I am not kidding. Me. Not have books in the house??? I told

that there were books and the kids homeschooling stuff scattered in every

room of the house except the bathroom and that I could arrange) and some other

stupid shit. This socail worker is an asshole.

Well, yesterday comes home from work and tells me that he got a phone call

from . Turns out that this social worker is harassing that he *MUST*

see the kids in order to close the case. told him that we would not agree

to that unless he () was there because we did not trust this guy and that

it would be in a public place. That we would not allow the guy in the house.

I am just so sick of this crap. I am getting ready to file harassment charges

against the county!

ARGH! When will this ever end?

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


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Man, I don't know what to say! We all have to address this, because

this could happen to ANY of us. What can we do for you Georga??

> Just not sure who I should kill first. That is the problem. I am

really stressed out to the point at the moment I want to puke. This

is not good. I think I better pull out the prozac again before I

start having uncontrolable panic attacks again. It bothers me that

when things get bad of late that I have to be medicated to keep from

totaly loosing it.


> Ok, I know that I have told part of this story here. Back in 2001

we had a false report called into child protective services that we

were not meeting the developmental needs of children because Savannah

was just diagonosed with ASD and she wasn't automatically

instutionalized. The report was called in by someone who was

supposed to be my best friend, who I have known since 3rd grade.

works with severely impared adults with a variety of issues so

she thinks she knows everything. She doesn't approve of me having a

large family, homeschooling (especially an ASD child, it just isn't

right and she needs professional help and blah blah blah), and that I

actually have sex with my husband and enjoy it (according to her ~

please don't laugh to hard, this is really abusurd ~ I am repressed

and abused by my husband because no woman in their right mind would

be pregnant as often as I have without being forced and that Chris

was forcing me to have sex with him without protection and yadda

yadda yadda. Note here about , she is a year older than me,

has never been married and the only boyfriend that she has ever had

was a psychopath who raped her. All of her female friends are either

gay or hate their husbands). We got into an ugly fight on the phone

one day (keep in mind that she lives in CA and has never met or

my children) and I told her to get her head out of her ass. Next

thing that I know there is a socail worker on my door step.


> The social worker that showed up was an ex-teacher, decided that I

should not be homeschooling (it is rather anti-homeschooling around

here. The county takes it as a personal slap in the face that they

are not being allowed to educate children because the schools are so

good. Yea, and this is why there is a Yahoo group dedicated to

everything that is wrong with the sped dept). This bitch told me

right to my face that I " have so many children that I can't possibly

take care of them all " . She decided that we needed this service and

that severice and tried to get them for us (such as WIC, renters

assistance and some other stuff that we DO NOT qualify for. She

didn't believe us on that matter, did not believe that my husband

makes what he does, that we have excellent health coverage, etc).

The woman was a major pain in the ass. She gets involved with the

county on the homeschooling, forces (against COMAR) more

homeschooling reviews and so forth and between her and the school rep

that did our reviews (we are using an umbrella school now) tried to

end our homeschooling program without telling us (this way they could

drag us into court on truancy violations) and so forth. Went through

a lot of crap on the homeschooling about how our kids should be

tested by the school and all kinds of other shit. Basically, their

agenda was to get my kids in school where they could get the extra

money for sped that they do NOT provide. One of the things that I

found out about the elm school that they would have attended was that

all classes are held in both English and Spanish because there are so

many Latino immagrants that can't speek English and they need to

accomidate all the kids. Nothing agaisnst the rather large Latino

community here, but that is NOT the sort of class that I want my kids

in. I don't think that it is conductive to learning (even if I did

have some iota of faith in the public school system), especially to

autistic children.


> This social worker turned our case over to someone else. This

someone else was ok really. She wasn't really a bitch or anything.

She ended up quitting. I don't think she was cut out for the job.

She was to mellow and not the hardass sort that you come to expect

from CPS. We did not hear from CPS in like a year, next thing we

know we return home one day and there is a letter on the door from

another social worker that the case was handed to. We called our

laywer at the Home School Legal Defence Association and he got

involved again. When the worker was told that this case had

basically turned into harassment and should have been closed, and the

lawyer denied him access to the kids he yelled at our lawyer. I mean

he really yelled at . was standing about 50 feet away

from the social workers car where he had all the windows rolled up

where couldn't hear the conversation and was yelling at

so loud that could hear him! Well, here is the thing. When

the guy did the inspection of our house, he told that

everything was fine. Turned around and told that the house was

dim, that there were no books in the house for the kids (the asshole

must be blind, there were 4 ~ 2 large and 2 small ~books in the house

for the kids. I am not kidding. Me. Not have books in the

house??? I told that there were books and the kids

homeschooling stuff scattered in every room of the house except the

bathroom and that I could arrange) and some other stupid shit. This

socail worker is an asshole.


> Well, yesterday comes home from work and tells me that he got

a phone call from . Turns out that this social worker is

harassing that he *MUST* see the kids in order to close the

case. told him that we would not agree to that unless he

() was there because we did not trust this guy and that it would

be in a public place. That we would not allow the guy in the house.


> I am just so sick of this crap. I am getting ready to file

harassment charges against the county!

> ARGH! When will this ever end?


> Georga Hackworth

> Enter to win $50 worth of free books

> www.ubah.com/F1549



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My question is why in the world would the woman who bought the business call

CPS? I want to know what she was thinking?

I really want to know what anyone thinks who does that to someone else under

false assumptions.

What we are trying to understand is how in the hell someone from CA could make a

call to MD and make a report when she has NO basis for anything, never been in

the house, never met or any of the kids and for CPS to take it seriously.

A friend of mine in Alabama at the time (I think that is where she was) had let

another friend and her children stay with her temporarly and she first hand seen

neglect and abuse (it was really bad) and when this person and her kids moved

out to live with her oldest child in NY my friend made a complaint and they told

her they couldn't do anything about it since it was coming from out of state.

So how in the hell does this work?

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone



Well, not, unfortunately.

Right after Lou and I were separated, my mother hired a cleaning service for

me as she could see that I was feeling overwhelmed.

I loved it and the lady who ran it was SO nice.

Unfortunately she sold the business. And the first visit that that woman

made to my house, she called CPS. Mind, my house had been being cleaned

professionally every week for about nine months, and how seriously dirty was

it going to be? Not very...

And she refused to clean my house which was all prepared for cleaning. My

friends all came over and we had a big weekend house cleaning party which

was actually a lot of fun and when I let CPS in on Monday my house was about

as clean as it has ever been, even down to freshly painted kitchen cupboards

(my friends kind of went overboard; I rather think that a quick vacuum of

the house would have been good enough for CPS because when you have

professional cleaning you pick everything up anyway). I had cinnamon

muffins in the oven and I gave the CPS workers one while they told me what a

lovely home I had.

I definitely felt it was harassment though NOT CPS's fault in my case.


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GDI, I cannot stand CPS. I'm sure you know, you do not have to let them in the

house, nor give them access to the kids *until* they get a court order. I think

this guy would be hard pressed to convince any judge that there is *any* sort of

evidence to take the kids, and since they don't go to a public school, he cannot

just grab them. Oh, I really do love it when they screw themselves with their


However, on the other hand, it may get over a lot quicker if you let him see

them. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I've kept CPS workers out of my house on

more than one occasion and they won't take the kids unless there is *imminent


I feel for you, really, I do, I've been this route with them and the first time

I did play their game, but I'd never do it again. Take a deep breath, and know

that his harrassment will stop in time. I know it's frustrating but you have the

upper hand here. If they let you go for a year without services and no one has

called, they have already lost. You don't think someone called them again, do

you? They are truly royal pains in the ass. Tell them to go find the kids that

are really abused and leave you alone.


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> A friend of mine in Alabama at the time (I think that is where she was)

had let another friend and her children stay with her temporarly and she

first hand seen neglect and abuse (it was really bad) and when this person

and her kids moved out to live with her oldest child in NY my friend made a

complaint and they told her they couldn't do anything about it since it was

coming from out of state.


> So how in the hell does this work?

I don't know how long ago this was, but, CPS isn't the only organization

involved here. The police can be called and do nothing as it's out of state, but

now there is a national hotline that anyone can call and those are all

investigated. Ugh, really, can't they find something more productive to do, like

actually finding the abused kids?


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> my friend made a complaint and they told her they couldn't do anything about

it since it was coming from out of state. <

a few years ago, i had this online friend who lived in cali. she had an abusive

bf and she had two young children, one of whom was autistic. one night she told

me her bf was on his way home and she was really scared. she was VERY drunk and

she was cutting herself. the kids were home and were not in bed. i got nervous.

i called information, found out the number of the police department in her town

and called them. i explained that i was concerned because there were children

involved and could they just make sure everyone was ok. well, she ended up being

very mad at me when the cops arrived because she claimed there were a ton of

cars and they all had their guns drawn. it turns out that she was probably a

pathological liar and that none of this was even going on in the first place. i

felt bad afterward, but i still think i did the right thing with what i " knew "

at the time. i also think it's very cool that the police were concerned, even

tho i was calling from all the way across the country.

" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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What I understand happened was that the social worker that the case was turned

over to, Elaine, did her follow ups that she was required, we were under the

impression that the case was closed. The last time she came out she was in and

out in less than 10 mins. We never heard from her again. Then this asshole

shows up (and I am sorry, anyone that feels that they can yell at our lawyer ~

and for those that don't know the HSLDA quite frequently deals with CPS over

stupid stuff like this and 99% of the time wins their cases ~ and tell him that

he can do whatever he wants because he is CPS is an asshole) and tells us that

Elaine quit, that the file wasn't closed out and it was given to him to

complete. He stood there and told my husband that he normally follows up on

cases for a year before he will close them. This is where we got involved

again. has letters from the social worker stating that the all " problems "

were resolved and so forth and that there were no issues, blah blah blah. But

the case is still open. Can someone explain that to me? This asshole is telling

us he wants to close the case. How can he want to close something when he says

that he follows up for a year on stuff? This makes no freaking sense. We

already know that he is full of shit, telling us one thing and the lawyer

something else. So that is the story there.

As far as a court order to see the kids...how hard do you think that would be

for him to get? Seriously? I mean, we didnt hear from them in like almost a

year. He has letters from the dr. stating that they are all in good health,

well adjusted, etc., a letter from Savannahs psych stating that homeschooling is

the best thing we could be doing for her and we are doing more for her than

anyone else could, etc. I mean, how much weight would that carry against the

crap that the county has stated in their records? I mean, I know for a fact

that I can nail the county on the homeschooling issues if that was brought up

for direct violation of COMAR.

I am also wondering if we could file harassment charges against CPS at this

point and have the court order a cease and desist order against them. I have no

idea how to do go about doing any of this, if we can do it, etc. did tell

us that if we wanted to sue the county that we would have to get another lawyer,

that it was out of the relm of what the HSLDA delt with, and that he could work

with whatever lawyer that we hired. It is my experience though from talking to

lawyers around here that they don't want to go after the county. It is common

public knowledge that Montgomery County CPS is the worst to deal with with their

attitude. I had a local lawyer tell us that the easy thing to do would be to

cooperate with them and just get it over with.

See, here is my thing.

I dont want this guy anywhere near the kids for various reasons

The biggest being the autism.

I mean, I have a four year old that has severe speech delays. I know Dalton at 2

has delays. He should have more than 5 words that he can speek clearly and

everything else is gibberish. I don't want this guy trying to talk to them,

Savannah freaking out, Atlanta thinks everyone is her friend (I so hate NT kids

sometimes), Cherokee is just impossible and won't do anything she doesn't want

to and I can see her refusing to talk to this guy. Sierra has new issues now

(as per my email yesterday about the diapers). I don't want to go through this

shit again that we *must* per CPS get the kids evaluated, and so forth. Private

evaluation around here has a 6 month waiting list. I don't want or need them in

our life for 6 more fucking months where they can see a report and tell us that

the kids need special services and we *must* get them. Everyone here knows what

you have to go through to get services, and when a child isn't extreamly low

functioning you have a better chance of selling ice cubes to Eskimos than

getting services.

At this point I don't know what the hell to do.

I just want it to end, but I am afraid if we let this guy near the kids he is

going to come up with some hairbrained reason that we *need* him in our life and

transfer the case over to the county that we are living in now.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

GDI, I cannot stand CPS. I'm sure you know, you do not have to let them in the

house, nor give them access to the kids *until* they get a court order. I


this guy would be hard pressed to convince any judge that there is *any* sort


evidence to take the kids, and since they don't go to a public school, he


just grab them. Oh, I really do love it when they screw themselves with their


However, on the other hand, it may get over a lot quicker if you let him see

them. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I've kept CPS workers out of my house on

more than one occasion and they won't take the kids unless there is *imminent


I feel for you, really, I do, I've been this route with them and the first


I did play their game, but I'd never do it again. Take a deep breath, and know

that his harrassment will stop in time. I know it's frustrating but you have


upper hand here. If they let you go for a year without services and no one has

called, they have already lost. You don't think someone called them again, do

you? They are truly royal pains in the ass. Tell them to go find the kids that

are really abused and leave you alone.


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This was all in the last three years.

See, I do know that by law all calls have to be investagated. That is what I

don't get. Christi called in something valid (one of the major issues she had

was that s one son, I think he was 13, constantly got nose bleeds for no

reason. They just sponatiously happened and she never took him to the dr to have

it checked out. This woman never got up off her ass the entire time she was at

Christis to cook for her kids, she made her oldest cook, she never got up off

her ass if two of her kids were fighting to see what was going on and break it

up, she spent 24/7 at her computer. I am not kidding. Christi told me that she

slept at her computer. The stories that were relayed to me were of a very

neglectful mother. When Christi helped her pack and move into her place she

said that the place was covered in cat shit. Not like a turd here or there

where the cat had an accident, but there were areas of the house that were

covered) and yet it was not investigated. I don't freaking get it.

I also know that there is some law that was signed that if a call is not

investigated than the state looses money for the welfare program.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

> A friend of mine in Alabama at the time (I think that is where she was)

had let another friend and her children stay with her temporarly and she

first hand seen neglect and abuse (it was really bad) and when this person

and her kids moved out to live with her oldest child in NY my friend made a

complaint and they told her they couldn't do anything about it since it was

coming from out of state.


> So how in the hell does this work?

I don't know how long ago this was, but, CPS isn't the only organization

involved here. The police can be called and do nothing as it's out of state,


now there is a national hotline that anyone can call and those are all

investigated. Ugh, really, can't they find something more productive to do,


actually finding the abused kids?


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That is the weird thing about knowing people on line. You never know what kind

of weird-os you are going to get. LOL! I mean, behind a computer people can

claim to be whoever they want.

By the sounds of it, it sounds like you did the right thing. Did you ever find

out what the real story was?

Georga Hackworth

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Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

> my friend made a complaint and they told her they couldn't do anything about

it since it was coming from out of state. <

a few years ago, i had this online friend who lived in cali. she had an

abusive bf and she had two young children, one of whom was autistic. one night

she told me her bf was on his way home and she was really scared. she was VERY

drunk and she was cutting herself. the kids were home and were not in bed. i got

nervous. i called information, found out the number of the police department in

her town and called them. i explained that i was concerned because there were

children involved and could they just make sure everyone was ok. well, she ended

up being very mad at me when the cops arrived because she claimed there were a

ton of cars and they all had their guns drawn. it turns out that she was

probably a pathological liar and that none of this was even going on in the

first place. i felt bad afterward, but i still think i did the right thing with

what i " knew " at the time. i also think it's very cool that the police were

concerned, even tho i was calling from all th! e way acr

" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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> Did you ever find out what the real story was? <

no, she stopped talking to me after that. thanks for being concerned, i guess


" Something important to remember...we'll always be who we are. " - Mr.

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Check your state statutes. Here they cannot *force* you do anything without a

judge. PERIOD. They have no color of law, but they can take your kids and then

you go before a judge within 72 hours. That is their power. Their *only* power.

In Arizona, the agency, the social worker and most others involved are *immune*

from prosecution. You just can't do anything about it. If you know any state

congressmen, they are your best bet. You gotta scream at the right people. I

have done this, but I went to a federal congressman, who sent it to the


You can and I would get a note from their doctors saying it would be determental

for them to be forced into anything because of their special circumstances.

These people have been known to lie, so I would get your medical, and other

paperwork together, if you're up for the fight. They are used to people rolling

over for them and getting away with everything. If this guy is as big an asshole

as he seems, he'll insist and then hound you. I'm sorry, I really am. I've just

heard way too many horror stories about CPS. It's too bad you don't know where

the other social worker is and could get a statement from her.


Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

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>> This was all in the last three years.

See, I do know that by law all calls have to be investagated. <<

Yep, they do if you get ahold of the correct people. My daughter was living in

an apartment that was trashed, clothes, knives, maggots, formula caked on the

floor, fans with no shrouds, poop on the doors and when we asked CPS about how

Buster was doing and living... " There was plenty of food in the house, " was the

reply. I'll never, ever forget that. She had 3 calls to CPS in the span of 2

months by different people and they did NOTHING, absolutely nothing. They wanted

out of the case that bad. So an investigation is basically whatever the social

worker wants to put into it. Assholes should not be CPS workers. There are 2

kinds of CPS assholes, the newbies that want to get abusers and see abuse at

every turn, regardless of circumstance. Then you have the ones that have been

doing it too long and just really don't give a shit. I know someone who had

their kids taken from them because they were pagan, and the girl had a bruise

(first time) on her leg. This guy sounds like the gung-ho asshole.


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What a MESS.

I would not let him see the kids w/o a court order. Give him an inch &

he'll walk all over you. And as you point out it does not seem likely that

he could get one. Bullshit he has to see the kids.

To be honest I am glad the call was investigated. I wish that happened more

often; you hear too many stories about people calling CPS & being told

nothing can be done. Of course I am sorry for the hassle it caused you, but

I am sure you know what I'm saying.

But I don't understand why the case wasn't closed after a couple of phone

calls -- one to you and one to your dr. I don't even see how it warranted a

single home visit. If the complaint was medical neglect, you dr saying no,

they are doing everything they can, should have been plenty.

And yeah, I'd look into charging them with harrassment or whatever you can

do. If they're never held accountable they'll never change. Too bad this

shit happens to people who don't have the time or energy to do squat about


I pray for a quick and painless resolution.


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OK, this scares the crap out of me. I'm not part of HSLDA and I should be. This

is why CPS scared the living crap out of me. I'm signing up the second I have

money. I don't want to be without the help if I need it.

Yikes, I'm sorry you are going through this. Please if you need anything just



I swear, I am going to kill someone

Just not sure who I should kill first. That is the problem. I am really

stressed out to the point at the moment I want to puke. This is not good. I

think I better pull out the prozac again before I start having uncontrolable

panic attacks again. It bothers me that when things get bad of late that I have

to be medicated to keep from totaly loosing it.

Ok, I know that I have told part of this story here. Back in 2001 we had a

false report called into child protective services that we were not meeting the

developmental needs of children because Savannah was just diagonosed with ASD

and she wasn't automatically instutionalized. The report was called in by

someone who was supposed to be my best friend, who I have known since 3rd grade.

works with severely impared adults with a variety of issues so she thinks

she knows everything. She doesn't approve of me having a large family,

homeschooling (especially an ASD child, it just isn't right and she needs

professional help and blah blah blah), and that I actually have sex with my

husband and enjoy it (according to her ~ please don't laugh to hard, this is

really abusurd ~ I am repressed and abused by my husband because no woman in

their right mind would be pregnant as often as I have without being forced and

that was forcing me to have sex with him without protection and yadda

yadda yadda. Note here about , she is a year older than me, has never

been married and the only boyfriend that she has ever had was a psychopath who

raped her. All of her female friends are either gay or hate their husbands).

We got into an ugly fight on the phone one day (keep in mind that she lives in

CA and has never met or my children) and I told her to get her head out of

her ass. Next thing that I know there is a socail worker on my door step.

The social worker that showed up was an ex-teacher, decided that I should not

be homeschooling (it is rather anti-homeschooling around here. The county takes

it as a personal slap in the face that they are not being allowed to educate

children because the schools are so good. Yea, and this is why there is a Yahoo

group dedicated to everything that is wrong with the sped dept). This bitch

told me right to my face that I " have so many children that I can't possibly

take care of them all " . She decided that we needed this service and that

severice and tried to get them for us (such as WIC, renters assistance and some

other stuff that we DO NOT qualify for. She didn't believe us on that matter,

did not believe that my husband makes what he does, that we have excellent

health coverage, etc). The woman was a major pain in the ass. She gets

involved with the county on the homeschooling, forces (against COMAR) more

homeschooling reviews and so forth and between her and the school rep that did

our reviews (we are using an umbrella school now) tried to end our homeschooling

program without telling us (this way they could drag us into court on truancy

violations) and so forth. Went through a lot of crap on the homeschooling about

how our kids should be tested by the school and all kinds of other shit.

Basically, their agenda was to get my kids in school where they could get the

extra money for sped that they do NOT provide. One of the things that I found

out about the elm school that they would have attended was that all classes are

held in both English and Spanish because there are so many Latino immagrants

that can't speek English and they need to accomidate all the kids. Nothing

agaisnst the rather large Latino community here, but that is NOT the sort of

class that I want my kids in. I don't think that it is conductive to learning

(even if I did have some iota of faith in the public school system), especially

to autistic children.

This social worker turned our case over to someone else. This someone else

was ok really. She wasn't really a bitch or anything. She ended up quitting.

I don't think she was cut out for the job. She was to mellow and not the

hardass sort that you come to expect from CPS. We did not hear from CPS in like

a year, next thing we know we return home one day and there is a letter on the

door from another social worker that the case was handed to. We called our

laywer at the Home School Legal Defence Association and he got involved again.

When the worker was told that this case had basically turned into harassment and

should have been closed, and the lawyer denied him access to the kids he yelled

at our lawyer. I mean he really yelled at . was standing about 50

feet away from the social workers car where he had all the windows rolled up

where couldn't hear the conversation and was yelling at so loud that

could hear him! Well, here is the thing. When the guy did the inspection

of our house, he told that everything was fine. Turned around and told

that the house was dim, that there were no books in the house for the kids

(the asshole must be blind, there were 4 ~ 2 large and 2 small ~books in the

house for the kids. I am not kidding. Me. Not have books in the house??? I

told that there were books and the kids homeschooling stuff scattered in

every room of the house except the bathroom and that I could arrange) and some

other stupid shit. This socail worker is an asshole.

Well, yesterday comes home from work and tells me that he got a phone

call from . Turns out that this social worker is harassing that he

*MUST* see the kids in order to close the case. told him that we would

not agree to that unless he () was there because we did not trust this guy

and that it would be in a public place. That we would not allow the guy in the


I am just so sick of this crap. I am getting ready to file harassment charges

against the county!

ARGH! When will this ever end?

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


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It's very common for homeschooling children and parents to be harrassed by

CPS. The problem is sometimes the case workers let the abusers go and the ones

that love thier kids go through this crap.

The case worker does have the right to insist to see those children without a

court order if he feels the children are in danger. Most of the time, even if

unwarranted the judge will side with the cps worker.


Trust me half the time cps can do more damage then good. It's scary and

families have to learn what to do.


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Sissi, That isn't the half of it.

First of all, when we were growing up wanted to get married and have 6

kids and homeschool them. Not kidding here. She is now a year older than me

(33), never been married, has no kids, the only boyfriend she had raped her and

was a total psychopath. She lives in a one room stupid apartment (well, two if

you count the bathroom), works with severely impared adults (one of them, Brad,

is autistic and obsesses over notebooks) in an adult day care sort of place.

You know, one of those places for adults that need around the clock care but

live with family and the family needs a place to drop them off while they work

so they dump them there. According to , all autistic individuals must

have 24 hour care in an instutitional enviroment.

To continue, is appalled that any woman in their right mind would have

more than one or two children, because no sane woman would allow that to happen

to them. In her mind, I am abused and repressed by because he has forced

me to be pregnant so many times, that he forces me to have sex (no sane woman

would do that either) and so forth.

She lives in California, has a weird religious belief system that combines

Christanity and Wicca (I understand these two religions just fine on their own

but how in the hell do you put them together? It makes no sense to me.) The

majority of her female friends are gay or married and hate their husbands so

they don't want to have sex with them.

This is where she gets her ideas.

This is nowhere near an Yates sort of thing.

This is someone that got pissed off because I told her that *I* do not make the

decissions in the house, that and I together make them, that I *must*

respect my husbands opionion (I don't have to agree with it now, but I have to

respect it) because he is my husband and I married him and he is a human being

that deserves that respect, that I do not hate him, that I will continue to have

sex with him regurdless of use of birth control because he is my husband and I

happen to love him and I don't use sex as punishment or leverage to get what I

want out of him (besides, I've tried, it doesn't work and it has become more of

a joke around here than anything) and so forth. She took offence to this, she

took offence at me telling her she had no idea what *I* lived with (but,

according to her, of course she does because she works with these severely

impared adults who she has admitted to abusing in the past) and that she had no

idea how to live with another human being that helps run a house and raise

children (but in her mind, because as a child/teenager she helped raise her

brother and sister she knows all about raising childern) and so froth. Told her

to get a grip on reality and get her head out of her ass.

A week later there was a socail worker on my door step and a week and a half

later there was a letter in the mail from her stating what she had done.

Now as far as where the county has a problem with me...well...they are pissed

off that I am not putting my special needs kids in school where they can get the

funding for them while they provide no services, I have insulted them by telling

them that their teachers are not good enough by homeschooling and so forth.

Yea, I know what their problem is. They can bite me and they know it.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone


It's BECAUSE you're homeschooling and bucking the system. They don't like

that. Your " friend " probably looks at you and sees Yates. People can

imagine all sorts of things in their minds. CPS probably looked at you and

saw Yates too.

One schizophrenic nut decides to kill her children because she's " thinks

they're disabled " and the whole freaking world looks at mothers with


Nobody will ever convince me that Yates' husband is not on the

spectrum. He's a NASA scientist after all.

I bet at least one or two if her kids were too since she said " she felt like

they were disabled. " I bet she was right.

Anyway, I'm sure that case has a lot to do with CPS and your " friend's "



Your " friend " is a busybody dyke by the way.

Sissi -- making her own assumptions

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The complaint was that I was not meeting the developemental needs of the


That turned into a homeschooling issue that I should not be homeschooling.

That turned into a full blown case with them. I *had* to get all the kids

evaluated for whatever through the county (didn't do half of it, told them the

appts were made, they called and checked and I never went to them because it was

all bullshit and got letters from both our ped and Savannahs ped stating that it

was all bullshit) because I had the older four tested early on because of the

lead poisoning. The reports that we got was an entirely f'd up thing. There

was nothing wrong with the reports or anything, it just took us a week to get

them and there was something on them stating that we " *may* want to have them

reavaluted in 6 months " . The social worker took this to say that we *must* and

get the other ones done that were not tested just because we should have that

information for our piece of mind and the other ones were done. Didn't matter

that there was a VALID reason with MEDICAL referals for the older kids to be


I was told directly to my face that I " have so many kids that I can't possibly

take care of them " . I talked to someone else in the area that I know who has a

rather large family and I was told that it is common practice for CPS in that

county to needlessly harass large families. She went through hell with them

over several things. Her son was hit by the pizza boy while getting into his

grandfathers car, and the social worker came down on her, that she was there and

let him run out in the street and was being charged with neglect and

endangerment. Pretty good considering she was on strict bed rest while pregnant

and had to be told that her son was hit. Doesn't matter to CPS that the pizza

boy was sited for driving on the freaking sidewalk. Later she had a child that

was born dead at something like 5 or 6 months and they put in the report that

she brought the baby home alive and then later brought the baby back to the

hospital dead. She said after that after all of her other children were born

CPS showed up to " check " on her.

From what I have been through with them, what I have been told from (she

heads our umbrella school) that people have said to her through all this, and so

forth we are being harassed and discriminated against because of the size of our

family and that we are homeschooling.

The thing is, yea, they did the right thing by checking out a call, they did the

wrong thing in making a case where there was none and in the fact that they have

continued to harass us for over two years AFTER sending us paperwork stating

that the case is closed. We questioned that and we were told that we would

still " get services " from them.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

What a MESS.

I would not let him see the kids w/o a court order. Give him an inch &

he'll walk all over you. And as you point out it does not seem likely that

he could get one. Bullshit he has to see the kids.

To be honest I am glad the call was investigated. I wish that happened more

often; you hear too many stories about people calling CPS & being told

nothing can be done. Of course I am sorry for the hassle it caused you, but

I am sure you know what I'm saying.

But I don't understand why the case wasn't closed after a couple of phone

calls -- one to you and one to your dr. I don't even see how it warranted a

single home visit. If the complaint was medical neglect, you dr saying no,

they are doing everything they can, should have been plenty.

And yeah, I'd look into charging them with harrassment or whatever you can

do. If they're never held accountable they'll never change. Too bad this

shit happens to people who don't have the time or energy to do squat about


I pray for a quick and painless resolution.


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That is the thing, at no point has anyone said that they feel our kids are in

danger. They have said that there is no reason to remove them, that all issues

are resolved, etc. There are letters on file with them from our doctors that

the kids needs are met, they are well adjusted, there are no signs of abuse,


Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone


It's very common for homeschooling children and parents to be harrassed by

CPS. The problem is sometimes the case workers let the abusers go and the ones

that love thier kids go through this crap.

The case worker does have the right to insist to see those children without a

court order if he feels the children are in danger. Most of the time, even if

unwarranted the judge will side with the cps worker.


Trust me half the time cps can do more damage then good. It's scary and

families have to learn what to do.


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