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Online Internet Pharmacies for Dessicated Thyroid

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Guest Cookie

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Guest Cookie

Hi Folks,

I'm new here. Was internet searching on NDT without a prescription and came across this forum and someone had written click on 'files' on this forum to fine a list of online pharmacies. Could someone point me in the general direction on this site for the 'files' folder.

Many thanks


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest fruitloverlady

If it has something to do with thyroid, I wouldn't depend on online pharmacies unless recommended by a doctor, if I were you. This is a serious health matter and you really need doctor's prescription for it.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest LadyAngler
Hi Folks,

I'm new here. Was internet searching on NDT without a prescription and came across this forum and someone had written click on 'files' on this forum to fine a list of online pharmacies. Could someone point me in the general direction on this site for the 'files' folder.

Many thanks


I get my dessicated thyroid from Universal Drug Store in Canada (online). However, I have a prescription. I wouldn't take it without being monitored by a physician. Thyroid issues are serious business.

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