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Re: wired but tired

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> >>Okay so I'll rephrase. When one is hypoT AND hypoA, does

treating just adrenals make hypoT worse or better?<<


> Neither! It will LOOK worse on the labs as when their is enough

cortisol the T3 can get into the cells so it will not all be floating

in the blood looking really pretty on blood tests whiel you are

still very hypo. But the hypo ois no better or worse with or without

cortisll though without it probably feels alot worse.


I want to elaborate on Val's answer for . Only when hubby

added Isocort to support adrenals did his hypo really become

evident. I'd always suspected he was hypo, but with a TSH > 1,

figured there was no way I was going to get a doctor to treat him.

But once the cortisol was added, basically using up all his T3, whoa,

the depression (for no reason--typical symptom) hit like a bomb.

Just lays down and starts crying. What's wrong? I don't know. So

my answer is, yes, treating adrenals will make hypoT worse (or at

least more apparent).


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I was on Synthroid and " normal " when I first had CFS.



> Well I was bedbound with both and on thyroid meds that did no good. I

> don't even know why I was taking them, but the tests all came back

> normal so I guessed they were doing what they were supposed to. I

> can't wait until I can get my temps correct so that I can up my


> meds. You also have to realize that CFS is not going to manifest


> exactly the same way in everyone who has it.


> English

> >

> > I'm ONLY referring here to people bedbound with CFS and Fibro, not

> adrenal fatigue and improperly treated hypothyroidism. Many people

> with CFS do not have hypothyroidism.


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Hey, I think we agree. Many things can mess it up!

And I think many things can treat it too. Cheri

Re: Re: wired but tired

He's a scientist who got mercury poisoned himself from his mercury amalgam

fillings and was quite ill and then had to search for the answers himself

and did whatever it took to get well and devised his own protocol for safe

and effective mercury chelation with DMSA and ALA and he became famous by

writing a book and then another book and has lots of stuff on-line for

mercury poisoning support. It's interesting because he claims that when the

hypothalamus gets poisoned with mercury, CFS and Fibro can start showing up.

There's that hypothalamus again!

Many things can mess with the hypothalamus and mercury is one of them and

copper is another and then there's the folks in whom it gets dysregulated

from stress and the fact that they are not dealing with their emotions and

their stuffed emotions turn into symptoms.

BTW- Dr. Cutler lives in Washington State and he is available to sign on

with a doc who wants to treat you for mercury or copper poisoning.


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My question on Dr. Teitelbaum is this. If he fully believes only Mickel

therapy can treat this axis issue (not sure if he does or doesn't) or that

it is only an axis issue and other organs are not involved, why would he

sell supplements for chronic fatigue, discuss other organs in his book,

etc.? He also sells chelation and adrenal supplements. I know because I have

been taking his stuff for years, have his book and am on his email list. :)

See, I do think the hypothalamus is involved I am just not sure there is

only one way to treat it or that one therapy cures it. Something like

mercury definitely affects the hypothalamus but it also affects the thyroid,

liver, adrenals, kidneys, colon, etc.

Something like 70% of our immune system is in our digestive tract. I don't

know which medical journal I read that in but it was recent.

I first got CFS about 15 years before you and yes, I have heard all kinds of

things over the years and think they are much closer to understanding it now

than back in the 80s when I first was struggling.


Re: wired but tired

Does anybody else here believe Teitelbaum who says that CFS and Fibro are

dysregulations of the hypothalamus? It's funny that he's the top doc in the

US who figured this out and then you've got Dr. Mickel over in the UK who

GAVE UP medicine because he was sick and tired of the system and prescribing

drugs to people that gave them side effects and didn't cure anything and

then he couldn't stand to watch the suffering of all his ME/CFS/Fibro

patients and devoted himself to trying to figure out what was causing this

and also came up with a hypothalamus dysregulation which he developed Mickel

therapy for reversing. He had never heard of Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr.

Teitelbaum had never heard of him. I introduced them, in fact, via email.

It's also intersting to note that back in 1995 when I first got CFS and

started going to our support group meetings where we were constantly being

updated by the CFIDS Foundation and all of their research and were given

information about Dr. Komaroff, who then, devoted all his time to

trying to figure out what was causing CFS and Fibro and back then he said

" the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning

is the hypothalamus.

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>>Okay, so you are saying I DO have Hashis if even one prior test showed, huh?

I probably should have blood work done again. Does that impact how I should

treat myself? I am starting with T3 only.<<

It simply means there is no hope for recovery of your thyroid glans and full

replacement will keep the antibodies supressed best and make you feel as good a

you are able to.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Okay, so you are saying I DO have Hashis if even one prior test showed, huh?

I probably should have blood work done again. Does that impact how I should

treat myself? I am starting with T3 only.


Re: wired but tired

If you everr had ONE lab that showed antibodies in diagnostic ranges you

haveHAshi's. I do nto feel the saliva is as accurate for antibodies asn

blood as antibodies live inthe blood more than the tissues. Also

antibodies can rise and fall depoending on the state of your thyroid. I

had a Hashi DIagnosis at 19 years old then no antibodies until about 2

years ago when they showed up ina saliva test! LOL But I think my

thyroid was pretty well shot when I was doiagnosed as I seem to have

almost no thyroid activity of my own since then.


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Dr. Teitelbaum has nothing to do with Mickel therapy. Dr. Teitelbaum became a

CFIDS specialist as far back as I think the late 80's and by the 90's was

devoting his whole practice to treating CFIDS/Fibro. He wrote a book about it

called " From Fatigued to Fantastic " in the 90's whereby he explained that CFS

and Fibro are caused by a hypothalamus dysregulation and then goes into great

detail about his treatment protocol and how he treats every system individually

and every symptom individually and his treatment protocol includes, thyroid

despite normal labs (he uses armour) cortef, treating the candida, sleep issues,

immune system, treating the viral infections and chronic bacterial infections

etc. etc. etc. You can read about his protocol on endfatigue.com. However,

many years later Dr. Mickel in Scotland figured out this was a hypothalamus

dysregulation also but developed a mind/body therapy that deals with how stress

and peoples' emotions or lack of true expression of these emotions was the cause

of the hypothalamus dysregulation and his therapy is touted to reverse it and

people recover and get their life back with NO medical treatment. I know it

sounds bizarre and too good to be true, but if you just take some time to look

over his website and maybe get his book, it might start to make sense. I just

find it interesting that two medical doctors in 2 different parts of the world

figured out what was causing CFS and Fibro, while one tries to treat all the

multi-systems medically and the other developed a non-medical therapy to treat


Re: wired but tired

Does anybody else here believe Teitelbaum who says that CFS and Fibro are

dysregulations of the hypothalamus? It's funny that he's the top doc in the

US who figured this out and then you've got Dr. Mickel over in the UK who

GAVE UP medicine because he was sick and tired of the system and prescribing

drugs to people that gave them side effects and didn't cure anything and

then he couldn't stand to watch the suffering of all his ME/CFS/Fibro

patients and devoted himself to trying to figure out what was causing this

and also came up with a hypothalamus dysregulation which he developed Mickel

therapy for reversing. He had never heard of Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr.

Teitelbaum had never heard of him. I introduced them, in fact, via email.

It's also intersting to note that back in 1995 when I first got CFS and

started going to our support group meetings where we were constantly being

updated by the CFIDS Foundation and all of their research and were given

information about Dr. Komaroff, who then, devoted all his time to

trying to figure out what was causing CFS and Fibro and back then he said

" the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning

is the hypothalamus.

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Okay, . I know all that since I own the book like I said. I just

didn't understand what Teitelbaum had to do with Mickel therapy but now you

have clarified that he doesn't have anything to do with it. I thought you

were saying he used or condoned the therapy and I hadn't read that in his

book or anything I received from him.

I did look over the Mickel website when you first posted it. Spent a good 2

hours on it one day. Just didn't think it would work for me as I don't have

emotional stuff to deal with, really, that is one area of my life I am super

healthy, lol. Mine is definitely physical. Believe me, if I thought the

Mickel therapy could treat what ails me I would try it but I am at stage 7

adrenal fatigue and the website doesn't give enough specifics on exactly

what they do and my adrenals need to be working in order for me to function.

It is more than 2 doctors that figured out the hypothalamus in relationship

to that and other diseases. There is a lot of medical research on that now

so that may excite you. I read medical journals as a hobby and JAMA and NEJM

both have published articles on this subject. There are other diseases

implicated too.


Re: wired but tired

Dr. Teitelbaum has nothing to do with Mickel therapy. Dr. Teitelbaum

became a CFIDS specialist as far back as I think the late 80's and by the

90's was devoting his whole practice to treating CFIDS/Fibro. He wrote a

book about it called " From Fatigued to Fantastic " in the 90's whereby he

explained that CFS and Fibro are caused by a hypothalamus dysregulation and

then goes into great detail about his treatment protocol and how he treats

every system individually and every symptom individually and his treatment

protocol includes, thyroid despite normal labs (he uses armour) cortef,

treating the candida, sleep issues, immune system, treating the viral

infections and chronic bacterial infections etc. etc. etc. You can read

about his protocol on endfatigue.com. However, many years later Dr. Mickel

in Scotland figured out this was a hypothalamus dysregulation also but

developed a mind/body therapy that deals with how stress and peoples'

emotions or lack of true expression of these emotions was the cause of the

hypothalamus dysregulation and his therapy is touted to reverse it and

people recover and get their life back with NO medical treatment. I know it

sounds bizarre and too good to be true, but if you just take some time to

look over his website and maybe get his book, it might start to make sense.

I just find it interesting that two medical doctors in 2 different parts of

the world figured out what was causing CFS and Fibro, while one tries to

treat all the multi-systems medically and the other developed a non-medical

therapy to treat it.


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Culter is a PHd he will consult with you through your doctor

however he is not a medical doctor.

Adult -metal


Autism-Mercury group

Frequent dose group

Moria's web site full of information



Glossary Approximate definitions for many specialized terms used on the

autism-mercury list. -http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/Glossary.HTML'>http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/Glossary.HTML

HOW_TO_hair_test:- http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/HOW_TO_hair_test.html


to order a hair test, with or without a cooperative doctor; " the counting

rules " : a method of determining probable mercury toxicity; other comments on

hair tests; posted hair test results; how to post hair test results)

ANDY_INDEX: Informative posts by Andy Cutler (includes: who is Andy

Cutler?; Introduction; topic index for ANDY_INDEX) -http://home.earthlink



HOW_TO_find_doctor: - http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/HOW_TO_find_doctor


Andy's Mercury Chelation protocol & Info compiled by Moria

Mercury Chelation information - tools and resources - FAQ


From: scubjay

Dr Cutler huh?

Wheres he located, lol? I'll be there tommorrow.

Im opting to find a doc that will CHECK EVERYTHING....its the

finacial burden that gets me. I dont know how these docs expect you

to pay for things when you aren't healthy enough to work!!




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People hear emotional stuff and they think this therapy is about emotional stuff

and they don't understand. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but this is

a body therapy that's very hard to describe to someone and maybe I shouldn't be

describing it as emotional therapy. It's certainly nothing to do with

psychotherapy. This therapy is based on the fact that with CFS and Fibro, the

body begins sending symptoms (back when it all starts) for an important reason.

This is one of the reasons why the therapists always ask you about when your

symptoms first began. The idea is that the body has an intelligence and is " OUR

TRUTH' and these symptoms begin as signals telling us we must take an action or

do something or change something, but we continue to do different things like

people please, be perfectionists, not speak up, stuff our true feelings, and

most of all, not be true to ourselves. This ends up being caused by conditioned

beliefts, e.g. I must, I should, I have to and then all the trouble begins. The

body starts acting up telling you this isn't working and change must be

implemented. It's different for everybody, but the focus is on the symptoms and

the emotions connected to them whenever they get worse. e.g. you are with a

certain person (this is just a minor example) and your symptoms intensify. Now

you are supposed to read your body msg and ask yourself what emotion you are

feeling during the time your symptoms got worse with this person and then you

are supposed to take an action right then and there, e.g. if the emotion is

anger, you need to express the anger to this person rather than keep quiet about

it because you are afraid of conflict. This again is just a tiny example.

Re: wired but tired

Dr. Teitelbaum has nothing to do with Mickel therapy. Dr. Teitelbaum

became a CFIDS specialist as far back as I think the late 80's and by the

90's was devoting his whole practice to treating CFIDS/Fibro. He wrote a

book about it called " From Fatigued to Fantastic " in the 90's whereby he

explained that CFS and Fibro are caused by a hypothalamus dysregulation and

then goes into great detail about his treatment protocol and how he treats

every system individually and every symptom individually and his treatment

protocol includes, thyroid despite normal labs (he uses armour) cortef,

treating the candida, sleep issues, immune system, treating the viral

infections and chronic bacterial infections etc. etc. etc. You can read

about his protocol on endfatigue.com. However, many years later Dr. Mickel

in Scotland figured out this was a hypothalamus dysregulation also but

developed a mind/body therapy that deals with how stress and peoples'

emotions or lack of true expression of these emotions was the cause of the

hypothalamus dysregulation and his therapy is touted to reverse it and

people recover and get their life back with NO medical treatment. I know it

sounds bizarre and too good to be true, but if you just take some time to

look over his website and maybe get his book, it might start to make sense.

I just find it interesting that two medical doctors in 2 different parts of

the world figured out what was causing CFS and Fibro, while one tries to

treat all the multi-systems medically and the other developed a non-medical

therapy to treat it.


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Yes, that's cute but how else can I say that I am accepting of the fact that I

am probably HYPO but feel helpless to address it since I can't tolerate thyroid


Re: wired but tired

" Gikas " wrote:


> I am not in denial . . .

, please don't take this the wrong way, but do you see the humor

in your statement? ;)


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, you've made progress! You just said you accept the fact that

you're probably hypo. Earlier today you DENIED that!

I think you should take Geritol for a month, increase your HC, and

then try 1/8 grain again next month. Just my suggestion.


> >

> > I am not in denial . . .


> , please don't take this the wrong way, but do you see the


> in your statement? ;)


> Barb








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I am sorry ,I lost track here on this post, but have you had Fibro or CFS? I

just know for myself ,I said CFS because after the EBV I have never been the

same! Now I se it really is that the adrenals have gone down so low!The fatigue

is getting worse each year. Aswell as my ears teh last two weeks are in alot of

pain,. Maybe because it just started getting cold.My friend has both Fibro and

CFS,and she says she sleeps alot. I can not fall asleep too well at night ,let

alone a nap during the day ,even though I feel like someone let the air out of



Barb wrote:

, you've made progress! You just said you accept the fact that

you're probably hypo. Earlier today you DENIED that!

I think you should take Geritol for a month, increase your HC, and

then try 1/8 grain again next month. Just my suggestion.


> >

> > I am not in denial . . .


> , please don't take this the wrong way, but do you see the


> in your statement? ;)


> Barb








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....have you read that weight loss book by Trudeau?? I haven't

but my daughter said she read it and returned it because she thought he was

a scammer.

But she mentioned something about getting something that brought the

hypothalamus back to working order....the catch she said was he traveled to

Europe to get this " fix " for this gland.

I am going to go to library tomorrow to see if they have his book. All this

talk made me curious as to what it was.

-- Re: wired but tired

Yes but wouldn't correcting the problem with the hypothalamus also work if

you take the right steps to do so?

Re: wired but tired

>> " the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be

malfunctioning is the hypothalamus.<<

In a way I agree, but the hypothalamus will only return to normal when the

load of work is taken off it by replacing the hormones that are missing. Don

t replace the hormones there is so much disregulation in the body it can't

heal. BTW read Alfred Plkechner's work, especially Pets At Risk. Pets do not

have the same mental problems we do BUT thye are having the same

Adrenal/thyroid issues we are!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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But, if Mickel therapy can cure this, and you seem to believe it can,

why not just go that route?

I think I asked a similar question of you before, and you did reply, but

I'm still missing something. I don't know why you would need to worry

about tolerating or not tolerating thyroid hormone, if Mickel therapy

could cure the " axis " and thus fix all endocrine systems in one fell swoop?

Don't be insulted, I just don't get where you are with this, can't get

my brain around it.


Gikas wrote:

> how else can I say that I am accepting of the fact that I am probably HYPO but

feel helpless to address it since I can't tolerate thyroid hormone.



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> The " tired and wired " thing you are describing goes along with high

> copper women as well who have copper toxicity and don't know it.

> It's described in detail in an excellent book called " Why am I always

> So Tired " by Louise Gittleman. The copper stresses the thyroid

> and adrenals, but because copper is a stimulant it makes us wired and

> tired at the same time.

Oh no. Oh damn. I was going to get an IUD fitted this weekend. I

guess that scuppers that.

Damn damn damn damn damn.


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> but years ago he helped me online free when I was really dying and

> that is how I got on the path to finding out I was mercury toxic.

May I ask where your mercury poisoning came from?


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I know all about it. The correction of the hypothalamus he's talking about has

nothing to do with the HPA axis, but rather, the appetite center of it.

Re: wired but tired

>> " the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be

malfunctioning is the hypothalamus.<<

In a way I agree, but the hypothalamus will only return to normal when the

load of work is taken off it by replacing the hormones that are missing. Don

t replace the hormones there is so much disregulation in the body it can't

heal. BTW read Alfred Plkechner's work, especially Pets At Risk. Pets do not

have the same mental problems we do BUT thye are having the same

Adrenal/thyroid issues we are!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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> If Fibro and CFS are both adrenal/thyroid then how come nobody

> completely recovers when these two things are treated? I believe

> only the hypothalamus being dysregulated can cause the wide array

of > symptoms in the wide array of systems that break down in both of

> these conditions.

At the risk of being shouted at, maybe it's because we shouldn't be


Go back a hundred years ago or so, and the chance of a child

surviving to adulthood was not good. I wish I had figures to hand;

all I can remember off-hand is Mark Starr's assertion that in Graz

two hundred years ago (or was it 300?) 98 out of every 100 newborns

died; an appalling figure. In the West these days, childhood deaths

from infections like cholera, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough,

tetanus, dysentery, chest infections, TB & so on are more or less

zero. And this is clearly better, isn't it? Better for the parents

of course, who don't have the agony of losing children, but is it

better for the individuals who would not have survived were it not

for vaccinations, antibiotics, inhalers & whatnot?

I am one of those who should not have survived childhood (in fact I

nearly didn't, but that's another story). In the West at least,

natural selection is over. Severe adrenal fatigue is the family

disease - brains the size of planets, but not physically fit. I

shouldn't have survived, and I shouldn't have bred.

A dear friend of mine just died from Cystic Fibrosis at the age of

37, whilst waiting for a lung transplant. One the one hand he had a

good innings as he had a tough form of CF and even a few years ago

would not have been expected to live to thirty even; on the other I

doubt he would have survived childhood before antibiotics as he had

frequent pneumonia... I won't go into details. He was always adamant

that he would not have children, and I think he had the right of it.

Sorry if this ruffles any feathers; it's something I am struggling

with a lot at the moment. Not my own ill-health <shrug> but my

children's. I have two tinies; one is nearly five and takes after me

so much it is frightening. She is a fragile thing both physically

and emotionally and despite a careful, loving environment clearly has

inherited my adrenals, and I feel so guilty about that. OTOH, my

second is nearly two and is *very* robust, taking after her dad's

side of the family (her dad being as fit as a butcher's dog). I'll

never be able to treat them equally, as #1 needs a quiet life while

#2 does not.

Sorry, I seemed to need to get that off my chest...


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If you wanted to know the answer to that Val; you'd have to become just a tiny

bit more open minded about how the mind can dysregulate the hypothalamus. If

you refuse to believe such things, then I cannot give you an answer. What I can

tell you is that initially when I started self-treating back in 2005, I was

taking 5 mgs. pred per day which I was ordering. This certainly was giving me a

full replacement dose. I had a boost and could function better, but soon I was

back in bed with all the same symptoms of terrible weakness, extreme fatigue,

etc. etc. Then I found out about Mickel therapy. I started doing what the

therapist told me. At first I literally became a nasty bitch and although it's

different for everybody; my biggest issue was not saying what I really felt and

not speaking up; I followed what she told me to do. She gave me my body

message which in my case was: " My symptoms are here to tell me to stop running

away from my feelings and start listening to them and respond accordingly now " .

I was instructed to go and read this message privately everytime I got the

symptoms or everytime they intensified and I did. Then I was supposed to name

the emotion I was feeling at the time I would get the symptoms or they would get

worse. Then I was supposed to act on that symptom/body message. For me, it

became apparent that I was constantly walking away from conflict because I

feared it and I didn't want to make waves. I started speaking up in all

situations whenever this was called for. I started stating what I felt and

expressing it and for me it was mostly anger, anger anger. I started standing

up to my beau when I'd get pissed off instead of walking away and saying " Why

bother " ? Within a couple of weeks, I went from bedridden to out doing whatever

I wanted to do. I have no reason to lie to you. The therapy worked for me. As

far as what I'm going thru right now with anxiety and depression, I truly

believe I've got a bad case of Seasonal affective disorder PLUS the curve balls

life has thrown at me right now. I live in Boston. This all started when the

clocks changed and it got cold. Ever since the 4:30 darkness and lack of sunny

days, I became depressed and anxious. I called my functional medicine doc today

to see if he'll prescribe a lightbox for me. As far as the possibility of being

hypo (I wish I could know for sure) I can't tolerate thyroid hormone. There

are some things though that I look at within myself and the more I know about

hypoT and its characteristics and symptoms, the more I doubt it. e.g. With

hypoT, isn't everything supposed to slow down? This contradicts everything

about me. I do everything fast. I move very fast. I talk very fast. In fact,

I have little tolerance for slowness and slow people and I finish their

sentences and have no patience for anybody who moves and talks slow. I move my

bowels the moment I wake up and then 2 times more. Everything about me is fast.

I keep going thru Shomon's book and checking off anything that applies to

me and I can't find much that I relate to in terms of HypoT.

My nails are very strong and very long and grow very very fast. If I cut them

off they are back to looking like false nails in 3 weeks. Everybody thinks I

have false nails. My hair is thick and plentiful. I can lose weight easily if

I stay on a low carb diet, but I am a Type O blood type and grains are a culprit

for weight gain in Type O's. If I eat wheat, rice, potatoes, (all on the type

o's avoid list, then I don't lose weight and might gain a pound. When I

eliminate these foods, I lose weight fairly easily. Sorry for the length of

this. I'd love to take thyroid hormone and not have my heart race and be all

wired up, but I can't.

Re: wired but tired

>>Yes but wouldn't correcting the problem with the hypothalamus also work if

you take the right steps to do so?<<

Yes but only if the hormones are there for it to work. And what steps DOES

cure the hypothalamus?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Yes, I had CFS for years, many of which I was incapacitated and bedbound.

Re: Re: wired but tired


I am sorry ,I lost track here on this post, but have you had Fibro or CFS? I

just know for myself ,I said CFS because after the EBV I have never been the

same! Now I se it really is that the adrenals have gone down so low!The fatigue

is getting worse each year. Aswell as my ears teh last two weeks are in alot of

pain,. Maybe because it just started getting cold.My friend has both Fibro and

CFS,and she says she sleeps alot. I can not fall asleep too well at night ,let

alone a nap during the day ,even though I feel like someone let the air out of



Barb wrote:

, you've made progress! You just said you accept the fact that

you're probably hypo. Earlier today you DENIED that!

I think you should take Geritol for a month, increase your HC, and

then try 1/8 grain again next month. Just my suggestion.


> >

> > I am not in denial . . .


> , please don't take this the wrong way, but do you see the


> in your statement? ;)


> Barb








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I never denied I was hypo. I have always been suspect for hypo and tried taking

thyroid hormone but when I do I become Hyper and I can't take it.

Re: wired but tired

, you've made progress! You just said you accept the fact that

you're probably hypo. Earlier today you DENIED that!

I think you should take Geritol for a month, increase your HC, and

then try 1/8 grain again next month. Just my suggestion.


> >

> > I am not in denial . . .


> , please don't take this the wrong way, but do you see the


> in your statement? ;)


> Barb








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>>I never denied I was hypo. I have always been suspect for hypo and tried

taking thyroid hormone but when I do I become Hyper and I can't take it.<<

I do nto think you become hyper at all. NERVOUS and ANXIOUS are ADRENAL symptoms

and IMPOSSIBLE to be caused by hyperthyroid with the doses you are taking. If

this happens again check your temp. I bet it is still low.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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