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Re: wired but tired

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My throat feels swelled a lot too. It's most likely from my thyroid

antibodies attacking my thyroid. Im looking into further testing like

a thyroid ultrasound just to make sure. That feeling is enough to

make anyone get scared. Have you checked into your thyroid antibodies?

Also, I was curious...how did you find out you have a copper problem?

What happens with that?



> I have this problem. I have had this problem for a very long

time. I exhausted my adrenals and am on cortisol replacement (maybe

for life) but I am wired and extremely anxious all the time to the

point of sometimes being agoraphobic and afraid to leave the house.

Last night my beau and I were in BJ's and I had a bad attack. We

were in one of the aisles when suddenly I felt like I was choking and

I couldn't swallow. I sat there terrified that my throat was closing

and kept telling my beau I couldn't swallow. It went on for almost

an hour; he thought I was going into anaphylactic shock. I have a

copper problem as per my visit to the Pfeiffer Treatment Center who

specialize in Copper toxicity in Illinois. I am always revved up

inside but very low energy and I go and go and go and my mind doesn't

stop until I finally collapse for the day/night.





> wired but tired



> Hi all


> This question of mine are to those who have only adrenal fatigue

but not cfs.

> do you have this wired but tired feeling?At this moment I am

extremely exhausted to the point of breathlessness but can not stop

following mails and making some searches at web.Do you have this



> bw


> Nil




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Do you have a website to look into that hair analysis from Trace

Elements Lab?

I like to take tests, to rule everything and anything out.

Or can copper be measured by blood??


> The " tired and wired " thing you are describing goes along with high

copper women as well who have copper toxicity and don't know it. It's

described in detail in an excellent book called " Why am I always So

Tired " by Louise Gittleman. The copper stresses the thyroid and

adrenals, but because copper is a stimulant it makes us wired and tired

at the same time.

> Not sure if that could be part of your picture, but it would be worth

getting a hair analysis from Trace Elements Lab (or first reading her

book where she gives you these resources).




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I have something called Histapenia that women who retain copper can get. It's a

low histamine condition but I've addressed it and it's better. I found out

about copper a few years ago thru a hair analysis.

wired but tired



> Hi all


> This question of mine are to those who have only adrenal fatigue

but not cfs.

> do you have this wired but tired feeling?At this moment I am

extremely exhausted to the point of breathlessness but can not stop

following mails and making some searches at web.Do you have this



> bw


> Nil




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Okay so I'll rephrase. When one is hypoT AND hypoA, does treating just adrenals

make hypoT worse or better?

Re: wired but tired

>>I have read about them (where they treated CFS patients with 30 mgs. HC a

day who had some initial improvement, but still remained quite ill.

Unfortunately, they also kept them on it for quite some time and then they

developed suppression of the HPA axis.<<

BUT , WHAT criterion did they use to determiine they were not

hypothyroid? TSH labs? SURE when you are veyr low in cortiosl your blood labs

for T3 are ALWAYS in range, till you add enough cortiosl to get it inot the

cells. Sorry but I have seen too many BAD studies and unless I could see how

they determined they were not hypothyroid, I would not believe it. I seldom EVER

see anyone even onthese lists that is beloiw range in thyroid. Are we aLL NOT



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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>>I still don't know to this day if I'm hypo.<<

this is called DENIAL. I remember several years ago you had high Hashi

Antibodies, and just a month or dso agoi you had LOW thyroid tests. This is

hypo., Hashi does nto ever undo itself. It doesnlt stop destrpying your thyroid

till it si totalled either. Pamic attacks are a common symp6toms with low

cortisol as cortisol allows the body to be able to handle stress, withoitu it

you simply go into fight or flight moce with attending fears from adrenaline.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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I think if your trouble is hypoadrenia that being on a full replacement dose

should totally take care of that. If you do have CFS however, I really do

recommend you look into Mickel therapy since this therapy and Dr Mickel have

cured almost 1000 patients in the UK with CFS and Fibro with no medical

treatment. I had nothing to lose and neither would you if you just want to look

into it. The website is: www.mickeltherapy.com. I figure if someone can get

well with this like so many before them, that can only be a good thing.

Re: wired but tired

>>Yeah Val, I agree. But neither are the people who are self-treating with

Armour and HC and taking as much as they need recovering, e.g. people on this

list and others.<<

Well that's a negative attitude! I have actually seen quite a few people here

get their lives back when they were bedbound, and it takes TIME abotu 2 years

and maybe longer depending on how long they have been ill. Heck it can take a

couple years to get thyroid correct and start healing form that and that is once

the cortiosl is adjusted well.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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>>Okay so I'll rephrase. When one is hypoT AND hypoA, does treating just

adrenals make hypoT worse or better?<<

Neither! It will LOOK worse on the labs as when their is enough cortisol the T3

can get into the cells so it will not all be floating in the blood looking

really pretty on blood tests whiel you are still very hypo. But the hypo ois no

better or worse with or without cortisll though without it probably feels alot



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Val, my antibodies are very low. In fact, about 6 months ago they were barely

detectable. I will say though that I think being on that stupid methimazole for

4 weeks (even though it was a low dose) has caused a problem. If thyroid were

the reason for my panic disorder that started 20 years ago, then it wouldn't

have been taken care of with desensitization techniques at one of the best

anxiety centers in Boston. This panic stuff returned AFTER my child left and I

was seriously grieving PLUS much worse since my beau says he won't sell and buy

another house.

I am not in denial and you know how many times I've tried taking thyroid and I

cannot tolerate even 1/8 of a grain. What the heck am I supposed to do about


Re: wired but tired

>>I still don't know to this day if I'm hypo.<<

this is called DENIAL. I remember several years ago you had high Hashi

Antibodies, and just a month or dso agoi you had LOW thyroid tests. This is

hypo., Hashi does nto ever undo itself. It doesnlt stop destrpying your thyroid

till it si totalled either. Pamic attacks are a common symp6toms with low

cortisol as cortisol allows the body to be able to handle stress, withoitu it

you simply go into fight or flight moce with attending fears from adrenaline.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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How does one live within this society and stay away from stress? I would have

to put myself in a cocoon and not talk to anyone or have any contact with any

other person (like the buddist monks) who are in states of enlightenment and

total peace (completely removed from society)

What is stress? Stress is the way WE respond to any situation/person/place or


Re: wired but tired

In a message dated 12/9/2007 3:43:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

skg59@... writes:

The only problem I have now is that I'm experiencing severe anxiety, e.g.

phobic stuff. I have been battling this since my first panic attack at age 26,

with bouts of remission from it and it all started after a very stressful

divorce at age 26

My anxiety and phobic issues and panics attacks all went away with proper

treatment alone. I stay as stress free as possible, knowing that stress is a

catalyst for imbalance in my system.

Helen Trimble

**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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Unfortunately, you need a practitioner to order you a hair analysis from Trace

Elements Lab but if you google them you will find their website and can view

samples of what they do. Any naturopath/chiro/msg therapist can order one for

you as they qualify to order them.

Re: wired but tired

Do you have a website to look into that hair analysis from Trace

Elements Lab?

I like to take tests, to rule everything and anything out.

Or can copper be measured by blood??


> The " tired and wired " thing you are describing goes along with high

copper women as well who have copper toxicity and don't know it. It's

described in detail in an excellent book called " Why am I always So

Tired " by Louise Gittleman. The copper stresses the thyroid and

adrenals, but because copper is a stimulant it makes us wired and tired

at the same time.

> Not sure if that could be part of your picture, but it would be worth

getting a hair analysis from Trace Elements Lab (or first reading her

book where she gives you these resources).




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>>I am not in denial and you know how many times I've tried taking thyroid and I

cannot tolerate even 1/8 of a grain. What the heck am I supposed to do about

that? <<




Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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You asked me that the other day. I told you I last had ferritin checked about 3

weeks or so ago and it was 80, but then like I posted today, I had a very very

heavy period around Thanksgiving where I lost lots of blood and lots of heavy

clotting. I don't know if that could have caused me to become low ferritin.

Now I've got to go and have it checked again.

Re: wired but tired

>>I am not in denial and you know how many times I've tried taking thyroid and

I cannot tolerate even 1/8 of a grain. What the heck am I supposed to do about

that? <<




Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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High copper is one of the biggest signs of heavy metal toxicity (I have it

from mercury poisoning), so getting a complete hair analysis of heavy metals

is a good idea too. That will include copper, zinc and a host of other

minerals if you get the complete analysis. There are ones you can order on

your own, Trace Elements isn't the only lab.

In fact, if you use the ones that Dr. Cutler recommends in his book

you can go to the yahoo groups and get people there to help you for free.

I think it might be Doctor's Data they use but I don't recall for sure. You

can Google his name and pull up tons of free stuff. One of the people he

helped created a whole website of archived info from him. He is very busy

now but years ago he helped me online free when I was really dying and that

is how I got on the path to finding out I was mercury toxic.

There are ranges in hair results too and you have to know how to interpret

them properly, which most docs do not. So, someone can appear " normal " but

actually have a lot of toxicity. Very similar to what we see with thyroid

and adrenal tests.


Re: wired but tired

Do you have a website to look into that hair analysis from Trace

Elements Lab?

I like to take tests, to rule everything and anything out.

Or can copper be measured by blood??


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If saliva says a person doesn't have antibodies for Hashis should a person

get blood done just to make sure? I had thought for years I had Hashis (runs

in the family, I had thyroid eye disease and other Hashi " attack " symptoms)

but my last test (saliva) didn't show antibodies. Could I possibly more than

just hypo as I heard saliva was not as accurate as blood for antibodies?

Seems to me I had a blood test years ago that did show Hashis antibodies

because I know I was telling docs I had it when I gave them copies but I

can't find my old tests and after the latest didn't show it was just saying

I was hypothyroid and not Hashis but I am really not sure now.


Re: wired but tired

I have yet to see someone that was just a little hypo unless they were

children. MOST hypo is caused by Hashi's which destroys the thyroid

gland so full replacement is needed no matter when it si caught.



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Well I was bedbound with both and on thyroid meds that did no good. I

don't even know why I was taking them, but the tests all came back

normal so I guessed they were doing what they were supposed to. I

can't wait until I can get my temps correct so that I can up my thyroid

meds. You also have to realize that CFS is not going to manifest itself

exactly the same way in everyone who has it.



> I'm ONLY referring here to people bedbound with CFS and Fibro, not

adrenal fatigue and improperly treated hypothyroidism. Many people

with CFS do not have hypothyroidism.

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Dr Cutler huh?

Wheres he located, lol? I'll be there tommorrow.

Im opting to find a doc that will CHECK EVERYTHING....its the

finacial burden that gets me. I dont know how these docs expect you

to pay for things when you aren't healthy enough to work!!



> In fact, if you use the ones that Dr. Cutler recommends in

his book

> you can go to the yahoo groups and get people there to help you for



> I think it might be Doctor's Data they use but I don't recall for

sure. You

> can Google his name and pull up tons of free stuff. One of the

people he

> helped created a whole website of archived info from him. He is

very busy

> now but years ago he helped me online free when I was really dying

and that

> is how I got on the path to finding out I was mercury toxic.


> There are ranges in hair results too and you have to know how to


> them properly, which most docs do not. So, someone can

appear " normal " but

> actually have a lot of toxicity. Very similar to what we see with


> and adrenal tests.


> Cheri

> Re: wired but tired




> Do you have a website to look into that hair analysis from Trace

> Elements Lab?

> I like to take tests, to rule everything and anything out.

> Or can copper be measured by blood??


> .





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If you everr had ONE lab that showed antibodies in diagnostic ranges you

haveHAshi's. I do nto feel the saliva is as accurate for antibodies asn

blood as antibodies live inthe blood more than the tissues. Also

antibodies can rise and fall depoending on the state of your thyroid. I

had a Hashi DIagnosis at 19 years old then no antibodies until about 2

years ago when they showed up ina saliva test! LOL But I think my

thyroid was pretty well shot when I was doiagnosed as I seem to have

almost no thyroid activity of my own since then.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Does anybody else here believe Teitelbaum who says that CFS and Fibro are

dysregulations of the hypothalamus? It's funny that he's the top doc in the US

who figured this out and then you've got Dr. Mickel over in the UK who GAVE UP

medicine because he was sick and tired of the system and prescribing drugs to

people that gave them side effects and didn't cure anything and then he couldn't

stand to watch the suffering of all his ME/CFS/Fibro patients and devoted

himself to trying to figure out what was causing this and also came up with a

hypothalamus dysregulation which he developed Mickel therapy for reversing. He

had never heard of Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr. Teitelbaum had never heard of him. I

introduced them, in fact, via email.

It's also intersting to note that back in 1995 when I first got CFS and started

going to our support group meetings where we were constantly being updated by

the CFIDS Foundation and all of their research and were given information about

Dr. Komaroff, who then, devoted all his time to trying to figure out

what was causing CFS and Fibro and back then he said " the only thing that could

cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning is the hypothalamus.

Re: wired but tired

Well I was bedbound with both and on thyroid meds that did no good. I

don't even know why I was taking them, but the tests all came back

normal so I guessed they were doing what they were supposed to. I

can't wait until I can get my temps correct so that I can up my thyroid

meds. You also have to realize that CFS is not going to manifest itself

exactly the same way in everyone who has it.



> I'm ONLY referring here to people bedbound with CFS and Fibro, not

adrenal fatigue and improperly treated hypothyroidism. Many people

with CFS do not have hypothyroidism.

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He's a scientist who got mercury poisoned himself from his mercury amalgam

fillings and was quite ill and then had to search for the answers himself and

did whatever it took to get well and devised his own protocol for safe and

effective mercury chelation with DMSA and ALA and he became famous by writing a

book and then another book and has lots of stuff on-line for mercury poisoning

support. It's interesting because he claims that when the hypothalamus gets

poisoned with mercury, CFS and Fibro can start showing up. There's that

hypothalamus again!

Many things can mess with the hypothalamus and mercury is one of them and copper

is another and then there's the folks in whom it gets dysregulated from stress

and the fact that they are not dealing with their emotions and their stuffed

emotions turn into symptoms.

BTW- Dr. Cutler lives in Washington State and he is available to sign on with a

doc who wants to treat you for mercury or copper poisoning.

Re: wired but tired




> Do you have a website to look into that hair analysis from Trace

> Elements Lab?

> I like to take tests, to rule everything and anything out.

> Or can copper be measured by blood??


> .





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He is a chemist, not a physician. He gets it from a cellular level but isn't

a medical doctor. However, I have learned more from him than all my 20+

doctors in 40+ years. He has helped thousands including autistic kids which

is now becoming a specialty. He lectures all over the country to medical

associations and his biggest supporters are either mercury poisoned or

parents of autistic kids.

He covers adrenal and thyroid issues in his book too, albeit briefly. I was

impressed that he helped me and thousand others via email back in 2000

already. Much like does here. He was mercury poisoned himself and

that is what got him started. I remember a husband and wife who did his

protocol could not get pregnant and after 2 years chelating the hubby wrote

his last note to tell everyone they had a baby. A wonderful success story.

The great thing is he doesn't sell anything (other than his optimal book).

All the stuff he recommends is stuff you buy yourself from wherever you want

and you customize your own protocol. He definitely isn't in it as a

money-making thing like some of these " cures " we hear about. Where I live I

get all kinds of quacks trying to sell you something to supposedly cure you.

He is the one who believes heavily in ALA as a chelator (but only 3 months

AFTER fillings are removed).

He is located in Washington state and apparently has a really good doctor

who treats him. Let me search for her name and post. I am considering going

to her when I can afford the trip. I remember her website looked good and

she believes in saliva tests and all the things we talk about here.

I have all his stuff on my other computer but let me do some quick googling

and see if I can find his doctor and I will post it.


Re: wired but tired

Dr Cutler huh?

Wheres he located, lol? I'll be there tommorrow.

Im opting to find a doc that will CHECK EVERYTHING....its the

finacial burden that gets me. I dont know how these docs expect you

to pay for things when you aren't healthy enough to work!!




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>> " the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning

is the hypothalamus.<<

In a way I agree, but the hypothalamus will only return to normal when the load

of work is taken off it by replacing the hormones that are missing. Don;t

replace the hormones there is so much disregulation in the body it can't heal.

BTW read Alfred Plkechner's work, especially Pets At Risk. Pets do not have the

same mental problems we do BUT thye are having the same Adrenal/thyroid issues

we are!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Yes but wouldn't correcting the problem with the hypothalamus also work if you

take the right steps to do so?

Re: wired but tired

>> " the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning

is the hypothalamus.<<

In a way I agree, but the hypothalamus will only return to normal when the

load of work is taken off it by replacing the hormones that are missing. Don;t

replace the hormones there is so much disregulation in the body it can't heal.

BTW read Alfred Plkechner's work, especially Pets At Risk. Pets do not have the

same mental problems we do BUT thye are having the same Adrenal/thyroid issues

we are!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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>>Yes but wouldn't correcting the problem with the hypothalamus also work if you

take the right steps to do so?<<

Yes but only if the hormones are there for it to work. And what steps DOES cure

the hypothalamus?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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Could you go through that treatment in Boston again if it helped you?

I personally think it is still your adrenals (driving, overreactions, panic

attacks, helpless feelings, etc) all have been adrenal related in

me...although it took me decades to figure it out. I have also had periods

of years of remission than worse again than no symptoms.

However, if you are convinced it is not physical but emotional with you, you

might try to find some therapy in your area that you like and can help since

it sounds like you have had success to some degree in the past with those.


Re: wired but tired

As far as my anxiety/panic stuff, I think I need to make some decisions

about how I'm going to address all these stuffed emotions and feelings of

helplessness that I have to change things as I would like them to be. I am

also somewhat of a control freak and don't like it when I can't have my way

and I develop the emotion of feeling helpless and THIS mostly is what turns

into depression/anxiety/panic cycle.


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I believe it to some degree. I just think it is one part of the problem and

not a cure-all. I never believe a complex structure like a human body can be

cured by one component based on my holistic viewpoint and 40+ years of

dealing with this. Also, a deregulation or " dysregulation " of the

hypothalamus is very common. Working in front of a computer for too many

hours actually does that to your hypothalamus. And not sleeping enough as

well as extreme long term stress have been proven to shrink the

hypothalamus. Since there are common things that most of the population is

exposed to that all impact the axis, my questions would be why doesn't

everyone suffer from it and is that Mickel therapy the only thing that can

re-regulate it? See I think various things are involved and various things

can damage or heal and yes, I do think the hypothalamus, pituitary and

pineal gland are involved, especially if a person has toxic exposure like


See, having been to a neurologist for paralysis and a host of issues more

serious than chronic fatigue (though I have that too) I learned a lot about

the hypothalamus. I was bed ridden too for awhile but don't considered

myself cured by any means. And if a person had a head injury and the damage

is permanent. How would Mickel therapy help that or is that an exception?

Also, toxins cause a hypothalamus dysfunction, as mercury did in me. In

fact, I am sure it is the mercury that also messed up my thyroid and


I have more questions than answers because I read their website and didn't

get a good feeling, especially when I saw for $2000 you can get trained to

then charge people to give them the therapy. I am pretty open to things

though, and if someone believes something helped them I say more power to

them. I think I have a different definition of wellness though than most

people because I do think most of the population is pretty ill and my

picture of wellness for which I strive includes a lot of energy, high brain

functioning, and a very happy outlook. People who know me now think I am

pretty high functioning. However, people I grew up with think the total

opposite...that I don't[ have near the brain power, energy, or lively

personality I did. All about perspective I guess, lol.

So yes, I think the hypothalamus gets messed up to like adrenals, thyroid,

liver, and tons of other thing but they aren't the cause...they are part of

the systemic reaction to something that cause it to begin with. Maybe in

some people it is emotional trauma, in others physical like toxins, or in

others a combo.

I say if it works for you, go for it. It does sound like you still have a

lot of health issues though so I hope you are trying other things too.

I was able to be symptom free from my fibro for at least 5 years now. The

fatigue is up and down and in me definitely linked to my adrenal and thyroid

health. When I can bike 20 miles in a day, run 3 and play 2 hours of tennis

all in a day like I used to, then I might consider myself cured, lol. Hey,

if I could do a fifth of that I would be happy. :)


Re: wired but tired

Does anybody else here believe Teitelbaum who says that CFS and Fibro are

dysregulations of the hypothalamus? It's funny that he's the top doc in the

US who figured this out and then you've got Dr. Mickel over in the UK who

GAVE UP medicine because he was sick and tired of the system and prescribing

drugs to people that gave them side effects and didn't cure anything and

then he couldn't stand to watch the suffering of all his ME/CFS/Fibro

patients and devoted himself to trying to figure out what was causing this

and also came up with a hypothalamus dysregulation which he developed Mickel

therapy for reversing. He had never heard of Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr.

Teitelbaum had never heard of him. I introduced them, in fact, via email.

It's also intersting to note that back in 1995 when I first got CFS and

started going to our support group meetings where we were constantly being

updated by the CFIDS Foundation and all of their research and were given

information about Dr. Komaroff, who then, devoted all his time to

trying to figure out what was causing CFS and Fibro and back then he said

" the only thing that could cause these multiple systems to be malfunctioning

is the hypothalamus.

Re: wired but tired

Well I was bedbound with both and on thyroid meds that did no good. I

don't even know why I was taking them, but the tests all came back

normal so I guessed they were doing what they were supposed to. I

can't wait until I can get my temps correct so that I can up my thyroid

meds. You also have to realize that CFS is not going to manifest itself

exactly the same way in everyone who has it.



> I'm ONLY referring here to people bedbound with CFS and Fibro, not

adrenal fatigue and improperly treated hypothyroidism. Many people

with CFS do not have hypothyroidism.

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