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MY screen told me that the publisher was to busy to answer me right now

and to try later....and so I shall.....tomorrow... as it is after 4 am

and I've spent all night tryimg to run down more info on this study

BTW.... I taught Charlie every thing he knows (not to mention Steve


love jerry

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Marijuana smoking does not increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study at the University of California Los Angeles that surprised even the researchers. ADVERTISEMENT They had expected to

find that a history of heavy marijuana use, like cigarette smoking, would increase the risk of cancer. Instead, the study, which compared the lifestyles of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers. It did find a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day. The study results were presented in San Diego on Tuesday at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society. The study was confined to people under age 60 since baby boomers were the most likely age group to have long-term exposure to marijuana, said Dr. Tashkin, senior researcher and professor at the UCLA School of Medicine. The results should not be taken as a blank check to smoke pot, which has been associated with problems like cognitive impairment and chronic

bronchitis, said Dr. Hansen-Flaschen, chief of pulmonary and critical care at the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia. He was not involved in the study. Previous studies showed marijuana tar contained about 50 percent more of the chemicals linked to lung cancer, compared with tobacco tar, Tashkin said. In addition, smoking a marijuana joint deposits four times more tar in the lungs than smoking an equivalent amount of tobacco. "Marijuana is packed more loosely than tobacco, so there's less filtration through the rod of the cigarette, so more particles will be inhaled," Tashkin said in a statement. "And marijuana smokers typically smoke differently than tobacco smokers -- they hold their breath about four times longer, allowing more time for extra fine particles to deposit in the lung." He theorized that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a chemical in marijuana smoke that produces its psychotropic effect, may

encourage aging, damaged cells to die off before they become cancerous. Hansen-Flaschen also cautioned a cancer-marijuana link could emerge as baby boomers age and there may be smaller population groups, based on genetics or other factors, still at risk for marijuana-related cancers.

Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. Get Messenger with Voice

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--- Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote:

> LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Marijuana smoking does not

> increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer,

> according to the findings of a new study at the

> University of California Los Angeles that surprised

> even the researchers.


> var ShockMode = 0; var plugin =

> (navigator.mimeTypes &


navigator.mimeTypes[ " application/x-shockwave-flash " ])

> ?


navigator.mimeTypes[ " application/x-shockwave-flash " ].enabledPlugin

> : 0; if (plugin


& parseInt(plugin.description.substring(plugin.description.indexOf( " . " )-1))

> >=6) { ShockMode = 1; } else if

> (navigator.userAgent

> & navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " MSIE " )>=0 &

> (navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " Windows 95 " )>=0 ||

> navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " Windows 98 " )>=0 ||

> navigator.userAgent.indexOf( " Windows NT " )>=0)) {

> document.write(''); document.writeln(' on error

> resume next '); document.write(' ShockMode =


(IsObject(CreateObject( " ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6 " )))');

> document.write(''); } if ( ShockMode ) {

> document.write( " \n

> \n

> \n

> \n

> \n \n " ); } else if (!(navigator.appName &

> navigator.appName.indexOf( " Netscape " )>=0

> & navigator.appVersion.indexOf( " 2. " )>=0)) {

> document.write(''); } document.write('');

> on error resume next ShockMode =


(IsObject(CreateObject( " ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6 " )))
























> if (window.yzq_a == null)

> document.write( " " ); if (window.yzq_a) {

> yzq_a('p',


'P=vsZ4uc6.I3oSUHOARHXD0geXRYqf9ER2ES0ADddy & T=185v6gvru%2fX%3d1148588333%2fE%3d7\





> yzq_a('a',


' & U=1391n3gpi%2fN%3ddTU2C86.Irg-%2fC%3d391997.7825566.9331677.1442997%2fD%3dLREC\


> }

> They had expected to find that a history of heavy

> marijuana use, like cigarette smoking, would

> increase the risk of cancer.

> Instead, the study, which compared the lifestyles

> of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and

> 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those

> of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated

> cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers. It

> did find a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in

> people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a

> day.

> The study results were presented in San Diego on

> Tuesday at a meeting of the American Thoracic

> Society.

> The study was confined to people under age 60

> since baby boomers were the most likely age group to

> have long-term exposure to marijuana, said Dr.

> Tashkin, senior researcher and professor at

> the UCLA School of Medicine.

> The results should not be taken as a blank check

> to smoke pot, which has been associated with

> problems like cognitive impairment and chronic

> bronchitis, said Dr. Hansen-Flaschen, chief of

> pulmonary and critical care at the University of

> Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia. He was

> not involved in the study.

> Previous studies showed marijuana tar contained

> about 50 percent more of the chemicals linked to

> lung cancer, compared with tobacco tar, Tashkin

> said. In addition, smoking a marijuana joint

> deposits four times more tar in the lungs than

> smoking an equivalent amount of tobacco.

> " Marijuana is packed more loosely than tobacco, so

> there's less filtration through the rod of the

> cigarette, so more particles will be inhaled, "

> Tashkin said in a statement. " And marijuana smokers

> typically smoke differently than tobacco smokers --

> they hold their breath about four times longer,

> allowing more time for extra fine particles to

> deposit in the lung. "

> He theorized that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a

> chemical in marijuana smoke that produces its

> psychotropic effect, may encourage aging, damaged

> cells to die off before they become cancerous.

> Hansen-Flaschen also cautioned a cancer-marijuana

> link could emerge as baby boomers age and there may

> be smaller population groups, based on genetics or

> other factors, still at risk for marijuana-related

> cancers.



> ---------------------------------

> Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on

> PC-to-Phone. Get Messenger with Voice


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  • 1 year later...

I saw this post on another board and thought that I would share it as some of

you might be interested.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,*


> *I am writing to request your assistance in letting

> families of children

> ages 7-11 who have ADHD or learning disabilities

> (LD) know about a study

> we are conducting at the University of Massachusetts

> Medical School-E.K.

> Shriver Center in Waltham, MA. The study is funded

> by the National

> Institutes of Health to look at the relation among

> motor skills,

> physical activity and fitness in children with

> coordination

> difficulties, and we are including children with

> ADHD and LD in our

> project. As you may know, physical activity is an

> important component

> for lifelong health, and children with special

> learning needs may need

> tailored prevention or intervention efforts in

> ensure that they are

> included in activities and are participating at

> levels that are

> important for good health.*


> *We would appreciate your forwarding our study

> announcement (text below

> and also attached) to any ListServs or email lists

> you may have of

> potentially interested families. Please let us know

> if you have any

> questions or would like additional information. We

> appreciate your time

> and assistance.*


> *With best wishes,*


> *Carol Curtin*

> */~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/*

> */Carol Curtin, MSW, LICSW/*

> */Research Assistant Professor/*

> */E.K. Shriver Center/*

> */UMass Medical School/*

> */200 Trapelo Road/*

> */Waltham, MA 02452/*

> */781.642.0256/*

> */carol.curtin@.../*



> *_Looking For Children with or without ADHD or LD _*


> *_ & Difficulty in Motor Skills_*


> *_to Participate in a Research Study_*


> *Looking for children ages 7-11, with or without

> ADHD or LD who have

> difficulty with motor skills, to participate in a

> research study on the

> relation among motor skills, physical activity, and

> fitness. Examples

> of motor skill problems include difficulties with

> handwriting, sports,

> ball skills, or trouble learning to ride a bike or

> tying shoes.*


> *Research takes place at the E.K. Shriver Center in

> Waltham, MA. Free

> parking and compensation provided.*


> _*/For more information contact:/*_


> * Munoz, Research Coordinator, at

> **_marioamu@..._*

> <mailto:marioamu@...>*; 781.642.0272*


> */or/*


> *Sharon Cermak, Principal Investigator at

> **_cermak@..._*

> <mailto:cermak@...>


> *This study is funded by the National Institutes of

> Health*


> *UMMS IRB Docket# H-11839*


> *BU IRB Docket# 1479E*





> <<Physical Activity in Children Study_Recruitment

> Flyer.doc>>

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  • 2 years later...

I will. I am doing it on the 25th.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Rick Navarro <enavarro1@...> wrote:



> Please update the group, after your surveys, as to how it went and what you

> thought about it. For future reference.


> Rick



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I just got my call about the " study " , they are NOT interested in AP therapy.

they are looking for people taking things like Humira and Embrel.. so I did not

qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN. Just thought youd be interested to

know those details.. Kathy

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Same reason I was disquified! the study is about Humira, Remicade and such

medications. Not really about R/A. Probably something big Pharm is promoting.


> From: Kathy <sunbriar@...>

> Subject: rheumatic study

> rheumatic

> Date: Friday, August 13, 2010, 2:16 PM


























> I just got my call about the " study " ,

> they are NOT interested in AP therapy. they are looking for

> people taking things like Humira and Embrel.. so I did not

> qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN. Just thought youd

> be interested to know those details.. Kathy





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I've been on LDN for 2 weeks and just started taking 3mg.  Should I move up to

4.5mg?  Been on AP for 6 weeks.....tired and sleeping more. Good sign?  I get

LDN from compounding pharmacy.  Will insurance reimburse?  I'm on

medicare/medicad   Thanks, Sally

Re: rheumatic study

& gt;

& gt; Kathy, are you finding the LDN of help? If so, after how long? Thank

& gt; you, June Avignone

& gt; On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Kathy wrote:

& gt;

& gt; & gt; I just got my call about the " study " , they are NOT interested in AP

& gt; & gt; therapy. they are looking for people taking things like Humira and

& gt; & gt; Embrel.. so I did not qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN.

& gt; & gt; Just thought youd be interested to know those details.. Kathy

& gt; & gt;

& gt; & gt;

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Kathy and Dolores,

I figured they just want people that take the conventional stuff nt AP. I am

doing so much better on the AP and even with a total hip replacement about 6

weks ago I am doing well.


> From: Kathy <sunbriar@...>

> Subject: rheumatic study

> rheumatic

> Date: Friday, August 13, 2010, 2:16 PM


























> I just got my call about the " study " ,

> they are NOT interested in AP therapy. they are looking for

> people taking things like Humira and Embrel.. so I did not

> qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN. Just thought youd

> be interested to know those details.. Kathy





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Hi Eva. Glad to hear you are making progress. You cannot keep a strong woman

down for long. Go get em, girl. Say hi to Burl!

Took my mom for a routine check-up. She is 96 and in good health or so we

thought. Turns out her blood work came back low in platelets and kept dropping,

so she is now in the hospital. They are doing tests on her. she is a bit

confused and thought she was in an apt. she occupied 30 yrs. ago. Her

alzheimer's is really pronounced. When people have Alz's, and you change their

routine, they have a tendency to lose it for a while. That is what is happening

now. Glad I gave her the birthday party last week. If I had scheduled it a

week later, I would have had to cancel. Mike and I are busy running back &

forth to the hospital. The docs are doing tests to find out what is causing her

thrombocytopenia. Well, take care~~~Stay in touch.....Dolores




> > From: Kathy <sunbriar@...>


> > Subject: rheumatic study


> > rheumatic


> > Date: Friday, August 13, 2010, 2:16 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > I just got my call about the " study " ,


> > they are NOT interested in AP therapy. they are

> looking for


> > people taking things like Humira and Embrel.. so I did

> not


> > qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN. Just

> thought youd


> > be interested to know those details.. Kathy


> >


> >


> >


> >

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-- Sent from my Palm Pixi

On Aug 13, 2010 8:51 PM, lindsey munroe & lt;lindsey.munroe@... & gt; wrote:

My name is Lindsey. I am thrilled to read your post Judy. That is

fantastic!! I meet with the Dr. the 25th for LDN and possible AP as well.

I have RA, vascular disease, stint in lower aorta, epilepsy and either

Raynard's or Beurger's. My doctors all tell me I'm a " unique case. " ...lol.

i.e... they can't figure it out. I am 46, and and for the most part in good

shape. I eat clean, quit smoking 4 years ago and exercise 3-4 times a

week. My proactive efforts are not enough to fight all this. .After trying

so many things including the biologicsI am still left with tremendous joint

pain and numbness and burning in my feet daily. I am grateful to have a

friend turn me on to this site,LDN and AP. I can't wait to begin. I am very


I started the lemon olive juice cleanse tonight.

I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences.,

Best to all!

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 7:03 PM, kathy hunt

& lt;rollercoaster120@... & gt;wrote:

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt; Judy, My name is also Kathy so I thought I would respond as I am taking the

& gt; both Doxy and LDN. The LDN has helped me so much I am amazed... I have not

& gt; felt this good in three years. The change was almost immediate and if I

& gt; don't take is as prescribed for any period of time I notice a difference


& gt; it is not good.

& gt;

& gt; I am also interested in hearing your experience w/ both Kathy

& gt;

& gt; Best,

& gt;

& gt; & gt; rheumatic & lt;rheumatic%40 & gt;

& gt; & gt; From: j.avignone@... & lt;j.avignone%40frontiernet.net & gt;

& gt; & gt; Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:43:40 -0400

& gt; & gt; Subject: Re: rheumatic study

& gt; & gt;

& gt; & gt; Kathy, are you finding the LDN of help? If so, after how long? Thank

& gt; & gt; you, June Avignone

& gt; & gt; On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Kathy wrote:

& gt; & gt;

& gt; & gt; & gt; I just got my call about the " study " , they are NOT interested in


& gt; & gt; & gt; therapy. they are looking for people taking things like Humira


& gt; & gt; & gt; Embrel.. so I did not qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Just thought youd be interested to know those details.. Kathy

& gt; & gt; & gt;

& gt; & gt; & gt;

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Yes the LDN has helped alot. I was doing good on mino, Id tell people 90%

improved, but with the LDN I was say 100% improved. also my hair and nails are

growing better. I did also stop the bio-HRT in December..so not sure how that

affected me. I have been under HUGE stress for 2 months now, but still no

pains... Kathy

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Kathy, how much LDN you doing and how long on it?  I understand the stress

thing.....just dealing with my health is enough.....along with last 3 years

IRS!!  Gads....what kind of " test " did I sign up for this life!! sally

rheumatic Re: study

  Yes the LDN has helped alot. I was doing good on mino, Id tell people 90%

improved, but with the LDN I was say 100% improved. also my hair and nails are

growing better. I did also stop the bio-HRT in December..so not sure how that

affected me. I have been under HUGE stress for 2 months now, but still no

pains... Kathy

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Hi ,

I take 3 mgs of the LDN at 10:00 at night and 50 mgs of doxy every other day.

I also take a couple of other antibiotics for co-infections. I have never had a

definitive diagnosis though. Some drs said RA others Reactive Arthritis and/or

Lyme... Hope it goes better for you - maybe a higher dose?



> rheumatic

> From: andtwo@...

> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 02:05:55 +0000

> Subject: rheumatic Re: study


> Hi Kathy, Can you tell me what dosage you take on the Doxy and the LDN? I've

been on both also, but change hasn't been as dramatic for me as it has been for

you. Happy it is working so well for you! -



> > >

> > > > I just got my call about the " study " , they are NOT interested in AP

> > > > therapy. they are looking for people taking things like Humira and

> > > > Embrel.. so I did not qualify for the study taking Mino and LDN.

> > > > Just thought youd be interested to know those details.. Kathy

> > > >

> > > >

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  • 1 year later...

Below I said " When I began the test I was out of F-8 and was using some

leftover F-7, which is very different and weaker than F-8. My order of

F-8 arrived and the second night when I applied F-8 after my shower

rather than F-7, I added a few drops, maybe a teaspoon, to the 4 drops

of double strength (2 tsp of F-8 rather than 1 tsp in 4 oz water) F-8

solution as I usually do. It makes the solution foamy and it sticks to

my skin better, which means I have less waste. "

What I added a few drops of was hydrogen peroxide.

Sorry for the confusion!




> My business partner (a side technology business we are building


> from scratch) is also a homeopath (not to be confused with psychopath,

> :-)





> He has over the last 20+ years attended many seminars and conferences

> all over the world on all aspects of healing, health, supplements, and

> alternative medicine. He has contacts with and professional working

> relationships with physicians and scientists all over the world. I am

> currently assisting a team of scientists who are racing to find a

> healthy treatment and, ideally, cure, for Morgellons. I have purchased

> some of their stock test kits, which they have packed with two


> patches they already used for general health and immune support, and

> with patches they have developed for Morgellons in an attempt to home


> on something effective. I bought eight test kits and am currently

> running the test on myself. It is a month long test.




> Here is what each test kit consists of, absent the most critical piece

> of information which is what is in them:



> Three strips of 1 " diameter patches, 10 patches to a strip.

> * One strip marked A, another B, and another M.



> * The A and B strips are the ones the scientists were already


> and marketing.



> * The M strip is what they have developed as an initial attempt to

> find a solution for us. Naturally profit is their motive since they

> realize what a cure would mean to those of us who still have a penny


> our names.





> The instructions for use say to apply an A and M patch to the left


> arm. Leave on for three days. May be removed and relaced, or covered

> with a bandage. The patches supposedly work even if stuck on upside

> down. Switch for fresh ones every three days.





> They go on to say that if I / we notice ANYthing out of the ordinary,

> any positive change, to immediately add a B patch. If no positive

> reaction, apply the B patch either on day 3 when switching for fresh A

> and M patches, or no later than day 5 of the test.






> When I began the test I was out of F-8 and was using some leftover


> which is very different and weaker than F-8. My order of F-8 arrived


> the second night when I applied F-8 after my shower rather than F-7, I

> added a few drops, maybe a teaspoon, to the 4 drops of double strength

> (2 tsp of F-8 rather than 1 tsp in 4 oz water) F-8 solution as I


> do. It makes the solution foamy and it sticks to my skin better, which

> means I have less waste.





> YOW! Normally I feel a very small tingle when the peroxide interferes

> with my electrical field in a very small way. Now the only thing I

> changed from my pre-patch (while I still had F-8) routine was the

> patches. So I attribute what happened yet to the patches.






> Immediately after drizzling the peroxide-spiked F-8 solution over my

> body from the neck down (remember I do chin up in the kitchen sink,


> down in the shower), I felt spots all over my body where there was a

> burning irritation. Not a chemical irritation but an electrical

> irritation.






> The one thing my partner did tell me, when I could slow him down for a

> second, is that these are " energy " patches that supposedly address the

> core neurological (same as electrical) irregularities in the body, and

> correct them. I don't know how, that's all I could get out of him.





> Back to those areas that felt sharply tingly: I keep a roll of paper

> towels in most rooms and so I took one at the time and wiped the F-8

> from each tingly spot.





> Now here is the most extreme thing that happened: a few years ago I


> what some refer to here as Morgellons " nests " - one on each wrist.


> a few months, one just literally sloughed off when I applied oil after


> shower. The other one remains and is the one I photographed


> - two little " neon " bars in it, the video is up at youtube. It is

> difficult to make out, but you can if you unfocus on it. I didn't want

> to enhance the colors or anything, I wanted to present it exactly as


> little handheld digital microscope recorded it, so it is not pretty,


> you can definitely make out the fluorescing. I started feeling like a

> knife was sticking me in that remaining Morg nest and like other


> were sticking me in three other places near the nest. Blisters emerged


> angry raised blisters, in each of the spots. Meanwhile I was adding


> Oil, wiping it off, over and over as that works pretty well to capture

> angry emerging critters, and that is what I thought might be going on.

> The Pink Oil calmed down the blisters. The next morning the blisters

> were no longer angry but tiny and barely visible.





> What does it mean? For one thing, it means that after my shower


> I am going to add a B patch, and keep documenting what happens. At the

> end of my month-long test, I will let you know here that I am well but

> these are probably the last specifics I will provide because to do so

> would skew the test more than I have already skewed it by sharing this

> much. I told you all this so that even if none of us know the

> ingredients in the patches - yet - we at least have some cause-effect

> information.



> At that time, I will invite candidates to participate in the test as I

> have, with no additional information or guarantees, as this is study


> gather information from us and not a protocol or claimed cure. As the

> saying goes, " This is only a test. " Those who are selected will need


> be able to show that they can be relied upon to accurately document

> their experience. I will overnight the test kits to those I select. If


> can figure out how to include a label for return shipping of your

> written and signed report, I will. Otherwise I will ask you to


> it back to me and provide me with your Paypal email address so that I

> may immediately reimburse you.



> The test kit will include the same three strips of patches that I will

> have used. It will also include a printed chart for you to note the

> dates and times you applied each patch, and an area where you can

> comment. You can, and the scientists hope you will, include detailed,

> legible notes of your experience.



> Here is the information my partner wrote on the packet containing all

> the test kits:



> Energy Patches



> Description



> A method of energy delivery to the body, these patches have not been

> approved or evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose,

> treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and are intended for research


> Made in the USA.



> The patches are non-transdermal. The purpose of the research is to

> determine their effectiveness in providing specific and restorative

> energy to the bio-energy field. Each patch has the natural frequency


> a healthy body and is intended to complement any other therapeutic

> treatment.



> Your packet includes three strips of patches, labeled A, M, and B.


> strip has ten patches. Each patch is intended for use for three days.

> Ten patches represents 30 days of treatment.



> Application:



> To begin, apply a single A patch and a single M patch to the left side

> of the body (my partner suggested the upper arm). They can be stuck on

> by themselves, or on a piece of medical tape and worn on the body or


> the inside of clothing, as long as the patches remain in continual

> contact with the skin. Either side of the patch can face the body. If

> worn inside clothing, remember to transfer each time you change

> clothing. After three days, remove the first set of patches and


> them with a single A patch and a single M patch.



> Either at such time as you notice a physical change of some kind that

> you think are due to wearing the patches, document the changes in


> and immediately add a B patch. Thereafter, change out the B patch on


> same rotation as the others.



> Okay, here are MY notes:



> You are more important to me than any study. If you want to do this or

> not is up to you, if you want to, I will select the best candidates,


> I will ship the test kits and pay for all the associated expenses. I


> not choosing on friendship. I am choosing based on who I think is most

> likely to, if they complete the test, provide good documentation.



> At the end of the test I will compile your results into a report and

> also include your original notes, package up all documentation, and

> provide it to my partner, who will listen to my verbal report and read

> my written one (that he will listen to; he is intensely interested in

> how this will work for us), and add his own summary before shipping


> whole kit and kaboodle to his scientific colleagues.



> What I want to emphasize is this:



> If you start this test and you get freaked out by what you feel it

> doing, or for whatever reason, STOP.

> I don't care about this test, I care about you.

> If we get some valid and useful results for the scientists, and if


> eventually come up with a fine-tuned product that addresses our medley

> of organisms, great.

> BUT, in the meantime, to those who participate, I urge you to listen


> your bodies, and if your bodies say quit, QUIT.

> You will have my cell phone number and though my partner does not know

> it yet (don't worry, I'll tell him :-) you will also have his. This


> require some discretion on your part and I will provide and expect


> discretion as you will have mine. There are some more sensitive


> to the reporting that I will explain to those interested in doing




> I'll keep you posted on how I am doing without providing further

> specific results. I have already interfered with the integrity of the

> test, however I wanted to give you something since I know so little

> about the patches.



> And btw, although this test is coming via my business partner, his and

> my business that we are building together is not a health business, it

> is a technology product. I am not going to profit in any way from this

> test or the resulting products. My partner might, some, but I won't.


> keeping hands off completely.



> Love,

> Kajay


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