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does anyone know about Montmorency Tart Cherries? here is the link, if anyone

would like to look at it and if anyone knows about it i would really appreciate

hearing from you. i have chronic fatigue syndrome, and have spent thousands of

dollars on suppliments. i came accross this cherry juice and was about to order

(i will try almost ANYTHING), but then decided not to my usual impulsive self,

and maybe do some research on it, but i really don't know where to go except to

the folks who are selling it!

thanks much,


Re: objectionable name

Thank you ,

--- Wilkins <montemomma2002@...> wrote:

> I suspect , that our voice was heard and that handle

> will not be used here again.Since I know the source

> as a vendor ,




> ---------------------------------


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Are you eating any polyunsaturated oils? Also, you may want to take a look

at T. Colin 's book, The China Study. Blessings and best of luck to



Re: ot

does anyone know about Montmorency Tart Cherries? here is the link, if

anyone would like to look at it and if anyone knows about it i would really

appreciate hearing from you. i have chronic fatigue syndrome, and have spent

thousands of dollars on suppliments. i came accross this cherry juice and

was about to order (i will try almost ANYTHING), but then decided not to my

usual impulsive self, and maybe do some research on it, but i really don't

know where to go except to the folks who are selling it!

thanks much,


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

No, it's really " Veni, Vidi, Velco " - " I came, I saw, I stuck around "


> OT



> Caesar is a foreign (Latin) word. They have their own rules of

> pronunciation. We just added the word and made it into a

> salad. As the

> famous Julius Caesar said, " I came, I saw, I ate a salad " or something

> like that. Veni, Vidi, Vici. Literally I came, I saw, I

> conquered.


> thanks to Sr. Benedict who said, " Latin will serve you all your

> life " . Indeed.



> The Original


> we have a problem,, Caesar starts with " S " sound.


> Lee


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  • 1 month later...

.... Or at the very least he should give Dudley back his curley pig's tail!

Boy, are we OT.

-- Nan

n a message dated 8/21/2005 5:09:27 PM Mountain Standard Time,

nucleus24@... writes:

And yes, Harry should turn them into jello. Or worse,

leave them to their own devices. Talk about a family that DESERVES each

other!! LOL.

Implanted December 1988, Activated January 1989

Legally blind most of my life

Totally deaf for part of my life

Nan Rosen

_www.rosetwig.com_ (http://www.rosetwig.com/)

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What was so perfect was that the Dursleys could not use magic to remove

that pig tail. ROFL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

We are born naked, wet, hungry, and get slapped on our ass...then things get


& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup


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  • 2 months later...

Hi! My son has been getting OT since he was 3, 2 years before his dx of

Aspergers. I am also a COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant).

Although I worked in a nursing home, I have lots of friends in peds. Basically,

it is very individualized. Unlike PT where the main concern is motor skills, OT

focuses on the activities of daily living (AKA anything that particular person

needs to do to meet their daily needs)- with kids, it is anything from self-

feeding, fine motor skills, addressing any sensory issues, skills that foster

social connections like addressing eye gaze aversion, verbalization, attention

to task, etc.

My son has low tone in his mouth and upperbody, food aversions, fine motor

difficulties and craves proprioception (squishing). While OT can deal with the

low oral tone, speech can also help with the food aversions--there is a lot of

overlay. Not sure if this helps but think about what your son may need, the

school system is most interested in how it will affect your son academically and

what needs to be done to make your child more " typical. " Funny really because

at our recent Tiger Cub pack meeting, the other scouts were running around,

flapping their arms and acting more symptomatic than my son! However, he tends

to stay on the outskirts


( ) OT

My son Dominic is 2 and has just been diagnosed with AS. In the next

couple of weeks he will start OT. Can anyone tell me what kinds of

things they do and teach in OT. All this is new to me. Any info.

would be helpful.



Dom's Mom

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Thank you for your reply. Any little bit of info. helps. My son also craves

certain sensations. He craves impact like from jumping and any kind of

pressure. Will they address this in OT? or are there things I can do at home

with him?

ALIBEE1@... wrote: Hi! My son has been getting OT since he was 3, 2 years

before his dx of Aspergers. I am also a COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy

Assistant). Although I worked in a nursing home, I have lots of friends in peds.

Basically, it is very individualized. Unlike PT where the main concern is motor

skills, OT focuses on the activities of daily living (AKA anything that

particular person needs to do to meet their daily needs)- with kids, it is

anything from self- feeding, fine motor skills, addressing any sensory issues,

skills that foster social connections like addressing eye gaze aversion,

verbalization, attention to task, etc.

My son has low tone in his mouth and upperbody, food aversions, fine motor

difficulties and craves proprioception (squishing). While OT can deal with the

low oral tone, speech can also help with the food aversions--there is a lot of

overlay. Not sure if this helps but think about what your son may need, the

school system is most interested in how it will affect your son academically and

what needs to be done to make your child more " typical. " Funny really because at

our recent Tiger Cub pack meeting, the other scouts were running around,

flapping their arms and acting more symptomatic than my son! However, he tends

to stay on the outskirts


( ) OT

My son Dominic is 2 and has just been diagnosed with AS. In the next

couple of weeks he will start OT. Can anyone tell me what kinds of

things they do and teach in OT. All this is new to me. Any info.

would be helpful.



Dom's Mom

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Hi, my son recieves ot for his sensory issues and fine motor skills. He also

loves jumping and pressure. He has a wonderful therapist who addresses these

things with him. The therapist May also suggest some things you can do at home

to address your sons individual sensory issues. Someone had recommened the Out

of Sync Child book, I agree with them it is a great book with a lot of useful

things in it.


LeAnn Lang <leannlang@...> wrote:

Thank you for your reply. Any little bit of info. helps. My son also craves

certain sensations. He craves impact like from jumping and any kind of

pressure. Will they address this in OT? or are there things I can do at home

with him?

ALIBEE1@... wrote: Hi! My son has been getting OT since he was 3, 2 years

before his dx of Aspergers. I am also a COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy

Assistant). Although I worked in a nursing home, I have lots of friends in peds.

Basically, it is very individualized. Unlike PT where the main concern is motor

skills, OT focuses on the activities of daily living (AKA anything that

particular person needs to do to meet their daily needs)- with kids, it is

anything from self- feeding, fine motor skills, addressing any sensory issues,

skills that foster social connections like addressing eye gaze aversion,

verbalization, attention to task, etc.

My son has low tone in his mouth and upperbody, food aversions, fine motor

difficulties and craves proprioception (squishing). While OT can deal with the

low oral tone, speech can also help with the food aversions--there is a lot of

overlay. Not sure if this helps but think about what your son may need, the

school system is most interested in how it will affect your son academically and

what needs to be done to make your child more " typical. " Funny really because at

our recent Tiger Cub pack meeting, the other scouts were running around,

flapping their arms and acting more symptomatic than my son! However, he tends

to stay on the outskirts


( ) OT

My son Dominic is 2 and has just been diagnosed with AS. In the next

couple of weeks he will start OT. Can anyone tell me what kinds of

things they do and teach in OT. All this is new to me. Any info.

would be helpful.



Dom's Mom

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Oops I forgot to put a subject in there!!! Sorry

This is cute, Rusty! I should be working, you know! Thanks for the

distraction on a slow day, Michele

This is fun. Hope I receive it back from you. Read through the comments

below about your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at

the bottom. Have fun!

1. What time is it? 11:33 CT

2. What's your full name? Michele Jeannette Berner Tepper

3. What are you most afraid of? small, closed in spaces

4. What is the most recent movie that you saw in a theater? Can't


5. Place of birth? Chicago Il

6. Favorite food? Steak, sweet potatoes, chocolate

7. What's your natural hair color? brown

8. Ever been to Alaska? no

9. Love someone so much it made you cry? yes

10. Been in a car accident? no

11. Croutons or bacon bits? both

12. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

13. Favorite Restaurant? An Italian place called Casto's.

14. Favorite Flower? roses

15. Favorite sport to watch? Softball or volleyball

16. Favorite Drink? coffee

17. Favorite ice cream? Moose tracks

18. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney

19. Favorite fast food restaurant? Subway

20. What color is your bedroom carpet? mauvey - brownish mix

21. How many times have you failed your drivers test? none

22. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? one of my

e-mail groups

23. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read

24. Bedtime? Around 11:00

25. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Not sure

26. Which person is least likely to responde? not sure

27. Whose reponse are you most curious to see? all of them

28. Favorite TV shows? Law & Order; What not to Wear

29. What are you currently reading? Just finished Between Friends

30. Ford or Chevy? Chevy, but I am a Mopar girl at heart

31. What are you listening to right now? Internet radio - WDRV deep


32. What are you favorite colors? Red

33. How many tattoos do you have? none

34. How many pets do you have? One dog, Star, and our first kitten,


35. Which came first the chicken or the egg? I think chicken

36. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? Not sure

RETURN DIRECTIONS: Now, here's what you're supposed to do... and please

do not spoil the fun. Copy and Paste in new email, delete my answers and

type in

your answers. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know


the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot

of little known facts about those who know you.

Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Thank you so much for that ! We know a few people that went there, but

they went a long time ago. I'm glad to hear that he loved his college

experience. He doesn't like being an engineer though??

How's Sophie doing??

and Rob 16 Spondy

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:27:21 -0400 " Weber " <teamsophie@...>



graduated from IUPUI (his diploma read Purdue, however). He is an

electrical engineer. He absolutely loved his college experience while

there. He's not too hip on the engineering field but... he did like the

college. Broadripple wasn't bad, either!


On 4/18/06, snooksmama@... <snooksmama@...> wrote:


> Michele:

> Thank you so much for the suggestions. I 've been to fastweb.com last

> week, and its awesome! I also have some other things to check into this

> summer. I'm glad we are getting an early start on things. I will also

> make sure to write to the school financial aid. Our drug co-pays alone

> would pay his tuition!You are so nice to give me these suggestions and

> I'm going to save this email! Thanks again!


> and Rob 16 Spondy


> On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:53:10 -0500 " Tepper, Michele "

> <MTepper@...> writes:

> Just wanted to say how wonderful Rob may have picked his school. I have

> heard of that university - it is a good school from what I hear. Good

> luck to him! I know all this gets stressful, but Rob can do it! Don't

> forget about www.fastweb.com - they can give you lots of sources for

> scholarships and perhaps he may even get some grants. A bit of advice I

> received that helped us was to write a letter to the school financial

> aid office after you fill out your FAFSA (once he knows where he is

> going and is accepted). Tell them of the medical issues in the family,

> any job type issues, anything that affects your finances. For us, I was

> told to even include how much tuition we paid for grammar and high

> school. It did help, especially after my daughter's first year. Never

> hurts to ask! Michele ( 18, spondy)


> Re:


> :

> I am glad that all is going ok...I'll continue to keep you guys in my

> prayers.

> I wanted to tell you...I , too had to have nerve conduction studies


> because of numbness and tingling in my feet...well, my rheumy's office

> thought it might be the Arava, and lo and behold...2 months after


> off the Arava, the numbness and tingling is almost gone! So, it could


> the Arava causing this for you.

> I hope after you wait it out and start the new meds that they make a

> dramatic improvement for you. I know that Rob had a good response to


> Enbrel, but lately he has complained more and more, and when he goes

> back

> in June we are going to discuss whether he needs to try something new.

> He is ready to be 17 and quite frankly, he is pretty stressed out by

> school and driving me crazy! I'll be glad when summer is here. I think

> we

> found his college...its less than 2 hours away, is a very nice campus,

> and very geared towards people with special needs. They are more than

> willing to help him succeed despite the ADD and arthritis issues, and

> Voc

> rehab hopefully will come through with some $$$. The college is IUPUI

> (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis). He wants to


> mechanical engineering. We went for a tour a week ago and we and he


> really impressed. I'm saving all my nickels and dimes to pay for his

> room

> and food! At least I have till August 2007!

> I'll continue to pray for you and your family, . I'm so glad that

> you

> are on this list...you offer so much support to everyone, and I'm glad

> that you are keeping us informed in what has to be such a challenging

> time in your life. Take care.

> and Rob 16 Spondy

> On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:02:57 -0700 (PDT) Salvucci

> <lisa_salvucci@...> writes:

> I am doing going. My doctor decided to not put me on humira right away

> because she wanted to give my body a chance to recover from the


> she believes now that the medicine was actually making me worse. So for

> now I am on Arava and Lodine and in a month I will be going back and

> they

> will decide what the next step is. They also weren't sure if they are

> prescribing the right meds.. that there might be a chance that i might

> need and interleukin medicine instead of a TNF and she said that it

> would

> be dangerous to start a interleukin so close to a TNF. But they aren't

> really sure what road to take with that so she is letting my body sort

> of

> rest for the time being. I also had to get a bunch of blood tests done

> and some xrays. And I am going to have to get a nerve conducting test

> done because my feet are still numb.. but other then that I am ok. My

> mom

> is doing ok she finished radiation and had her scans on Friday we wont

> know the results until Monday at the earliest, she

> is getting a little break before chemotherapy and we are hoping to get

> her into a clinical trial at Stanford. My friends mom is doing really

> her

> cancer was the size of a baseball when she was first diagnosed and now

> it

> is the size of a pea she is getting a break from chemotherapy and then

> will be having surgery to remove the remainder of the tumor and she


> have some radiation and she will be done.. She was luckily diagnosed at

> a

> stage one but even then pancreatic cancer doesnt usually respond well,

> but she is very lucky that she did. How is Rob doing? I can't believe


> is going to be 17!


> Lots of Love

> (JAS, 21)


> snooksmama@... wrote:

> :

> How are you, your mom, and your friend's mom doing?

> I've been thinking of you so much....

> and Rob 16 Spondy



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Sewing habits. LOL Sounds funny. And yes you will have to sew up your

mouth around the nuns. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to the

garage makes you a car.

& Dreamer Doll (Guide Dawggie)

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thank you for the URL. I took quick looks at both URL as my eyes are

having a bad eyes day. I now know what they looks like and then remembered

seeing one on one of the news I think last year but just never heard what it was


But is right THEY ARE EXPENSIVE! It is amazing the governments and the

scientists can send men to the moon, build space station, money for war purposes

without complaint and willing but when it come to equipments needed by many

people (hearing aid, CI, wheelchair, walkers, etc.) they price them so high that

majority of the people can't afford them and also cut back budgets of many good

agencies that can help us. I am including Canada. I am sure this is happening

all over the world.

Dolly Dolphin :)



Yes you got it. This url will show you what has. It requires the

Braille Note or Voice Note.


Here is another one called Trekker, that is a stand alone, tho you can

add on options.


*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet,

what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?

& Dreamer Doll (Guide Dawggie)

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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You are welcome. Yes I know all about those bad eyes days. LOL I will

get to see the Trekker next month. A friend of mine is going to Leader Dogs

this very week to learn to use hers in conjunbtion with her guide dog. As I

said, the Trekker is a stand alone device. But you can also buy the Maestro

and add PDA capability to it.

What this country is doing with the taxes they receive is a crime. The

country's needs are secondary and that is pathetic.

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?


& Dreamer Doll (Guide Dawggie)

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


I'm over here in the real Eastern Oregon.

M. Kehr D. C.

Blue Mountain Chiropractic Clinic

2008 Third St, suite B.

La Grande, Oregon 97850

541 -963 -9632


Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 11:33:38 -0700

I have a good friend graduating from dental school at OHSU

and he needs patients for his national boards. Free dental care. Very

intelligent doc and great work. Needs patients in a hurry for June 17 and

18th boards. If you have time and need work let me know and I will give his


M Kehr DC


OregonDCs rules:

1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the

listserve is to foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks

on listserve members will be tolerated.

2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.

3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up

anywhere. However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print,

forward, or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member

without his or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been


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----Original Message Follows----

From: <J@...>


" ' ' " < >

Subject: RE: Georgia Peach CI Retreat (was Alice)

Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 12:28:49 +1200

I would really love to attend - I had two weeks in Atlanta near 20 years

ago - IBM sent me there for a training course. I thought it was a fabulous

place then, did as many touristy things as I could fit into the limited time




What do you do for IBM? My husband is retired from IBM, after 31 years with

them as a systems administrator in Irvine, California.


BEA Volunteer

> Georgia Peach CI Retreat (was Alice)



> ,

> As it turns out, I am going to be coming to the Georgia Peach

> CI Retreat this weekend. ... Any others planning to attend?


> Lynn

> Fairhope, AL

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Hi , more a case of " what *did* I do with IBM. After 16 years, like so

many others, made redundant in the early '90s. However prior to that I was a

hardware engineer. Initially starting out on golfball typewriters, and

moving up through the iron, small and big. I was in Atlanta for mainframe

printer training, was a big (very big) high speed laser printer. They (IBM)

had this really cool location bordering the Chattahoochee national park. I

was there in June - guess how hot a very dark blue, almost black rental car

gets inside when parked out in the sun all day...? The city was packed

because the Democratic national convention (Dukakis) was on. Just being

there was exciting.

However IBM today is a sad reflection of the great organisation it once was

- US front office for Chinese manufacturers.

> RE: OT

> What do you do for IBM? My husband is retired from IBM,

> after 31 years with

> them as a systems administrator in Irvine, California.


> Binns

> BEA Volunteer

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

What busy lady you are setting up your website 4 kids and house to

run plus moving I don't know where you find the time!



> Ann


> First of all congrats to you and Stuart!!! Hope you have a

wonderful day!




> On to another subject. We FINALLY sold our mobile home here, and

will be

> moving into our new house on Friday WOOO HOOO!! So I will not be


> from Thursday til early next week when we get our Comcast hooked

up. I

> will let you all know when the move is done!!! Wish me luck LOL!!




> C Warren


> Co-Founder


> www.achalasia.us


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LOL well if I worked I wouldn’t know either LOL.

Thank Gosh I don’t right now!

C Warren



From: achalasia

[mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of Pippa

Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:27 AM


Subject: Re: OT

What busy lady you are setting up your website

4 kids and house to

run plus moving I don't know where you find the time!



> Ann


> First of all congrats to you and Stuart!!! Hope you have a

wonderful day!




> On to another subject. We FINALLY sold our mobile home here, and

will be

> moving into our new house on Friday WOOO HOOO!! So I will not be


> from Thursday til early next week when we get our Comcast hooked

up. I

> will let you all know when the move is done!!! Wish me luck LOL!!




> C Warren


> Co-Founder


> www.achalasia.us


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Dear , Thank you for your kind greeting and we certainly did have a wonderful day. The very best of luck to you and on your move to your new house. It will be a very exciting time for you. As for you going offline for several days - Wow , the post count is going to practically disappear (lol). Just think, when you get back you will have all that catching up to do. I know you like to keep on top of things on the Board and I reckon you will be missing us as much as we miss you. Love and good vibes to you, from Ann in England xx PS Please don't do a

"". Warren <juliecwarren@...> wrote: Ann First of all congrats to you and Stuart!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! On to another subject. We FINALLY sold our mobile home here, and will be moving into our new house on Friday WOOO HOOO!! So I will not be around from Thursday til early next week when we get our

Comcast hooked up. I will let you all know when the move is done!!! Wish me luck LOL!! C Warren Co-Founder www.achalasia.us

Try the all-new . "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The Wall Street Journal

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  • 6 months later...

, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. They found my dad passed out in his apartment a year or so before he spent months of hell in a nursing home. He really wanted to stay to himself and I was 3000 miles away. We never got along at all but I still had trouble with increased deprssion. You can't help it and it will last for awhile I know. God bless.


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