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I suggest you go to the thyroid forum on Delphi. Go to

http://www.delphi.com, create a user ID for yourself, then type " thyroid "

into the search engine. The thyroid forum will come up near the top. There

are lots of people - mostly women - there, dealing with the same kinds of

problems you are, and the forum is much more active than this list is.

My own take: Get the mercury out, but have it done by an expert on the

subject, not an everyday normal dentist. I had it done and it did me a

world of good.

Yes, you can switch to a more natural remedy than Synthroid - I suggest

Armour, which is dessicated whole pig thyroid and contains ALL the thyroid

hormones, not just T4.

But don't just take my word for it - go to the Delphi forum and talk to

other people. There's lots of good information and advice available there.

>From: " Jay " <kj-mj@...>



>Subject: New to list

>Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 15:04:36 -0000


>Hi everyone,


>I am new to this list and thought I should introduce myself. I have

>been feeling poorly and treating myself poorly for awhile now, and I

>want to change. I'm a 40 yo woman with a husband and 7yo boy--

>and I have all kinds of reasons to live and enjoy life.


>Here are my diagnoses in no particular order :o)


>...Lyme, asthma, hiatal hernia, type II diabetes, obesity,

>depression, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, ADD, CFIDS, joint pain and

>bursitis, chronic sinusitis, mercury fillings and dental

>infection/root canal, possible hypoadrenals, mycoplasma, leaky gut

>syndrome, liver toxicity, candida overgrowth....


>I'd appreciate any informaton or insights you can offer. I am on

>synthroid now, and have been for about 6 months, is it too late to

>switch to another more natural remedy? If so, how do you know what to



>Thanks in advance for your help.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Jessie

I find the candida diet as simple as anything WHEN AT HOME. The rest of

your family will benefit too. Remember - there is no reason why any

normal person shuold not follow the candida diet, thought they need not

be so strict about mushrooms, dried herbs, and vinegar of course.

Eating out is antoher matter. Since being on this diet I have spent ages

searching menus in cafes etc looking for " something " - anything! Now we

go out for breakfasts instead of dinners and it's easier because I can

have something from the griddle.

The best food to eat out is baked potato with tuna - but make sure it is

not with mayo, which contains sugar.

Lee (Sussex, England)

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  • 1 month later...

Have had bladder cancer for 11 years. If one must have cancer it is a treatable one. Best info. is http://webcafe.gi.nl If it proves to be cancer be sure to check here, tons of info.


[ ] New To List

Hello All,

My mother went into surgery to see why she has been bleeding from her urethra. They found a "spot" on her bladder that is being biosied this week.

We think it is cancer, but do not know yet to what extent. What I fear is that it is in a later stage due to the fact that she has been complaining about bladder distress to her doctors for over a year now to only have them shrug their shoulders and give her anti-biotics.

I am a big believer in, and practice, holistic health and healing.She has asked me to look on the internet for any alternative help or "cures". Since there is alot of quakery out there, I ask anyone on this list for helpful information to point us in a successful direction.


Eileen BetancourtLearn more about cancer:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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I use to know a Ron , Were you ever in Utah? Or own a Willey's?


[ ] New To List

Hello All,

My mother went into surgery to see why she has been bleeding from her urethra. They found a "spot" on her bladder that is being biosied this week.

We think it is cancer, but do not know yet to what extent. What I fear is that it is in a later stage due to the fact that she has been complaining about bladder distress to her doctors for over a year now to only have them shrug their shoulders and give her anti-biotics.

I am a big believer in, and practice, holistic health and healing.She has asked me to look on the internet for any alternative help or "cures". Since there is alot of quakery out there, I ask anyone on this list for helpful information to point us in a successful direction.


Eileen BetancourtLearn more about cancer:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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Re: [ ] New To List

Just wanted to share the good news.

I started working on my mom with Reiki. With the Reiki I used guided imagery, affirmations and massage three days a week, and made her Essaic tea, which she took 3 times a day, on an empty stomach.

After the first Reiki session, the bleeding from her bladder stopped.

Yesterday, we got back the news that the BIOPSY CAME BACK NORMAL!

NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctor and everyone was sure the "spot" was cancer. We feel it was too.

This was truly a intervention and healing from Spirit.

Thank you all for your information, which I will still have her follow, as I also feel this was a "warning" to get her "health act" together. I am sure it was from your mouths to the Creator's ears.

See? It really does work. NOTHING is "impossible" with God.


EileenLearn more about cancer:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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thank you Ron.


[ ] New To List

Hello All,

My mother went into surgery to see why she has been bleeding from her urethra. They found a "spot" on her bladder that is being biosied this week.

We think it is cancer, but do not know yet to what extent. What I fear is that it is in a later stage due to the fact that she has been complaining about bladder distress to her doctors for over a year now to only have them shrug their shoulders and give her anti-biotics.

I am a big believer in, and practice, holistic health and healing.She has asked me to look on the internet for any alternative help or "cures". Since there is alot of quakery out there, I ask anyone on this list for helpful information to point us in a successful direction.


Eileen BetancourtLearn more about cancer:http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/cancer/faq.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the egroups.

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Just wanted to share the good news.

I started working on my mom with Reiki. With the Reiki I used guided imagery, affirmations and massage three days a week, and made her Essaic tea, which she took 3 times a day, on an empty stomach.

After the first Reiki session, the bleeding from her bladder stopped.

Yesterday, we got back the news that the BIOPSY CAME BACK NORMAL!

NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctor and everyone was sure the "spot" was cancer. We feel it was too.

This was truly a intervention and healing from Spirit.

Thank you all for your information, which I will still have her follow, as I also feel this was a "warning" to get her "health act" together. I am sure it was from your mouths to the Creator's ears.

See? It really does work. NOTHING is "impossible" with God.



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  • 6 months later...
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Please visit my new revelation for my kids with autism and seizures- www.ccid.org


[ ] New to list

Hi all, I am new to the list, and have been reading your posts for a couple days. I am finding these talks of alternative treatments for epilepsy very interesting, and am ready to print out some letters to take to our ped. neuro. My daughter is 10.5 years old, and has a disorder called rett syndrome. She is actually considered to be atypical rett, since she is higher functioning than the classic cases. Anyway, part of the syndrome can include hard to control seizures, which unfortunately, seems to be the one thing was hit with. We did have great success on the keto diet in 1996, when she went seizure free for one year. We stuck with the diet for another 3 years after that, because for awhile, we could get some control with fine tuning. Before the diet, we'd tried phenobarb, depakote, tegretol w/klonopin, a 4 mo. break in seizures, back to depakote, the keto diet, when that didn't work any longer, on to Topamax, Trileptal, and now Lamictal. Most seizure meds. seem to metabolize very fast in . She's tiny and pretty active. They work great for awhile, then slowly seizures increase in number and then intensity. We are still only on a very small dose of Lamictal, and I like how has reacted as far as letting her keep her personality and skills. She's able to show us how cognitively aware she really is. I don't want to lose that again, as we'd lost it a few times on some of these meds. Trileptal made her very weepy and so out of it, and topamax stressed her, she had a lot of anxiety. Sorry to make this so long winded. I am wondering if any of you have had experiences with alternative treatments with neurological disorders? Thank you for your input, I would appreciate it, Kandy _

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Greetings Kandy,

Thought you would find the following overview of our son, of interest, with regard to seizure control. He was born with a rare mitochondrial condition.

Especially check out www.iahp.org , because if you are anything like oursleves, it will radically change they way you view epilepsy and seizures.


and Savage.


WAS: From birth D.O.B. 19/9/95, (and possibly in the womb, as commented numerous times about the strange repetitive movements, late in the pregnancy) had serve uncontrollable myoclonic epilepsy – up to 40+ seizures per day of ½ to 3 min duration.

NOW: is now drug free (no anti-convulsants since June 1998), with the occasional mild seizure (many so mild, that the casual observer is often not aware he is having one - mouth pouting, slight rolling of the eyes, involuntary swallowing or smiling, slight flicking of the head, shoulder or one hand - an average of 4 to 5 per week), which don’t leave him bombed out afterwards, and he is obviously aware of what is happening around him during them. At no stage when was on any combination of anti-convulsant medications, did he have any better control of seizure activity, as compared to their control since taking him off drugs, (both in terms of number of seizures over any given time frame and the intensity of those seizures) with the added noticeable benefit of no side affects. (Esp. more alert and aware of his surroundings)

BENEFITS: *The intensive rehabilitation program we did for 14 months through the Institutes for the Development of Human Potential (Glenn Doman program – Australian contact, Max Britt P.O Box 3 Healesville, , 3777 - Ph 059 623084) – especially the “masking” – rebreathing expelled air for set time, many times a day. (Check out www.iahp.org & www.nacd.org.)

*D.M.G. – dimethyl glycine supplement – the active component of pan agamic acid (vitamin B15)

*Taurine amino acid supplement

*Diet – particularly no salt, no sugar and regulated fluid intake

WAS: For the first 3-4 months of his life, was fed through a naos-gastric tube. To avoid infections from food getting on his lungs, all fluids had to be thickened, due to his poor swallowing. He was never able to successfully breast feed, because he could not open his mouth properly. He struggled with a constant “rattling” in the back of his throat, due to the inability to deal with his secretions, which required sucking out with a machine.

NOW: has been drinking unthickened fluids, for over 2 years (still from a bottle, working on cup use), and eats lumpy mashed food, making some attempt to bite or chew, with encouragement. The “rattle”/secretion problem has completely dried up.

BENEFITS: *getting him off anti-convulsants

*D.M.G. (as above) – noticed dramatic improvement in 3-4 days when we first put him on it.

WAS: Floppy “rag doll” lying “frog legged” on the floor, unable to lift his head up (until 15 months) or roll, and often only wakeful 2 to 4 hours a day.

NOW: Greatly improved muscle tone and weight bearing ability. (We still notice fluctuations during a day and from day to day, although they are mild compared to pre supplementation with D.M.G., and despite any fluctuations, he is always steadily improving in overall strength, especially in the upper body) He can roll from back to front and front to back (often gets arms stuck), and when very active, often moves around the floor on his back. He weight bears well on his legs, and is able to stand for extended periods of time with limited support for balance. He will step out and with encouragement and some assistance, walk across a room, on good days. He will involve and sometimes initiate meaningful interaction and games with others. He can reach and hit things, but not reach and grasp; although he will tightly grasp something placed in his hand. If placed on the floor in a seated position, he is able to remain upright for extended periods, by supporting himself with his hands on the floor in front of his body, between his legs. He now independently moves around the floor, in this way, pushing any pillows placed around him for protection, out of the way. For this reason, we have brought him a football foam protection helmet, to avoid injury. When seated, he often plays a game of leaning right back and pulling himself upright at the last minute, before he falls backwards. Sits on a little stool for extended periods of time, often with out support.

BENEFITS: *D.M.G. supplement

*Co Enzyme Q10 and activated Vitamin B3 supplements – was on these before discovering D.M.G. While not as effective, they did assist with his energy levels.

*Diet – high fat / low carbohydrate / low acid forming (i.e. Alkaline forming foods) / all raw vegan diet and freshly juiced vegetable juices for fluids.

*The intensive rehabilitation program definitely laid a good foundation to this progress.

WAS: Struggled with chronic constipation, with bleeding, often requiring suppositories.

NOW: Has very few digestive problems.

BENEFITS: Change of diet.

# Aside from secondary illnesses, the removal of the D.M.G. supplementation and a major set back after his 18 month immunization, (when he lost 3 to 4 clear words of speech, which he has never regained – the beginnings of word forming and a greater vocal range has been a recent progression) has always been steadily improving, especially since coming off anti-convulsants.


Diet: *Fruit – bananas, avocados, pears, apples, kiwi fruit, peaches, mangoes, paw paws, strawberries, nectarines, apricots, plums, custard apple, rock melon, water melon

* “Nut Butter” – the following soaked overnight in water in the fridge and crushed: almonds, lima beans, dates, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (pepita), sultans, raisins, figs, dried apricots, and prunes.

*Tofu, tahini (crushed sesame seed paste)

(On the few occasions we have given him cooked animal based products - eg egg custard – we have noticed a return of the “rattles” in the back of the throat and a swelling up of the old sty scares on his eyelids. had very bad sties on his eyes when younger, until we introduced this diet.)

Fluids: Mainly fresh, raw, vegetable juices, esp. carrot with small amounts of celery, cucumber, beetroot, parsley, or spinach. (Occasionally, 100% bottled fruit juice, watered down)

Supplements: *Barley green or alfalfa powder – heaped teaspoon per day (broad range alkalising nutrient) (Check out http://hacres.com on the Net)

*Selenium yeast powder – 1/3 teaspoon per day (broad range nutrient & anti oxidant)

*Grain based acidophilus/bifidus concentrate powder – ½ teaspoon per day

*Calcium Ascorbate – 1/4 teaspoon per day (non acid vitamin C anti oxidant)

*Calcium supplement – equivalent to 300mg per day (assist bone density)

*Vitamin B12 – 250mcg per day (because of vegan diet)

*Linseed/flaxseed oil – approx 5 ml per day (essential fatty acids esp. omega 3)

*Taurine amino acid – 500 to 750 mg per day (assists with epilepsy and aids liver detox)

*D.M.G. (N, N, -Dimethylglycins HCL 50 mgm/ml) – 5 to 7 ml per day. Of all the supplements we have ever used with , this is the one that has shown the most obvious, sustained, benefits. The first time we put him on it, with in 3 to 4 days, we saw a marked improvement in his epilepsy, energy levels, alertness, and a complete “drying up” of the rattling at the back of the throat. We did a trial of taking him off it, and with in 10 days, noticed a return or marked increase in all these things, even reverting back to not opening his mouth to feed, as was the case in his early months of life. (Check out www.kirkmanlabs.com on the Net)

Trust you find this of interest. There is much more we could share, concerning why we do what we are doing. Not sure about the “science” of it all, however the positive results are a testimony to the fact that any progression of the condition, is gradually being reversed. Though still a profoundly disabled boy, has good quality of life, and really loves his life. Though the journey for us has been an extremely difficult one, is a joy to be around, and we thank God for the blessing he has been to our lives.

[ ] New to list

Hi all, I am new to the list, and have been reading your posts for a couple days. I am finding these talks of alternative treatments for epilepsy very interesting, and am ready to print out some letters to take to our ped. neuro. My daughter is 10.5 years old, and has a disorder called rett syndrome. She is actually considered to be atypical rett, since she is higher functioning than the classic cases. Anyway, part of the syndrome can include hard to control seizures, which unfortunately, seems to be the one thing was hit with. We did have great success on the keto diet in 1996, when she went seizure free for one year. We stuck with the diet for another 3 years after that, because for awhile, we could get some control with fine tuning. Before the diet, we'd tried phenobarb, depakote, tegretol w/klonopin, a 4 mo. break in seizures, back to depakote, the keto diet, when that didn't work any longer, on to Topamax, Trileptal, and now Lamictal. Most seizure meds. seem to metabolize very fast in . She's tiny and pretty active. They work great for awhile, then slowly seizures increase in number and then intensity. We are still only on a very small dose of Lamictal, and I like how has reacted as far as letting her keep her personality and skills. She's able to show us how cognitively aware she really is. I don't want to lose that again, as we'd lost it a few times on some of these meds. Trileptal made her very weepy and so out of it, and topamax stressed her, she had a lot of anxiety. Sorry to make this so long winded. I am wondering if any of you have had experiences with alternative treatments with neurological disorders? Thank you for your input, I would appreciate it, Kandy

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  • 5 months later...

Good luck , I have a friend in that area, I will email her and see

if she has any recommendations! Welcome and good luck.

G Jody G

O May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,

enough trials to make you strong,

enough sorrow to keep you human,

enough hope to make you happy. O

' <A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/tarabencaitysmom/index.html " >Jeff & Jody's

Family</A> '

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


Welcome to the group! I think you could go with that plan since your

child has already been on the Complete (is that what you meant by DPP

IV? or do you mean Forte?). You may see some more withdrawal

behavior from the Houston enzymes, but you may not. Be sure to let

us know how your child adjusts, good or bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

--Hi and welcome! If you look to the box to the left you will see the

word files, click on that and there is a lot of info on whatever you

might like to know. If you don't get your answers just ask.


- In @y..., " nannygoat62 " <nannygoat62@y...> wrote:

> Hi, I am very new to the list and I was wondering if anyone could

> direct me to a source of information regarding using enzymes.


> You can e-mail me privatley so as not to clog up the list if you

> wish.


> nannygoat62@y...


> Thanks in advance!!

> ..mother of 5 beautiful girls

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Donna, a well written post, sounds like you have a pretty good handle

on this condition already. I have battled this condition for a very

long time and only recently saw any real improvement.

My opinion on this is, understand the cause first. We all have spent

a lot of money and time dwelling on the symptoms without adquately

addressing the underlying cause. The cause of all these symptoms is

an overgrowth of candida albicans and too few beneficial bacteria so

for any cure to take place this has to be reversed. I would suggest

taking soil born organisims in a product like Primal Defense along

with a broad spectrum probiotic like Flora Source. The Primal Defense

has a dense food base that the bacteria is grown in and provides a

favorable enviroment for their proliferation. I also think its a good

idea to take a good green food to cleanse, provide nutrition and

enhance the favorable conditions for the bacteria. There is no cure

for this until the friendly bacteria gets the upper hand and is able

to control the candida.

You might also want to do a look at Maca Herb, this is very good for

hormonal problems, www.wholeworldbotanicals.com has some good info.

Do you know if your gastric acid is adequate? Try some Betaine HCL

with a meal, if it causes heart burn or burning in the stomach, you

acid level is ok and you don't need it, if it seems to help with

digestion and causes no burning, you probably will need to take it

for a while.

Also, watch what you eat, try to stay with alkalizing foods, you can

not heal while in an acid state, the green foods will help alkalize.

Drink nothing but distilled water, this is very improtant, also add

alkalizing drops to furnish trace minerals and alkalize the water.

The trace mineral Molybdenum will help digest and eliminate toxic


These are some of the things that helped me, good luck.


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Hello Tom,

Thank you for your timely and helpful response. Is there a site or

other source you would recommend as a good on acid/alkaline producing

foods? I remember there was a controversy about this years ago when I

was a vegetarian (Fit for life - food combining, which Ms Lahoz

advocates too - just so that you don't increase the toxic load any

more than necessary BUT *not* with fruit included). People strongly

disagreed about items such as lemon juice, fruits and avacados.

I have been taking a soil based organism product, called SBX. But I

will certainly look up the products you recommended as well. I have

never heard of the Maca herb. I'll be looking that up too! I have

some betain HCl on hand, so I'll try that too.

Having only water is hard for me. I have tried a dozen herbal teas

and I only like one of them. I have reverse osmosis water instead of


This is so much more restrictive than Atkins induction ever dreamed of

being. But, in a way, I have " crossed the Rubicon " . I can't turn

back now, even if I wanted to.

Thanks again,

Donna in Indiana

>I would suggest

> taking soil born organisims in a product like Primal Defense along

> with a broad spectrum probiotic like Flora Source. The Primal


> has a dense food base that the bacteria is grown in and provides a

> favorable enviroment for their proliferation. I also think its a


> idea to take a good green food to cleanse, provide nutrition and

> enhance the favorable conditions for the bacteria. There is no cure

> for this until the friendly bacteria gets the upper hand and is able

> to control the candida.

> You might also want to do a look at Maca Herb, this is very good for

> hormonal problems, www.wholeworldbotanicals.com has some good info.

> Do you know if your gastric acid is adequate? Try some Betaine HCL

> with a meal, if it causes heart burn or burning in the stomach, you

> acid level is ok and you don't need it, if it seems to help with

> digestion and causes no burning, you probably will need to take it

> for a while.

> Also, watch what you eat, try to stay with alkalizing foods, you can

> not heal while in an acid state, the green foods will help alkalize.

> Drink nothing but distilled water, this is very improtant, also add

> alkalizing drops to furnish trace minerals and alkalize the water.

> The trace mineral Molybdenum will help digest and eliminate toxic

> waste.

> These are some of the things that helped me, good luck.


> Tom

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 06/13/2002 1:05:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Faithfulhope7@... writes:

> My primary said all the

> meds that are used for arthritis are bad for my liver and she's been giving

> me darvocet for the pain since I can't take any anti inflamatorys. I've

> also

> heard that steroids and cortizone are also bad for liver so my question is

> are they're any meds for PA that won't hurt a liver that is already damaged

Randi - Ask your rheumy about remicade - it's given by IV - I'm not sure if

it's associated with any liver problems. Maybe enbrel is safe for liver as

well, but with the shortage, I don't think you'd be able to get it right now.

Many people also swear by the " natural " route - diet, flaxseed oil, evening

primrose oil, glucosamine, etc. Or the antibiodic protocol (lots of info in

the archives on that) Those should be liver safe too. I think the herbal

milk thistle is also supposed to help your liver. Maybe someone on here

knows of a website with some good info on " naturals " ?

Good luck,

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> Hi, my name is Randi I've been receiving your posts for a few weeks


so my question is

> are they're any meds for PA that won't hurt a liver that is already


> I want help with my aches and pains but also don't want to push

liver over

> the edge.


> Just curious


> Peace/Love

> Randi


My doc switched me to Enbrel when my liver got irritated by the

methotrexate. Right now there is a huge waiting list to get Enbrel

but there are a few new drugs for arthritis that maybe someone knows

if they strain the liver.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

> Hello,

> I just joined the list last night and have been doing a lot of

> reading. Corrina is five years old and almost non-verbal. I have

> been working with her mostly with gut intinct, for lack of finding

> any help. She is very hyper and combusive in her behavior.

Consider phenols and yeast



She is

> also an expert fence climber, escape artist. She is taking prozac,

> chilindine and malitonin.

Are the clonidine and melatonin for sleep issues? Eliminating any

phenol or yeast issue, if she has those, will help sleep.

> Corrinas diet is very limited, she eats mostly peanut butter and

> jelly sandwiches,

PBJ is very high phenol. Also jelly feeds yeast.

some cereal and some meat maybe at supper. I just

> got peptizyde and HN-Zyme from Houston and started her when she

> started her sandwiches for the day,she will eat 5-10 sandwiches in

> a day, one capsule of each. Does anyone know how long the enzymes

> stay in the stomach?

For some kids as long as 90 minutes, but for mine it is more like 45


> About how long does it take to maybe see a

> difference in her behavior?

The Zyme Prime helps somewhat with phenols. You might have to wait

for maybe 3 weeks to see positive effects. Are you giving enzymes

with all foods?

Consider the No-Fenol for phenol issues.

Also from I have read, does it help get

> rid of yeast and how do you know if they have an over ride of yeast?

Check out my yeast page



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  • 2 months later...


Thankyou SO MUCH for the warm welcome. Yes, you guessed right--it is Dr.

D. I am happy to know that the drugs started clearing the brain fog

right away.

Someone TOLD me plaquenil was dangerous. I think I will ask her where

she got her info, as I could not find anything indicating that it was

that bad either.

I agree that CFS is a poor diagnosis. However, I fit the symptoms of

that more than Lyme :-). MCS is common in CFS. I was told I had that

first out in N CA in the late 80s. My first symptoms before anything

else were INTENSE sensitivity to

,say, perfume where I worked. When they renovated I had to leave as it

caused intense brain fog. So I have been OK unless around chemicals for

years--not an easy life to live--until the last few years when arthritis

and visual distortion became intense. It has impelled me to look for an

infectious etiology. The reason

this person told me plaquenil was bad for me probably IS because of the

eye risk--

and I am an artist--so she is concerned I may take a risk that I would

regret. I need to ask her for references I think. I think you are right

about why I am not being tested--it is just too deep to find. However,

if it is mycoplasma I may, in fact, not be on the proper protocol.

Thanks again :-) !


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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 11/20/2002 6:50:16 AM Pacific Standard Time,

violet41050@... writes:

> Did ask my Dr. about other meds besides Synthroid but he

> says that's what is best for me. And so it goes.... Anyone else on

> this drug and gaining weight? Seems like I'm hungry all the time. Any

> good diets out there or info on what to eat or not to eat?


Dear ,

I agree with Gracia. You need to find a new doctor! If you're not doing

well on synthroid, you need the opportunity to try other drugs and other

approaches. Here are some links I recently sent to another new person on the

list who is looking for a new doctor. They might help you as well:

Here's a link to a newsletter page on thyroid.about.com that lists <A

HREF= " http://thyroid.about.com/library/weekly/aa091702a.htm " >10 Common

Mistakes Your Thyroid Doctor Might Make</A>. It gives you some good things to

keep in mind when you're interviewing doctors.

Also, thyroid.about.com is a good place to browse for information. As is the

<A HREF= " www.wilsonsthyroidsyndrome.com " >'s Thyroid Syndrome</A> site, <A

HREF= " www.brodabarnes.com " >Broda </A> site, and <A

HREF= " http://personal.lig.bellsouth.net/w/u/wurmstei/ " >Gail's Thyroid Tips</A>.

The <A

HREF= " http://thyroid.about.com/library/weekly/aa011899.htm?PM=ss16_thyroid " >Top

Doc Directory</A> on thyroid.about.com is a good place to start your

search. If you meet any doctor who doesn't really listen to how you're

feeling and only pays attention to blood tests, keep on moving. Then, read,

read, read until you know as much about your condition as possible. That way

you can have some idea what might work or what you would like to try.

Good luck in your healing journey!

in LA

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Look for another doc. Don't let the doc hold you hostage to his outdated

belief system.

www.thyroid.about.com (topdocs)

www.brodabarnes.org (info packet gets you doc referral)


> I've just joined the list. I was diagnosed with Graves disease in the

> 80's and had RAI. Been on synthroid ever since. Looking back, I

> almost wish I had not had RAI. Constant monitoring of my thyroid

> levels and increasing the dosages. Seem like I gain weight as the

> dose goes higher...despite lots of aerobic classes and the work I do

> for a living which means lots of walking, lifting and other physical

> activity. Did ask my Dr. about other meds besides Synthroid but he

> says that's what is best for me. And so it goes.... Anyone else on

> this drug and gaining weight? Seems like I'm hungry all the time. Any

> good diets out there or info on what to eat or not to eat?


> Thanks for letting me join.


> H., Oklahoma



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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Vivi,

>>> Do you have something like a mentor program on this list? I am

so new with using and understanding all this stuff I hate to bother

the whole list with all my newbie questions that have probably been

asked three zillion times.

Ask away. three zillion and one and counting... :)

Here is a link to some basic starter information. You can go with

the first section called Enzyme Basics. There is a Step-by-step

guide to read through. But do just ask whatever is on your mind.


>>>> If I'm giving too much, do I quit for a week and start slower,

or just cut back the dose?

Just cut back the dose. Starting other enzymes before No-Fenol may

make any adjustment easier. Peptizyde may cause some withdrawal or

die-off effects in the beginning. Starting lower minimizes these

effects. No-Fenol can be sharp on yeast, if you have that.

>>>>Do I just live through it and hope that in a month we'll see


You can do that, but I really prefer the slower and gentler approach

personally. Those sensitive neurological systems may feel changes

more acutely than typical folks.

>>>Someone said give magnesium - how much?

If he is jumpy, extra magnesium may help. You can try epsom salt



....or a magnesium supplement of some sort. Magnesium citrate or

malate seem to work well. I have used Natural Calm (powdered mag

citrate) and Source Naturals Mag Malate (in tablets) as well as the

epsom salts with success.

>>>> Perhaps just a nice martini? (For me, that is).

To drink or bathe in? LOL.


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