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Oops, a typo. The last quote I said was from page 213 The Cure For All

Advance Diseases,

is actually from:

page 213 The Cure For All Advanced Cancers

(There is no book titled The Cure For All Advanced Diseases).



Sorry to hear about your Grandfather's leukemia. In all of her books,

Dr. suggest two sources for all illnesses: parasites and toxins.

Of leukemia, she says " Change your galvanized pipes to PVC plastic. If

you believe you already have plastic pipes or all copper (which leads to

leukemia...) you will need to search every inch of plumbing for a very

short piece of galvinized pipe left in the system! A piece as short as a

2 inch T or Y can be causing all the trouble... "

She adds " after finding the cadmium, start on the kidney cleanse. Your

might miss the cadmium problem if you don't attend to it first. Also

remove all metal from your mouth... " ---page 211 The Cure For All


" Remember that azo dyes are also responsible for an elevated alkaline

phosphatase and LDH on the blood tests. If yours are elevated, let this

galvanize you into action...avoid all dyes... " ---page 119 The Cure For

All Advanced Cancers

" When the White Blood Cell (WBC) count is much too high, over 15,000, it

may represent leukemia. The simple step of changing copper water pipes

often corrects the problem in its early stages. But when the WBC is over

30,000, much more must be done quickly.

" removing all plastic and metal from teeth, killing parasites and

bacteria can reduce the count to 20,000 in ten days. Removing all dyes

brings it down further. At this point it is important to provide

selenium and vitamin A. Your WBCs need these to battle

pathogens... " ---page 213 The Cure For All Advanced Diseases

These solutions are relatively simple (in concept), and her books are

often available either through several internet sources, or even at your

local bookstore.

Hope this helps.


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My dog Shilo was diagnosed with leukemia on March 18 1999. The doctors told

me he had maybe a few weeks to live. Well its been 365 days and he is doing

great. I will tell you what I did. I gave Shilo { Golden Retriever] 3

Tablespoons of Flax oil mixed with cottage cheese. You have to use cottage

cheese { Sulpher proteins} and organic Cold pressed Flax oil. He recieved 1

T ablespoon mixed with 1/4 cup of cottage cheese every 8 hours. I also

started him on Grape seed Extract, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Kyolic

Garlic, Shitakke Mushroom, Mega soy, { Made by Twin lab], After 4 days of

doing this I brought him back to the University Of Minnesota animal

Hospitable, for a full cbc Bloodtest and they were baffled because they

couldn't find any cancer cells and his whitecell count and red cell count

were normal. His platelets were clotting normal , 4 days ago he was anemic.

Before this he was a very sick dog and he had only a few weeks to live. He

has been cancer free now for 365 days. He is still on the above stuff. For

more info on flax oil try this web page

http://www.public.usit.net/spinner/Flax2.html or check out shirleys cafe. I

hope I have helped.

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Dear Carl & Amy: One of the best web sites out here is alternativemedicine.com . Essiac tea is named for the nurse Rene Caisse. Essiac is her last name Caisse spelled backwards. To tell her story would take to Much time here. It is made up of Sheep Sorrel,Burdock root,Slippery elm bark,Rhubarb root. It is sold as Essiac tea, or Flor-Essence .There may be more out too. A good book to get on Essiac is ( The Essiac Report ) by . Also check out I-P6. God Bless

[ ] New to list

From: "Carl & Amy Winston" <winston@...>

Hello everyone...

I just joined the list in hopes of learning everything I can. My Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through the chemo. It's not looking very good for him and we are grabbing at strings to learn all we can about anything. I was searching through the endless sites on the internet about this terrible disease and found something called Essiac. Has anyone heard of this or know anything about it? It sounds very interesting. I would love to hear anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment, etc...

He's in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter of weeks now, but he is feeling pretty good, all things considered and I just can't imagine giving up.

Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any information you can send.

Take Care,


-List Archives: /archives.cgi/ Web Sites:http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancerpage.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty message to: -unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest , send an empty message to: -digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal, send an empty message to: -normalonelistTo subscribe again to the list, send an empty message to: -subscribeonelist

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I would personally follow what Hulda suggests regarding getting rid

of parasites and pollutants, found in her book, The Cure For All

Cancers, possibly found in your public library or health food store.

You can also order it and/or her latest book re advanced cancer from the

publisher, New Century Press, at (800) 519-2465.

A further reading suggestion, one that I find exciting, is O2xygen Therapies:

a new way of approaching disease, by Ed McCabe. I am now reading

a public library copy. If you can't find it in your system try ordering

it (800) 284-6263. Much of it has to do with the use of 35% food

grade hydrogen peroxide. It's my belief that this alone would

have saved a friend who I lost a few weeks ago. He had been in and

out of hospitals for about 4 months, much of the time on respirators.

But they couldn't seem to get the oxygen past his lungs and into the rest

of his body's cells that way. Here's a few things taken from the

back cover:

"Nature's oxygen, the one thing we can't live without. Not for

long anyway. The less of it we have in our body cells, the worse

our health becomes. We can die slowly or quickly from lack of it.

Sedentary lifestyles, poor food, lack of exercise, and shallow breathing

of polluted air are contributing factors that have created a chronic "low

oxygen" condition in our cells.

Our metabolism is a process of burning food for energy. If attempted

in a low oxygen environment, it's like trying to burn wet wood, where something

is always left over. Our cells accumulate unburnt, or unoxidized,

waste products that "plug up the works", and create fertile, swamp like,

breeding grounds for harmful viruses and microbes.

Here's the key. These viruses and microbes (like in flu, colds,

AIDS, arterial plaque & cancer cells), live best in low oxygen environments.

They are anerobic. That means, raise the oxygen level around them,

and they die! Supply the cell environment with enough of nature's

oxygen and it finally "burns up" the waste products! Simple.

Too simple? Apparently, since there have been over 4000 articles

in the available medical literature in the past 40 years, referring to

the action of oxygen products on pathogens. And, unlike some current

disease treatments, when administered at proper levels, and in the proper

way, there have been very few side effects or toxicity reported, other

than temporary cleansing reactions. Many alternative health treatments

owe their effectiveness to oxygenation. Nature has provided us with

a simple energy transport, cleansing, and repair system."

Although the use of the oxygen therapy mentioned in this book has been

around since the 1800's, it's interesting that we don't hear more about

it. Reason is there's no money to be made! It's to cheap!

Well, I hope this helps you in your quest for knowledge and raises the

consciousness level of a few others on this list. I'm anxious

to try it myself. All the best, Max M

Carl & Amy Winston wrote:

From: "Carl & Amy Winston" <winston@...>

I just joined the list in hopes of learning

everything I can. My Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through

the chemo. It's not looking very good for him and we are grabbing

at strings to learn all we can about anything. ... I would love to hear

anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment, etc... He's

in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter

of weeks now...

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Hi Amy

I haven't tried Essiac myself but I know a few who have and told me it was helpful.

Last year I heard Dr. Simon Hsia speak about his research with a non-toxic selenium, and the clinical study which was presented at the American Association of Cancer Research conference in Pennsylvania in April. He was well received by the oncologists and has ongoing contact and confers with many of them.

The reason I'm responding is that my brother-in-law heard his presentation then. Just two months ago he was discovered at work with signs of medical problems, was sent to the emergency care clinic, who sent him straight to the hospital. His white blood cell count was 403,000. Another brother called us, requesting we come up to the hospital as soon as possible.

His dr. was not open to anything alternative. We made contact with someone close to Dr. Hsia, had the hospital fax the labwork to Dr. Hsia, his contact called us back, telling us that the dr. was encouraging him to go ahead with the chemo, but to begin his nutraceutical regimen before he began. The oncologist didn't agree, wouldn't allow him to take the nutraceuticals including the non-toxic selenium. After a long battle he agreed to handle his care during the first round of chemo, but requested him to find another oncologist after that.

The first interesting part of the lab report was that his red blood cells increased, which the oncologist said was totally unusual with chemo. After two weeks, his blood cell count was down to 75,000 and stayed there. The oncologist told him that was due to the effects of the chemo finally wearing off, no longer present. What was interesting is that his white blood cell count continued to go down to 60,000, then 56,000.

He began lessening the amounts of some of the supplements he was taking, and just before his second round of chemo, it went back up to 60,000, then 64,000. He had the second chemo, along with the nutraceuticals, and the last lab was back down to 56,000. He's been back to work already. I should be hearing what his latest lab report is by Monday. We plan on visiting him next weekend, with one more lab report, Dr. Hsia will review all the lab reports to that date, and fine-tune the regimen he is on, change amounts, maybe add a different nutraceutical.

By the way, the oncologist was so impressed, without acknowledging the effects of the nutritional supplements, that he has continued on as my brother-in-law's doctor. This oncologist has chosen not to confer with Dr. Hsia, although given the opportunity to.

There are many alternatives out there I know, my brother-in-law having heard Dr Hsia speak about his research, and the science, and clinical studies behind it, chose this direction. If you have any questions I'd be glad to try and answer them. Hope all goes well.

[ ] New to listFrom: " Carl & Amy Winston " <winston@...>

Hello everyone...

I just joined the list in hopes of learning everything I can. My Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through the chemo. It's not looking very good for him and we are grabbing at strings to learn all we can about anything. I was searching through the endless sites on the internet about this terrible disease and found something called Essiac. Has anyone heard of this or know anything about it? It sounds very interesting. I would love to hear anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment, etc...

He's in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter of weeks now, but he is feeling pretty good, all things considered and I just can't imagine giving up.

Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any information you can send.

Take Care,


-List Archives: /archives.cgi/ Web Sites:http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancerpage.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty message to: -unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest , send an empty message to: -digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal, send an empty message to: -normalonelistTo subscribe again to the list, send an empty message to: -subscribeonelist

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Hi Amy,

For more info on Essiac Tea, see <essiac-info.org> You will find a great

deal of info, including a good selection of where to purchase. I purchased

the Native Herbal Blend, from Mother Earth Herbs, number 19)Native Herb

Combo on the marketer list at the above website.

As you will see, the prices are extremely varied, but there is no reason to

pay high vitamin store prices. Kathy at <motherearthherbs.com> (I think

this is the correct website, check the link from <essiac-info.org>) is very

informative and helpful.

I bought it for my Mom who has many health problems. She believes the tea

is helping, but does not have a disease that is particularly easy to tell

if works. I also decided I would start drinking it myself, for general

good health. I send it to my mom, out of state, but have yet to make up

my first batch. I also drink red clover blossom tea, and Mullein

tea,(spelling?) purported to be good for many ailments as well.

Sorry I don't have more specific info, but you can find all you need through

the website and perhaps a few phone calls.

With Loving thoughts to you and your grandfather,

New to list

>From: " Carl & Amy Winston " <winston@...>


>Hello everyone...


>I just joined the list in hopes of learning everything I can. My

>Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through the chemo. It's not looking

>very good for him and we are grabbing at strings to learn all we can about

>anything. I was searching through the endless sites on the internet about

>this terrible disease and found something called Essiac. Has anyone heard

>of this or know anything about it? It sounds very interesting. I would

>love to hear anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment,



>He's in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter

>of weeks now, but he is feeling pretty good, all things considered and I

>just can't imagine giving up.


>Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any information you can



>Take Care,








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Dear Max/List:

If you go to www.polyo2.org , and read, lots of info, on ozone, oxygen, Polyatomic Oxygen, he is also one of Ed McCabe's friends. Claims 87% success rate on all types of cancer.

-----Original Message-----From: Max [mailto:max15@...]Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 10:19 PM onelistSubject: Re: [ ] New to listFrom: Max <max15@...> I would personally follow what Hulda suggests regarding getting rid of parasites and pollutants, found in her book, The Cure For All Cancers, possibly found in your public library or health food store. You can also order it and/or her latest book re advanced cancer from the publisher, New Century Press, at (800) 519-2465. A further reading suggestion, one that I find exciting, is O2xygen Therapies: a new way of approaching disease, by Ed McCabe. I am now reading a public library copy. If you can't find it in your system try ordering it (800) 284-6263. Much of it has to do with the use of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. It's my belief that this alone would have saved a friend who I lost a few weeks ago. He had been in and out of hospitals for about 4 months, much of the time on respirators. But they couldn't seem to get the oxygen past his lungs and into the rest of his body's cells that way. Here's a few things taken from the back cover: "Nature's oxygen, the one thing we can't live without. Not for long anyway. The less of it we have in our body cells, the worse our health becomes. We can die slowly or quickly from lack of it. Sedentary lifestyles, poor food, lack of exercise, and shallow breathing of polluted air are contributing factors that have created a chronic "low oxygen" condition in our cells. Our metabolism is a process of burning food for energy. If attempted in a low oxygen environment, it's like trying to burn wet wood, where something is always left over. Our cells accumulate unburnt, or unoxidized, waste products that "plug up the works", and create fertile, swamp like, breeding grounds for harmful viruses and microbes. Here's the key. These viruses and microbes (like in flu, colds, AIDS, arterial plaque & cancer cells), live best in low oxygen environments. They are anerobic. That means, raise the oxygen level around them, and they die! Supply the cell environment with enough of nature's oxygen and it finally "burns up" the waste products! Simple. Too simple? Apparently, since there have been over 4000 articles in the available medical literature in the past 40 years, referring to the action of oxygen products on pathogens. And, unlike some current disease treatments, when administered at proper levels, and in the proper way, there have been very few side effects or toxicity reported, other than temporary cleansing reactions. Many alternative health treatments owe their effectiveness to oxygenation. Nature has provided us with a simple energy transport, cleansing, and repair system." Although the use of the oxygen therapy mentioned in this book has been around since the 1800's, it's interesting that we don't hear more about it. Reason is there's no money to be made! It's to cheap! Well, I hope this helps you in your quest for knowledge and raises the consciousness level of a few others on this list. I'm anxious to try it myself. All the best, Max M Carl & Amy Winston wrote: From: "Carl & Amy Winston" <winston@...> I just joined the list in hopes of learning everything I can. My Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through the chemo. It's not looking very good for him and we are grabbing at strings to learn all we can about anything. ... I would love to hear anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment, etc... He's in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter of weeks now...

-List Archives: /archives.cgi/ Web Sites:http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancerpage.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/~mycleanse/http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!To unsubscribe from this list, send an empty message to: -unsubscribeonelistTo change status from normal to digest , send an empty message to: -digestonelistTo change status from digest to normal, send an empty message to: -normalonelistTo subscribe again to the list, send an empty message to: -subscribeonelist

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Hi Amy,

I'm sorry to hear that your Grandfather is ill. Hopefully we'll find a

solution to help him. Have you checked the following site out :


I'm sure they could help you as they helped my friend.

Good luck and don't give up.


>From: " Carl & Amy Winston " <winston@...>



>Subject: New to list

>Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 13:20:37 -0600


>Hello everyone...


>I just joined the list in hopes of learning everything I can. My

>Grandfather has leukemia and has gone through the chemo. It's not looking

>very good for him and we are grabbing at strings to learn all we can about

>anything. I was searching through the endless sites on the internet about

>this terrible disease and found something called Essiac. Has anyone heard

>of this or know anything about it? It sounds very interesting. I would

>love to hear anyone's experiences with this or anything other treatment,



>He's in the hospital now and the doctor has told us that it's just a matter

>of weeks now, but he is feeling pretty good, all things considered and I

>just can't imagine giving up.


>Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any information you can



>Take Care,






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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi from Michigan :o)

Welcome to the list. I am pretty new myself to the list and am getting

braver about posting. Been diagnosised with Fibromyalgia for about 8 years

now and looking for answers so I can get my life back. Dr. put me on Armour

thyroid for now till I can get all my amalgams out and get the mercury outta

my body. Hopefull the thyroid will eventually kick back in and start

working right again, no guarantees tho. I was also born in Hanford, Wa.

during WW2 where they build the bomb or tested it, anyway our wonderful

government release radioactive iodine into the air and the general

population which messes up the thyroid. Now that same governement is saying

that " silver " amalgams are safe too, while more and more people are having

immune diseases show up, make you wonder...Anyway, welcome to the list and

wishing you success in your search to become well.


New to list

>From: " M C Cracraft " <mensa@...>


>Hi, I'm new to the list. I'm , in Michigan

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and all; Join the

autism treatment also it has good

information on mercury poisoning, and check the message archives. There

are many government addresses that I have posted to that list providing

good information. did you find the gov. fibro sites from the NIH

address I sent out? If you come across a group of addresses that you

want that are in black and do not work in the autism treatment site, all

you have to do is ask and I will resend them. Also any food that

crosses the gut track without being digested before entering the blood

will cause major problems and allergies, weather it is juiced or not.

That may be what causes the leaky gut problem because the gut is bathed

in mercury every day? you are very correct that alcohol will

cross into the blood stream readily, because it is already digested by

yeasts that is how it is made. You had the right answer .

Also the countries that you mentioned in Europe are in the process of

total bann on the mercury amalgam, it will still take some time. In the

ones that you mentioned they are taking steps to halt placement of

mercury dental work and they have halted mercury in pregant women, and

some children, and in Sweden you can still use mercury it is just that

the insurance company will not pay for the procedure of putting mercury

in your mouth. Let me see this is tuff;.... if I get the more expensive

non-toxic dental filling the Swedish insurance will pay and I get it for

free, if I get poisonous mercury fillings I have to pay for them myself.

That is how they have gotten around the controversial topic of mercury

dental work, but the outcome is the same as you said, just different

words. I also loved that article from Bwindham and all of his

references, he is a researcher of some type. They will allow a human to

run around with 200ppm mercury in their flesh and gums, but if a fish

gets only 1ppm in it's body the EPA, and FDA is upset, and will bann the

fish. I think I would rather be a fish? LTLDAB1@...


" Daughetee " <daughtee@...>

Hi from Michigan :o)

Welcome to the list. I am pretty new myself to the list and am getting

braver about posting. Been diagnosised with Fibromyalgia for about 8 years

now and looking for answers so I can get my life back. Dr. put me on Armour

thyroid for now till I can get all my amalgams out and get the mercury outta

my body. Hopefull the thyroid will eventually kick back in and start

working right again, no guarantees tho. I was also born in Hanford, Wa.

during WW2 where they build the bomb or tested it, anyway our wonderful

government release radioactive iodine into the air and the general

population which messes up the thyroid. Now that same governement is saying

that " silver " amalgams are safe too, while more and more people are having

immune diseases show up, make you wonder...Anyway, welcome to the list and

wishing you success in your search to become well.


New to list

>From: " M C Cracraft " <mensa@...>


>Hi, I'm new to the list. I'm , in Michigan

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In a message dated 03/29/2000 8:34:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mensa@... writes:

<< My other symptoms are joint achiness, numbness in hands which may be due

to narrowing of disk space in the neck, EXTREME coldness--I

was in Miami, Florida a couple weeks ago and even got cold there at times.


Hello, C from Michigan

Welcome to the list. I have been diagnosed with spondylosis by my

chiropractor. This is the name of the condition where the area on the spinal

column where the spinal cord goes through narrows over time, and puts

pressure on the nerves. Taking certain supplements, such as magnesium,

calcium, bone meal, boron, vitamin D, etc., may help to slow down this

condition which usually gets progressively worse. If you are prone to

osteoporosis, natural progesterone may also be very beneficial. If you have

not been to a chiropractor, I urge you to make an appointment with one in

your area who is well-experienced. It is very likely that some of your

physical symptoms may be caused by pressure on the nerves, which could be

corrected. That is not to say that you do not have hypothyroidism, but

perhaps some of your symptoms could be eliminated or lessened.


Ira M. Fine

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I still believe in shark cartilage and take in oil capsule form. I suggest

your get the book " Definitive Guide to Cancer " where diet, causes,

treatments, etc., are spelled out for you. I would hope you know someone

that can muscle test him for what he needs. God bless your journey.


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Dear MLW -

Welcome to the group. You might take that " newspaper article " with a

grain of salt. The medical establishment does many, many things to discredit

any therapy or treatment outside of mainstream medicine - including

engagaing in dis-information campaigns. It's a story as old as civilization:

the establishment vs. the maverick outsiders who make them look bad. Such is

the way of the world.

Please keep in mind, the media LOVES to stir up controversy and exploit

it. Thousands have used shark cartilage for years. You may or may not have

heard, but Sixty Minutes (tick, tick, tick, tick ....) even did a piece on

it a few years ago.

Personal opinion? Join as many alternative cancer treatmant groups as

you can find and ask the members about their experiecences with shark

cartilage before you give up on it. There are many scientifically verifiable

studies on its side.

In any case, it is only one of many immune system enhancers becoming

available in our time. Everything I've been able to find out still points to

MGN3 as the finest immune system builder today - a tremendous cancer

fighter. That, and the pharmaceutical Interleukin II, if you happen to have

$40,000 to $90,000 laying around for treatment. But IL-2 can have severe

sides effects including death. MGM3 has none and is about $50 a bottle.

[Ref: www.mgn3.com and www.mgn3.net ]

Art Brown

[ ] New to List

> I'm new to your list. My 4 year old son has rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare

> childhood cancer. He has 2 treatments left and there is only a 5%

> chance that it will return - doctors say probably a little higher.


> I read in the paper today that they have found shark cartilage can

> develop cancer. I had been trying to find alternative medicine for

> my son when he's done with chemo - and shark cartilage was on my

> list. Now I have crossed it out and wondering if anyone out there

> has any names of medicines I could look into. thanks





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I live in Dallas Ft. Worth area, I assume in most towns Naturalopathic Dr.,

good health food stores. What part of the country do you live? In the book

I recommended he lists many great Dr.s in different parts of the country and

Mexico. It would go faster if you have professional health.



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Check out Alternativemedicine.com it is the best site out here

[ ] New to List

> I'm new to your list. My 4 year old son has rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare

> childhood cancer. He has 2 treatments left and there is only a 5%

> chance that it will return - doctors say probably a little higher.


> I read in the paper today that they have found shark cartilage can

> develop cancer. I had been trying to find alternative medicine for

> my son when he's done with chemo - and shark cartilage was on my

> list. Now I have crossed it out and wondering if anyone out there

> has any names of medicines I could look into. thanks





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Missy: not to alarm you but i talked to my Dr. yesterday about parasites i am

having trouble getting rid of & he mentioned another lady who has boils and

at night time parasites come out of the boils. I'm sure if this was your case

you would have seen them by now. but my parasites i can feel them moving and

biting! sounds really gross but it is a fact! Sorry to gross everyone out,

imagine how it feels to know something is in your body living and moving so

you can feel them! of course that is how the yeast is also. i guess i have a

hotel in my body! LOL! (lots of laughs) mogdrmom

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The boils are an attempt by your body to get rid of excess toxins that are

overloading the liver and kidneys, combined with the lowered immunity that

the candida causes. They can also be allergy related. (which candida also

contributes to.)

Night sweats can be a thyroid imbalance, a hormonal imbalance, parasites,

and a bunch of other things. The thing about candida is that it changes the

intestines so that they are more habitable for other parasites. So it is

possible that you have other parasites in addition to the candida.

Have you considered using natural things to help reduce the dosage of birth

control pills that you have to take? Even if you feel they can't be

substituted, they could at least provide some reduction, which would be

better than nothing.


New to list

Hello all,

I'm new to this list and thought I'd introduce myself and tell you a little

about my experiences with candidiasis.

Although I have yet to begin any treatment, my doctor, who is an

environmental medicine doctor, definately suspects that I have candida


My symptoms are chronic vaginal yeast infection (it's almost always present

and very painful and irritating!), multiple food and environmental

allergies, extreme sensitivity to strong odours, frequent night sweats,

intolerance to both cold and heat, frequent skin rashes, irritable bowel

syndrome, chronic boils (on the bum...ugh) and chronic fatigue that

interferes with my quality of life very much. I have a history of taking

antibiotics on a long term basis, and my doc thinks this is definately the

cause, or one of the causes of the candidiasis. Unfortunately, I am also on

the birth control pill, not for contraceptive purposes really, but to

balance a hormonal imbalance that I was born with. I tried natural hormonal

methods in the past, but because of my young age (26) none of them were

potent enough to help with the imbalance, which is quite severe. But it's

frustrating having to rely on such a pill, because I know that the Pill can

cause or aggravate candida infection.

I'm going to have a couple of tests done to confirm that I do have

candidiasis on Monday. I imagine they will take a few weeks to come back.

Regarding my sumptoms, though, I was wondering if any of you with candida

infection experience chronic boils and/or night sweats? Most of the symptoms

I have I have read about, but I never see boils or night sweats listed as

symptoms of candidiasis. I'm wondering if these two problems could be caused

from something else entirely.

I look forward to starting some kind of treatment for this and getting rid

of this candida once and for all!

Take care all,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Glad to have you in the group lolol

any tips for getting the meds down lolol

i have to laugh on this sorry but if medicine tasted good

it wouldnt help lololol

melissa just started takeing pills which doesnt taste as bad

the liquids i would mix is a drink kool aid or pepsi just enough

of a drink and say juggle up and give her a chaser

but with the pills most have a coating on them for stomach protection

and i hand melissa her meds and say

open wide the pills comeing to hide grab the water and swallow

hurry up before it swanddles better in the tummy than in a dummy

lololololol she got tickled at me one time and spit every thing out

lolololol it is funny what we do to get meds in them

but if you take meds its just as bad


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n is 11 and had never swallowed a pill in her life. She now takes lots

of pills everyday. All I can say is that she drinks tons of milk with all

of the medicine. Sorry I can't be of more help.

new to list



>We have a nine year old son named Karl. He was just diagnosed with

>systemic JRA. We are just beginning and don't really know what the

>future holds but he really hates the medicine! He asked me to

>inquire about any methods for getting the yucky stuff down. Any tips?


>the Moles family




>Double your manufacturer's warranty on all computers,

>home appliances, and electronics AND win up to $500

>towards your purchase!




>For links to websites with JRA info visit:



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Hi Missy,

I have mentioned this to the list before, but I will mention it again. I strongly recomend you investigate a natural herbal remedy d-LENOLATE olive leaf ectract. I had candida, and no longer suffer from the symptoms. Is the candida gone?? I haven't been tested so I don't know for sure. I do know I feel great and can eat almost anything even if I shouldn't. I still take 4 capsules a day after being on this for a year now. It is a dietary suplement which kills pathological microorgansims, candida being just one. We are exposed to lots of these daily, that is why I still take it. By the way I have not been sick or suffered any symptoms of ill health since taking d-LENOLATE. I purchasse mine on the internet from Otrecure at www.otrecure.com

In Health,

New to list

Hello all,

I'm new to this list and thought I'd introduce myself and tell you a little about my experiences with candidiasis.

Although I have yet to begin any treatment, my doctor, who is an environmental medicine doctor, definately suspects that I have candida infection.

My symptoms are chronic vaginal yeast infection (it's almost always present and very painful and irritating!), multiple food and environmental allergies, extreme sensitivity to strong odours, frequent night sweats, intolerance to both cold and heat, frequent skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic boils (on the bum...ugh) and chronic fatigue that interferes with my quality of life very much. I have a history of taking antibiotics on a long term basis, and my doc thinks this is definately the cause, or one of the causes of the candidiasis. Unfortunately, I am also on the birth control pill, not for contraceptive purposes really, but to balance a hormonal imbalance that I was born with. I tried natural hormonal methods in the past, but because of my young age (26) none of them were potent enough to help with the imbalance, which is quite severe. But it's frustrating having to rely on such a pill, because I know that the Pill can cause or aggravate candida infection.

I'm going to have a couple of tests done to confirm that I do have candidiasis on Monday. I imagine they will take a few weeks to come back.

Regarding my sumptoms, though, I was wondering if any of you with candida infection experience chronic boils and/or night sweats? Most of the symptoms I have I have read about, but I never see boils or night sweats listed as symptoms of candidiasis. I'm wondering if these two problems could be caused from something else entirely.

I look forward to starting some kind of treatment for this and getting rid of this candida once and for all!

Take care all,


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Moles Family,

My 9 1/2 dd has been talking pills since she was 2 and hate it when she

has to take liquid meds.Have Karl ever tried taking pills? If not then that's

one way of getting the yucky stuff down. When Drese has to take liq. meds we

give her juice or something to drink and some sort of candy. This gets her

meds. down.

Ywellen sweetpea200001@...

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Thanks, I think that is the problem. He hates the liquid. The meds are not

working right now anyway and I anticipate a change. Karl has high fever

and a lot of pain. Any activity other than laying or sitting around makes

him tired, feverish and sore. How long does this initial flair usually

last? I can't seem to find that info anywhere and I forgot to ask the

specialist. I'm sure there is a lot of variation but any ballpark figures

would be appreciated.

Question two: Karl wants to find web sites for kids with JRA. Are there


Much appreciation from a harried, worried mom and dad.

The Moles family

Re: new to list

Moles Family,

My 9 1/2 dd has been talking pills since she was 2 and hate it

when she

has to take liquid meds.Have Karl ever tried taking pills? If not

then that's

one way of getting the yucky stuff down. When Drese has to take liq.

meds we

give her juice or something to drink and some sort of candy. This

gets her

meds. down.

Ywellen sweetpea200001@...


Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive





For links to websites with JRA info visit:


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