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In a message dated 11/22/99 8:23:28 AM Pacific Standard Time,

M487@... writes:

<< tried everything on them, tea tree oil, Oregano oil, Pau d ARco tea and

saoking in it and nothing works. So I'm really hoping this cream will. I

live in Florida. Rather hot to always wear shoes. But no way am I letting

my ugly feet hang out. Oh, one other symptom. My ears itch inside. Any

advice? Is there a test to confirm Candida? I haven't been on any anti

biotics. I did take some for a very short period to clear up the infections

way back when. But that's it. Thanks alot for any help!

Maggi >>

Hi, it sounds like you haven't stayed on the Diflucan long enough to me, try

it for a few weeks rather than days.....

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I agree with the No vinegar! I talk to an internet Dr. i would suggest take

a look at his web-site--print everything out! it tells you what kind of blood

test you should ask for, his theroy works, it is expensive, but he was the

only one who could help me. take a look & tell me what you think! his site


drb@... his name is Biamonte.

Good Luck


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Dear Maggi,

Look up vinegar on the net. I was told that it was bad for yeast, but I was

at my wits end. I looked it up and it said that it killed yeast and fungus.

So I thought well it might work. I douched with the white and drank some of

the apple cider vinegar with water. Just covered the bottom of the glass

and filled it with good water. I got immediate relief. I also soaked my

feet in it. My feet do look better. I am staying on the diet for a while

longer. Also, I got the books on candida, and they said that if you don't

get rid of it try a parasite cleanse as this is one of the causes of

candida. So I am going to try that next. To totally get rid of it for

ever. Since I used the vinegar I have not had the itching and burning, the

swelling went down to normal size. It worked for me anyway. You make the




Re:New to list

From: M487@...

Hi all,

I could use suggestions from anyone that cares to make one. I'll make this

as brief as possible but it's kinda hard. This is over a 4 yr span. I was

dx with Hyper thyroid. I took PTU for 8 months until I had a severe

reaction. Got off the PTU and had RAI to kill the gland. Through all of

this I began itching. I mean, not sleeping and itching 24/7. Then I began

having many infections. Bladder, kidney etc. I couldn't go to sleep

sometimes for up to 4 days. Went to 7 doctors. Finally the 7th tested me

for Hep C. It was positive. The PTU is real bad for the liver and of course

that's why I was so sick. Drug induced Hepatitis on top of a viral


It has taken me 4 years to feel ok again but without the help of doctors.

My own research actually. Anyway, I have some things left over I can't


This is where I need you help. I have had a chronic yeast infection for 3

years. But my other symptoms are rashes and inflammed skin on my feet.

While I was really down, I got nail fungus on every toe. I also seem to be

allergic to the planet! But sometimes I have a good day. My hands and feet

itch terribly. Especially the bottoms of my feet. I have never ever had a

food allergy and now when I eat I itch afterwards. Chocolate is a problem

now. Milk is fine. But my hands wil itch sometimes from plastic or rubber.

Like the steering wheel. Been to the expensive Mayo trained derm and he


gave me cream for the secondary infections. In fact it almost looks like


different rashes going on. I have been on Diflucan. Tried that for 3 days


seperate times. Clears up for awhile. The yeast comes back. Does this sound

like Candida? All of this started with the immune system crashing and I've

taken many supplements to get my liver enzymes back to normal and my energy

level is fine. I'm getting some Loprox cream for the nails today. I've

tried everything on them, tea tree oil, Oregano oil, Pau d ARco tea and

saoking in it and nothing works. So I'm really hoping this cream will. I

live in Florida. Rather hot to always wear shoes. But no way am I letting

my ugly feet hang out. Oh, one other symptom. My ears itch inside. Any

advice? Is there a test to confirm Candida? I haven't been on any anti

biotics. I did take some for a very short period to clear up the infections

way back when. But that's it. Thanks alot for any help!



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In a message dated 11/22/99 5:11:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jdrsr@... writes:


The vinegar is the only thing that normalizes me though. I have not had any

problems since I used the vinegar. Myra >>

Well to each his own but it is not on a yeast free diet

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The vinegar is the only thing that normalizes me though. I have not had any

problems since I used the vinegar. Myra

Re: Re:New to list

From: MogdrMom@...

I agree with the No vinegar! I talk to an internet Dr. i would suggest take

a look at his web-site--print everything out! it tells you what kind of


test you should ask for, his theroy works, it is expensive, but he was the

only one who could help me. take a look & tell me what you think! his site


drb@... his name is Biamonte..

Good Luck



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In a message dated 11/22/99 5:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

chestnutt@... writes:

<< s good to douche with yes, but if you infact have chronic

Candida, my advice would be to go to a homeopath or naturapath. I have

been put on a diet that is to avoid anything fermented. NO wines,

vinegars, mushrooms, watermellon. Basically, anything in the mold

family is OUT. She also did a specific food sensitivity test and really

blew my mind. I have been given various tinctures of homeopathy to help

the problem. Keep in mind. If you suffer from Candida, it is not just a

basic yeast infection. This is a built of of bacteria in your intestines

for how many years. My 9 year old daughter is also suffering from the

problem. Funny. I took her to the homeopath because she was a tough

child. I have seen a dramatic difference in her since testing her food

sensitivities and changing her diet. >>

All alcohol is out as far as I understand.....no big loss for me...... never

heard the watermelon thing though.....

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In a message dated 11/22/99 7:38:41 PM Pacific Standard Time,

kathlyc@... writes:

<< I was on a similar diet this summer (didn't help me so I switched to my

herbal product program) - but as for alcohol - anything that is fermented is

out - and that even includes non-alcoholic items that are fermented such as

cider or rootbeer!!!

However, vodka is distilled.. >>

Well, I don't touch the stuff. It can't be helpful.

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Vinegar is good to douche with yes, but if you infact have chronic

Candida, my advice would be to go to a homeopath or naturapath. I have

been put on a diet that is to avoid anything fermented. NO wines,

vinegars, mushrooms, watermellon. Basically, anything in the mold

family is OUT. She also did a specific food sensitivity test and really

blew my mind. I have been given various tinctures of homeopathy to help

the problem. Keep in mind. If you suffer from Candida, it is not just a

basic yeast infection. This is a built of of bacteria in your intestines

for how many years. My 9 year old daughter is also suffering from the

problem. Funny. I took her to the homeopath because she was a tough

child. I have seen a dramatic difference in her since testing her food

sensitivities and changing her diet.

Good LUCK.. and I cant tell you how dramatic a difference this homoepath

route has made for us.


Myra wrote:


> From: " Myra " <jdrsr@...>


> Dear Maggi,


> Look up vinegar on the net. I was told that it was bad for yeast, but I was

> at my wits end. I looked it up and it said that it killed yeast and fungus.

> So I thought well it might work. I douched with the white and drank some of

> the apple cider vinegar with water. Just covered the bottom of the glass

> and filled it with good water. I got immediate relief. I also soaked my

> feet in it. My feet do look better. I am staying on the diet for a while

> longer. Also, I got the books on candida, and they said that if you don't

> get rid of it try a parasite cleanse as this is one of the causes of

> candida. So I am going to try that next. To totally get rid of it for

> ever. Since I used the vinegar I have not had the itching and burning, the

> swelling went down to normal size. It worked for me anyway. You make the

> choice.


> Cheerfully,

> Myra


> Re:New to list


> From: M487@...


> Hi all,

> I could use suggestions from anyone that cares to make one. I'll make this

> as brief as possible but it's kinda hard. This is over a 4 yr span. I was

> dx with Hyper thyroid. I took PTU for 8 months until I had a severe

> reaction. Got off the PTU and had RAI to kill the gland. Through all of

> this I began itching. I mean, not sleeping and itching 24/7. Then I began

> having many infections. Bladder, kidney etc. I couldn't go to sleep

> sometimes for up to 4 days. Went to 7 doctors. Finally the 7th tested me

> for Hep C. It was positive. The PTU is real bad for the liver and of course

> that's why I was so sick. Drug induced Hepatitis on top of a viral

> hepatitis.

> It has taken me 4 years to feel ok again but without the help of doctors.

> My own research actually. Anyway, I have some things left over I can't

> cure.

> This is where I need you help. I have had a chronic yeast infection for 3

> years. But my other symptoms are rashes and inflammed skin on my feet.

> While I was really down, I got nail fungus on every toe. I also seem to be

> allergic to the planet! But sometimes I have a good day. My hands and feet

> itch terribly. Especially the bottoms of my feet. I have never ever had a

> food allergy and now when I eat I itch afterwards. Chocolate is a problem

> now. Milk is fine. But my hands wil itch sometimes from plastic or rubber.

> Like the steering wheel. Been to the expensive Mayo trained derm and he

> just

> gave me cream for the secondary infections. In fact it almost looks like

> 3-4

> different rashes going on. I have been on Diflucan. Tried that for 3 days

> 2

> seperate times. Clears up for awhile. The yeast comes back. Does this sound

> like Candida? All of this started with the immune system crashing and I've

> taken many supplements to get my liver enzymes back to normal and my energy

> level is fine. I'm getting some Loprox cream for the nails today. I've

> tried everything on them, tea tree oil, Oregano oil, Pau d ARco tea and

> saoking in it and nothing works. So I'm really hoping this cream will. I

> live in Florida. Rather hot to always wear shoes. But no way am I letting

> my ugly feet hang out. Oh, one other symptom. My ears itch inside. Any

> advice? Is there a test to confirm Candida? I haven't been on any anti

> biotics. I did take some for a very short period to clear up the infections

> way back when. But that's it. Thanks alot for any help!

> Maggi


> _


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I was on a similar diet this summer (didn't help me so I switched to my

herbal product program) - but as for alcohol - anything that is fermented is

out - and that even includes non-alcoholic items that are fermented such as

cider or rootbeer!!!

However, vodka is distilled...


Re: Re:New to list

>From: FemDomSoc@...


>In a message dated 11/22/99 5:41:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>chestnutt@... writes:


><< s good to douche with yes, but if you infact have chronic

> Candida, my advice would be to go to a homeopath or naturapath. I have

> been put on a diet that is to avoid anything fermented. NO wines,

> vinegars, mushrooms, watermellon. Basically, anything in the mold

> family is OUT. She also did a specific food sensitivity test and really

> blew my mind. I have been given various tinctures of homeopathy to help

> the problem. Keep in mind. If you suffer from Candida, it is not just a

> basic yeast infection. This is a built of of bacteria in your intestines

> for how many years. My 9 year old daughter is also suffering from the

> problem. Funny. I took her to the homeopath because she was a tough

> child. I have seen a dramatic difference in her since testing her food

> sensitivities and changing her diet. >>

>All alcohol is out as far as I understand.....no big loss for me......


>heard the watermelon thing though.....




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In a message dated 11/23/99 7:13:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

jdrsr@... writes:

<< Well, One of my Doctors told me to use it. When I looked it up it said


is killed fungus, yeast it disinfects and they use it in hospitals to do

this. It worked for me. I did test out for candida. The swelling is gone.

The itch is gone, the burning is gone. Look up vinegar on the net. What is

more it is cheap. I think the reason the rest of the Doctors put it down is

because it won't make the pharmacy any money. Personally, I feel that human

beings deserve to feel better as soon as they can so they can get on with

their lives.


Myra >>

That may be true, but you are treating the symptom, not the cause.

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Well, One of my Doctors told me to use it. When I looked it up it said that

is killed fungus, yeast it disinfects and they use it in hospitals to do

this. It worked for me. I did test out for candida. The swelling is gone.

The itch is gone, the burning is gone. Look up vinegar on the net. What is

more it is cheap. I think the reason the rest of the Doctors put it down is

because it won't make the pharmacy any money. Personally, I feel that human

beings deserve to feel better as soon as they can so they can get on with

their lives.



Re: Re:New to list

From: MogdrMom@...

Myra: Any time you feed the Candida you will feel better! Mogdrmom


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a: If your going thru a die-off period, your feeling bad! The Yeast is

trying to survive! so when you eat something your not supposed to , you have

satisfied the yeast by feeding it! & it is good till you start starving it

again! it is a regular merry go round till it is out of your system. I hope

this helps you! Mogdrmom

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I am also on the diet. Myra

Re: Re:New to list

From: FemDomSoc@...

In a message dated 11/23/99 7:13:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

jdrsr@... writes:

<< Well, One of my Doctors told me to use it. When I looked it up it said


is killed fungus, yeast it disinfects and they use it in hospitals to do

this. It worked for me. I did test out for candida. The swelling is


The itch is gone, the burning is gone. Look up vinegar on the net. What


more it is cheap. I think the reason the rest of the Doctors put it down


because it won't make the pharmacy any money. Personally, I feel that


beings deserve to feel better as soon as they can so they can get on with

their lives..


Myra >>

That may be true, but you are treating the symptom, not the cause..


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In a message dated 11/23/99 12:35:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,

chestnutt@... writes:

<< As for the watermellon mentioned earlier. IT is a product of the mold

family. My homeopath suggested staying away from any and all products

from this family. watermellon, mushrooms, strawberrys, and of course

anything fermented as we have all agreed upon.

I have found that it makes a HUGE differnce!

a >>

How is WatermeLon (one L, take note) a member of the mold family? It may be

contaminated commonly but it is a melon, not a mushroom. I've been doing this

diet for 10 years, I know the taboo foods....some doctors differ on it a bit,

it comes down to what you can and cannot tolerate. Vinegar and fermented

liquids however are a big no no.

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My understanding is that watermelon(along with honeydew, cantaloupe

cucumber, squash) belongs to the Gourd family, mushrooms(yeast also) belong

to the Fungi family, and strawberries(blackberries and red/black

raspberries, also) belong to the Rose family.



> From: a Perza <chestnutt@...>

> candidiasisonelist

> Subject: Re: Re:New to list

> Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 6:33 PM


> From: a Perza <chestnutt@...>



> As for the watermellon mentioned earlier. IT is a product of the mold

> family. My homeopath suggested staying away from any and all products

> from this family. watermellon, mushrooms, strawberrys, and of course

> anything fermented as we have all agreed upon.


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What do you mean by that statement: Anytime you feed the candida you

will feel better?? Please elaborate Mogdrmom.

As for the watermellon mentioned earlier. IT is a product of the mold

family. My homeopath suggested staying away from any and all products

from this family. watermellon, mushrooms, strawberrys, and of course

anything fermented as we have all agreed upon.

I have found that it makes a HUGE differnce!


MogdrMom@... wrote:


> From: MogdrMom@...


> Myra: Any time you feed the Candida you will feel better! Mogdrmom


> > _


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You may be correct, I have not investigated these things. Perhaps it was

just my food sensitivity requirments that were the reason she told me to

stay away from these food items. I have done so for a month and have

remarkably improved. Perhaps it is that strawberries are quick to mold

I just dont know. But thanx for the info. I will ask the homeopath next

time we speak to reconfirm the reasons behind this.

As far as diet.. High protein and Low Carbs as well.


burrows4 wrote:


> From: " burrows4 " <burrows4@...>


> My understanding is that watermelon(along with honeydew, cantaloupe

> cucumber, squash) belongs to the Gourd family, mushrooms(yeast also) belong

> to the Fungi family, and strawberries(blackberries and red/black

> raspberries, also) belong to the Rose family.


> Joyce


> ----------

> > From: a Perza <chestnutt@...>

> > candidiasisonelist

> > Subject: Re: Re:New to list

> > Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 6:33 PM

> >

> > From: a Perza <chestnutt@...>

> >

> >

> > As for the watermellon mentioned earlier. IT is a product of the mold

> > family. My homeopath suggested staying away from any and all products

> > from this family. watermellon, mushrooms, strawberrys, and of course

> > anything fermented as we have all agreed upon.

> >


> > _


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Doctor told me too use the vinegar and it is working. Myra

Re: Re:New to list

From: FemDomSoc@...

In a message dated 11/23/99 9:46:35 AM Pacific Standard Time,

jdrsr@... writes:

<< I am also on the diet. Myra >>

Then you should not be ingesting vinegar


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In a message dated 11/24/99 6:06:47 AM Pacific Standard Time,

chestnutt@... writes:

<< My 9 year old daughter has food sensitivity issues, yeast allergies and

chronic candida, yet she obviously has NEVER had a vaginal yeast

infection. I have put her on the diet, (or at least am trying) she

takes a homeopathic cleanse rememdy. I have seen changes in her

behaviour almost immediately. (for the better) >>

I've never been prone to vaginal yeast infections either. My symptoms tend to

be mood and sensitivity related. I am off yeast, eggs, dairy, wheat and I am

also vegetarian. I take proper supplements including a protein supplement and

exercise almost every day. This works great for me. I just had a little

problem lately due to some antibiotics but I'm getting back on track now.

I've been doing this for 10 years and I rarely get sick, even with a cold.

Once and a while I backslide (I had Lyme and was on antibiotic shots, didn't

really keep up with the acidopholous....yeah yeah silly me, then being put

back on BCPs, which I took myself back off of, and a week of Amoxicillin for

an impacted wisdom tooth caused a candida flare up...it had been so long I

didn't recognize what it was at first...now after a week and a half of

Diflucan I feel like my old self) but for the most part, I'm disgustingly


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you hit the nail on the head yesterday when you wrote that the vinegar

will treat the sympton and not the cause. Obviously the yeast infection

is being treated by the vinegar just as it would would monostat,

nystatin and dyflucan. None of those products actually goes deep enough

to rid your intestines of the problem causing yeast.

The change in diet, as well as other remedies (I do the homeopathy) or

cleanses that are available from the health food stores are the way to

go to the source of the problem. Perhaps Myra has not experienced the

horrible effects of CANDIDA that has caused so many of us to seek a

deeper truth. Fatigue, depression, sore throats, headaches.. the list

goes on.

My 9 year old daughter has food sensitivity issues, yeast allergies and

chronic candida, yet she obviously has NEVER had a vaginal yeast

infection. I have put her on the diet, (or at least am trying) she

takes a homeopathic cleanse rememdy. I have seen changes in her

behaviour almost immediately. (for the better)

I on the other hand have had 20 years of regular yeast infections, only

upon feeling so so sick this past summer did I finally seek more

knowledge and information. Both through the GP and the homeopath I am

on the road to feeling myself again.

FemDomSoc@... wrote:


> From: FemDomSoc@...


> In a message dated 11/23/99 8:57:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> jdrsr@... writes:


> << Doctor told me too use the vinegar and it is working. Myra >>

> Well your doctor is misinformed


> > _


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I know what Mogdrmom means. When you're experiencing die-off, it's becasue

the yeast are suffering and screaming out for sugar so they can live. WHen you

feed them the sugar, they stop releasing the die-off toxins (and instead

poinson your body in other ways) and give TEMPORARY relief. Of course the

suckers come raging back if you eat too much sugar.



>===== Original Message From candidiasisonelist =====

>From: a Perza


>What do you mean by that statement: Anytime you feed the candida you

>will feel better?? Please elaborate Mogdrmom.


>As for the watermellon mentioned earlier. IT is a product of the mold

>family. My homeopath suggested staying away from any and all products

>from this family. watermellon, mushrooms, strawberrys, and of course

>anything fermented as we have all agreed upon.


>I have found that it makes a HUGE differnce!



>MogdrMom@... wrote:


>> From: MogdrMom@...


>> Myra: Any time you feed the Candida you will feel better! Mogdrmom


>> > _


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