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Re: Dana

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You forgot?! Definately must have been the denial...I hope you get

the urge to call and set up the test today...you are keeping us all

in suspense! If you don't do it for yourself, do it for us! LOL

Seriously, let us know when you reschedule the test as we will be

anxiously awaiting your results. I have high hopes for you!


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Same goes for you as I wrote to Dana...don't keep us in suspense any

longer! LOL I'll be waiting to hear those wonderful

results...tomorrow did you say? :)



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Same goes for you as I wrote to Dana...don't keep us in suspense any

longer! LOL I'll be waiting to hear those wonderful

results...tomorrow did you say? :)



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Wow Dana,

Your parents and sister are incredible! That was so nice of them to open

their hearts and homes to needy children. Dh has been talking about

adopting a needy child for a long time. The only problem I had with it was

that he was adamant on wanting to adopt a negro teenage boy. I'm not

prejudice, I just think he's trying to make more of a statement by picking a

specific type of child; I think if you want to help a needy child, you

should be open to whoever comes your way - not to preclassify others.

Dh is a really good person, but sometimes he takes a good idea and twists it

a little funny (if you know what I mean).


Re: AF finally shows...cd1 tomorrow

> ,


> Right now the babies are just in foster care, however they are trying to

> adopt them as soon as the mother's rights are terminated (if that ever

> happens). They really got interested in it when they still lived in


> and got pretty involved in the agency I work for (Youth Villages). So when


> Dad semi-retired and they bought their house on the lake (in Alabama) they

> found themselves with a lot of time on their hands and money to burn.

> Mysister is also a foster parent and has 2 foster children in addition to


> own 3 children. She lives near them so that was kinda the push they needed

> (seeing her being able to do it) so they applied for short term foster


> which led to emergency foster care, and then when the babies needed a


> they jumped at the chance. It's incredible to see them with these 2 babies


> It's been very good for all involved. I am very very proud of them.


> Dana




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how do you chart to know when you have ovulated? I can usually feel it, Also

when can you get pregnant is it the day you ovulate? or later? Just wondering. I

have been so down lately I am sorry that I haven't posted more. I have been

reading and keeping up. I also have a cold. ugh!-----Keri


> Dana


> Have you considered charting at all? Then you would be able to see

> when you O. I can tell you from my experience when I did OPK and BBT

> sometimes my temp would not go up for 3 days after. I have read

> different things on how long IUI sperm lasts in the uterus. I have

> read 6-12 hours. My dr office said 24. But if they do IUI the day

> after the positive opk is that to soon? I guess I don't understand

> enough how the dr office calculates the timing. The other thing is

> that you would think that IUI would have a higher success rate than

> natural ttc but I think its almost the same. So you figure only 20%

> get pg each month.


> Pam



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how do you chart to know when you have ovulated? I can usually feel it, Also

when can you get pregnant is it the day you ovulate? or later? Just wondering. I

have been so down lately I am sorry that I haven't posted more. I have been

reading and keeping up. I also have a cold. ugh!-----Keri


> Dana


> Have you considered charting at all? Then you would be able to see

> when you O. I can tell you from my experience when I did OPK and BBT

> sometimes my temp would not go up for 3 days after. I have read

> different things on how long IUI sperm lasts in the uterus. I have

> read 6-12 hours. My dr office said 24. But if they do IUI the day

> after the positive opk is that to soon? I guess I don't understand

> enough how the dr office calculates the timing. The other thing is

> that you would think that IUI would have a higher success rate than

> natural ttc but I think its almost the same. So you figure only 20%

> get pg each month.


> Pam



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how do you chart to know when you have ovulated? I can usually feel it, Also

when can you get pregnant is it the day you ovulate? or later? Just wondering. I

have been so down lately I am sorry that I haven't posted more. I have been

reading and keeping up. I also have a cold. ugh!-----Keri


> Dana


> Have you considered charting at all? Then you would be able to see

> when you O. I can tell you from my experience when I did OPK and BBT

> sometimes my temp would not go up for 3 days after. I have read

> different things on how long IUI sperm lasts in the uterus. I have

> read 6-12 hours. My dr office said 24. But if they do IUI the day

> after the positive opk is that to soon? I guess I don't understand

> enough how the dr office calculates the timing. The other thing is

> that you would think that IUI would have a higher success rate than

> natural ttc but I think its almost the same. So you figure only 20%

> get pg each month.


> Pam



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I hope you are feeling better. It seems like the colds going around

are worse than ever. You have to ttc before you O. Once your temp

goes up it means you have already O'd. You should get the book Take

Charge of your Fertility. It totally explains how to chart. I know

there is a free on line chart but I am not sure of the name. Someone

else here might know. The book also explains how to read your cm.

When you cm is like egg white and really stretchy you are very



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I hope you are feeling better. It seems like the colds going around

are worse than ever. You have to ttc before you O. Once your temp

goes up it means you have already O'd. You should get the book Take

Charge of your Fertility. It totally explains how to chart. I know

there is a free on line chart but I am not sure of the name. Someone

else here might know. The book also explains how to read your cm.

When you cm is like egg white and really stretchy you are very



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Hi Dana,

Unfortunately I don't think anyone has the perfect answer, everyone's bodies

behave differently. I understand why you're going crazy! Hang in there,

everything will work itself out. I'll be praying for you and sending lots

of +++++++++++++++ thoughts and

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: baby




> ,


> That has been what we have been doing, inseminating the day of the surge


> the next day. I have been researching and researching this timing topic,


> everything is so contradictory. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on


> to do it. Now I am even more confused about WHEN to use the OPK. First

> morning urine, later in the morning, or even in the evening. I am freaking

> out cause I know that we have to get this timing down just right.

> And yes, it would be fantastic to be pg at the same time. We could be


> about morning sickness and stretch marks instead of OPK's and meds.


> Dana




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Hi Dana,

Unfortunately I don't think anyone has the perfect answer, everyone's bodies

behave differently. I understand why you're going crazy! Hang in there,

everything will work itself out. I'll be praying for you and sending lots

of +++++++++++++++ thoughts and

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: baby




> ,


> That has been what we have been doing, inseminating the day of the surge


> the next day. I have been researching and researching this timing topic,


> everything is so contradictory. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on


> to do it. Now I am even more confused about WHEN to use the OPK. First

> morning urine, later in the morning, or even in the evening. I am freaking

> out cause I know that we have to get this timing down just right.

> And yes, it would be fantastic to be pg at the same time. We could be


> about morning sickness and stretch marks instead of OPK's and meds.


> Dana




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Hi Dana,

Unfortunately I don't think anyone has the perfect answer, everyone's bodies

behave differently. I understand why you're going crazy! Hang in there,

everything will work itself out. I'll be praying for you and sending lots

of +++++++++++++++ thoughts and

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: baby




> ,


> That has been what we have been doing, inseminating the day of the surge


> the next day. I have been researching and researching this timing topic,


> everything is so contradictory. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on


> to do it. Now I am even more confused about WHEN to use the OPK. First

> morning urine, later in the morning, or even in the evening. I am freaking

> out cause I know that we have to get this timing down just right.

> And yes, it would be fantastic to be pg at the same time. We could be


> about morning sickness and stretch marks instead of OPK's and meds.


> Dana




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The difference with IUI is that the sperm is washed first and put

directly in the uterus. So it skips the cm. The cm is what keeps the

sperm alive for a period of time. Thats why its so confusing on the

timing. How long do the sperm live then. My dr office said 24 hours.

I have read 6-12 w/IUI. But I would keep doing it your way for

natural bd.


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The difference with IUI is that the sperm is washed first and put

directly in the uterus. So it skips the cm. The cm is what keeps the

sperm alive for a period of time. Thats why its so confusing on the

timing. How long do the sperm live then. My dr office said 24 hours.

I have read 6-12 w/IUI. But I would keep doing it your way for

natural bd.


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The difference with IUI is that the sperm is washed first and put

directly in the uterus. So it skips the cm. The cm is what keeps the

sperm alive for a period of time. Thats why its so confusing on the

timing. How long do the sperm live then. My dr office said 24 hours.

I have read 6-12 w/IUI. But I would keep doing it your way for

natural bd.


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I get it now (finally)! One other question. You usually do two IUI

inseminations right? Maybe there's a way to do one the morning

following a +OPK and one the next afternoon - You know what I mean -

the day after and the next day but spaced morning and afternoon?

There's got to be some kind of scientific way to do this...well, I'm

sure I'm no help. Do you get an ultrasound this month to see where the

follies are coming from?


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  • 2 weeks later...


That was so sweet that you shared all of us with your RE. I also spoke

about the group today at my doctor's; there was a woman there who thought

she was having an ep. I told her about my ep and tried to answer some of

her questions. Then I told her about all of you and how helpful and

supportive everyone has been. And that I wouldn't be where I am emotionally

without all of you. Hopefully she'll be okay, if not, I hope she takes my

advise, and looks into the group.

I'm sorry you had to experience so much cramping. Like you said, hopefully

it will help! ++++++++++++ thoughts and :::::::::::::::::: baby dust for



Re: Re: Elle's U/S

> Elle,


> I can only imagine in my wildest dreams what it must be like to finally


> that your little one is there and swimming around right where he/she is

> supposed to be. I thought about you and both while I was at my RE's

> office. I knew you guys had gone in earlier than me, but I just thought


> ironic it is that almost everyday one of us is in a doctor's office hoping


> make a dream come true. I talked to my RE about our group, about how much

> everyone means to me, and how I have found a place that gives hope...that


> matter what happens I was not and am not alone in this whole journey. He


> really surprised about it, and although we had talked about it before he

> begin to talk about how he probably doesn't not consider the emotional


> of it as much as he should. He said he was proud of how strong and I

> have been in hanging in there and not discouraged. He reassured me that it

> will happen for me (just don't know when) and he said if it was the group

> that has given me the shoulder not only to lean on but to cry on than you


> deserved a great big (((((HUG))))). So there, from my RE to all of you.

Now I

> have to say he is not the " hunk " that some you guys have as RE's (he's a

> little old Jewish doctor) but he is very caring and compassionate and I


> he really is learning about the emotional/spiritual struggle this is along

> with the physical. OK, so I am rambling but I have the day off work today


> I have time!!


> Dana




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You're very welcome! Hold on to that thought.... it will help you through

the rough times.


Re: Re: +++++ OPK

> In a message dated 2/14/01 5:31:09 PM Central Standard Time,

> marriaaa@... writes:



> > Hang in there Dana! There's a little baby trying to find it's way to


> > maria

> >

> > That has to be the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. Thanks so

> > much , I needed to hear that!

> >

> > Dana






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Thinking of you and sending blessings for today's appointment!

Will you be on bedrest afterwards?


Re: AmyR

> Amy,


> It was terrible, but I am sure that today won't be as bad, at least I am

> hoping not. I am trying to consider that maybe he is just making sure it


> way up there where it needs to be, and if that's the case..well who cares

> about pain?? I go in at 2:00 again today, so keep those fingers crossed


> may need some serious hand therapy before this is all over).


> Dana




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