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Re: Swallowing and hard to breathe

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Having fungal problems can cause the thyroid

to act up. They go hand in hand.

I am sorry you arent happy with your breasts.

Give it some time, you have a whole lot to adjust to

on top of detoxing. Bless your heart. You have been

thru so much. You are in my prayers !

Hugs N Loveya ~ DedeDelicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Having fungal problems can cause the thyroid

to act up. They go hand in hand.

I am sorry you arent happy with your breasts.

Give it some time, you have a whole lot to adjust to

on top of detoxing. Bless your heart. You have been

thru so much. You are in my prayers !

Hugs N Loveya ~ DedeDelicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I dont think I am stressing .....I am taking deep breathes when this comes. It use to be a lot worse but

with the concentration I am using it seems to help little. But I am sweating very badly at night and

very tired at night but I cant sleep and I dont know why.When it feels like I cant breathe all day normally

but at night it breaks me out into a sweat.I am soaking my sheets.

I am glad to know that the nipple thing goes back to normal. Thanks Rogene.

Yes, I do have problems with food all the time no matter what I eat. It makes the belly swell even if its

a lite salad and I feel sick after i eat too. I am taking digestive enzymes now but doesn't help

with the swelling of my throat.

Sorry I tried doctors and they are not worrying about figuring it out so its my job with the help of you and

the other girls.I am taking Caprylic Acid 7200mg daily , Oregeno Oil, and Olive leaf Extract eveyday for the

past 3 days...this should kill off the Candida Right? I am drinking the kefir and trying to eat ...I dont have

much of an appetitie and I gaining weight. Hum!!!! I am going to figure this out yet!

Thanks for helping girlfriend.

In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:58:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

,I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last couple weeks. Please take a deep breath and slow down.Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They got larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now that will pass soon. Relax. If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very thoroughly, I'm inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If you're having problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need to have further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing test. I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal issues first. . . Fungal issues can mimic so many other issues, you won't really know what's going on until it's addressed. Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick around after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a while. All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of patience! - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I dont think I am stressing .....I am taking deep breathes when this comes. It use to be a lot worse but

with the concentration I am using it seems to help little. But I am sweating very badly at night and

very tired at night but I cant sleep and I dont know why.When it feels like I cant breathe all day normally

but at night it breaks me out into a sweat.I am soaking my sheets.

I am glad to know that the nipple thing goes back to normal. Thanks Rogene.

Yes, I do have problems with food all the time no matter what I eat. It makes the belly swell even if its

a lite salad and I feel sick after i eat too. I am taking digestive enzymes now but doesn't help

with the swelling of my throat.

Sorry I tried doctors and they are not worrying about figuring it out so its my job with the help of you and

the other girls.I am taking Caprylic Acid 7200mg daily , Oregeno Oil, and Olive leaf Extract eveyday for the

past 3 days...this should kill off the Candida Right? I am drinking the kefir and trying to eat ...I dont have

much of an appetitie and I gaining weight. Hum!!!! I am going to figure this out yet!

Thanks for helping girlfriend.

In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:58:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

,I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last couple weeks. Please take a deep breath and slow down.Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They got larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now that will pass soon. Relax. If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very thoroughly, I'm inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If you're having problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need to have further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing test. I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal issues first. . . Fungal issues can mimic so many other issues, you won't really know what's going on until it's addressed. Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick around after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a while. All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of patience! - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I know its too soon to judge the Dr. on my breast. I can be patience about

that. I just wish the doctor would check my thyroid without giving me MEDS

first ..do you know what i mean? Thanks for letting me know that fungal and

thyroid go hand in hand. With all the fungal stuff I am taking you would

think that I was herxing but I am not. That is very strange.

I hope you are getting along good. I am sorry if I have

rambling on about me I dont mean too... I know everyone here is having the

same problems.

Thanks for being my ear.

In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:23:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


Having fungal problems can cause the thyroid

to act up. They go hand in hand.

I am sorry you arent happy with your breasts.

Give it some time, you have a whole lot to adjust to

on top of detoxing. Bless your heart. You have been

thru so much. You are in my prayers !

Hugs N Loveya ~ Dede

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I know its too soon to judge the Dr. on my breast. I can be patience about

that. I just wish the doctor would check my thyroid without giving me MEDS

first ..do you know what i mean? Thanks for letting me know that fungal and

thyroid go hand in hand. With all the fungal stuff I am taking you would

think that I was herxing but I am not. That is very strange.

I hope you are getting along good. I am sorry if I have

rambling on about me I dont mean too... I know everyone here is having the

same problems.

Thanks for being my ear.

In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:23:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


Having fungal problems can cause the thyroid

to act up. They go hand in hand.

I am sorry you arent happy with your breasts.

Give it some time, you have a whole lot to adjust to

on top of detoxing. Bless your heart. You have been

thru so much. You are in my prayers !

Hugs N Loveya ~ Dede

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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,I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last couple weeks. Please take a deep breath and slow down.Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They got larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now that will pass soon. Relax. If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very thoroughly, I'm inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If you're having problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need to have further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing test. I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal issues first. . . Fungal issues

can mimic so many other issues, you won't really know what's going on until it's addressed. Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick around after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a while. All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of patience! - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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,I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last couple weeks. Please take a deep breath and slow down.Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They got larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now that will pass soon. Relax. If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very thoroughly, I'm inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If you're having problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need to have further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing test. I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal issues first. . . Fungal issues

can mimic so many other issues, you won't really know what's going on until it's addressed. Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick around after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a while. All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of patience! - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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,Sweating at night isn't good . . . if you aren't overheated at night . . . My hubby can pile on the blankets until I'm miserable! I like a cool room and light covers. He wants the room warm - and then he bundles up. Erythromelalgia probably contributes to my situation.You could try taking your temperature several times a day. . . especially before going to bed and after a sweat. You might have some inflammation going on. . . Are you hurting anywhere?Also, I'd lay off all the supplements for a few days . . . Then start back very slowly - one thing at a time. Keep a journal of what you're doing. What you're experiencing may be reflux. Some supplements do that to me. . You could try eating

small amounts frequently to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't work, try NOT eating and see if that makes a difference. If you feel like your air is getting cut off, you need to get help soon. I'm glad it gets better when you relax and do some deep breathing.Have you tried a decongestant or allergy med? . . . You might be having an allergic reaction to something. When I had so many problems with chemical sensitivity, I would get that air-cut off feeling on occasion. It was caused by tobacco smoke, perfumes, chemical cleaners, paint, and plastics. Allergy meds don't do a thing for sensitivities!A weight gain is strange though! . . . Are your ankles swelling (fluid retention)? Keep drinking plenty of water . . . You can get dehydrated pretty quick if you're sweating so much.Hugs,Rogene

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,Sweating at night isn't good . . . if you aren't overheated at night . . . My hubby can pile on the blankets until I'm miserable! I like a cool room and light covers. He wants the room warm - and then he bundles up. Erythromelalgia probably contributes to my situation.You could try taking your temperature several times a day. . . especially before going to bed and after a sweat. You might have some inflammation going on. . . Are you hurting anywhere?Also, I'd lay off all the supplements for a few days . . . Then start back very slowly - one thing at a time. Keep a journal of what you're doing. What you're experiencing may be reflux. Some supplements do that to me. . You could try eating

small amounts frequently to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't work, try NOT eating and see if that makes a difference. If you feel like your air is getting cut off, you need to get help soon. I'm glad it gets better when you relax and do some deep breathing.Have you tried a decongestant or allergy med? . . . You might be having an allergic reaction to something. When I had so many problems with chemical sensitivity, I would get that air-cut off feeling on occasion. It was caused by tobacco smoke, perfumes, chemical cleaners, paint, and plastics. Allergy meds don't do a thing for sensitivities!A weight gain is strange though! . . . Are your ankles swelling (fluid retention)? Keep drinking plenty of water . . . You can get dehydrated pretty quick if you're sweating so much.Hugs,Rogene

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In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:50:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


check out the symptoms of systemic fungal problems, and

I would bet since you had surgery yours is flareing. it includes

night sweats ! ! I will make red all the things that I remember you

mentioning that bother you right now..

I think you need to relax. I know you have worked so hard for

several years now, and want it all to go away right now, but right now

is NOT possible. I am sorry. Remember, your body just had 6 hours

of toxins put in it via....IV sedation and it had trauma to it, so you need

to sit back and relax. I think the reason you arent sleeping is from extreme

anxiety. You JUST had surgery. Please sit back and relax and rest

best you can, and know that you will heal. You have your miracle, now you just need to sit back and relax and heal.

Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias) has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who can not figure out what is wrong with them. Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat

irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mouth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections


dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic toenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive

To a person who does not suffer with some combination of these bizarre symptoms it is almost impossible to understand what those of us who do suffer contend with on a daily basis. It is a blessing to have confirmation that there may be some common element pulling all of this together. What a relief to know that we are not out there all on our own. There are millions of people suffering silently right beside us.

Candida condition may also be an underlying factor in the following diseases. However, it is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist or is disregarded all together.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Chrohn's Disease

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Celiac Disease

Chronic Sinusitis

Atopic Eczema

GI dysbiosis

Adrenal dysfunction



Macular Degeneration

Barret's Esophagus

Lactose Intolerance

Meniere's Disease



It may even be related to things like:






Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms Schizophrenia

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:50:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


check out the symptoms of systemic fungal problems, and

I would bet since you had surgery yours is flareing. it includes

night sweats ! ! I will make red all the things that I remember you

mentioning that bother you right now..

I think you need to relax. I know you have worked so hard for

several years now, and want it all to go away right now, but right now

is NOT possible. I am sorry. Remember, your body just had 6 hours

of toxins put in it via....IV sedation and it had trauma to it, so you need

to sit back and relax. I think the reason you arent sleeping is from extreme

anxiety. You JUST had surgery. Please sit back and relax and rest

best you can, and know that you will heal. You have your miracle, now you just need to sit back and relax and heal.

Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias) has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who can not figure out what is wrong with them. Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat

irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mouth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections


dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic toenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive

To a person who does not suffer with some combination of these bizarre symptoms it is almost impossible to understand what those of us who do suffer contend with on a daily basis. It is a blessing to have confirmation that there may be some common element pulling all of this together. What a relief to know that we are not out there all on our own. There are millions of people suffering silently right beside us.

Candida condition may also be an underlying factor in the following diseases. However, it is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist or is disregarded all together.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Chrohn's Disease

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Celiac Disease

Chronic Sinusitis

Atopic Eczema

GI dysbiosis

Adrenal dysfunction



Macular Degeneration

Barret's Esophagus

Lactose Intolerance

Meniere's Disease



It may even be related to things like:






Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms Schizophrenia

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I have a lot of these systoms that you mentioned especially the tightness

in my throat like its going closed. I spit in a glass this am and it was very stringy and sank right away. Do you think it a good idea going on Nystatin right now

from a doctor to try to get rid of it or just relax and wait a while for my body to

get rid of it and recover after surgery. My boobs feel fine now and stitches are healing up fastly and I not even sore. I stopped primal defense because Rogene said to when taking

Caprylic Acid and orgeno oil and olive leaf?


In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:50:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


check out the symptoms of systemic fungal problems, and

I would bet since you had surgery yours is flareing. it includes

night sweats ! ! I will make red all the things that I remember you

mentioning that bother you right now..

I think you need to relax. I know you have worked so hard for

several years now, and want it all to go away right now, but right now

is NOT possible. I am sorry. Remember, your body just had 6 hours

of toxins put in it via....IV sedation and it had trauma to it, so you need

to sit back and relax. I think the reason you arent sleeping is from extreme

anxiety. You JUST had surgery. Please sit back and relax and rest

best you can, and know that you will heal. You have your miracle, now you just need to sit back and relax and heal.

Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias) has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who can not figure out what is wrong with them. Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat

irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mouth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections


dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic toenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive

To a person who does not suffer with some combination of these bizarre symptoms it is almost impossible to understand what those of us who do suffer contend with on a daily basis. It is a blessing to have confirmation that there may be some common element pulling all of this together. What a relief to know that we are not out there all on our own. There are millions of people suffering silently right beside us.

Candida condition may also be an underlying factor in the following diseases. However, it is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist or is disregarded all together.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Chrohn's Disease

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Celiac Disease

Chronic Sinusitis

Atopic Eczema

GI dysbiosis

Adrenal dysfunction



Macular Degeneration

Barret's Esophagus

Lactose Intolerance

Meniere's Disease



It may even be related to things like:






Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms Schizophrenia

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I have a lot of these systoms that you mentioned especially the tightness

in my throat like its going closed. I spit in a glass this am and it was very stringy and sank right away. Do you think it a good idea going on Nystatin right now

from a doctor to try to get rid of it or just relax and wait a while for my body to

get rid of it and recover after surgery. My boobs feel fine now and stitches are healing up fastly and I not even sore. I stopped primal defense because Rogene said to when taking

Caprylic Acid and orgeno oil and olive leaf?


In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:50:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:


check out the symptoms of systemic fungal problems, and

I would bet since you had surgery yours is flareing. it includes

night sweats ! ! I will make red all the things that I remember you

mentioning that bother you right now..

I think you need to relax. I know you have worked so hard for

several years now, and want it all to go away right now, but right now

is NOT possible. I am sorry. Remember, your body just had 6 hours

of toxins put in it via....IV sedation and it had trauma to it, so you need

to sit back and relax. I think the reason you arent sleeping is from extreme

anxiety. You JUST had surgery. Please sit back and relax and rest

best you can, and know that you will heal. You have your miracle, now you just need to sit back and relax and heal.

Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias) has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who can not figure out what is wrong with them. Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat

irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mouth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections


dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic toenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive

To a person who does not suffer with some combination of these bizarre symptoms it is almost impossible to understand what those of us who do suffer contend with on a daily basis. It is a blessing to have confirmation that there may be some common element pulling all of this together. What a relief to know that we are not out there all on our own. There are millions of people suffering silently right beside us.

Candida condition may also be an underlying factor in the following diseases. However, it is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist or is disregarded all together.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Chrohn's Disease

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Celiac Disease

Chronic Sinusitis

Atopic Eczema

GI dysbiosis

Adrenal dysfunction



Macular Degeneration

Barret's Esophagus

Lactose Intolerance

Meniere's Disease



It may even be related to things like:






Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms Schizophrenia

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I drink plenty of water ...I do know this I cut down on all vitamins except Dr. Feng she gave me 3 in the AM and 3 in the evening and of course the fungal stuff that I am doing to kill the candida. I sleep with a window

open in my room and no covers ...my husband doesn't sleep with me he works. I dont feel like my

ankles are swollen but could possibly be. I have been like this for at least a year now. I feel like my

organs in my body are swollen though. I dont feel like I am hurting at all in my body except very

uncomfortable stomach which has been going on since implant. I am very moody too with all the

systoms that DEDE mentioned. I have most of that. I try not to really talk to my family so I dont

have short tempers which I cant help it I try to hide that side of this dreadful disease.

Rogene I fasted on the fourth day after surgery and lost a lot of hair that day so I felt miserable too.

Dr. Feng says I doing fine and I have no restrictions after surgery now. WOW. I think I am still

going to take it slow on the lifting because I am only 8 days POST-OP.

Do you think I should take Probiotics with doing my fungal defense? Or does this fungal defense kill

off the good bacteria too.?

In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:10:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

,Sweating at night isn't good . . . if you aren't overheated at night . . . My hubby can pile on the blankets until I'm miserable! I like a cool room and light covers. He wants the room warm - and then he bundles up. Erythromelalgia probably contributes to my situation.You could try taking your temperature several times a day. . . especially before going to bed and after a sweat. You might have some inflammation going on. . . Are you hurting anywhere?Also, I'd lay off all the supplements for a few days . . . Then start back very slowly - one thing at a time. Keep a journal of what you're doing. What you're experiencing may be reflux. Some supplements do that to me. . You could try eating small amounts frequently to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't work, try NOT eating and see if that makes a difference. If you feel like your air is getting cut off, you need to get help soon. I'm glad it gets better when you relax and do some deep breathing.Have you tried a decongestant or allergy med? . . . You might be having an allergic reaction to something. When I had so many problems with chemical sensitivity, I would get that air-cut off feeling on occasion. It was caused by tobacco smoke, perfumes, chemical cleaners, paint, and plastics. Allergy meds don't do a thing for sensitivities!A weight gain is strange though! . . . Are your ankles swelling (fluid retention)? Keep drinking plenty of water . . . You can get dehydrated pretty quick if you're sweating so much.Hugs,Rogene

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I drink plenty of water ...I do know this I cut down on all vitamins except Dr. Feng she gave me 3 in the AM and 3 in the evening and of course the fungal stuff that I am doing to kill the candida. I sleep with a window

open in my room and no covers ...my husband doesn't sleep with me he works. I dont feel like my

ankles are swollen but could possibly be. I have been like this for at least a year now. I feel like my

organs in my body are swollen though. I dont feel like I am hurting at all in my body except very

uncomfortable stomach which has been going on since implant. I am very moody too with all the

systoms that DEDE mentioned. I have most of that. I try not to really talk to my family so I dont

have short tempers which I cant help it I try to hide that side of this dreadful disease.

Rogene I fasted on the fourth day after surgery and lost a lot of hair that day so I felt miserable too.

Dr. Feng says I doing fine and I have no restrictions after surgery now. WOW. I think I am still

going to take it slow on the lifting because I am only 8 days POST-OP.

Do you think I should take Probiotics with doing my fungal defense? Or does this fungal defense kill

off the good bacteria too.?

In a message dated 2/21/2008 11:10:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

,Sweating at night isn't good . . . if you aren't overheated at night . . . My hubby can pile on the blankets until I'm miserable! I like a cool room and light covers. He wants the room warm - and then he bundles up. Erythromelalgia probably contributes to my situation.You could try taking your temperature several times a day. . . especially before going to bed and after a sweat. You might have some inflammation going on. . . Are you hurting anywhere?Also, I'd lay off all the supplements for a few days . . . Then start back very slowly - one thing at a time. Keep a journal of what you're doing. What you're experiencing may be reflux. Some supplements do that to me. . You could try eating small amounts frequently to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't work, try NOT eating and see if that makes a difference. If you feel like your air is getting cut off, you need to get help soon. I'm glad it gets better when you relax and do some deep breathing.Have you tried a decongestant or allergy med? . . . You might be having an allergic reaction to something. When I had so many problems with chemical sensitivity, I would get that air-cut off feeling on occasion. It was caused by tobacco smoke, perfumes, chemical cleaners, paint, and plastics. Allergy meds don't do a thing for sensitivities!A weight gain is strange though! . . . Are your ankles swelling (fluid retention)? Keep drinking plenty of water . . . You can get dehydrated pretty quick if you're sweating so much.Hugs,Rogene

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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No I did that test and my ankles are fine. No i dont have a naturopathic doctor within 100 miles I checked

on the website that Patty gave me and beth gave me one where she lives. I can tell you this that I

am in no shape to drive far places because of the brain fog and weakness.

I been staying away from sugar no need to worry about that. I will drink more Kefir though.

Thanks...I took some probiotics today which I havent took in a few days and it made me feel better

like in 1 hour.

I have a doctor appt. in one week for the thyroid and I am feeling up to that. It doesn't even feel like I

had surgery at all today this is a great thing.

In a message dated 2/22/2008 12:31:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

,You can see if your ankles are swollen by pressing on them with your thumb for about 30 seconds. If there is a big dent when you lift your thumb, you have some edema.It has to be pretty cold there . . . I can't imagine sleeping with the window open and no cover. . . You need to discuss this with your doctor. Do you have a naturopathic doctor? If you stomach continues to be uncomfortable, I'd back off all vitamins (including those Dr. Feng gave you) for three days. . . Then start back one at a time. I'm guessing something you're taking is not setting well with your stomach. The only way you'll know is by checking things one by one. You should be OK with yogurt, Kefir and sauerkraut for probiotics for a while, as long as you're staying away from sugar. . . I'd avoid gluten completely. According to my friend, 20% of the population is gluten sensitive. . . That's a huge number. . . Anyone with digestion problems should consider this possiblitity.Unless you can find someone who can run a host of tests, it's going to take more than a day or two to get this figured out . . . I know you're in a hurry to get well . . . I'm afraid that "pushing" your self is counter productive. . . Please relax, give your body time to process what it's been through. . . You'll have plenty of time to check out possible thyroid and adrenal issues in a few weeks. Hugs and prayers,Rogene

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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I really feel in good hands when you answer my problems .........sometimes I feel like no one

understands. But your right I need to relax....I think my adrenals having been suffering for

a long time. It helps when I do coffee enemas with the yeast too. Should I take a break on this too?


In a message dated 2/22/2008 11:24:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, glory2glory1401@... writes:

,The symptoms you are having seem to me to be very much suggestive of adrenal issues. Which, after a major surgery could be expected. It takes some time for the body to get over illness and the stress of an invasive surgery, and the adrenals bear the brunt of that.High cortisol will cause you to gain weight.High cortisol is put out by the adrenals to keep inflammation down.All of this takes time, so do what you can to support your adrenal function, which means RELAX and take it easy. Do not go overboard in detoxing or thinking that you are going to work like mad to get better. Just let your body do its natural healing! It likes to take time!I'm sorry you are having problems with the food too, but maybe you should just focus on some simple, healing broths. Can you make a healthy broth at home? Here's what I do: I take the carcass of an organic chicken or turkey (leftovers from a roasted chicken dinner) and put it in a big pot with a tablespoon of vinegar. Let it sit for an hour. The vinegar will pull the minerals out of the bones. Then bring the water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer the carcass for several hours until you have a nice rich broth. This mineral rich broth is very healing to the gut. The gelatin from the bones will sooth the digestive tract.You'll get better...just do not be impatient!Hugs,Patty>> Rogene,> I dont think I am stressing .....I am taking deep breathes when this comes. > It use to be a lot worse but> with the concentration I am using it seems to help little. But I am sweating > very badly at night and > very tired at night but I cant sleep and I dont know why.When it feels like > I cant breathe all day normally> but at night it breaks me out into a sweat.I am soaking my sheets.> I am glad to know that the nipple thing goes back to normal. Thanks Rogene.> Yes, I do have problems with food all the time no matter what I eat. It > makes the belly swell even if its > a lite salad and I feel sick after i eat too. I am taking digestive enzymes > now but doesn't help > with the swelling of my throat.> > Sorry I tried doctors and they are not worrying about figuring it out so its > my job with the help of you and> the other girls.I am taking Caprylic Acid 7200mg daily , Oregeno Oil, and > Olive leaf Extract eveyday for the> past 3 days...this should kill off the Candida Right? I am drinking the > kefir and trying to eat ...I dont have> much of an appetitie and I gaining weight. Hum!!!! I am going to figure this > out yet!> Thanks for helping girlfriend.> > > > In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:58:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, > saxony01@... writes:> > > > > > ,> > I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last couple > weeks. > > Please take a deep breath and slow down.> > Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They got > larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now that will pass > soon. Relax. > > If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very thoroughly, I'm > inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If you're having > problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need to have > further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing test. > > I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal issues > first. . . Fungal issues can mimic so many other issues, you won't really know > what's going on until it's addressed. > > Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick around > after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a while. > > All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of patience! > - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!> > Hugs and prayers,> > Rogene> > > > > > > > > > **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living. > (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-campos-duffy/> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)> Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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The symptoms you are having seem to me to be very much suggestive of

adrenal issues. Which, after a major surgery could be expected. It

takes some time for the body to get over illness and the stress of an

invasive surgery, and the adrenals bear the brunt of that.

High cortisol will cause you to gain weight.

High cortisol is put out by the adrenals to keep inflammation down.

All of this takes time, so do what you can to support your adrenal

function, which means RELAX and take it easy. Do not go overboard in

detoxing or thinking that you are going to work like mad to get

better. Just let your body do its natural healing! It likes to take


I'm sorry you are having problems with the food too, but maybe you

should just focus on some simple, healing broths. Can you make a

healthy broth at home? Here's what I do: I take the carcass of an

organic chicken or turkey (leftovers from a roasted chicken dinner)

and put it in a big pot with a tablespoon of vinegar. Let it sit for

an hour. The vinegar will pull the minerals out of the bones. Then

bring the water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer the carcass

for several hours until you have a nice rich broth.

This mineral rich broth is very healing to the gut. The gelatin from

the bones will sooth the digestive tract.

You'll get better...just do not be impatient!




> Rogene,

> I dont think I am stressing .....I am taking deep breathes when

this comes.

> It use to be a lot worse but

> with the concentration I am using it seems to help little. But I

am sweating

> very badly at night and

> very tired at night but I cant sleep and I dont know why.When it

feels like

> I cant breathe all day normally

> but at night it breaks me out into a sweat.I am soaking my sheets.

> I am glad to know that the nipple thing goes back to normal.

Thanks Rogene.

> Yes, I do have problems with food all the time no matter what I

eat. It

> makes the belly swell even if its

> a lite salad and I feel sick after i eat too. I am taking digestive


> now but doesn't help

> with the swelling of my throat.


> Sorry I tried doctors and they are not worrying about figuring it

out so its

> my job with the help of you and

> the other girls.I am taking Caprylic Acid 7200mg daily , Oregeno

Oil, and

> Olive leaf Extract eveyday for the

> past 3 days...this should kill off the Candida Right? I am drinking


> kefir and trying to eat ...I dont have

> much of an appetitie and I gaining weight. Hum!!!! I am going to

figure this

> out yet!

> Thanks for helping girlfriend.




> In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:58:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> saxony01@... writes:






> ,


> I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last


> weeks.


> Please take a deep breath and slow down.


> Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They


> larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now

that will pass

> soon. Relax.


> If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very

thoroughly, I'm

> inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If

you're having

> problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need

to have

> further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing



> I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal


> first. . . Fungal issues can mimic so many other issues, you won't

really know

> what's going on until it's addressed.


> Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick


> after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a



> All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of


> - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene










> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL


> (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-


> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)


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The symptoms you are having seem to me to be very much suggestive of

adrenal issues. Which, after a major surgery could be expected. It

takes some time for the body to get over illness and the stress of an

invasive surgery, and the adrenals bear the brunt of that.

High cortisol will cause you to gain weight.

High cortisol is put out by the adrenals to keep inflammation down.

All of this takes time, so do what you can to support your adrenal

function, which means RELAX and take it easy. Do not go overboard in

detoxing or thinking that you are going to work like mad to get

better. Just let your body do its natural healing! It likes to take


I'm sorry you are having problems with the food too, but maybe you

should just focus on some simple, healing broths. Can you make a

healthy broth at home? Here's what I do: I take the carcass of an

organic chicken or turkey (leftovers from a roasted chicken dinner)

and put it in a big pot with a tablespoon of vinegar. Let it sit for

an hour. The vinegar will pull the minerals out of the bones. Then

bring the water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer the carcass

for several hours until you have a nice rich broth.

This mineral rich broth is very healing to the gut. The gelatin from

the bones will sooth the digestive tract.

You'll get better...just do not be impatient!




> Rogene,

> I dont think I am stressing .....I am taking deep breathes when

this comes.

> It use to be a lot worse but

> with the concentration I am using it seems to help little. But I

am sweating

> very badly at night and

> very tired at night but I cant sleep and I dont know why.When it

feels like

> I cant breathe all day normally

> but at night it breaks me out into a sweat.I am soaking my sheets.

> I am glad to know that the nipple thing goes back to normal.

Thanks Rogene.

> Yes, I do have problems with food all the time no matter what I

eat. It

> makes the belly swell even if its

> a lite salad and I feel sick after i eat too. I am taking digestive


> now but doesn't help

> with the swelling of my throat.


> Sorry I tried doctors and they are not worrying about figuring it

out so its

> my job with the help of you and

> the other girls.I am taking Caprylic Acid 7200mg daily , Oregeno

Oil, and

> Olive leaf Extract eveyday for the

> past 3 days...this should kill off the Candida Right? I am drinking


> kefir and trying to eat ...I dont have

> much of an appetitie and I gaining weight. Hum!!!! I am going to

figure this

> out yet!

> Thanks for helping girlfriend.




> In a message dated 2/21/2008 9:58:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> saxony01@... writes:






> ,


> I think you're stressing. You've been through a lot in the last


> weeks.


> Please take a deep breath and slow down.


> Regarding the nipple thing? . . . Mine were reduced too . . . They


> larger as I fluffed. . . You're in a stage of adjustment right now

that will pass

> soon. Relax.


> If you can swallow food without juicing or chewing it very

thoroughly, I'm

> inclined to think your swallowing problem is stress related. If

you're having

> problems with food too, that is another consideration. You may need

to have

> further tests done . . . possibly a thyroid scan or swallowing



> I think your doctor is on target wanting to treat you for fungal


> first. . . Fungal issues can mimic so many other issues, you won't

really know

> what's going on until it's addressed.


> Thyroid problems seem to be one of the things that seem to stick


> after everything else clears up . . . But you won't know for a



> All this takes time . . . What you need right now is a big dose of


> - Maybe we can find some in liquid form!


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene










> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL


> (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-


> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)


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,You can see if your ankles are swollen by pressing on them with your thumb for about 30 seconds. If there is a big dent when you lift your thumb, you have some edema.It has to be pretty cold there . . . I can't imagine sleeping with the window open and no cover. . . You need to discuss this with your doctor. Do you have a naturopathic doctor? If you stomach continues to be uncomfortable, I'd back off all vitamins (including those Dr. Feng gave you) for three days. . . Then start back one at a time. I'm guessing something you're taking is not setting well with your stomach. The only way you'll know is by checking things one by one. You should be OK with yogurt, Kefir and

sauerkraut for probiotics for a while, as long as you're staying away from sugar. . . I'd avoid gluten completely. According to my friend, 20% of the population is gluten sensitive. . . That's a huge number. . . Anyone with digestion problems should consider this possiblitity.Unless you can find someone who can run a host of tests, it's going to take more than a day or two to get this figured out . . . I know you're in a hurry to get well . . . I'm afraid that "pushing" your self is counter productive. . . Please relax, give your body time to process what it's been through. . . You'll have plenty of time to check out possible thyroid and adrenal issues in a few weeks. Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Did anyone see the Tyra Bank's talk show the other day regarding how to wear a properly fitting bra? It was interesting, however some jerk in his 20's was promoting his website where men donate money to help girls get breast implants. How nice of them!!! I don't think she should be promoting such a thing with all of the implant dangers out there.

-------------- Original message -------------- From: DGRAHAMA@...


check out the symptoms of systemic fungal problems, and

I would bet since you had surgery yours is flareing. it includes

night sweats ! ! I will make red all the things that I remember you

mentioning that bother you right now..

I think you need to relax. I know you have worked so hard for

several years now, and want it all to go away right now, but right now

is NOT possible. I am sorry. Remember, your body just had 6 hours

of toxins put in it via....IV sedation and it had trauma to it, so you need

to sit back and relax. I think the reason you arent sleeping is from extreme

anxiety. You JUST had surgery. Please sit back and relax and rest

best you can, and know that you will heal. You have your miracle, now you just need to sit back and relax and heal.

Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast/Fungal Overgrowth (Candidias) has been found to be a factor in many disorders and is found in millions of people who can not figure out what is wrong with them. Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis. This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat

irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mouth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections


dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic toenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive

To a person who does not suffer with some combination of these bizarre symptoms it is almost impossible to understand what those of us who do suffer contend with on a daily basis. It is a blessing to have confirmation that there may be some common element pulling all of this together. What a relief to know that we are not out there all on our own. There are millions of people suffering silently right beside us.

Candida condition may also be an underlying factor in the following diseases. However, it is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed, disputed to even exist or is disregarded all together.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction

Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Chrohn's Disease

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Celiac Disease

Chronic Sinusitis

Atopic Eczema

GI dysbiosis

Adrenal dysfunction



Macular Degeneration

Barret's Esophagus

Lactose Intolerance

Meniere's Disease



It may even be related to things like:






Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms Schizophrenia

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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,I'm glad to hear you're feeling much better from your surgery . . . the rest will come along.It's interesting that the probiotics helped you feel better so fast. . . Sounds like they're good for you!Coffee enemas should be good too . . . I'd just be very careful about what I put INTO my stomach for a few days, then start back slowly. Something you've been taking isn't agreeing with you . . . Listen to your body.Hugs,Rogene

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Just wondering what is the best way to support your adrenals and/or thyroid naturally? My ND did say my thyroid looks a little out of whack....I will wait to see what he wants to do but jsut wondering if there is something we can do to support these area?? Seems like every women needs some sort of adrenal support. We all deal with stress and overworking our bodies.....

Much Love,


Re: Swallowing and hard to breathe

,I'm glad to hear you're feeling much better from your surgery . . . the rest will come along.It's interesting that the probiotics helped you feel better so fast. . . Sounds like they're good for you!Coffee enemas should be good too . . . I'd just be very careful about what I put INTO my stomach for a few days, then start back slowly. Something you've been taking isn't agreeing with you . . . Listen to your body.Hugs,Rogene

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Hi ,

I wouldn't worry about the blood unless it keeps up for more than a

day or two. I think it's probably just that your colon is

irritated...it's busy trying to flush out all the antibiotics and

anesthesia you've received over the last week. Try to focus on just

getting good rest, taking it easy and eating well. You just had

major surgery, girl! Let your body heal from that before you get

into the heavy detoxing again. Dr. Mercola wanted me to build up my

adrenals before detoxing. Given you've just had major surgery, give

your adrenals a break! Love, PH

> >

> > Rogene

> > Has anyone bleed from doing coffee enemas ....When I did mine i

> bleed this

> > time and didn't bleed after

> > the enemas was done just during the enema?

> > Is this normal?

> >

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 2/22/2008 5:18:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > saxony01@ writes:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ,

> >

> > I'm glad to hear you're feeling much better from your

> surgery . . . the rest

> > will come along.

> >

> > It's interesting that the probiotics helped you feel better so

> fast. . .

> > Sounds like they're good for you!

> >

> > Coffee enemas should be good too . . . I'd just be very careful

> about what I

> > put INTO my stomach for a few days, then start back slowly.

> >

> > Something you've been taking isn't agreeing with you . . .


> to your

> > body.

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL

> Living.

> > (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-


> campos-duffy/

> > 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)

> >


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