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Re: Guilt - Darcy

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, I landed myself in the hospital two years afo with those same

feelings...I guess you never learn how not to feel guily, I think they pretty

much have to make you realize, or you have to realize that it's a give take

relationship...they put you through junk in life too. It's just nice coming

through it all together. Shay

Join my new Diabetic Recipes group @


God Bless You All, Shay/Shalynn and the rescue gang;

Max, Samson, Zeuss, Tazz, Walter, Ralph, Sebastian, Tina Marie, Bear, Bogie &


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, I landed myself in the hospital two years afo with those same

feelings...I guess you never learn how not to feel guily, I think they pretty

much have to make you realize, or you have to realize that it's a give take

relationship...they put you through junk in life too. It's just nice coming

through it all together. Shay

Join my new Diabetic Recipes group @


God Bless You All, Shay/Shalynn and the rescue gang;

Max, Samson, Zeuss, Tazz, Walter, Ralph, Sebastian, Tina Marie, Bear, Bogie &


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, I landed myself in the hospital two years afo with those same

feelings...I guess you never learn how not to feel guily, I think they pretty

much have to make you realize, or you have to realize that it's a give take

relationship...they put you through junk in life too. It's just nice coming

through it all together. Shay

Join my new Diabetic Recipes group @


God Bless You All, Shay/Shalynn and the rescue gang;

Max, Samson, Zeuss, Tazz, Walter, Ralph, Sebastian, Tina Marie, Bear, Bogie &


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bluskies@... wrote:

>(I had knee repair surgery and a hysto all within 6

> months of our getting married). I've never been back to " normal " since

> those first two surgeries -

Hummh, must be something about knees. My knee went " bad " and life has

never gone back to what it was before that. I slowly went downhill, and

a lot of things Dane took over from me on a " temporary " basis, he is

still doing.

> But for the last few years, he's had to do ALL of the cooking,

> ALL of the housework (which he's terrible at, doesn't really do, and

> hates), ALL of the laundry, driving, my personal care, etc. Basically I'm

> a bump on a log asking and/or telling him what to do all day.

Dane basically does it all too. I'd really like things to be a lot

cleaner around here, but I feel like I ask so much of him now, I hate to

ask him to do more cleaning. I mostly sit around all day too. I try to

do a little bit, like emptying the dishwasher on a good day, but even

that doesn't always get done.

> He doesn't

> come out and say it, but I know that he feels cheated, and I know that he

> now feels " obligated " to me - that old 'for better or for worse, sickness &

> health' thing. So - how do we learn not to feel guilty about messing up

> some poor unsuspecting soul's life?

You might want to actually ask him sometime. Several of us have

mentioned that we were sure our spouses were feeling a certain way, and

it turns out that they weren't, we just thought they were. We didn't do

anything to get this way, so *we* didn't " mess up " someone's live. It

is our illness that has caused life to be difficult. And in my good

moments, I try to remember, this is part of what " for better or for

worse " means. It means that you love the person enough, that no matter

what happens, you'll stand by him/her. After all, we could have been in

a car accident, one day after getting married and been paralyzed from

the neck down. It doesn't promise we'll have 30 good years together

before we hit problems. To try and help with my guilt, I try to help do

the little stuff when I can. He hates cleaning cat boxes, so I really

try to make that the one thing I do on a regular basis. I clean most of

them while sitting down on a stool, and it takes me 1/2-1 hour

afterwards of doing absolutely nothing afterwards, but I really try to

do that because I know how much he hates it. I don't know, I don't have

any real answers to the guilty issue. I do know, when I am feeling

really guilty about it, he gets mad at me for feeling that way. He

isn't upset at me, he isn't happy with the disease, but I didn't pick

it, so he doesn't think I should feel guilty.


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bluskies@... wrote:

>(I had knee repair surgery and a hysto all within 6

> months of our getting married). I've never been back to " normal " since

> those first two surgeries -

Hummh, must be something about knees. My knee went " bad " and life has

never gone back to what it was before that. I slowly went downhill, and

a lot of things Dane took over from me on a " temporary " basis, he is

still doing.

> But for the last few years, he's had to do ALL of the cooking,

> ALL of the housework (which he's terrible at, doesn't really do, and

> hates), ALL of the laundry, driving, my personal care, etc. Basically I'm

> a bump on a log asking and/or telling him what to do all day.

Dane basically does it all too. I'd really like things to be a lot

cleaner around here, but I feel like I ask so much of him now, I hate to

ask him to do more cleaning. I mostly sit around all day too. I try to

do a little bit, like emptying the dishwasher on a good day, but even

that doesn't always get done.

> He doesn't

> come out and say it, but I know that he feels cheated, and I know that he

> now feels " obligated " to me - that old 'for better or for worse, sickness &

> health' thing. So - how do we learn not to feel guilty about messing up

> some poor unsuspecting soul's life?

You might want to actually ask him sometime. Several of us have

mentioned that we were sure our spouses were feeling a certain way, and

it turns out that they weren't, we just thought they were. We didn't do

anything to get this way, so *we* didn't " mess up " someone's live. It

is our illness that has caused life to be difficult. And in my good

moments, I try to remember, this is part of what " for better or for

worse " means. It means that you love the person enough, that no matter

what happens, you'll stand by him/her. After all, we could have been in

a car accident, one day after getting married and been paralyzed from

the neck down. It doesn't promise we'll have 30 good years together

before we hit problems. To try and help with my guilt, I try to help do

the little stuff when I can. He hates cleaning cat boxes, so I really

try to make that the one thing I do on a regular basis. I clean most of

them while sitting down on a stool, and it takes me 1/2-1 hour

afterwards of doing absolutely nothing afterwards, but I really try to

do that because I know how much he hates it. I don't know, I don't have

any real answers to the guilty issue. I do know, when I am feeling

really guilty about it, he gets mad at me for feeling that way. He

isn't upset at me, he isn't happy with the disease, but I didn't pick

it, so he doesn't think I should feel guilty.


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bluskies@... wrote:

>(I had knee repair surgery and a hysto all within 6

> months of our getting married). I've never been back to " normal " since

> those first two surgeries -

Hummh, must be something about knees. My knee went " bad " and life has

never gone back to what it was before that. I slowly went downhill, and

a lot of things Dane took over from me on a " temporary " basis, he is

still doing.

> But for the last few years, he's had to do ALL of the cooking,

> ALL of the housework (which he's terrible at, doesn't really do, and

> hates), ALL of the laundry, driving, my personal care, etc. Basically I'm

> a bump on a log asking and/or telling him what to do all day.

Dane basically does it all too. I'd really like things to be a lot

cleaner around here, but I feel like I ask so much of him now, I hate to

ask him to do more cleaning. I mostly sit around all day too. I try to

do a little bit, like emptying the dishwasher on a good day, but even

that doesn't always get done.

> He doesn't

> come out and say it, but I know that he feels cheated, and I know that he

> now feels " obligated " to me - that old 'for better or for worse, sickness &

> health' thing. So - how do we learn not to feel guilty about messing up

> some poor unsuspecting soul's life?

You might want to actually ask him sometime. Several of us have

mentioned that we were sure our spouses were feeling a certain way, and

it turns out that they weren't, we just thought they were. We didn't do

anything to get this way, so *we* didn't " mess up " someone's live. It

is our illness that has caused life to be difficult. And in my good

moments, I try to remember, this is part of what " for better or for

worse " means. It means that you love the person enough, that no matter

what happens, you'll stand by him/her. After all, we could have been in

a car accident, one day after getting married and been paralyzed from

the neck down. It doesn't promise we'll have 30 good years together

before we hit problems. To try and help with my guilt, I try to help do

the little stuff when I can. He hates cleaning cat boxes, so I really

try to make that the one thing I do on a regular basis. I clean most of

them while sitting down on a stool, and it takes me 1/2-1 hour

afterwards of doing absolutely nothing afterwards, but I really try to

do that because I know how much he hates it. I don't know, I don't have

any real answers to the guilty issue. I do know, when I am feeling

really guilty about it, he gets mad at me for feeling that way. He

isn't upset at me, he isn't happy with the disease, but I didn't pick

it, so he doesn't think I should feel guilty.


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Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

off list,

Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

life you possibly can.

~~ Jo

Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

private? No problem if we do - just let me know....


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Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

off list,

Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

life you possibly can.

~~ Jo

Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

private? No problem if we do - just let me know....


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Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

off list,

Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

life you possibly can.

~~ Jo

Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

private? No problem if we do - just let me know....


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My Jim has an interesting outlook on my FMS/MPS . . . he hates my body and

the disease it has. He rages against it. However, he constantly reaffirms

his love for me. He has a way of separating me from my body. It lets him

get out his anger and frustration without directing it at me. What's

really neat is that I'm getting that way too. This stupid body is just the

vessel. The contents of the vessel is something completely different.

I do still manage to feel a bit guilty, but my " shrink " keeps reminding me

that guilt is NOT an emotion. Anyway, Jim did know my limitations when we

got married, and he accepted them.

Hugs to everyone on this beautiful Southern California day . . . sending

some of it your way!

Jeane Rae Watkins

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My Jim has an interesting outlook on my FMS/MPS . . . he hates my body and

the disease it has. He rages against it. However, he constantly reaffirms

his love for me. He has a way of separating me from my body. It lets him

get out his anger and frustration without directing it at me. What's

really neat is that I'm getting that way too. This stupid body is just the

vessel. The contents of the vessel is something completely different.

I do still manage to feel a bit guilty, but my " shrink " keeps reminding me

that guilt is NOT an emotion. Anyway, Jim did know my limitations when we

got married, and he accepted them.

Hugs to everyone on this beautiful Southern California day . . . sending

some of it your way!

Jeane Rae Watkins

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HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?

>Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

>wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

>Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

>off list,

>Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

> I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

>I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

>life you possibly can.

>~~ Jo




>Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

>private? No problem if we do - just let me know....









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HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?

>Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

>wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

>Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

>off list,

>Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

> I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

>I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

>life you possibly can.

>~~ Jo




>Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

>private? No problem if we do - just let me know....









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HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?

>Well I tried to talk about Guilt, I really needed to but I guess nobody

>wanted to. Hope you have better luck.......

>Some of you have been very helpful especially the ones that contacted me

>off list,

>Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

> I don't feel wanted here so I'm leaving, good bye all.

>I still will pray for you all to be well and continue to live the best

>life you possibly can.

>~~ Jo




>Is the guilt/feelings part alright onlist, or do we need to take this

>private? No problem if we do - just let me know....









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I was going through this guilt thing one day and I asked my husband how he

could put up with me. He just answered by saying " did you ever think it is

because I love you. "

I think that is the answer y'all would get from most of our partners.

Take care,



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I was going through this guilt thing one day and I asked my husband how he

could put up with me. He just answered by saying " did you ever think it is

because I love you. "

I think that is the answer y'all would get from most of our partners.

Take care,



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I was going through this guilt thing one day and I asked my husband how he

could put up with me. He just answered by saying " did you ever think it is

because I love you. "

I think that is the answer y'all would get from most of our partners.

Take care,



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The guilt/feelings is fine. In fact, I wrote a bit about it my self.

Take care,




> Is the guilt/feelings part all right onlist, or do we need to take this

> private? No problem if we do - just let me know....


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The guilt/feelings is fine. In fact, I wrote a bit about it my self.

Take care,




> Is the guilt/feelings part all right onlist, or do we need to take this

> private? No problem if we do - just let me know....


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Does anyone know why Jo is so upset and why she was feeling unwanted?

If so I would like to know. Write me off list. patidu@... As far as I

am concerned you can discuss guilt as I wrote in another listing.

Please take care,


> HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

> something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?



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Does anyone know why Jo is so upset and why she was feeling unwanted?

If so I would like to know. Write me off list. patidu@... As far as I

am concerned you can discuss guilt as I wrote in another listing.

Please take care,


> HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

> something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?



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Does anyone know why Jo is so upset and why she was feeling unwanted?

If so I would like to know. Write me off list. patidu@... As far as I

am concerned you can discuss guilt as I wrote in another listing.

Please take care,


> HUH? I thought we had been talking about guilt? Am I seriously missing

> something? How can you possibly feel unwanted on this wonderful list?



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This is the perfect note on which to begin my introduction

I have been a member of other CFIDS/FM lists for service dog users, but many

issues of my illness are not centered on how I choose to mitigate them. They

are just because of what this illness does to a person.

My name is . I'm 36 - 37 in December. I have two wonderful boys ages 13

and 8. I was remarried to a wonderful man just 2.5 years ago. We were together

for 5 years prior to marriage and we married in April, 1999. We over the

internet and are still very happy, though dealing with this situation has been

difficult. We thought I just had a winter cold that wouldn't quit. He did not

know what he was getting into, but now that he knows, he is still here. That

doesn't mean he doesn't complain, or wonder why us, but he is here and is really

trying to be a great step-dad and hubby.

I have Fm, CFIDS and Sjogren's. I also have PCO and recently asthma and

reactive airways. I use a service dog for mobility, and balance. He goes

everywhere with me and comforts me when I cannot get out of bed (that is a lot


I loved my job, but have been on leave due to these conditions. I worked for

Paine Webber as a project manager for software development. Between living in

constant pain and " brain fog " , I am no longer able to do this kind of work.

I received my BA full-time as a single mother while working 30 hours a week. I

went to work as soon as I graduated, moved to NY and married. I began my

Masters while still working and was unable to complete this program just three

sources short of my degree. For a woman that did so much, I am not reduced to a

struggle to get out of bed and keep the house neat. On good days I can spend a

few precious hours with my family having " fun " . On bad days I can hardly walk,

on good days with my dogs help, I can ride the bus to the doctors, or run short


I have been in flare up probably due to the profound grief of the past several

weeks. Enough said in my last post about that.

I am as active as I can be in DIA (www.disabledinAction) an advocacy group in

NYC and 504 Democratic Club (http://www.504dems.org/) the first democratic club

focusing on the rights of the disabled.

Well I guess that is enough for now.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

and Lucky (SD) in NYC


----- Original Message -----

I was going through this guilt thing one day and I asked my husband how he

could put up with me. He just answered by saying " did you ever think it is

because I love you. "

I think that is the answer y'all would get from most of our partners.

Take care,



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This is the perfect note on which to begin my introduction

I have been a member of other CFIDS/FM lists for service dog users, but many

issues of my illness are not centered on how I choose to mitigate them. They

are just because of what this illness does to a person.

My name is . I'm 36 - 37 in December. I have two wonderful boys ages 13

and 8. I was remarried to a wonderful man just 2.5 years ago. We were together

for 5 years prior to marriage and we married in April, 1999. We over the

internet and are still very happy, though dealing with this situation has been

difficult. We thought I just had a winter cold that wouldn't quit. He did not

know what he was getting into, but now that he knows, he is still here. That

doesn't mean he doesn't complain, or wonder why us, but he is here and is really

trying to be a great step-dad and hubby.

I have Fm, CFIDS and Sjogren's. I also have PCO and recently asthma and

reactive airways. I use a service dog for mobility, and balance. He goes

everywhere with me and comforts me when I cannot get out of bed (that is a lot


I loved my job, but have been on leave due to these conditions. I worked for

Paine Webber as a project manager for software development. Between living in

constant pain and " brain fog " , I am no longer able to do this kind of work.

I received my BA full-time as a single mother while working 30 hours a week. I

went to work as soon as I graduated, moved to NY and married. I began my

Masters while still working and was unable to complete this program just three

sources short of my degree. For a woman that did so much, I am not reduced to a

struggle to get out of bed and keep the house neat. On good days I can spend a

few precious hours with my family having " fun " . On bad days I can hardly walk,

on good days with my dogs help, I can ride the bus to the doctors, or run short


I have been in flare up probably due to the profound grief of the past several

weeks. Enough said in my last post about that.

I am as active as I can be in DIA (www.disabledinAction) an advocacy group in

NYC and 504 Democratic Club (http://www.504dems.org/) the first democratic club

focusing on the rights of the disabled.

Well I guess that is enough for now.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

and Lucky (SD) in NYC


----- Original Message -----

I was going through this guilt thing one day and I asked my husband how he

could put up with me. He just answered by saying " did you ever think it is

because I love you. "

I think that is the answer y'all would get from most of our partners.

Take care,



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Hi ,

I have been on both sides of this better or worse stuff. My husband is a

recovering alcoholic and a compulsive gambler, for 15 years I have been the main

support of our family trying to bail us out of every problem he got us into, I

stuck it out because of the better or worse vow. Now he is in recovery but a lot

of the scars are still present and I have fibro (which I'm positive that he had

a share in causing, due to all the stress) and he is having to do a lot of the

work around the house because I just can't anymore. I run my own business and

there are days I wonder how I am accomplishing that.

In most homes the wife does 100% of everything just because history says that is

the way it is, why do women always feel bad because men sometimes have to take

on that job. Don't feel guilty, that is what a partnership and marriage is all



He doesn't

come out and say it, but I know that he feels cheated, and I know that he

now feels " obligated " to me - that old 'for better or for worse, sickness &

health' thing. So - how do we learn not to feel guilty about messing up

some poor unsuspecting soul's life?

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