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Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e., I STILL Hate Doctors

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> Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the

thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was

told they were " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:


> TSH .03 Range .49-4.67


> T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%


> Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0


> Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly

cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for

TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little

lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.


> No insurance, yes. Any comments?



first I want to say, sorry you had to go through all that. It

seems like when they find out you don't have insurance, then they

look at you like a pee on.LOL

And didn't even run the right test, and the doc was more worried

about the TSH blah blah!!!

I had high bloodpressure with my ongoing, untreated hypo. Hope you

don't have another episode like that again. Going to a doctor or

hospital gets my bloodpressure up.


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Guest guest

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the

hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly

reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


.. wrote:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking

that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't

remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I

barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?


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Guest guest

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the

hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly

reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


.. wrote:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking

that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't

remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I

barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?


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Guest guest

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the

hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly

reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


.. wrote:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking

that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't

remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I

barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?


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Guest guest

Well ... You know he's an upchuck....

His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.

It was GOOD that you went in... suspicion of heart problems should not be ignored... and by doing so you are sure that it wasn't a problem with your heart being sick.... so I guess I'm leaning toward an imbalance brought about by low conversion in combination with going too long without food with a body that is now accustomed to regular meals.

Not eating for so long would have greatly slowed, if not stopped, your conversion....

BP for sure can shoot up if your scared... and angry

Anywhere.. that is where my mind went.... I'll let you imagine where I wanted my foot to go....

Don't suppose that there are antibody tests in there to see if they had anything to do with it? I remember from before how goofy your numbers look, mostly likely the result of antibody influence - how they can skew numbers. You've struggled hard to understand your body....

.......poopy doc........

I'm really glad that you're okay, ... I was starting to wonder why you'd been so scarce... I know you often drop by just on your days off... but it was seeming to be too long this time....

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:28:29 -0500 " " writes:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?

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Guest guest

Well ... You know he's an upchuck....

His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.

It was GOOD that you went in... suspicion of heart problems should not be ignored... and by doing so you are sure that it wasn't a problem with your heart being sick.... so I guess I'm leaning toward an imbalance brought about by low conversion in combination with going too long without food with a body that is now accustomed to regular meals.

Not eating for so long would have greatly slowed, if not stopped, your conversion....

BP for sure can shoot up if your scared... and angry

Anywhere.. that is where my mind went.... I'll let you imagine where I wanted my foot to go....

Don't suppose that there are antibody tests in there to see if they had anything to do with it? I remember from before how goofy your numbers look, mostly likely the result of antibody influence - how they can skew numbers. You've struggled hard to understand your body....

.......poopy doc........

I'm really glad that you're okay, ... I was starting to wonder why you'd been so scarce... I know you often drop by just on your days off... but it was seeming to be too long this time....

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:28:29 -0500 " " writes:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?

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Guest guest

Well ... You know he's an upchuck....

His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.

It was GOOD that you went in... suspicion of heart problems should not be ignored... and by doing so you are sure that it wasn't a problem with your heart being sick.... so I guess I'm leaning toward an imbalance brought about by low conversion in combination with going too long without food with a body that is now accustomed to regular meals.

Not eating for so long would have greatly slowed, if not stopped, your conversion....

BP for sure can shoot up if your scared... and angry

Anywhere.. that is where my mind went.... I'll let you imagine where I wanted my foot to go....

Don't suppose that there are antibody tests in there to see if they had anything to do with it? I remember from before how goofy your numbers look, mostly likely the result of antibody influence - how they can skew numbers. You've struggled hard to understand your body....

.......poopy doc........

I'm really glad that you're okay, ... I was starting to wonder why you'd been so scarce... I know you often drop by just on your days off... but it was seeming to be too long this time....

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 10:28:29 -0500 " " writes:

Dear Too Live Crew

Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER, as usual around here. Here is the story:

Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing. Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be worked alone, but this is the way it went, since they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is not unusual at all. I came in from work at about 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had forgotten to take anything to work with me the night before, and there was nothing there at the work place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I never go without eating more than a couple or three hrs or so.

As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is unusual for me right after getting off work. You would think that I would have been wide awake because I know my circulation was up after running my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw. Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to reach both of the daughters that live directly here in town, with no success. That's when I called 911, thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking, which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4), but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night before, so that you'll know that part of it. That morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate the eggs.

The chest pressure was steady for all that time and for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this pressure was also in the front of my neck, now slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run under the chin in the throat area. My blood pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER, 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking that the stress and scare and ER had something to do with this. Here's the scene and conversation from Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

"I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the BP down, but it will take awhile". (He did).

"What meds are you taking, if any?" (I showed him exactly what I was taking, which is only those three things I mentioned earlier in this post)

He has no comment about these until later, after all the blood work was done, but, when I found out he was running blood work, I was sure to request the Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather lecture: "You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't know enough about it!" (My insert at this point is, Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid meds!!" (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I then asked him what the #s were on the tests and what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled "The TSH was .03!" I then asked, but Doctor, what were the THYROID hormone values. He yells "I don't remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are hyperthyroid!!!" I then inSISTED on SEEING the test rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack, that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have "all those palpitations I'm having". Huhhhhhh???? I thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could hear the palps going on, on the machine.

In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually, what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity. Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no further investigation. I know that GERD can cause this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't about to second guess whether or not this was that or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right? BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin) right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain right up and sideways in my neck, both directions, including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw. I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on any level.

Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though many others were run (but I was told they were "fine" : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right, hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for thyroid:

TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I think a little lower?? So, you know what he was going by here.

No insurance, yes. Any comments?

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*claps hands, jumping up and down*

Good rant, Dawn!!! I'm proud of you!!!!

Remember what I did to the doc that sent me home in thyroid storm after telling me I was 'too fat to be sick'? They scheduled me to see him the next time I was in to the clinic after my RAI and I made a HUGE and very 'colorful' scene so that everyone in the waiting room could hear me.... I had to do that a couple of times, then they moved him to another clinic in their organization... when I found out where he was I went there just to make a scene.... they moved him to a third clinic and I did it again... .where they moved him after that I don't know... I couldn't find him again....

I tried so hard to be nice when I replied to 's post about the ER.... I'm glad that I did.. you're comments were 'family friendly' mine weren't!!!! hehehehehe

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:16:46 -0700 (PDT) dawn prince writes:

< snip >

Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


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Guest guest


*claps hands, jumping up and down*

Good rant, Dawn!!! I'm proud of you!!!!

Remember what I did to the doc that sent me home in thyroid storm after telling me I was 'too fat to be sick'? They scheduled me to see him the next time I was in to the clinic after my RAI and I made a HUGE and very 'colorful' scene so that everyone in the waiting room could hear me.... I had to do that a couple of times, then they moved him to another clinic in their organization... when I found out where he was I went there just to make a scene.... they moved him to a third clinic and I did it again... .where they moved him after that I don't know... I couldn't find him again....

I tried so hard to be nice when I replied to 's post about the ER.... I'm glad that I did.. you're comments were 'family friendly' mine weren't!!!! hehehehehe

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:16:46 -0700 (PDT) dawn prince writes:

< snip >

Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


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Guest guest


*claps hands, jumping up and down*

Good rant, Dawn!!! I'm proud of you!!!!

Remember what I did to the doc that sent me home in thyroid storm after telling me I was 'too fat to be sick'? They scheduled me to see him the next time I was in to the clinic after my RAI and I made a HUGE and very 'colorful' scene so that everyone in the waiting room could hear me.... I had to do that a couple of times, then they moved him to another clinic in their organization... when I found out where he was I went there just to make a scene.... they moved him to a third clinic and I did it again... .where they moved him after that I don't know... I couldn't find him again....

I tried so hard to be nice when I replied to 's post about the ER.... I'm glad that I did.. you're comments were 'family friendly' mine weren't!!!! hehehehehe

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 11:16:46 -0700 (PDT) dawn prince writes:

< snip >

Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck


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Guest guest


From what your lab values are showing is that you may

not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

believe there is a discount code you can plug in:



--- wrote:

> Dear Too Live Crew


> Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> as usual around here. Here is the story:


> Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> before, and there was nothing there at the work

> place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> never go without eating more than a couple or three

> hrs or so.


> As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> would think that I would have been wide awake

> because I know my circulation was up after running

> my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> the eggs.


> The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:


> " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> He has no comment about these until later, after all

> the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> hear the palps going on, on the machine.


> In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> about to second guess whether or not this was that

> or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> any level.


> Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> many others were run (but I was told they were

> " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> thyroid:


> TSH .03 Range .49-4.67


> T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%


> Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0


> Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> going by here.


> No insurance, yes. Any comments?





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Guest guest


From what your lab values are showing is that you may

not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

believe there is a discount code you can plug in:



--- wrote:

> Dear Too Live Crew


> Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> as usual around here. Here is the story:


> Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> before, and there was nothing there at the work

> place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> never go without eating more than a couple or three

> hrs or so.


> As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> would think that I would have been wide awake

> because I know my circulation was up after running

> my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> the eggs.


> The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:


> " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> He has no comment about these until later, after all

> the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> hear the palps going on, on the machine.


> In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> about to second guess whether or not this was that

> or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> any level.


> Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> many others were run (but I was told they were

> " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> thyroid:


> TSH .03 Range .49-4.67


> T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%


> Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0


> Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> going by here.


> No insurance, yes. Any comments?





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Guest guest


From what your lab values are showing is that you may

not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

believe there is a discount code you can plug in:



--- wrote:

> Dear Too Live Crew


> Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> as usual around here. Here is the story:


> Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> before, and there was nothing there at the work

> place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> never go without eating more than a couple or three

> hrs or so.


> As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> would think that I would have been wide awake

> because I know my circulation was up after running

> my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> the eggs.


> The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:


> " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> He has no comment about these until later, after all

> the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> hear the palps going on, on the machine.


> In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> about to second guess whether or not this was that

> or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> any level.


> Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> many others were run (but I was told they were

> " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> thyroid:


> TSH .03 Range .49-4.67


> T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%


> Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0


> Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> going by here.


> No insurance, yes. Any comments?





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Guest guest

Lol, Dawn, I've been seriously thinking about doing just what you suggested. Know what? It went exactly the way I expected it would, and I'd have gotten a lot louder, but I wasn't sure what was going on in this ticker of mine, so I tried to remain calm. I'm telling you that it is so sad how the medical profession is so screwed up, what a shame. How do we know how many lives have been lost on acct of doctors like this one and many others around here in my area? It's everywhere else, I know.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e., I STILL Hate Doctors

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck



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Guest guest

Lol, Dawn, I've been seriously thinking about doing just what you suggested. Know what? It went exactly the way I expected it would, and I'd have gotten a lot louder, but I wasn't sure what was going on in this ticker of mine, so I tried to remain calm. I'm telling you that it is so sad how the medical profession is so screwed up, what a shame. How do we know how many lives have been lost on acct of doctors like this one and many others around here in my area? It's everywhere else, I know.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e., I STILL Hate Doctors

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck



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Guest guest

Lol, Dawn, I've been seriously thinking about doing just what you suggested. Know what? It went exactly the way I expected it would, and I'd have gotten a lot louder, but I wasn't sure what was going on in this ticker of mine, so I tried to remain calm. I'm telling you that it is so sad how the medical profession is so screwed up, what a shame. How do we know how many lives have been lost on acct of doctors like this one and many others around here in my area? It's everywhere else, I know.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e., I STILL Hate Doctors

Hi ,

Had one of those when my daughter was 12 she was hit in the face on a friday night softball game. He felt her jaw and said just a bruise go home and take asprin, on the Monday she was still in pain and still not able to close her teeth together properly so got her into a dentist who took x-rays and found 2 breaks in the jaw, one through where her wisdom tooth was forming and the other in the centre of her front lower teeth. I took the x-rays and marched right into my docs office and when he saw it he was not too pleased at what he saw and said he would look into it. I did not leave it there I wrote to the hospital board and told them exactly what I thought of the ER and the doc on call saying that there was nothing wrong when she had her jaw wired shut for 3 weeks and was on liquid codeine for the pain. Go over his head and report him you don't have to take that c..p from them whether you are insured or not. Where is his adherance to the hypocratic oath? To do no harm!!!!!!!!!! Doing nothing can be as bad as doing something that is wrong. You went there for help and that should have been given no matter the circumstances and he had the obligation to listen to you whether he agreed with you or not and he also proved how ignorant he is about thyroid probs. I suppose that when we are on a different pay/financial level our worth goes accordingly to idiots like him, how would he like his mother to be treated in that manner??? And what about the next person that goes in and is treated like that and then dies????? He is not god he is not even a decent human being and he deserves what he gets so I would write and let each and every member of the hospital board know what happened and send a copy to the local paper for them to print. That should get some action. Oh, that doc in ER was never allowed back to our local hospital and he was severly reprimanded. Oh! dear...... do you think that if I tippy-toe over and put the soap-box back I can do it without Topper seeing me???

Good luck



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Dawn... is our resident Health Check expert!!! hehehehehehe

The problem with the labs is that they did a total T4 and a T3 uptake... they don't even begin to tell us what the available (free) hormone is...

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:44:07 -0700 (PDT) Debbie W writes:

,From what your lab values are showing is that you maynot be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You mayactually need additional T3, perhaps in the form ofcytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and theT3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testingdone without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And Ibelieve there is a discount code you can plug in:12345.Debbie

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Guest guest

Dawn... is our resident Health Check expert!!! hehehehehehe

The problem with the labs is that they did a total T4 and a T3 uptake... they don't even begin to tell us what the available (free) hormone is...

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:44:07 -0700 (PDT) Debbie W writes:

,From what your lab values are showing is that you maynot be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You mayactually need additional T3, perhaps in the form ofcytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and theT3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testingdone without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And Ibelieve there is a discount code you can plug in:12345.Debbie

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Guest guest

Dawn... is our resident Health Check expert!!! hehehehehehe

The problem with the labs is that they did a total T4 and a T3 uptake... they don't even begin to tell us what the available (free) hormone is...

Topper ()

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:44:07 -0700 (PDT) Debbie W writes:

,From what your lab values are showing is that you maynot be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You mayactually need additional T3, perhaps in the form ofcytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and theT3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testingdone without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And Ibelieve there is a discount code you can plug in:12345.Debbie

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Yes, I have been doing my labs through HealthCheck on my own for the last

two yrs, which is why what this doctor said and did was hilarious, if it

wasn't so dang dangerous. It's laughable. I had put myself on all Armour

for a pretty long time, but started having reactions when I stayed on 120

mgs for about 3 to 4 months. I promptly cut it back because my pulse rate

had gone to 160 and was staying there for an entire day, and was having the

sweats and a little tremor, then awhile later, I started adding in synthetic

T4, 125 mcgs, plus two doses a day of Armour, 15 mgs each. I had been on

this dose for about 5 wks, I believe, when this happened. Whether adrenals

were involved, I don't know, since I haven't been tested. I had added back

just one small quarter tab of the bovine adrenal NutriMeds glandular, which

is a very small dose, just a few wks before this. I knew when this ER

doctor was telling me I was hyper, that it simply wasn't so. That's why,

after telling all of you what all he said, I posted my results. I knew you

all would pick up on the gist of this very fast. I.E., I'm STILL hypo, and

I strongly believe that Hashi's antibodies and thyroiditis are involved with

what happened to me. If I even touched the skin right over my thyroid, pain

would shoot up through my neck. That was AFTER the discomfort in my chest

had completely stopped. The tenderness in my neck continued for the next

several hrs, after I left the hospital. The only other thing I can think of

that would cause that tenderness is a very bad case of a damaged esophagus,

from acid reflux. I did have that breakfast I was talking about, but since

that idiot didn't test for any of these things, I still have no way of

knowing that, which is what I generally expected around this area. I

haven't done the HealthCheck testing for around 7 months, I think, and need

to do it. I think, because of my high antibodies, that my thyroid is dying

rapidly, over the past 3 yrs or so, and that's why all these ups and downs.

This is one stubborn thyroid, I'm thinking. This is exactly why I believe

that a Hashi's gland needs to be removed, when it can't be kept under

control over a long period of time (I've been working on this for the last 2

and 1/2 yrs, BTW, with the Armour). This doctor, considering the history I

gave him, should have ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid to check for

nodules and such, but knows nothing about the disease, so I don't know any

more than I did. As a wild guess, I personally think that it was a sudden

Hashi's flare, because of the stress I had experienced the night before, for

8 solid hrs. Wish I could quit, frankly.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e.,

I STILL Hate Doctors

> ,


> From what your lab values are showing is that you may

> not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

> actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

> cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

> T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

> done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

> believe there is a discount code you can plug in:

> 12345.


> Debbie

> --- wrote:


> > Dear Too Live Crew

> >

> > Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> > had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> > were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> > as usual around here. Here is the story:

> >

> > Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> > Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> > worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> > they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> > not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> > 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> > computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> > breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> > forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> > before, and there was nothing there at the work

> > place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> > apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> > never go without eating more than a couple or three

> > hrs or so.

> >

> > As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> > computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> > unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> > would think that I would have been wide awake

> > because I know my circulation was up after running

> > my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> > booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> > it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> > relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> > to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> > off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> > my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> > neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> > Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> > chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> > to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> > reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> > in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> > thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> > heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> > more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> > which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> > (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> > but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> > from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> > wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> > tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> > before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> > morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> > dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> > the eggs.

> >

> > The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> > for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> > particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> > pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> > slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> > under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> > pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> > 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> > at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> > that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> > with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> > Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

> >

> > " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> > BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> > " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> > exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> > things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> > He has no comment about these until later, after all

> > the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> > was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> > Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> > After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> > lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> > be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> > know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> > Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> > studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> > more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> > this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> > constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> > conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> > HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> > meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> > him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> > then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> > what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> > I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> > " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> > were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> > remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> > hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> > rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> > that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> > it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> > those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> > thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> > hear the palps going on, on the machine.

> >

> > In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> > neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> > nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> > what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> > flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> > Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> > say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> > Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> > imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> > EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> > further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> > this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> > big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> > about to second guess whether or not this was that

> > or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> > BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> > pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> > tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> > appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> > the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> > right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> > right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> > including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> > I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> > I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> > any level.

> >

> > Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> > brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> > many others were run (but I was told they were

> > " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> > hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> > thyroid:

> >

> > TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

> >

> > T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

> >

> > Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

> >

> > Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> > in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> > when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> > values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> > normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> > think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> > going by here.

> >

> > No insurance, yes. Any comments?

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Yes, I have been doing my labs through HealthCheck on my own for the last

two yrs, which is why what this doctor said and did was hilarious, if it

wasn't so dang dangerous. It's laughable. I had put myself on all Armour

for a pretty long time, but started having reactions when I stayed on 120

mgs for about 3 to 4 months. I promptly cut it back because my pulse rate

had gone to 160 and was staying there for an entire day, and was having the

sweats and a little tremor, then awhile later, I started adding in synthetic

T4, 125 mcgs, plus two doses a day of Armour, 15 mgs each. I had been on

this dose for about 5 wks, I believe, when this happened. Whether adrenals

were involved, I don't know, since I haven't been tested. I had added back

just one small quarter tab of the bovine adrenal NutriMeds glandular, which

is a very small dose, just a few wks before this. I knew when this ER

doctor was telling me I was hyper, that it simply wasn't so. That's why,

after telling all of you what all he said, I posted my results. I knew you

all would pick up on the gist of this very fast. I.E., I'm STILL hypo, and

I strongly believe that Hashi's antibodies and thyroiditis are involved with

what happened to me. If I even touched the skin right over my thyroid, pain

would shoot up through my neck. That was AFTER the discomfort in my chest

had completely stopped. The tenderness in my neck continued for the next

several hrs, after I left the hospital. The only other thing I can think of

that would cause that tenderness is a very bad case of a damaged esophagus,

from acid reflux. I did have that breakfast I was talking about, but since

that idiot didn't test for any of these things, I still have no way of

knowing that, which is what I generally expected around this area. I

haven't done the HealthCheck testing for around 7 months, I think, and need

to do it. I think, because of my high antibodies, that my thyroid is dying

rapidly, over the past 3 yrs or so, and that's why all these ups and downs.

This is one stubborn thyroid, I'm thinking. This is exactly why I believe

that a Hashi's gland needs to be removed, when it can't be kept under

control over a long period of time (I've been working on this for the last 2

and 1/2 yrs, BTW, with the Armour). This doctor, considering the history I

gave him, should have ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid to check for

nodules and such, but knows nothing about the disease, so I don't know any

more than I did. As a wild guess, I personally think that it was a sudden

Hashi's flare, because of the stress I had experienced the night before, for

8 solid hrs. Wish I could quit, frankly.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e.,

I STILL Hate Doctors

> ,


> From what your lab values are showing is that you may

> not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

> actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

> cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

> T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

> done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

> believe there is a discount code you can plug in:

> 12345.


> Debbie

> --- wrote:


> > Dear Too Live Crew

> >

> > Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> > had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> > were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> > as usual around here. Here is the story:

> >

> > Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> > Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> > worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> > they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> > not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> > 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> > computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> > breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> > forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> > before, and there was nothing there at the work

> > place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> > apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> > never go without eating more than a couple or three

> > hrs or so.

> >

> > As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> > computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> > unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> > would think that I would have been wide awake

> > because I know my circulation was up after running

> > my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> > booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> > it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> > relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> > to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> > off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> > my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> > neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> > Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> > chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> > to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> > reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> > in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> > thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> > heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> > more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> > which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> > (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> > but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> > from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> > wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> > tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> > before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> > morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> > dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> > the eggs.

> >

> > The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> > for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> > particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> > pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> > slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> > under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> > pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> > 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> > at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> > that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> > with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> > Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

> >

> > " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> > BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> > " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> > exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> > things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> > He has no comment about these until later, after all

> > the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> > was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> > Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> > After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> > lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> > be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> > know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> > Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> > studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> > more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> > this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> > constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> > conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> > HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> > meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> > him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> > then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> > what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> > I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> > " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> > were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> > remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> > hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> > rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> > that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> > it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> > those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> > thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> > hear the palps going on, on the machine.

> >

> > In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> > neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> > nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> > what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> > flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> > Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> > say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> > Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> > imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> > EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> > further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> > this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> > big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> > about to second guess whether or not this was that

> > or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> > BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> > pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> > tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> > appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> > the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> > right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> > right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> > including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> > I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> > I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> > any level.

> >

> > Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> > brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> > many others were run (but I was told they were

> > " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> > hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> > thyroid:

> >

> > TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

> >

> > T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

> >

> > Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

> >

> > Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> > in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> > when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> > values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> > normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> > think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> > going by here.

> >

> > No insurance, yes. Any comments?

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Yes, I have been doing my labs through HealthCheck on my own for the last

two yrs, which is why what this doctor said and did was hilarious, if it

wasn't so dang dangerous. It's laughable. I had put myself on all Armour

for a pretty long time, but started having reactions when I stayed on 120

mgs for about 3 to 4 months. I promptly cut it back because my pulse rate

had gone to 160 and was staying there for an entire day, and was having the

sweats and a little tremor, then awhile later, I started adding in synthetic

T4, 125 mcgs, plus two doses a day of Armour, 15 mgs each. I had been on

this dose for about 5 wks, I believe, when this happened. Whether adrenals

were involved, I don't know, since I haven't been tested. I had added back

just one small quarter tab of the bovine adrenal NutriMeds glandular, which

is a very small dose, just a few wks before this. I knew when this ER

doctor was telling me I was hyper, that it simply wasn't so. That's why,

after telling all of you what all he said, I posted my results. I knew you

all would pick up on the gist of this very fast. I.E., I'm STILL hypo, and

I strongly believe that Hashi's antibodies and thyroiditis are involved with

what happened to me. If I even touched the skin right over my thyroid, pain

would shoot up through my neck. That was AFTER the discomfort in my chest

had completely stopped. The tenderness in my neck continued for the next

several hrs, after I left the hospital. The only other thing I can think of

that would cause that tenderness is a very bad case of a damaged esophagus,

from acid reflux. I did have that breakfast I was talking about, but since

that idiot didn't test for any of these things, I still have no way of

knowing that, which is what I generally expected around this area. I

haven't done the HealthCheck testing for around 7 months, I think, and need

to do it. I think, because of my high antibodies, that my thyroid is dying

rapidly, over the past 3 yrs or so, and that's why all these ups and downs.

This is one stubborn thyroid, I'm thinking. This is exactly why I believe

that a Hashi's gland needs to be removed, when it can't be kept under

control over a long period of time (I've been working on this for the last 2

and 1/2 yrs, BTW, with the Armour). This doctor, considering the history I

gave him, should have ordered an ultrasound of my thyroid to check for

nodules and such, but knows nothing about the disease, so I don't know any

more than I did. As a wild guess, I personally think that it was a sudden

Hashi's flare, because of the stress I had experienced the night before, for

8 solid hrs. Wish I could quit, frankly.

Re: I Have an E.R. Story to Tell, i.e.,

I STILL Hate Doctors

> ,


> From what your lab values are showing is that you may

> not be converting enough of the T4 to T3. You may

> actually need additional T3, perhaps in the form of

> cytomel. Your T4 is at the top of the range and the

> T3 is below mid range. IMHO. You can get lab testing

> done without a doctor through healthcheck USA. And I

> believe there is a discount code you can plug in:

> 12345.


> Debbie

> --- wrote:


> > Dear Too Live Crew

> >

> > Sunday the 17th of July, I called an ambulance and

> > had a little visit at the E.R. The emergency techs

> > were great, it was the doctor that stunk at the ER,

> > as usual around here. Here is the story:

> >

> > Saturday night the 16th, I worked alone on my wing.

> > Our wing has gotten incredible and should never be

> > worked alone, but this is the way it went, since

> > they had not gotten anyone to work with me. This is

> > not unusual at all. I came in from work at about

> > 6:30 a.m. as usual. I sat down and booted my

> > computer, AFTER scarfing down a LARGE bacon and egg

> > breakfast, which I know better than to do, but I had

> > forgotten to take anything to work with me the night

> > before, and there was nothing there at the work

> > place to eat, so all night long, I had a glass of

> > apple juice, the end. I was so ravinous, which I

> > never go without eating more than a couple or three

> > hrs or so.

> >

> > As said, I scarfed down breakfast, then booted the

> > computer, but suddenly got very sleepy, which is

> > unusual for me right after getting off work. You

> > would think that I would have been wide awake

> > because I know my circulation was up after running

> > my butt off on the floor all night. Anyway, within

> > booting up the pc for 5 minutes, I decided to shut

> > it down and go to sleep. I felt very tired, but

> > relaxed. Got it shut down, then looked for a minute

> > to see what hurricane was doing, then cut that

> > off too. That's when this dull sickening ache hit

> > my upper sternum, but running up the FRONT of my

> > neck also, but not up the sides of my head or jaw.

> > Just into the lymph nodes or that region under the

> > chin. I tried to relax and ignore it for the next 5

> > to 10 minutes, but I'm no fool either, so I tried to

> > reach both of the daughters that live directly here

> > in town, with no success. That's when I called 911,

> > thinking that if there was ANY possibility of a

> > heart attack, I certainly didn't need to waste any

> > more time on it. Told THEM what meds I was taking,

> > which amts to (amounted to) a small amt of Armour

> > (30 mgs/two doses of 15 mgs/day + 125 synthetic T4),

> > but also 1/4th a tab of the bovine adrenal glandular

> > from NutriMeds, which I started taking again several

> > wks ago, in that very small dose. I had taken one

> > tiny quarter tab of that around midnight the night

> > before, so that you'll know that part of it. That

> > morning, when I got in, I took my last tiny 15 mg

> > dose of Armour, when I got in and right before I ate

> > the eggs.

> >

> > The chest pressure was steady for all that time and

> > for two hrs after I got into the ER room, but not

> > particularly painful, just scary. Meanwhile, this

> > pressure was also in the front of my neck, now

> > slowly also settling into my lymph nodes that run

> > under the chin in the throat area. My blood

> > pressure was running high, AFTER I got to the ER,

> > 200 something over about a 100 or so, but was still

> > at 158 over 90 in the ambulance, so I'm thinking

> > that the stress and scare and ER had something to do

> > with this. Here's the scene and conversation from

> > Dr. Nuygen (sp?) at the ER:

> >

> > " I'm going to give you some clonidine to bring the

> > BP down, but it will take awhile " . (He did).

> > " What meds are you taking, if any? " (I showed him

> > exactly what I was taking, which is only those three

> > things I mentioned earlier in this post)

> > He has no comment about these until later, after all

> > the blood work was done, but, when I found out he

> > was running blood work, I was sure to request the

> > Free T3 and the Free T4, to no avail, of course.

> > After bloodwork, here are his comments or rather

> > lecture: " You need a primary doctor, you shouldn't

> > be taking thyroid meds on your own because you don't

> > know enough about it! " (My insert at this point is,

> > Doctor I do know plenty about it, and I've been

> > studying all angles of this for the last 5 yrs, with

> > more exhaustive study of it for the last 3 or so; at

> > this point, he totally ignores EVERYthing I say and

> > constantly interrupts me, so there's no hope of

> > conversing about ANY of it). Then he says (YOU are

> > HYPERthyroid, and you're taking too much thyroid

> > meds!! " (Yelling) (At this point, I'm yelling at

> > him, saying Doctor, Quit Yelling at Me Now!). I

> > then asked him what the #s were on the tests and

> > what he ran. At that point, he was VERY angry, when

> > I asked to know the #s, and said or rather yelled

> > " The TSH was .03! " I then asked, but Doctor, what

> > were the THYROID hormone values. He yells " I don't

> > remember, but your TSH is way too low, you are

> > hyperthyroid!!! " I then inSISTED on SEEING the test

> > rusults. He told me I had not had a heart attack,

> > that my heart was fine, my lungs were fine, but that

> > it was the thyroid hormone causing me to have " all

> > those palpitations I'm having " . Huhhhhhh???? I

> > thought my heart was fine??????? ly, I could

> > hear the palps going on, on the machine.

> >

> > In all that time, he NEVER touched me, felt of my

> > neck, or any OTHER part of my body, only the two

> > nurses there ran my vitals and such. Virtually,

> > what he did, was cuss me out, then got angry and

> > flustered, when I indicated that I wasn't a complete

> > Dummy-Sheep. I did listen to everything he had to

> > say, but he never afforded ME the same opportunity.

> > Meanwhile there were NO gastric tests done, NO

> > imaging of my heart (MVP????who knows what), but the

> > EKGs they did for several hrs were normal, so no

> > further investigation. I know that GERD can cause

> > this kind of pain, and that's why I did mention that

> > big breakfast to all medical personnel, but I wasn't

> > about to second guess whether or not this was that

> > or my heart, so that's why I called 911, right?

> > BTW, as the chest pressure subsided, so did the

> > pressure in my neck, and I was left with just a

> > tender neck, swollen lymph glands that had suddenly

> > appeared out of nowhere, and, when I barely touched

> > the skin (no push, just lightly touched the skin)

> > right over my thyroid area, it sent a shooting pain

> > right up and sideways in my neck, both directions,

> > including those lymph areas under the chin and jaw.

> > I told this @$$_%l this, but he totally ignored what

> > I said. There is NO hope around here at all, not on

> > any level.

> >

> > Thirty minutes before I was released, a NURSE

> > brought ONLY the thyroid test results to me, though

> > many others were run (but I was told they were

> > " fine " : ), (((grin))) ). I'm hyper, right,

> > hehehe??? Here are my so called test results for

> > thyroid:

> >

> > TSH .03 Range .49-4.67

> >

> > T3 Uptake 29.3 Range 25-35%

> >

> > Thyroxine (T4) 11.39 Range 4.5-12.0

> >

> > Now yuh know, there's not one single Free value here

> > in this silly cheap mess of tests. Anyone remember

> > when I was running a .006 for TSH, but had FREE

> > values of Free T4 of a .8 (VERY at the edge low

> > normal) and FREE T3 maybe barely at mid range, but I

> > think a little lower?? So, you know what he was

> > going by here.

> >

> > No insurance, yes. Any comments?

> >

> >

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>His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.


Yep, what you've said is one of the things that I've considered, but the visit to ER certainly didn't tell me, did it? All the palps I was having, heck, I could have MVP, but we won't know that either, will we? HE even said "all those palps". Guess he thought I was totally stupid or something. I KNEW I was in trouble, when I forgot my lunch, as I'm so used to eating every 2 or 3 hrs now. That night, I had not even taken two bites right after I got up from bed, of all nights to do that. The weird thing there is that I was sitting at the computer almost falling asleep, when the fun started. I had also eaten the bacon and eggs sooooooooo fast, you wouldn't believe it. I haven't eaten at that speed in a long long time, lol.

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Guest guest

>His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.


Yep, what you've said is one of the things that I've considered, but the visit to ER certainly didn't tell me, did it? All the palps I was having, heck, I could have MVP, but we won't know that either, will we? HE even said "all those palps". Guess he thought I was totally stupid or something. I KNEW I was in trouble, when I forgot my lunch, as I'm so used to eating every 2 or 3 hrs now. That night, I had not even taken two bites right after I got up from bed, of all nights to do that. The weird thing there is that I was sitting at the computer almost falling asleep, when the fun started. I had also eaten the bacon and eggs sooooooooo fast, you wouldn't believe it. I haven't eaten at that speed in a long long time, lol.

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Guest guest

>His manner is atrocious. He didn't listen to you.. he knows doodle about thyroid... using old TSH ranges, and thyroid hormone tests that have been out dated for years cuz they don't tell you what is going on.... even so neither of those numbers is suggesting hyper, TSH is valueless for anyone on hormone replacement....

I wonder.... could you have had an adrenals surge from the long shift? Then the heavy meal hitting a system that had been in starvation mode for many hours.... that would have been a jolt to the digestion...

We do know that a sluggish digestion can cause GERD. We know that with suppressed TSH, which was your goal cuz of your Hashi's means you are dependant on your replacement and conversion. If you had a big stress night... no food, running on adrenals instead of food energy that could have flummoxed everything up.


Yep, what you've said is one of the things that I've considered, but the visit to ER certainly didn't tell me, did it? All the palps I was having, heck, I could have MVP, but we won't know that either, will we? HE even said "all those palps". Guess he thought I was totally stupid or something. I KNEW I was in trouble, when I forgot my lunch, as I'm so used to eating every 2 or 3 hrs now. That night, I had not even taken two bites right after I got up from bed, of all nights to do that. The weird thing there is that I was sitting at the computer almost falling asleep, when the fun started. I had also eaten the bacon and eggs sooooooooo fast, you wouldn't believe it. I haven't eaten at that speed in a long long time, lol.

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