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Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

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Now that you bring that up, I remember when we first started high school (7th

grade) being taken on a tour of our school's bomb shelter located under and

behind the stage in the auditorium. I'm from a very small town and grades 7

through 12 were all in one building. I think there were all of 180 students in

the whole school, but nonetheless, all of us wouldn't have fit in that bomb

shelter, even if we were packed in like sardines. I'm sure that mentally we

just didn't want to " go there. "

I do remember the duck and cover drills when I was in grade school.. but being

young and innocent, we believed the teachers when they said the point of being

under the desks was to avoid being hit by debris from the ceiling. :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

>>It's probably just a mental game to make us feel like we 'can do SOMEthing'

in the midst of high alert.<<

LOL! Kinda reminds me of the old " Duck and Cover " films. Yeah, like hiding

under a wooden desk is going to save you from an atomic bomb. :-)

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That's the one I have.. it was cow pox, but was given to protect us from small

pox .. the viruses are similar :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

> >On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like me, and

who had a >smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does

having had that >

> >vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should say

less >

> >worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country?


> I am 30. I had the vaccination when I was about 3-4 years old. I had the

one that was the kind that apparently still had cow hair, etc. in it. I

looked up the lot/serial number of my shot to see what came up, and that's

what I found. Yuck. LOL.


> I remember being in 10th grade and having the biology teacher show us his

scar on his arm from the smallpox vaccination, and he said that none of us

would have a scar like that because none of us were vaccinated. He was

wrong, because I'd had the vaccination -- but I was the only one that did.


> -Allie


> TO UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to NMTC-unsubscribe




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I was from the " old school " that all children had to be right handed whether

they really were or not. I'm what's known as a frustrated leftie... and most

likely why my handwriting is so awful. I'm so glad they smartened up and let

kids be whichever they wanted to be. :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

Lots of things are given in the left arm, if you're right-handed. (:

I'm left-handed and have to argue furiously with nurses every time I get a

shot or blood taken for tests. Drives me crazy.


>Does anyone know what vaccine was given on the left arm and left a circle

>about the size of a dime for a scar?




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I was from the " old school " that all children had to be right handed whether

they really were or not. I'm what's known as a frustrated leftie... and most

likely why my handwriting is so awful. I'm so glad they smartened up and let

kids be whichever they wanted to be. :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

Lots of things are given in the left arm, if you're right-handed. (:

I'm left-handed and have to argue furiously with nurses every time I get a

shot or blood taken for tests. Drives me crazy.


>Does anyone know what vaccine was given on the left arm and left a circle

>about the size of a dime for a scar?




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Yes, I remember. I was kind of young then. Wasn't that in the later 50's? You

are making me feel old. In any case, it is my theory that no matter what you do

to prepare, if it is your time to go. You are going. Period. No passing GO.

End of statement.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they mention

these precautions.

Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific link is

http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/10/threat.level/index.html and it also covers the

different threat levels. Granted, this particular article is from a couple of

days ago...

They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any possible

germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna help much in

the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our windows now and that's

just to keep our heating costs down! :-)


Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency supply

kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and plastic

sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to do in

an emergency

Do not cancel events or travel plans

Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

around you

Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

Administrator ison

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Yes, I remember. I was kind of young then. Wasn't that in the later 50's? You

are making me feel old. In any case, it is my theory that no matter what you do

to prepare, if it is your time to go. You are going. Period. No passing GO.

End of statement.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they mention

these precautions.

Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific link is

http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/10/threat.level/index.html and it also covers the

different threat levels. Granted, this particular article is from a couple of

days ago...

They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any possible

germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna help much in

the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our windows now and that's

just to keep our heating costs down! :-)


Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency supply

kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and plastic

sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to do in

an emergency

Do not cancel events or travel plans

Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

around you

Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

Administrator ison

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Yes, I remember. I was kind of young then. Wasn't that in the later 50's? You

are making me feel old. In any case, it is my theory that no matter what you do

to prepare, if it is your time to go. You are going. Period. No passing GO.

End of statement.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they mention

these precautions.

Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific link is

http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/10/threat.level/index.html and it also covers the

different threat levels. Granted, this particular article is from a couple of

days ago...

They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any possible

germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna help much in

the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our windows now and that's

just to keep our heating costs down! :-)


Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency supply

kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and plastic

sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to do in

an emergency

Do not cancel events or travel plans

Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

around you

Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

Administrator ison

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Yes that's when it was. I should have mentioned that my brother's friend who

had polio was 6 years older than I. The vaccine came out shortly after he

contracted it and he was the only one in our school area who had gotten it.

I agree.. when it's your time to go, you're going.. period. On the other hand,

I think it's foolhardy to flirt with death by doing dangerous things like

driving like a maniac, etc. I don't want to go sooner than I'm supposed to :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they mention

these precautions.

Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific link

is http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/10/threat.level/index.html and it also covers

the different threat levels. Granted, this particular article is from a couple

of days ago...

They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna help

much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our windows now and

that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)


Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to do

in an emergency

Do not cancel events or travel plans

Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

around you

Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

Administrator ison

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Yes that's when it was. I should have mentioned that my brother's friend who

had polio was 6 years older than I. The vaccine came out shortly after he

contracted it and he was the only one in our school area who had gotten it.

I agree.. when it's your time to go, you're going.. period. On the other hand,

I think it's foolhardy to flirt with death by doing dangerous things like

driving like a maniac, etc. I don't want to go sooner than I'm supposed to :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they mention

these precautions.

Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific link

is http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/02/10/threat.level/index.html and it also covers

the different threat levels. Granted, this particular article is from a couple

of days ago...

They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna help

much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our windows now and

that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)


Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to do

in an emergency

Do not cancel events or travel plans

Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

around you

Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

Administrator ison

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I'm pretty sure it was Rennie. It was explained to us that it was for cow

pox which is similar to small pox, but the vaccine for cow pox was

supposedly less dangerous than the actual small pox vaccine.



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I'm old enough to have gotten the vaccine that left a white scar on my

buttock, though I think some ppl got it in the arm. Was that smallpox? I

can't remember, but I hope something has lingered on. :) Oh, yes, and I do

remember the sugar cubes!


Rennie, 48 years young

My Home Page: http://www.renesue.com


----- Original Message -----

On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like me, and

who had a smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does having

had that vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should

say less worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country? I

seem to remember hearing a news story as to whether or not those of us who

had the vaccine back then would be protected now or not, but off the top of

my head I can't remember whether we'd be protected or not.

Gosh, now I really feel old. Does anyone else remember getting those sugar

cubes of polio vaccine that were distributed at school when the polio

vaccine first came out? I particularly remember there was a boy in my

brother's high school graduating class (1966) who had contracted polio, so

the vaccine was too late for him. Sheesh.. I'm going back to work now.. I

feel soooo ancient. :/

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I'm pretty sure it was Rennie. It was explained to us that it was for cow

pox which is similar to small pox, but the vaccine for cow pox was

supposedly less dangerous than the actual small pox vaccine.



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I'm old enough to have gotten the vaccine that left a white scar on my

buttock, though I think some ppl got it in the arm. Was that smallpox? I

can't remember, but I hope something has lingered on. :) Oh, yes, and I do

remember the sugar cubes!


Rennie, 48 years young

My Home Page: http://www.renesue.com


----- Original Message -----

On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like me, and

who had a smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does having

had that vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should

say less worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country? I

seem to remember hearing a news story as to whether or not those of us who

had the vaccine back then would be protected now or not, but off the top of

my head I can't remember whether we'd be protected or not.

Gosh, now I really feel old. Does anyone else remember getting those sugar

cubes of polio vaccine that were distributed at school when the polio

vaccine first came out? I particularly remember there was a boy in my

brother's high school graduating class (1966) who had contracted polio, so

the vaccine was too late for him. Sheesh.. I'm going back to work now.. I

feel soooo ancient. :/

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Only you can make the ultimate decision, Aliceanne, but I think we should go

about our lives as usual, especially since you're not leaving the country. Of

course, that's just my opinion :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll



> I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

> seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they

> mention these precautions.


> Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific

> link is




> and it also covers the different threat levels. Granted, this particular

> article is from a couple of days ago...


> They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

> possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna

> help much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our

> windows now and that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)




> Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

> supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

> plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

> Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

> Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to

> do in an emergency

> Do not cancel events or travel plans

> Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

> around you


> Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

> Administrator ison





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Only you can make the ultimate decision, Aliceanne, but I think we should go

about our lives as usual, especially since you're not leaving the country. Of

course, that's just my opinion :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll



> I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

> seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they

> mention these precautions.


> Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific

> link is




> and it also covers the different threat levels. Granted, this particular

> article is from a couple of days ago...


> They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

> possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna

> help much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our

> windows now and that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)




> Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

> supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

> plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

> Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

> Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to

> do in an emergency

> Do not cancel events or travel plans

> Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

> around you


> Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

> Administrator ison





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Only you can make the ultimate decision, Aliceanne, but I think we should go

about our lives as usual, especially since you're not leaving the country. Of

course, that's just my opinion :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll



> I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

> seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they

> mention these precautions.


> Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific

> link is




> and it also covers the different threat levels. Granted, this particular

> article is from a couple of days ago...


> They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

> possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna

> help much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our

> windows now and that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)




> Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

> supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

> plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

> Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

> Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to

> do in an emergency

> Do not cancel events or travel plans

> Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

> around you


> Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

> Administrator ison





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Having lived in the midwest where there are *real winters* (I'm in CA now) and

living in the boonies and always by myself, I learned quickly to haul emergency

things with me. Then I moved to CA to earthquake country, again in the boonies,

so just continued to haul the stuff with me. I'm out of the 'popular' earthquake

areas, but I still live in the boonies, I'm always by myself, so I just ALWAYS

haul all the emergency stuff with me. In both vehicles. I've rarely needed any

of it, but there's peace of mind about it, having been through a major quake and

being stuck in major snow and rain storms.


Pat's Paradise

Where " sunny California "

Is only mostly true.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I live in earthquake country. We are advised to ALWAYS have 3-day plans &

supplies ready.

What I never understand is that if I am at work when something happens, how does

having a 3-day supply of stuff at home help me out?? I'm sure not going to lug

it all with me everywhere.


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Having lived in the midwest where there are *real winters* (I'm in CA now) and

living in the boonies and always by myself, I learned quickly to haul emergency

things with me. Then I moved to CA to earthquake country, again in the boonies,

so just continued to haul the stuff with me. I'm out of the 'popular' earthquake

areas, but I still live in the boonies, I'm always by myself, so I just ALWAYS

haul all the emergency stuff with me. In both vehicles. I've rarely needed any

of it, but there's peace of mind about it, having been through a major quake and

being stuck in major snow and rain storms.


Pat's Paradise

Where " sunny California "

Is only mostly true.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I live in earthquake country. We are advised to ALWAYS have 3-day plans &

supplies ready.

What I never understand is that if I am at work when something happens, how does

having a 3-day supply of stuff at home help me out?? I'm sure not going to lug

it all with me everywhere.


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Having lived in the midwest where there are *real winters* (I'm in CA now) and

living in the boonies and always by myself, I learned quickly to haul emergency

things with me. Then I moved to CA to earthquake country, again in the boonies,

so just continued to haul the stuff with me. I'm out of the 'popular' earthquake

areas, but I still live in the boonies, I'm always by myself, so I just ALWAYS

haul all the emergency stuff with me. In both vehicles. I've rarely needed any

of it, but there's peace of mind about it, having been through a major quake and

being stuck in major snow and rain storms.


Pat's Paradise

Where " sunny California "

Is only mostly true.

Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

I live in earthquake country. We are advised to ALWAYS have 3-day plans &

supplies ready.

What I never understand is that if I am at work when something happens, how does

having a 3-day supply of stuff at home help me out?? I'm sure not going to lug

it all with me everywhere.


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I bet you just missed it by a year. I'm one of eight children. My brother,

who just died this past September in an auto accident, I'm quite sure had

that scar on his arm. He was 35. However, I believe my sister who wasn't

quite a full year younger than him (his birth date March 19, 1967 and hers

March umm I think 3...or 8, 1968; that's awful I can't remember!) didn't

have to get that vaccine. I'm 29, so I missed it by several years. :o)


----Original Message Follows----

To: Margaret Grant

CC: nmtc

Subject: Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:20:08 -0500

I think what bothers me about the smallpox vaccine now is that someone who

is vaccinated now can actually transmit the smallpox virus to someone else,

especially to someone with a weakened immune system. From what I understand,

that's why a lot of medical professionals here in PA don't want to get it,

because obviously they would put their patients at risk.

My sister got the old vaccine when she was a kid, but they didn't give it

anymore when I was little (I'm 34).


Margaret Grant wrote:

> Jan, My understanding is that the vaccines we had years ago, I had my

last one in 1968, won't actually cover us. However, it will probably

protect us from any of the problems that they keep talking about with the

new vaccine. Some people don't want to be vaccinated right now because

there are inherent risks involved, but those of us who had the vaccine

before are at much less risk for complications if we get the new vaccine.

Hope that makes sense, Margaret


> >>> " Jantranscribes " 02/11/03 01:14PM >>>

> That's the one I have.. it was cow pox, but was given to protect us from

small pox .. the viruses are similar :)


> Jan

> jantranscribes@...

> " Typing is my life. "

> " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "


> Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll


> > >On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like

me, and

> who had a >smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does

> having had that >

> > >vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should


> less >

> > >worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country?

> >

> > I am 30. I had the vaccination when I was about 3-4 years old. I had


> one that was the kind that apparently still had cow hair, etc. in it. I

> looked up the lot/serial number of my shot to see what came up, and


> what I found. Yuck. LOL.

> >

> > I remember being in 10th grade and having the biology teacher show us


> scar on his arm from the smallpox vaccination, and he said that none of


> would have a scar like that because none of us were vaccinated. He was

> wrong, because I'd had the vaccination -- but I was the only one that


> >

> > -Allie

> >

> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to NMTC-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

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I bet you just missed it by a year. I'm one of eight children. My brother,

who just died this past September in an auto accident, I'm quite sure had

that scar on his arm. He was 35. However, I believe my sister who wasn't

quite a full year younger than him (his birth date March 19, 1967 and hers

March umm I think 3...or 8, 1968; that's awful I can't remember!) didn't

have to get that vaccine. I'm 29, so I missed it by several years. :o)


----Original Message Follows----

To: Margaret Grant

CC: nmtc

Subject: Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:20:08 -0500

I think what bothers me about the smallpox vaccine now is that someone who

is vaccinated now can actually transmit the smallpox virus to someone else,

especially to someone with a weakened immune system. From what I understand,

that's why a lot of medical professionals here in PA don't want to get it,

because obviously they would put their patients at risk.

My sister got the old vaccine when she was a kid, but they didn't give it

anymore when I was little (I'm 34).


Margaret Grant wrote:

> Jan, My understanding is that the vaccines we had years ago, I had my

last one in 1968, won't actually cover us. However, it will probably

protect us from any of the problems that they keep talking about with the

new vaccine. Some people don't want to be vaccinated right now because

there are inherent risks involved, but those of us who had the vaccine

before are at much less risk for complications if we get the new vaccine.

Hope that makes sense, Margaret


> >>> " Jantranscribes " 02/11/03 01:14PM >>>

> That's the one I have.. it was cow pox, but was given to protect us from

small pox .. the viruses are similar :)


> Jan

> jantranscribes@...

> " Typing is my life. "

> " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "


> Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll


> > >On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like

me, and

> who had a >smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does

> having had that >

> > >vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should


> less >

> > >worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country?

> >

> > I am 30. I had the vaccination when I was about 3-4 years old. I had


> one that was the kind that apparently still had cow hair, etc. in it. I

> looked up the lot/serial number of my shot to see what came up, and


> what I found. Yuck. LOL.

> >

> > I remember being in 10th grade and having the biology teacher show us


> scar on his arm from the smallpox vaccination, and he said that none of


> would have a scar like that because none of us were vaccinated. He was

> wrong, because I'd had the vaccination -- but I was the only one that


> >

> > -Allie

> >

> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to NMTC-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

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I bet you just missed it by a year. I'm one of eight children. My brother,

who just died this past September in an auto accident, I'm quite sure had

that scar on his arm. He was 35. However, I believe my sister who wasn't

quite a full year younger than him (his birth date March 19, 1967 and hers

March umm I think 3...or 8, 1968; that's awful I can't remember!) didn't

have to get that vaccine. I'm 29, so I missed it by several years. :o)


----Original Message Follows----

To: Margaret Grant

CC: nmtc

Subject: Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:20:08 -0500

I think what bothers me about the smallpox vaccine now is that someone who

is vaccinated now can actually transmit the smallpox virus to someone else,

especially to someone with a weakened immune system. From what I understand,

that's why a lot of medical professionals here in PA don't want to get it,

because obviously they would put their patients at risk.

My sister got the old vaccine when she was a kid, but they didn't give it

anymore when I was little (I'm 34).


Margaret Grant wrote:

> Jan, My understanding is that the vaccines we had years ago, I had my

last one in 1968, won't actually cover us. However, it will probably

protect us from any of the problems that they keep talking about with the

new vaccine. Some people don't want to be vaccinated right now because

there are inherent risks involved, but those of us who had the vaccine

before are at much less risk for complications if we get the new vaccine.

Hope that makes sense, Margaret


> >>> " Jantranscribes " 02/11/03 01:14PM >>>

> That's the one I have.. it was cow pox, but was given to protect us from

small pox .. the viruses are similar :)


> Jan

> jantranscribes@...

> " Typing is my life. "

> " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "


> Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll


> > >On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like

me, and

> who had a >smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does

> having had that >

> > >vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe I should


> less >

> > >worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this country?

> >

> > I am 30. I had the vaccination when I was about 3-4 years old. I had


> one that was the kind that apparently still had cow hair, etc. in it. I

> looked up the lot/serial number of my shot to see what came up, and


> what I found. Yuck. LOL.

> >

> > I remember being in 10th grade and having the biology teacher show us


> scar on his arm from the smallpox vaccination, and he said that none of


> would have a scar like that because none of us were vaccinated. He was

> wrong, because I'd had the vaccination -- but I was the only one that


> >

> > -Allie

> >

> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE send a blank email to NMTC-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

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The snow prediction answered my situation. I won't be going. The lady from

Staten Island is and so is the one from Upstate NY but neither of them have

had 1 spinal surgery let alone 7. The terrorists evidently, at least the

last I heard from the news yesterday, may have been a hoax alarm. Gee, too

bad they can't use their influence to make peace instead of

conflict. Thanks for all your inputs.


At 04:10 PM 2/11/2003 -0500, Alice Sawyer wrote:

>This past week on the news this has been our topic, actually news flashes

>are interrupting almost every hour or so, in the NY area. They are telling

>us why we are seeing guards with machine guns in hotels etc. Last week one

>of my classmates from the convent days emailed me saying she would be

>visiting NY for the weekend and would I get all of our classmates from here

>to get together. So I have been busy planning. I talked with someone this

>morning. Her husband got my call and when he told her she said she nearly

>passed out. " I have not talked to her since I was 30 years old " . We had a

>laugh as I am 60 and she is 65 but it is true. Anyway, she said she was

>going to by in the City that weekend for the big Peace protest at the UN so

>it would be so good if we could get together. Now with the news and all

>these emails I am a bit nervous about going to NY. I hope I make the right

>decision. If it was only me, I would not be worried but I always have to

>think about mom. What to do?



>At 12:51 PM 2/11/2003 -0500, Jantranscribes wrote:

> >My husband is on evening shift this week and when he gets up around noon

> >he turns on CNN in the other room so as not to disturb me. I asked him

> >about these precautions when I first got the email and he said he hadn't

> >heard that .. but he hadn't turned on CNN yet today. Shortly after I

> >emailed my previous reply, he yelled from the other room that he had just

> >heard it on CNN. Apparently the confusion on my part was that these

> >precautions were NOT part of the orange alert, but additional precautions

> >that were suggested. Thanks to all for the links sent.

> >

> >On a slightly different note, for those of you who are older like me, and

> >who had a smallpox vaccine (actually it was cowpox as I recall), does

> >having had that vaccine make you feel a little more comfortable, or maybe

> >I should say less worried, if the terrorists released smallpox in this

> >country? I seem to remember hearing a news story as to whether or not

> >those of us who had the vaccine back then would be protected now or not,

> >but off the top of my head I can't remember whether we'd be protected or

> not.

> >

> >Gosh, now I really feel old. Does anyone else remember getting those

> >sugar cubes of polio vaccine that were distributed at school when the

> >polio vaccine first came out? I particularly remember there was a boy in

> >my brother's high school graduating class (1966) who had contracted polio,

> >so the vaccine was too late for him. Sheesh.. I'm going back to work

> >now.. I feel soooo ancient. :/

> >

> >Jan

> >jantranscribes@...

> > " Typing is my life. "

> > " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

> >

> > Re: Possible terror threats -- OT poll

> >

> >

> > I watch CNN a lot during the day, if cartoons or Nick Jr. isn't on! It

> > seems like every time they have a piece about Al Qaeda, et al, they

> > mention these precautions.

> >

> > Anyway, I found this on the CNN website (www.cnn.com). The specific

> > link is

> >






> > and it also covers the different threat levels. Granted, this particular

> > article is from a couple of days ago...

> >

> > They have been saying that the plastic sheeting and tape is for any

> > possible germ or chemical warfare attacks. Like Jan says, it ain't gonna

> > help much in the long run! Shoot, we have plastic sheeting on our

> > windows now and that's just to keep our heating costs down! :-)

> >

> >


> > Have on hand three days' worth of water and food, an emergency

> > supply kit for both home and automobile, radios with extra batteries, and

> > plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors

> > Make a plan for contacting family members in an emergency

> > Learn about different types of attacks so you will know what to

> > do in an emergency

> > Do not cancel events or travel plans

> > Be especially aware of your surroundings and the events happening

> > around you

> >

> > Source: Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and U.S. Fire

> > Administrator ison

> >

> >

> >

> >

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