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Re: Need to pick brains on my med tweaking - only for the brave - and it's LLOONNGG!!! hehehehe

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Topper, Armour was on one of those lists I saw, probably over a yr or so ago. The problem is that, once you make it to the doc's office, he/she will probably change it to guess what.

Re: Need to pick brains on my med tweaking - only for the brave - and it's LLOONNGG!!! hehehehe

I can relate to that... after a heat wave, the cooler air starts to sink in and your body just rreellaaxxeess and you want to curl up and sleep!!!!

For the financially challenge... crippled?? it's not the cost of the drugs.. its the cost of the docs... The last time I tried to see a doc and pay out of pocket I was given an estimate of $1,000 plus labs and office visits as we adjust the dose after the initial visit. Not one doc's office I called said that they would just do labs and prescribe.. they ALL said that I needed a full physical and a butt load of stuff BEFORE they would do a blood draw for thyroid.

Considering the experiences of MANY of us here... what does this sound like to you? To me it sounds as though the KA-CHING alarm went off in their brains and they decided they could soak me for the max because I need the meds.

None of the organizations or companies that offer medication at free or reduced cost to those in need will dispense it without a current prescription... and if I could afford the doc and labs I wouldn't need them to send me a free bottle of Synthroid... oh yeah... I spot check these deals every once in a while... none of them offer natural thyroid.. it's all Synthroid.

Topper ()

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Yep! I'm just now reading this older mail, but yep, , I'm SURE you're right. Meno. Everyone presents differently, even age wise. My progesterone loss started way way back at approximately age 23 to 30, with all the really indepth stuff starting at around 32 or so, culminating in a hyst that I never should had to have had, if I'd known then what I know now. It would have been my OWN progesterone treatment, not the artificial stuff she gave me that was so much more dangerous. I would probably not have had this "sunken" bladder either, and, who knows, MAYBE (and I use that term loosely now) not even low thyroid or Hashi's. One of these things is INFAMOUS for spinning off of another one.

Re: Need to pick brains on my med tweaking - only for the brave - and it's LLOONNGG!!! hehehehe

Bringing up the lag time... it would suggest that this fatigue is my body reacting to the drop in dose 24 days ago.... (2 sets of pill box fills) That can fit too...

TTTTOOOOO darn many variables in this... and some of it because I was stupid... goofing up on setting up my pill boxes (I have a fail safe on my master dosing list now so that I don't make the same mistake again)

I don't have any books.. I do my research online.. facts change too quickly... internet is more current.. and follow everyone in the group keeps me even more current with how REAL people are reacting.

The creme and ovulation. Back on the days when I paid attention to ovulation... basal temps and everything else I could do to make sure that I reduced my risks of pregnancy. I found that I popped pretty consistently on day 14.. that was pre RAI.

Now.. bringing up the subject of cycles.... My periods lately have been closer together... closer to 22 days then 28.... I having been keeping accurate track I should, at 47 I need to watch this stuff to be more aware of full blown meno..

I'm spot checking morning temps now.. not doing consistently every day... getting lazy.. been doing this for three years now... so just spot check to see if I'm acceptable.

The last day I took the creme was Friday morning... so five days.... That puts me at 31 days since my last period started...

This is looking more like my cycle is goofed up...doesn't it?

Toooo many variables.... I'm gonna be making notes too!!! hehehehehe

What are the chances of having three or four periods closer together than normal and then just stopping cold turkey?

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You actually saw Armour on one of the lists? Cool.... But it still doesn't make up for the fact that only the med is free and the major expense is the doc and the labs...... if you can't do those two, no meds... and if we of no insurance could afford them we could probably swing the extra, what? 12 or 15 bucks for a bottle of meds?

No.... I'm not bitter... not me, nope....

You know I won't go back to synthetic only... I'm having enough trouble with 1/6th of my daily intake being synthetic....

Topper ()

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:32:22 -0500 " " writes:

Topper, Armour was on one of those lists I saw, probably over a yr or so ago. The problem is that, once you make it to the doc's office, he/she will probably change it to guess what.

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You actually saw Armour on one of the lists? Cool.... But it still doesn't make up for the fact that only the med is free and the major expense is the doc and the labs...... if you can't do those two, no meds... and if we of no insurance could afford them we could probably swing the extra, what? 12 or 15 bucks for a bottle of meds?

No.... I'm not bitter... not me, nope....

You know I won't go back to synthetic only... I'm having enough trouble with 1/6th of my daily intake being synthetic....

Topper ()

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:32:22 -0500 " " writes:

Topper, Armour was on one of those lists I saw, probably over a yr or so ago. The problem is that, once you make it to the doc's office, he/she will probably change it to guess what.

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You actually saw Armour on one of the lists? Cool.... But it still doesn't make up for the fact that only the med is free and the major expense is the doc and the labs...... if you can't do those two, no meds... and if we of no insurance could afford them we could probably swing the extra, what? 12 or 15 bucks for a bottle of meds?

No.... I'm not bitter... not me, nope....

You know I won't go back to synthetic only... I'm having enough trouble with 1/6th of my daily intake being synthetic....

Topper ()

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:32:22 -0500 " " writes:

Topper, Armour was on one of those lists I saw, probably over a yr or so ago. The problem is that, once you make it to the doc's office, he/she will probably change it to guess what.

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