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Re: Continuing problems: aspartame

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I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:02:21 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


> Hi Terry,

> Now that you have made me totally hungry... ;-) Do you use fresh lemon in

> your drinking water?

Yes, I often do that--I have 3 lemon trees, 2 Meyers and a Eureka.

I have been doing so for about 18 months now and I

> love it. It refreshes my mouth, and it helps a lot with my digestion. I do

> not drink soda of any kind except when I am really sick to my stomach, then

> some warm pepsi, but very little, just enough to settle it down. (Like the

> old coke syrup our mothers used, especially if you heat it to remove the

> bubbles.)


I don't like sweet drinks, so never particularly enjoyed soda. I do like

bubbly water sometimes. Try grating an inch of fresh ginger root, putting

the gratings in a tea towel and squeezing the juice into a glass. Fill with

water or bubbly water and you have homemade " gingerale " --minus the sugar--a

great stomach settler. My mom used to give me gingerale to settle my

stomach, so that's what I like. Peppermint tea (or chamomile which I hate)

also works for stomach settling.

> You made me laugh with >>>do you remember ants on a log from your childhood?

> Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins? Just use good peanut butter

> (the name brands all have hydrogenated shortening and lots of sugar

> added).<<<


> I still eat celery with peanut butter on it! But not the raisins, haven't

> been able to eat raisins since I was about 9/10 and my brother told me they

> were rabbit turds and held them up together. Just can't get them into my

> mouth LOL. I also eat peanut butter and bananas :)


>>>> If you want a protein snack without any carbs, another retro but yummy

>>>> snack is a devilled egg. This is making me hungry...<<<


> By protein *snack* I am guessing you mean 1 or 2 little halfs huh?

I know what you mean, I could eat a few myself. But yes, I meant 1 egg.

I could

> eat a dozen eggs that have been deviled, I absolutely love them. But I do

> only eat them at Christmas times, and then in the *little* snack portion.


> Since you are sharing so much of your knowledge today, I have a question for

> you...for a week now I have been craving celery and carrots and eating them

> almost constantly, for lunch and for night time snack. I have been told that

> celery is a wasted food and doesn't add anything to your diet...is this

> true?

Check out this page for celery:

http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/suffer.faq, which came up when I

searched. I don't think it's a wasted food at all--seems to have some good

effect on blood pressure, for one. Also found its nutritional value (has vit

A, C, Calcium, Iron and potassium). I honestly think that eating vegetables

of any sort, if they are fresh, can't be bad. If nothing else, it's filling

you with something that doesn't have anything bad in it!

Also, a couple of weeks ago I heard a news story but never followed

> up on it that the powers that be say beta carotene is bad for you and

> instead of preventing some cancers is now the culprit for causing them?

> Have you heard this?

No, I haven't heard that one. So far as I know, carrots are great for you.

One page I read says that cooking them releases more of the beta carotene to

convert to Vitimin A. Here's an interesting excerpt from Nourishing

Traditions, by Sally Fallon:

.... " Vitamin A stimulates the secretion of gastric juices needed for protein

digestion, plays a vital role in the building of strong bones and rich

blood, contributes to the production of RNA and is needed for the formation

of visual purple. Sources of preformed Vitimin A (called retinol) include

butterat, liver and other organ meats, seafood and fish liver oils.

Provitimin A or carotene is also a powerful anti-oxidant. It is found in

yellow, red, orange or dark green fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids are

converted to Vitamin A in the upper intestine. Vegetarians claim that the

body's requirement for vit. A can be met with carotenes from vegetable

sources but many people***particularly infants, diabetics and individuals

with poor thyroid function***cannot make this conversion. Furthermore,

studies have shown that our bodies cannot convert carotenoids into vit. A

without the presence of fat in the diet. "

The bottom line is, I think, getting as many nutrients from the natural

foods in our diet as opposed to the supplements. Probably big beta carotene

pills would unbalance something.


> Okay, one more question here...your fault, you got me thinking about food

> now. When I get cravings I feed them. If they are salt cravings I do the

> salt (well I do use uniodized salt sense <33% less sodium>, and eat salty

> foods. After a few days this goes away. I have a theory about this, to

> throw graves into the mix on this particular craving...I know I still have

> some working thyroid and can't help but wonder if it isn't my thyroid

> craving the iodine associated with salt that is giving me the

> cravings...have been a bit hypo lately and craving salt and when I was

> really hypo for a long time I craved it all the time...okay back to

> cravings...I also don't eat sweets very often but once in a while I will get

> either chocolate cravings (around my cycle time) or cookie/danish cravings

> and I really hardly ever eat this stuff. What can you tell me you have

> learned about cravings, I have read we are to fight them, and to feed

> them...I choose to feed them. What do you say?


I am all for moderate indulgence. Makes us too crazy to get into

self-deprivation! But I try to choose my indulgences intelligently, and

combine them with plenty of exercise.

What I've found (oh, weak soul that I am!) is that if I get too strongly

into denying myself, I lose it somewhere along the day, and eat something my

better judgement tells me is really, really bad. When I was on Atkins for a

number of months, I craved bread and chocolate constantly. Decided that this

diet is bad--and that was backed up by the fact that all 15 lbs. I lost, I

regained right after I went off it. That's when I decided that intelligent

moderation was the only route I'd ever take, make sure I have plenty of

healthy food around and keep my indulgences sensible. I've steadily gained a

bit, on the ATD's, but only need to lose a total of 20 lbs. to feel

reasonably " normal " again, so I guess it's worked. I hope that I can follow

in Debbie's footsteps, and start losing after I've been off ATD's a while

(it's been almost 3 weeks now, and I'm FINE, btw).

> I really appreciate your posts on nutrition today, I have learned a lot of

> things from you. Thank you for sharing this too!

Anytime, Jody, glad to have something reasonably intelligent to contribute.






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> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



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> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:02:21 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


> Hi Terry,

> Now that you have made me totally hungry... ;-) Do you use fresh lemon in

> your drinking water?

Yes, I often do that--I have 3 lemon trees, 2 Meyers and a Eureka.

I have been doing so for about 18 months now and I

> love it. It refreshes my mouth, and it helps a lot with my digestion. I do

> not drink soda of any kind except when I am really sick to my stomach, then

> some warm pepsi, but very little, just enough to settle it down. (Like the

> old coke syrup our mothers used, especially if you heat it to remove the

> bubbles.)


I don't like sweet drinks, so never particularly enjoyed soda. I do like

bubbly water sometimes. Try grating an inch of fresh ginger root, putting

the gratings in a tea towel and squeezing the juice into a glass. Fill with

water or bubbly water and you have homemade " gingerale " --minus the sugar--a

great stomach settler. My mom used to give me gingerale to settle my

stomach, so that's what I like. Peppermint tea (or chamomile which I hate)

also works for stomach settling.

> You made me laugh with >>>do you remember ants on a log from your childhood?

> Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins? Just use good peanut butter

> (the name brands all have hydrogenated shortening and lots of sugar

> added).<<<


> I still eat celery with peanut butter on it! But not the raisins, haven't

> been able to eat raisins since I was about 9/10 and my brother told me they

> were rabbit turds and held them up together. Just can't get them into my

> mouth LOL. I also eat peanut butter and bananas :)


>>>> If you want a protein snack without any carbs, another retro but yummy

>>>> snack is a devilled egg. This is making me hungry...<<<


> By protein *snack* I am guessing you mean 1 or 2 little halfs huh?

I know what you mean, I could eat a few myself. But yes, I meant 1 egg.

I could

> eat a dozen eggs that have been deviled, I absolutely love them. But I do

> only eat them at Christmas times, and then in the *little* snack portion.


> Since you are sharing so much of your knowledge today, I have a question for

> you...for a week now I have been craving celery and carrots and eating them

> almost constantly, for lunch and for night time snack. I have been told that

> celery is a wasted food and doesn't add anything to your diet...is this

> true?

Check out this page for celery:

http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/suffer.faq, which came up when I

searched. I don't think it's a wasted food at all--seems to have some good

effect on blood pressure, for one. Also found its nutritional value (has vit

A, C, Calcium, Iron and potassium). I honestly think that eating vegetables

of any sort, if they are fresh, can't be bad. If nothing else, it's filling

you with something that doesn't have anything bad in it!

Also, a couple of weeks ago I heard a news story but never followed

> up on it that the powers that be say beta carotene is bad for you and

> instead of preventing some cancers is now the culprit for causing them?

> Have you heard this?

No, I haven't heard that one. So far as I know, carrots are great for you.

One page I read says that cooking them releases more of the beta carotene to

convert to Vitimin A. Here's an interesting excerpt from Nourishing

Traditions, by Sally Fallon:

.... " Vitamin A stimulates the secretion of gastric juices needed for protein

digestion, plays a vital role in the building of strong bones and rich

blood, contributes to the production of RNA and is needed for the formation

of visual purple. Sources of preformed Vitimin A (called retinol) include

butterat, liver and other organ meats, seafood and fish liver oils.

Provitimin A or carotene is also a powerful anti-oxidant. It is found in

yellow, red, orange or dark green fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids are

converted to Vitamin A in the upper intestine. Vegetarians claim that the

body's requirement for vit. A can be met with carotenes from vegetable

sources but many people***particularly infants, diabetics and individuals

with poor thyroid function***cannot make this conversion. Furthermore,

studies have shown that our bodies cannot convert carotenoids into vit. A

without the presence of fat in the diet. "

The bottom line is, I think, getting as many nutrients from the natural

foods in our diet as opposed to the supplements. Probably big beta carotene

pills would unbalance something.


> Okay, one more question here...your fault, you got me thinking about food

> now. When I get cravings I feed them. If they are salt cravings I do the

> salt (well I do use uniodized salt sense <33% less sodium>, and eat salty

> foods. After a few days this goes away. I have a theory about this, to

> throw graves into the mix on this particular craving...I know I still have

> some working thyroid and can't help but wonder if it isn't my thyroid

> craving the iodine associated with salt that is giving me the

> cravings...have been a bit hypo lately and craving salt and when I was

> really hypo for a long time I craved it all the time...okay back to

> cravings...I also don't eat sweets very often but once in a while I will get

> either chocolate cravings (around my cycle time) or cookie/danish cravings

> and I really hardly ever eat this stuff. What can you tell me you have

> learned about cravings, I have read we are to fight them, and to feed

> them...I choose to feed them. What do you say?


I am all for moderate indulgence. Makes us too crazy to get into

self-deprivation! But I try to choose my indulgences intelligently, and

combine them with plenty of exercise.

What I've found (oh, weak soul that I am!) is that if I get too strongly

into denying myself, I lose it somewhere along the day, and eat something my

better judgement tells me is really, really bad. When I was on Atkins for a

number of months, I craved bread and chocolate constantly. Decided that this

diet is bad--and that was backed up by the fact that all 15 lbs. I lost, I

regained right after I went off it. That's when I decided that intelligent

moderation was the only route I'd ever take, make sure I have plenty of

healthy food around and keep my indulgences sensible. I've steadily gained a

bit, on the ATD's, but only need to lose a total of 20 lbs. to feel

reasonably " normal " again, so I guess it's worked. I hope that I can follow

in Debbie's footsteps, and start losing after I've been off ATD's a while

(it's been almost 3 weeks now, and I'm FINE, btw).

> I really appreciate your posts on nutrition today, I have learned a lot of

> things from you. Thank you for sharing this too!

Anytime, Jody, glad to have something reasonably intelligent to contribute.






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> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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Around here there's a brand called that is really nice, just peanuts

and a bit of salt. But I doubt the minor brands are nationwide, and we're

about on the opposite ends of the country. Also here, a lot of stores make

their own as well. Best advice is read the label.



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:03:47 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


> Terry,

> I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

> making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

> really like to know.

> Thanks again,

> Jody




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> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.




> -------------------------------------

> The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

> intended to replace expert medical care.

> Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.

> ----------------------------------------



> Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the endorsement

> of

> the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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On peanut butter, both Stuckers and Teddie offer 100% peanut peanut-butter both

with or without salt. Most others replace some of the peanut oil with

hydrogenated cottonseed, rapeseed or whatever oils and throw in a sweetener. The

only thing saving us is the government specifies Peanut Butter must contain 90%


Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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On peanut butter, both Stuckers and Teddie offer 100% peanut peanut-butter both

with or without salt. Most others replace some of the peanut oil with

hydrogenated cottonseed, rapeseed or whatever oils and throw in a sweetener. The

only thing saving us is the government specifies Peanut Butter must contain 90%


Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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On peanut butter, both Stuckers and Teddie offer 100% peanut peanut-butter both

with or without salt. Most others replace some of the peanut oil with

hydrogenated cottonseed, rapeseed or whatever oils and throw in a sweetener. The

only thing saving us is the government specifies Peanut Butter must contain 90%


Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


I forgot to ask you for your recommendation on a good peanut butter besides

making ones own. I am a Jiff junky <hanging head in shame now>. Would

really like to know.

Thanks again,



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Thanks again. I should just go buy another food processor and make my own

again, it is really easy, just messy to clean up. My favorite is cashew

butter. I will give it some thought, in the meantime I will look for a

natural one.



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Thanks again. I should just go buy another food processor and make my own

again, it is really easy, just messy to clean up. My favorite is cashew

butter. I will give it some thought, in the meantime I will look for a

natural one.



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Thank you. I will look for the smuckers in the meantime.

How are you doing? How are your labs coming out and how are you feeling




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Thank you. I will look for the smuckers in the meantime.

How are you doing? How are your labs coming out and how are you feeling




Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.


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> Jody,


> Around here there's a brand called that is really nice, just peanuts

> and a bit of salt. But I doubt the minor brands are nationwide, and we're

> about on the opposite ends of the country. Also here, a lot of stores make

> their own as well. Best advice is read the label.


> Terry

I give a hearty endorsement to peanut butter, it is the only kind we buy

now. You can

get it either prestirred or unstirred.


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> Jody,


> Around here there's a brand called that is really nice, just peanuts

> and a bit of salt. But I doubt the minor brands are nationwide, and we're

> about on the opposite ends of the country. Also here, a lot of stores make

> their own as well. Best advice is read the label.


> Terry

I give a hearty endorsement to peanut butter, it is the only kind we buy

now. You can

get it either prestirred or unstirred.


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> Jody,


> Around here there's a brand called that is really nice, just peanuts

> and a bit of salt. But I doubt the minor brands are nationwide, and we're

> about on the opposite ends of the country. Also here, a lot of stores make

> their own as well. Best advice is read the label.


> Terry

I give a hearty endorsement to peanut butter, it is the only kind we buy

now. You can

get it either prestirred or unstirred.


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I doubt if anyone around here will sell it. We are about a half a century

behind the rest of the healthier culture out there. Alternatives in

medicine are a huge no no here...though we did just get an acupuncturist and

chinese herbal specialist. We had one about 4 years ago, but he moved on.

I will look for the though...maybe I can buy it online?



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I doubt if anyone around here will sell it. We are about a half a century

behind the rest of the healthier culture out there. Alternatives in

medicine are a huge no no here...though we did just get an acupuncturist and

chinese herbal specialist. We had one about 4 years ago, but he moved on.

I will look for the though...maybe I can buy it online?



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Oh Jody, your post on cravings really hits home! Interesting, do you notice

that you get salt cravings typically when you are hypo? I'm curious because

I used to like to eat chips and popcorn, not in excess, but I did enjoy them

frequently. Shortly before being diagnosed, I noticed that I just didn't

have the taste for chips and popcorn any more. If I do have them now, I'll

only have a couple and I'm done. It's like the body doesn't want them any

more. Which is probably smart of it, since I'm more towards the hyper rather

than hypo end of the scale. It just seems weird that the body can do that!

Has anyone had a similar experience while hyper?

As for the chocolate and sweets...a resounding yes on cravings at that " time

of the month " . I won't have had any for a week or so and then all of a

sudden I must have chocolate and carb things and almost live on them for a

couple of days! I have read that taking chromium will reduce the chocolate

cravings, but I haven't tried it myself, because frankly, I rather enjoy the

chocolate cravings! And I just got a big box of Malley's chocolates (are you

familiar with them Debbie? :-) ) for Christmas and am savoring the


I must confess Jody, I prefer to give in to the cravings, too, rather than

fight it! I'm weak, I admit!

Re: Continuing problems: aspartame

>Hi Terry,

>Now that you have made me totally hungry... ;-) Do you use fresh lemon in

>your drinking water? I have been doing so for about 18 months now and I

>love it. It refreshes my mouth, and it helps a lot with my digestion. I


>not drink soda of any kind except when I am really sick to my stomach, then

>some warm pepsi, but very little, just enough to settle it down. (Like the

>old coke syrup our mothers used, especially if you heat it to remove the



>You made me laugh with >>>do you remember ants on a log from your


> Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins? Just use good peanut butter

>(the name brands all have hydrogenated shortening and lots of sugar



>I still eat celery with peanut butter on it! But not the raisins, haven't

>been able to eat raisins since I was about 9/10 and my brother told me they

>were rabbit turds and held them up together. Just can't get them into my

>mouth LOL. I also eat peanut butter and bananas :)


>>>>If you want a protein snack without any carbs, another retro but yummy

>>>>snack is a devilled egg. This is making me hungry...<<<


>By protein *snack* I am guessing you mean 1 or 2 little halfs huh? I could

>eat a dozen eggs that have been deviled, I absolutely love them. But I do

>only eat them at Christmas times, and then in the *little* snack portion.


>Since you are sharing so much of your knowledge today, I have a question


>you...for a week now I have been craving celery and carrots and eating them

>almost constantly, for lunch and for night time snack. I have been told


>celery is a wasted food and doesn't add anything to your diet...is this

>true? Also, a couple of weeks ago I heard a news story but never followed

>up on it that the powers that be say beta carotene is bad for you and

>instead of preventing some cancers is now the culprit for causing them?

>Have you heard this?


>Okay, one more question here...your fault, you got me thinking about food

>now. When I get cravings I feed them. If they are salt cravings I do the

>salt (well I do use uniodized salt sense <33% less sodium>, and eat salty

>foods. After a few days this goes away. I have a theory about this, to

>throw graves into the mix on this particular craving...I know I still have

>some working thyroid and can't help but wonder if it isn't my thyroid

>craving the iodine associated with salt that is giving me the

>cravings...have been a bit hypo lately and craving salt and when I was

>really hypo for a long time I craved it all the time...okay back to

>cravings...I also don't eat sweets very often but once in a while I will


>either chocolate cravings (around my cycle time) or cookie/danish cravings

>and I really hardly ever eat this stuff. What can you tell me you have

>learned about cravings, I have read we are to fight them, and to feed

>them...I choose to feed them. What do you say?


>I really appreciate your posts on nutrition today, I have learned a lot of

>things from you. Thank you for sharing this too!






>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.





>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

>Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.




>Advertisments placed on this yahoo groups list does not have the

endorsement of

>the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.





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Oh Jody, your post on cravings really hits home! Interesting, do you notice

that you get salt cravings typically when you are hypo? I'm curious because

I used to like to eat chips and popcorn, not in excess, but I did enjoy them

frequently. Shortly before being diagnosed, I noticed that I just didn't

have the taste for chips and popcorn any more. If I do have them now, I'll

only have a couple and I'm done. It's like the body doesn't want them any

more. Which is probably smart of it, since I'm more towards the hyper rather

than hypo end of the scale. It just seems weird that the body can do that!

Has anyone had a similar experience while hyper?

As for the chocolate and sweets...a resounding yes on cravings at that " time

of the month " . I won't have had any for a week or so and then all of a

sudden I must have chocolate and carb things and almost live on them for a

couple of days! I have read that taking chromium will reduce the chocolate

cravings, but I haven't tried it myself, because frankly, I rather enjoy the

chocolate cravings! And I just got a big box of Malley's chocolates (are you

familiar with them Debbie? :-) ) for Christmas and am savoring the


I must confess Jody, I prefer to give in to the cravings, too, rather than

fight it! I'm weak, I admit!

Re: Continuing problems: aspartame

>Hi Terry,

>Now that you have made me totally hungry... ;-) Do you use fresh lemon in

>your drinking water? I have been doing so for about 18 months now and I

>love it. It refreshes my mouth, and it helps a lot with my digestion. I


>not drink soda of any kind except when I am really sick to my stomach, then

>some warm pepsi, but very little, just enough to settle it down. (Like the

>old coke syrup our mothers used, especially if you heat it to remove the



>You made me laugh with >>>do you remember ants on a log from your


> Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins? Just use good peanut butter

>(the name brands all have hydrogenated shortening and lots of sugar



>I still eat celery with peanut butter on it! But not the raisins, haven't

>been able to eat raisins since I was about 9/10 and my brother told me they

>were rabbit turds and held them up together. Just can't get them into my

>mouth LOL. I also eat peanut butter and bananas :)


>>>>If you want a protein snack without any carbs, another retro but yummy

>>>>snack is a devilled egg. This is making me hungry...<<<


>By protein *snack* I am guessing you mean 1 or 2 little halfs huh? I could

>eat a dozen eggs that have been deviled, I absolutely love them. But I do

>only eat them at Christmas times, and then in the *little* snack portion.


>Since you are sharing so much of your knowledge today, I have a question


>you...for a week now I have been craving celery and carrots and eating them

>almost constantly, for lunch and for night time snack. I have been told


>celery is a wasted food and doesn't add anything to your diet...is this

>true? Also, a couple of weeks ago I heard a news story but never followed

>up on it that the powers that be say beta carotene is bad for you and

>instead of preventing some cancers is now the culprit for causing them?

>Have you heard this?


>Okay, one more question here...your fault, you got me thinking about food

>now. When I get cravings I feed them. If they are salt cravings I do the

>salt (well I do use uniodized salt sense <33% less sodium>, and eat salty

>foods. After a few days this goes away. I have a theory about this, to

>throw graves into the mix on this particular craving...I know I still have

>some working thyroid and can't help but wonder if it isn't my thyroid

>craving the iodine associated with salt that is giving me the

>cravings...have been a bit hypo lately and craving salt and when I was

>really hypo for a long time I craved it all the time...okay back to

>cravings...I also don't eat sweets very often but once in a while I will


>either chocolate cravings (around my cycle time) or cookie/danish cravings

>and I really hardly ever eat this stuff. What can you tell me you have

>learned about cravings, I have read we are to fight them, and to feed

>them...I choose to feed them. What do you say?


>I really appreciate your posts on nutrition today, I have learned a lot of

>things from you. Thank you for sharing this too!






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>The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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Holy Smoly Terry,

you said:

as is the diet this

place advocated (rice and fruit!) for producing weight


I am properly shocked ! Isn't that just sugar ? I have always wondered about

rice, as it

tastes so sweet ?

Thank you so much for your posts today. I have been discouraged and out of

ideas of what

to eat also, so I will be making my list of that wonderful post of yours. Yes, I

am eating

ants on a log right now, 'cept without the ants , LOL, they don't seem to be

where I

remember leaving them. And the eggs are boiling as we speak. Yes, you made all

of us


I had forgotten about the calcium in other sources...hummm, gave up milk on this


health kick of mine, and this may explain my sudden love of broccoli. Used to

only eat it

as medicine...Know I should, so force it down. What's in brussel sprouts? I have


making meals of them, and again, in the past couldn't even force them down. Yes,

I give in

to my cravings.... but often don't know what the reason was till later.

Same question about yams....can't get enough...very strange for me.

I have come to the conclusion, that my fetish for chocolate, while I was really

hyper was

for the copper, after reading iThyroid and starting on copper, I have no desire


chocolate. Very strange ! It just kind of all happened, and real fast, and then

I looked

back, and have come to this conclusion...don't know for sure.

And your info on carrots....sheesh ! I have been cooking them for my parrots, as

a parrot

nutrition class that I went to stressed this. They said raw ones do birds no

good. But I

have been eating them raw while I cook them for the birds. LOL

Wow, three weeks ! So that gut instinct about not wanting to put the pill in

your mouth

was right !

Congratulations. :-)

My gut instinct is telling me to reduce by another 1/4 pill, and I am trying

right now,

without labs. Yikes....This is a first for me. But so far I have been right

every time, so

I shall do this a few weeks and then go. Like getting a two for one price the

way I see it

now. As opposed to the old 'fear', what if I'm wrong, oh poor me, I will suffer

so. hehehe

-Pam- who is so jealous of your lemon trees. We have to bring then inside and


scale...gave up.

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Holy Smoly Terry,

you said:

as is the diet this

place advocated (rice and fruit!) for producing weight


I am properly shocked ! Isn't that just sugar ? I have always wondered about

rice, as it

tastes so sweet ?

Thank you so much for your posts today. I have been discouraged and out of

ideas of what

to eat also, so I will be making my list of that wonderful post of yours. Yes, I

am eating

ants on a log right now, 'cept without the ants , LOL, they don't seem to be

where I

remember leaving them. And the eggs are boiling as we speak. Yes, you made all

of us


I had forgotten about the calcium in other sources...hummm, gave up milk on this


health kick of mine, and this may explain my sudden love of broccoli. Used to

only eat it

as medicine...Know I should, so force it down. What's in brussel sprouts? I have


making meals of them, and again, in the past couldn't even force them down. Yes,

I give in

to my cravings.... but often don't know what the reason was till later.

Same question about yams....can't get enough...very strange for me.

I have come to the conclusion, that my fetish for chocolate, while I was really

hyper was

for the copper, after reading iThyroid and starting on copper, I have no desire


chocolate. Very strange ! It just kind of all happened, and real fast, and then

I looked

back, and have come to this conclusion...don't know for sure.

And your info on carrots....sheesh ! I have been cooking them for my parrots, as

a parrot

nutrition class that I went to stressed this. They said raw ones do birds no

good. But I

have been eating them raw while I cook them for the birds. LOL

Wow, three weeks ! So that gut instinct about not wanting to put the pill in

your mouth

was right !

Congratulations. :-)

My gut instinct is telling me to reduce by another 1/4 pill, and I am trying

right now,

without labs. Yikes....This is a first for me. But so far I have been right

every time, so

I shall do this a few weeks and then go. Like getting a two for one price the

way I see it

now. As opposed to the old 'fear', what if I'm wrong, oh poor me, I will suffer

so. hehehe

-Pam- who is so jealous of your lemon trees. We have to bring then inside and


scale...gave up.

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I am thrilled you have an acupuncturist and herbalist there! Hopefully you

can take advantage. Start with the back pain (I think you have that).



> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 22:59:53 -0500

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Re: Continuing problems: aspartame


> Hi

> I doubt if anyone around here will sell it. We are about a half a century

> behind the rest of the healthier culture out there. Alternatives in

> medicine are a huge no no here...though we did just get an acupuncturist and

> chinese herbal specialist. We had one about 4 years ago, but he moved on.


> I will look for the though...maybe I can buy it online?

> Jody




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