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RE: accident venting

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You know, guys, the universe finds a way to take care of us. This was

supposed to be a helluva week. We had the dentist an hour away yesterday --

that went well. Then the speech testing today. I was supposed to be at the

capitol all day tomorrow and to a staff meeting several hours away on

Thursday. Last week was busy too that when it was all added together I

would have been running 7 out of 9 days.

So... if I would have listened to the signs this morning -- major snow

storm, getting stuck in the driveway, and I think I forgot to tell you I

puked when waking DJ to unstuck us (figured it was just tired hungry tummy)

-- those were pretty strong hints that staying home was a good idea. But...

no... I went anyway...

So now the day at the capitol is cancelled -- legislators are taking

tomorrow off. And Thursday had already been rescheduled to ease my week.

Now I have nothing the rest of the week except get ready for taxes, get my

head back on straight, talk to insurance, etc. Crazy.

Michele W

mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ

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glad you are ok--stinks that it happened don't know about the trade in

thing. good luck with it all and hugs to you and the little girlie.


accident venting

>I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled

> today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.

> Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do

> that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.

> Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on

> our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it

> back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could

> see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge

> jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at

> least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have

> been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big

> man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van

> cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why

> there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.

> That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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glad you are ok--stinks that it happened don't know about the trade in

thing. good luck with it all and hugs to you and the little girlie.


accident venting

>I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled

> today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.

> Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do

> that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.

> Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on

> our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it

> back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could

> see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge

> jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at

> least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have

> been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big

> man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van

> cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why

> there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.

> That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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glad you are ok--stinks that it happened don't know about the trade in

thing. good luck with it all and hugs to you and the little girlie.


accident venting

>I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled

> today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.

> Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do

> that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.

> Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on

> our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it

> back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could

> see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge

> jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at

> least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have

> been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big

> man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van

> cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why

> there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.

> That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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michele what a crappy day, i can just imagine your frustration, im glad you

guys are ok, and i got your card the other day, thank you very much very

sweet of you

" big hugs "



> Michele,


> I am so glad that you and Aubrie are OK. That must have been terrifying.

> Tell your husband you love him. That's it. Every time he gets irritated

> you can

> say, thanks for showing you care enough to get so irritated, I love you

> too.

> Don't say it sarcastically, like I just might, and it could cool his

> engines!



> I am also thinking here that maybe it was a blessing that you got into

> that

> small accident. Imagine if it were that bad so close to home it could

> have

> been worse one as you went north.


> Someone's watching over the two of you.


> I love your calgon statement. One of the reasons we bought THIS condo is

> that it has a Jacuzzi tub in the upstairs bathroom. Now I don't only take

> a bath

> I turn on the Jacuzzi (it's an older one but who cares). Plus there's an

> opening into my bedroom where I can see the TV. I grab a glass of soda, a

> good

> book and the channel changer. Add to that I can't hear anyone with all

> the

> noise so I am in heaven. Couldn't be better!


> Here's to thanking that you are all in one piece. You'll figure out the

> other

> stuff later.




> Bonnie, Mom to Kris 23, Patty CHARGE 21 and wife to




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michele what a crappy day, i can just imagine your frustration, im glad you

guys are ok, and i got your card the other day, thank you very much very

sweet of you

" big hugs "



> Michele,


> I am so glad that you and Aubrie are OK. That must have been terrifying.

> Tell your husband you love him. That's it. Every time he gets irritated

> you can

> say, thanks for showing you care enough to get so irritated, I love you

> too.

> Don't say it sarcastically, like I just might, and it could cool his

> engines!



> I am also thinking here that maybe it was a blessing that you got into

> that

> small accident. Imagine if it were that bad so close to home it could

> have

> been worse one as you went north.


> Someone's watching over the two of you.


> I love your calgon statement. One of the reasons we bought THIS condo is

> that it has a Jacuzzi tub in the upstairs bathroom. Now I don't only take

> a bath

> I turn on the Jacuzzi (it's an older one but who cares). Plus there's an

> opening into my bedroom where I can see the TV. I grab a glass of soda, a

> good

> book and the channel changer. Add to that I can't hear anyone with all

> the

> noise so I am in heaven. Couldn't be better!


> Here's to thanking that you are all in one piece. You'll figure out the

> other

> stuff later.




> Bonnie, Mom to Kris 23, Patty CHARGE 21 and wife to




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Thanks for the recommendations for dealing with a crabby hubby when I am

crabby too. He seems much calmer and nicer now. I hope the moment has

passed. We've been doing so well that it sort of freaked me out to feel

that he'd de-evolved!

Michele W

mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ

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I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

a result of being home.


> I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed. Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out. Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech. That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

a result of being home.


> I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed. Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out. Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech. That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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Guest guest


I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

a result of being home.


> I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+ hours

> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled today -

> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed. Worst

> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do that.

> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out. Aubrie

> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on our

> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it back,

> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could see

> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge jolt -

> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at least

> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have been

> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big man

> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van cuz

> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why there's

> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech. That's

> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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Thanks, Kim. The blessings: This evening DJ, Aubrie, and I walked to vote

and had a nice stroll thru all the snow. She loved climbing the big

mountains that had been plowed up. We haven't had snow like that since

she's been old enough to pay attention. Seeing her climb up there to be

king of the mountain was so cool! Of course, we were right there to help

her up and be sure she didn't tumble down.

Funniest moment was when she was trying to walk thru the snow to get in for

dinner. She was walking thru an untravelled area of snow that was up to her

knees. After 2 steps, she'd lose her balance and fall forward. Then her

hands would go into the snow. She'd try to get her bearings with her hand

on the crust of the snow when, boom, down it would crash into the depths.

When she finally got herself up, she'd get in 2 more steps before falling.

Keeping her balance in that snow was quite a challenge, but she had a great

time and played quite long on her own (with DJ or out there too).

What a funny lil' snow bunny!

Michele W

mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ

Re: accident venting


I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

a result of being home.


> I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+


> away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled today


> etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.


> of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier than

> planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in the

> Midwest, right?




> After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten Aubrie's

> buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do


> I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end of

> the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.


> is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on


> way.




> Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it


> and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could


> it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge jolt


> just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier stopped

> and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at


> 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.




> Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience than

> anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have


> going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big


> stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van


> there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the month. How

> does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why


> a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and the

> one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on our

> last trade-in.




> Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we should've

> just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.


> not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a decision

> and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.




> Calgon. take me away.




> Michele W


> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ







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at least ur still hear wed miss u i soemthing happend


> Thanks, Kim. The blessings: This evening DJ, Aubrie, and I walked to

> vote

> and had a nice stroll thru all the snow. She loved climbing the big

> mountains that had been plowed up. We haven't had snow like that since

> she's been old enough to pay attention. Seeing her climb up there to be

> king of the mountain was so cool! Of course, we were right there to help

> her up and be sure she didn't tumble down.


> Funniest moment was when she was trying to walk thru the snow to get in

> for

> dinner. She was walking thru an untravelled area of snow that was up to

> her

> knees. After 2 steps, she'd lose her balance and fall forward. Then her

> hands would go into the snow. She'd try to get her bearings with her hand

> on the crust of the snow when, boom, down it would crash into the depths.

> When she finally got herself up, she'd get in 2 more steps before falling.

> Keeping her balance in that snow was quite a challenge, but she had a

> great

> time and played quite long on her own (with DJ or out there too).


> What a funny lil' snow bunny!


> Michele W

> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ



> Re: accident venting


> Michele,


> I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

> and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

> a result of being home.


> Kim



> > I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+

> hours

> > away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled

> today

> -

> > etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.

> Worst

> > of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier

> than

> > planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in

> the

> > Midwest, right?

> >

> >

> >

> > After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten

> Aubrie's

> > buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do

> that.

> > I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end

> of

> > the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.

> Aubrie

> > is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on

> our

> > way.

> >

> >

> >

> > Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it

> back,

> > and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could

> see

> > it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge

> jolt

> -

> > just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> > reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier

> stopped

> > and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at

> least

> > 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.

> >

> >

> >

> > Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> > coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience

> than

> > anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have

> been

> > going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big

> man

> > stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van

> cuz

> > there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the

> month. How

> > does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> > repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> > having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why

> there's

> > a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and

> the

> > one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> > I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> > payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on

> our

> > last trade-in.

> >

> >

> >

> > Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we

> should've

> > just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> > going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.

> That's

> > not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> > need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> > recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a

> decision

> > and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.

> >

> >

> >

> > Calgon. take me away.

> >

> >

> >

> > Michele W

> >

> > mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

at least ur still hear wed miss u i soemthing happend


> Thanks, Kim. The blessings: This evening DJ, Aubrie, and I walked to

> vote

> and had a nice stroll thru all the snow. She loved climbing the big

> mountains that had been plowed up. We haven't had snow like that since

> she's been old enough to pay attention. Seeing her climb up there to be

> king of the mountain was so cool! Of course, we were right there to help

> her up and be sure she didn't tumble down.


> Funniest moment was when she was trying to walk thru the snow to get in

> for

> dinner. She was walking thru an untravelled area of snow that was up to

> her

> knees. After 2 steps, she'd lose her balance and fall forward. Then her

> hands would go into the snow. She'd try to get her bearings with her hand

> on the crust of the snow when, boom, down it would crash into the depths.

> When she finally got herself up, she'd get in 2 more steps before falling.

> Keeping her balance in that snow was quite a challenge, but she had a

> great

> time and played quite long on her own (with DJ or out there too).


> What a funny lil' snow bunny!


> Michele W

> mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ



> Re: accident venting


> Michele,


> I am sorry you had such an awful day, am glad that you are both okay,

> and hope that some wonderful little blessings popped into your day as

> a result of being home.


> Kim



> > I need to scream. Aubrie had speech testing in St Louis this am ( 2+

> hours

> > away). We had a winter storm warning last night - school cancelled

> today

> -

> > etc. So. I get up at 4:30 am. Snow has stopped. Roads are plowed.

> Worst

> > of it is north of us, south of us roads are clean. We leave earlier

> than

> > planned to allow for slow driving. What's some snow when you live in

> the

> > Midwest, right?

> >

> >

> >

> > After pulling out of the garage, I stopped in the drive to fasten

> Aubrie's

> > buckle. Sometimes she can do it herself so I give her a chance to do

> that.

> > I didn't have enough momentum to get over the snowplow piles at the end

> of

> > the driveway so we got stuck and I had to get DJ to come dig us out.

> Aubrie

> > is very upset, of course, by this problem. But we get out and we're on

> our

> > way.

> >

> >

> >

> > Within 5 minutes, I go around a curve, lose control, just can't get it

> back,

> > and we hit a guard rail - sort of a slow motion kind of thing. I could

> see

> > it coming and just couldn't stop it. No airbag or anything. No huge

> jolt

> -

> > just a crash. Of course, this little bit of area has no cell phone

> > reception for me. Luckily, someone else with another cell carrier

> stopped

> > and we got help called. While we were waiting to be towed, we saw at

> least

> > 3 other vehicles swerve around that corner.

> >

> >

> >

> > Van is out of commission for the time being. We have good insurance

> > coverage, rental reimbursement, etc so it's more of an inconvenience

> than

> > anything. But of course, DJ thinks it's all my fault that I must have

> been

> > going too fast or am just a terrible driver or whatever. You know. big

> man

> > stuff. To top it off, we've been working with a dealer to trade the van

> cuz

> > there are good incentives (0% and all) through the end of the

> month. How

> > does that work? Will they still give me my full trade when it's all

> > repaired? We were going to shop the dealer together on Sat cuz we are

> > having issues in agreeing on what to get. DJ doesn't understand why

> there's

> > a $10K difference from the base models they advertise in the paper and

> the

> > one with all the features that I want. Hmmm. go figure. At this point,

> > I'll just keep mine and nevermind. But it was actually gonna reduce our

> > payments to trade - long story having to do with being upside-down on

> our

> > last trade-in.

> >

> >

> >

> > Now Aubrie's speech testing is rescheduled for May 30. Guess we

> should've

> > just stayed home to start with. This is the testing to decide if we're

> > going forward with more palate repairs to try to improve her speech.

> That's

> > not a decision I want to deal with either. And if we do the surgery, we

> > need to schedule it when school is out as it will require 3 weeks of

> > recovery away from school. So now we'll be in a crunch to make a

> decision

> > and get it scheduled if we decide to do it.

> >

> >

> >

> > Calgon. take me away.

> >

> >

> >

> > Michele W

> >

> > mom to Aubrie 8 yrs CHARGE, 14 yrs and wife to DJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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