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Re: Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Latest rT3 in!

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Not likely it is changing but the things oyu do every day cahnge. any

little stres can cause these symptoms when oyu have no cortisol to spare.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Wel you need to get UNHYPO but to do that oyu need ot get enough

cortiosl first,. Did oyu eat maybe? thta may have been form low cortiosl

hypoglycemia too.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Wel you need to get UNHYPO but to do that oyu need ot get enough

cortiosl first,. Did oyu eat maybe? thta may have been form low cortiosl

hypoglycemia too.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Wel you need to get UNHYPO but to do that oyu need ot get enough

cortiosl first,. Did oyu eat maybe? thta may have been form low cortiosl

hypoglycemia too.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>Can anyone give me an example of a T3-only plan? And how to switch from ERFA

Thyroid/T4 like I'm taking now?

From where you are stop all T4 and Erfa completely

Day 1 to 3 take 12.5 of T3 in 2 doses morning and evening (6.25 each)

Day 4 for the next week take 25 of T4 in 4 doses a day (of 6.25 each)

From there dose as per this


Checking out pulse and temperature each time you MIGHT need to

increase. Take it steady and not too slow or quick, listen to your


You will be increasing T3 as your T4 levels decay so there will be

weeks of increases.

Good luck


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If oyu have hypoglycemia fruit is the WORST thing next to candy and

coffee you cna eat. You need ot eat low carb wiht high fats and

proteins. They will help stabilize blood sugar where carbs and especiall

ysugars (which fruits are full of) will continue spikes and dips.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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If oyu have hypoglycemia fruit is the WORST thing next to candy and

coffee you cna eat. You need ot eat low carb wiht high fats and

proteins. They will help stabilize blood sugar where carbs and especiall

ysugars (which fruits are full of) will continue spikes and dips.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>But my Ferritin is too low. in the 40s..... I can't take T3-only now! :(

You also won't get the benefit of the Erfa, (or the T4). Until you get

that ferritin up you are not going to be able to tolerate enough of

anything to do really well.

What iron are you taking and how much a day??



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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>But my Ferritin is too low. in the 40s..... I can't take T3-only now! :(

You also won't get the benefit of the Erfa, (or the T4). Until you get

that ferritin up you are not going to be able to tolerate enough of

anything to do really well.

What iron are you taking and how much a day??



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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>Right now I take 2 x 25 mg of that Iron every midnight before going to bed. At

least 4 hours after I take my last ERFA dose.

Nothing like enough. From a previous posting of Val's

" Generally ti takes 150-200mg a day of elemental iron in what ever

form you can tolerate the best. I do ntothink the form is so

important as the amount. It is a very high dose it takes to bring

ferritin up. "


>PS! I woke up now, it's noon, and my face feels puffier than ever! It's

horrible! I'm constantly brainstorming myself... " Is it too much HC doing this

to me? Is it the rT3 increasing, blocking the T3, creating fluid retention? Am I

dirnking too much OR too little salt? " - It sucks... :( Cause it's impossible to


I would still get rid of the 50mcg of T4 you keep taking. I have

suggested this several times. It just gives the RT3 more food to build

from and makes yout T3/T4 ratio worse.


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>By the way, in Norway, we only have normal T3, not slow-release, (which is not

good anyway, right?) BUT the main thing is that one pill is 20 mcg. They come in

that strength only.

You can work in 10mcg increments where the web suggests 12.5


>I can split it easily in two, and get 10 mcg pieces. But splitting it in 4,

down to 5 mcg pieces, is VERY hard. The pieces often become uneven. So I don't

know how to do this?

If you use a knife or a razor blade you may be able to split one of

those halves into 2. If it is uneven it does not matter, just take the

2 parts one after the other and it will average out. It does not

matter if you take 3mcg and 3 hours later take 7, it's near enough


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>Ok. Thanks for these words of advice. You're still on T3-only, Nick?

T3 only, after clearance I dropped to 125 a day for a couple of months

and have moved up to 150 a day now in the winter.


>I have a crappy pill-splitter, but it's so bad, it's like a joke. Out of 5 ERFA

Thyroid tablets, I would get 1 tablet split in two, and the rest would end up as

dust and small pieces, and get thrown away. I can't swallow Thyroid powder!


LOL, a sharp knife may work better. You can also bite a tablet in

half, swallow half and put the other to one side for later

>As for changing 50 mcg T4 and 1 grain Thyroid daily, 10 mkg T3 seems little,

but I understand that's how it goes in the beginning. Cause all that T4 isn't

used like T3 is when I take it. I know that much. It's supposed to be converted.

BUT IS IT..... In my case..... I don't know! Probably not like it should. Hence


It will be several days before the T4 has sunk to a low enough level

to make any difference. as long as you replace the T3 that was in the

med you stop taking your body won't notice


>I will at least take my Thyroid today. 1 grain, and probably skip those 50 mcgs

of synthetic T4.


Good plan

>I will also do a Ferritin test today, even if I haven't stopped taking Iron for

3-5 days before the test.

Good plan, if it's low while still supplementing then it's even lower

than the reading. You get less disturbance since you are not taking a

big supplement,



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20 mg is not enough adn it is unlikely oyu will ever tolerate T3 with

that low dose. Most men need 35-45mg a day. All you are doing is

lwoering your own cortisol and not replaceing as much as you are

lwoering ti.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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20 mg is not enough adn it is unlikely oyu will ever tolerate T3 with

that low dose. Most men need 35-45mg a day. All you are doing is

lwoering your own cortisol and not replaceing as much as you are

lwoering ti.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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20 mg is not enough adn it is unlikely oyu will ever tolerate T3 with

that low dose. Most men need 35-45mg a day. All you are doing is

lwoering your own cortisol and not replaceing as much as you are

lwoering ti.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>AND I still feel something in my lungs - Like a hand is gripping around

>my heart. BUT I especially feel it when I breathe, so it can be the

>left lung. Like something is IN there. Slime or, whatever. Hope it's

>not a blood clot building up. I wonder what this is, and I would like to

>find out! Do you think it can be related to Ferritin and the 9 mcgs of

>T3 I am getting my 1 grain ERFA Thyroid daily?

I doubt it is related other than your whole metabolism being slow and

you being worried.


>My specialist said I could either raise to 1 1/2 grain daily today, OR

>take just T3, 10 mcgs split in 2 doses (5+5) with 4 hours in between



Sounds sensible as long as T3 only raised again in a few days

>That would be one dose at 9 am and one dose at 1 pm, IF I would take

>T3-only. I still took my ERFA Thyroid today.

That would be a suitable starting point


>But I wonder... If I am starting at 10 mcg T3. And the last dose is at

>1 pm. How can I get thru the rest of the day with no T3 in my system?

>What about the evening, at 6 pm and so on?

You will be OK, there will still be residual conversion from the T4,

that will take weeks to fade away

In a few days you will need to increase T3 again as per the schedule

on the web site.

For the first few days, and any time you are planning an increase you

need to record pulse and temperatures

You need that information to decide if an increase is needed or safe.

Temperature will also tell you if you are on enough HC, you may well

need an increase.


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>AND I still feel something in my lungs - Like a hand is gripping around

>my heart. BUT I especially feel it when I breathe, so it can be the

>left lung. Like something is IN there. Slime or, whatever. Hope it's

>not a blood clot building up. I wonder what this is, and I would like to

>find out! Do you think it can be related to Ferritin and the 9 mcgs of

>T3 I am getting my 1 grain ERFA Thyroid daily?

I doubt it is related other than your whole metabolism being slow and

you being worried.


>My specialist said I could either raise to 1 1/2 grain daily today, OR

>take just T3, 10 mcgs split in 2 doses (5+5) with 4 hours in between



Sounds sensible as long as T3 only raised again in a few days

>That would be one dose at 9 am and one dose at 1 pm, IF I would take

>T3-only. I still took my ERFA Thyroid today.

That would be a suitable starting point


>But I wonder... If I am starting at 10 mcg T3. And the last dose is at

>1 pm. How can I get thru the rest of the day with no T3 in my system?

>What about the evening, at 6 pm and so on?

You will be OK, there will still be residual conversion from the T4,

that will take weeks to fade away

In a few days you will need to increase T3 again as per the schedule

on the web site.

For the first few days, and any time you are planning an increase you

need to record pulse and temperatures

You need that information to decide if an increase is needed or safe.

Temperature will also tell you if you are on enough HC, you may well

need an increase.


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>AND I still feel something in my lungs - Like a hand is gripping around

>my heart. BUT I especially feel it when I breathe, so it can be the

>left lung. Like something is IN there. Slime or, whatever. Hope it's

>not a blood clot building up. I wonder what this is, and I would like to

>find out! Do you think it can be related to Ferritin and the 9 mcgs of

>T3 I am getting my 1 grain ERFA Thyroid daily?

I doubt it is related other than your whole metabolism being slow and

you being worried.


>My specialist said I could either raise to 1 1/2 grain daily today, OR

>take just T3, 10 mcgs split in 2 doses (5+5) with 4 hours in between



Sounds sensible as long as T3 only raised again in a few days

>That would be one dose at 9 am and one dose at 1 pm, IF I would take

>T3-only. I still took my ERFA Thyroid today.

That would be a suitable starting point


>But I wonder... If I am starting at 10 mcg T3. And the last dose is at

>1 pm. How can I get thru the rest of the day with no T3 in my system?

>What about the evening, at 6 pm and so on?

You will be OK, there will still be residual conversion from the T4,

that will take weeks to fade away

In a few days you will need to increase T3 again as per the schedule

on the web site.

For the first few days, and any time you are planning an increase you

need to record pulse and temperatures

You need that information to decide if an increase is needed or safe.

Temperature will also tell you if you are on enough HC, you may well

need an increase.


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>Well, I could raise ERFA with 1/2 grain today, bring it up to a

total of 1 1/2 grains. I will feel the T3 immediately, of course.

So I will know if I tolerate another 4.5 mcg T3 with that raise or


No you wil not knwo if oyu tolerate more T3 from raising ERFA. You would be also

adding 38mcg T4 with that increase which with high RT3 can cause HORRID symptoms

which oyu thn would blame the T3 for when in fact it owuld be the T4 causing the

symptms as it is increaing the RT3.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>Well, I could raise ERFA with 1/2 grain today, bring it up to a

total of 1 1/2 grains. I will feel the T3 immediately, of course.

So I will know if I tolerate another 4.5 mcg T3 with that raise or


No you wil not knwo if oyu tolerate more T3 from raising ERFA. You would be also

adding 38mcg T4 with that increase which with high RT3 can cause HORRID symptoms

which oyu thn would blame the T3 for when in fact it owuld be the T4 causing the

symptms as it is increaing the RT3.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Because of the pituitary feedback loop. People that have adrenal fatigue

have over sensitive fedback loops. A LITTLE cortios added to your day

will shut DOWN ACTH. Get a serum ACTH if oyu dont';t believe me. I have

seen enough of them from people on too low a dose of HC to know what it

does. Yoiur ACTH will be 7-8 at most. This means oyur adrneals are nto

gettign any message to MAKE any cortils so thta 20mg is all you have for

the whoel day to live on and that is not enough for anyone. People wiht

adrenal fatigue also are known to have cortils resistance. Which means

that the same HC dose for an 's patient is unlikely to work for

us. This is why I need ed ot go to 40mg a dya to heal my adrenals and

the 3 years I sepnt on lower doses was a total waste of time and health.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>That's it - I never had much variation in my temperatures.

>They are the same now as they were BEFORE I took HC!

>So I don't have that guidance to help me!

it doesn't need much variation to indicate a problem, you may have

MORE now than you had before with Val's expeerience of twitchy

feedback loops over compensating.

Start recording them, any time there is anything other than a gentle

drift up and down through the day you have a problem.


>You're more for a T3-only treatment, huh...

Yep, but with HC and ferritiin in place


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