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Re: Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Latest rT3 in!

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Your FT3/RT3 ratio is 14.8 so too low in spite of having quite good FT3

levels. This is why you don't; feel right. And until you get rid of the

RT3 or knock it WAY down with T3 ONLY you are unlikely to feel good.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Your FT3/RT3 ratio is 14.8 so too low in spite of having quite good FT3

levels. This is why you don't; feel right. And until you get rid of the

RT3 or knock it WAY down with T3 ONLY you are unlikely to feel good.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Your FT3/RT3 ratio is 14.8 so too low in spite of having quite good FT3

levels. This is why you don't; feel right. And until you get rid of the

RT3 or knock it WAY down with T3 ONLY you are unlikely to feel good.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>What do you think, folks? I am not sure how I feel on 1 grain ERFA Thyroid,

yet. Something is happening with me, I can feel it, but I am not sure what.

Maybe I should just wait and see, and do another rT3 test in a week or so?

OK, the units are " pmol " rather than grams which potentially makes the

atomic weight relevant. Ignoring that on the basis that RT3 and FT3

" probably " have the same atomic weight that gives a ratio of 14.8.

This is not good but not terrible. 20 or greater is the ideal

From there it depends where things go when you take enough Erfa to

clear hypo symptoms.

If increasing the dose takes your FT3 to the top of the range " without

increasing RT3 " then the ratio would be 19.5 and be near as needed to

the ideal of 20 or greater.

There is little point in retesting in a week, it takes T4 levels a

month to stabilise after setting dose at a constant level and you are

going to need to ramp up slowly to 3 grains at least of Erfa to feel

well. Realistically it will be 3 months of dose adjustment and

stabilisation before you are stable enough on Erfa to see where the

RT3 is going to go.

To summarise, Erfa might get you feeling well, it will take at least 3

months to find out.

T3 will get you feeling well, you need to be prepared to adjust dose

by symptoms though, it happens too quickly to do it by labs.

Those are my thoughts, hopefully others can come in here as well with

their views.


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>What do you think, folks? I am not sure how I feel on 1 grain ERFA Thyroid,

yet. Something is happening with me, I can feel it, but I am not sure what.

Maybe I should just wait and see, and do another rT3 test in a week or so?

OK, the units are " pmol " rather than grams which potentially makes the

atomic weight relevant. Ignoring that on the basis that RT3 and FT3

" probably " have the same atomic weight that gives a ratio of 14.8.

This is not good but not terrible. 20 or greater is the ideal

From there it depends where things go when you take enough Erfa to

clear hypo symptoms.

If increasing the dose takes your FT3 to the top of the range " without

increasing RT3 " then the ratio would be 19.5 and be near as needed to

the ideal of 20 or greater.

There is little point in retesting in a week, it takes T4 levels a

month to stabilise after setting dose at a constant level and you are

going to need to ramp up slowly to 3 grains at least of Erfa to feel

well. Realistically it will be 3 months of dose adjustment and

stabilisation before you are stable enough on Erfa to see where the

RT3 is going to go.

To summarise, Erfa might get you feeling well, it will take at least 3

months to find out.

T3 will get you feeling well, you need to be prepared to adjust dose

by symptoms though, it happens too quickly to do it by labs.

Those are my thoughts, hopefully others can come in here as well with

their views.


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>What do you think, folks? I am not sure how I feel on 1 grain ERFA Thyroid,

yet. Something is happening with me, I can feel it, but I am not sure what.

Maybe I should just wait and see, and do another rT3 test in a week or so?

OK, the units are " pmol " rather than grams which potentially makes the

atomic weight relevant. Ignoring that on the basis that RT3 and FT3

" probably " have the same atomic weight that gives a ratio of 14.8.

This is not good but not terrible. 20 or greater is the ideal

From there it depends where things go when you take enough Erfa to

clear hypo symptoms.

If increasing the dose takes your FT3 to the top of the range " without

increasing RT3 " then the ratio would be 19.5 and be near as needed to

the ideal of 20 or greater.

There is little point in retesting in a week, it takes T4 levels a

month to stabilise after setting dose at a constant level and you are

going to need to ramp up slowly to 3 grains at least of Erfa to feel

well. Realistically it will be 3 months of dose adjustment and

stabilisation before you are stable enough on Erfa to see where the

RT3 is going to go.

To summarise, Erfa might get you feeling well, it will take at least 3

months to find out.

T3 will get you feeling well, you need to be prepared to adjust dose

by symptoms though, it happens too quickly to do it by labs.

Those are my thoughts, hopefully others can come in here as well with

their views.


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, your headache that goes into your cheek and teeth sounds like how I feel when I get a sinus infection. Hope whatever it is, that it goes away soon. TC!

As for dosing by symptoms:How do I know if I need to dose up my Thyroid, lessen my T4, OR switch to T3-only? I can't possibly know what's causing my symptoms, so I can't do anything with my meds!Right now I have the worst headache, like my brain is rottening/feels infected. The pain goes down thrum my cheeks and into my teeth.I am taking 2 x 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid and 50 mcg T4 daily, as well as 20 mg HC daily. + Vitamin and mineral supplements.I did get too little sleep this night. Fell asleep at 4.30 am and woke up at 11am.

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You are right , they could be anything...hope you are feeling better soon. I can't function when I have a headache like that. Feel better!

Thanks TC! Well I Have had recurring sinus infectins in the past. But I suspect these pains to come from the endocrine system. I would rather have a sinus infection. (I've had 100+ of those...)It really feels like my brain is rottening! It's horrible! And it really Can be anything: Sinuses, teeth (wisdom teeth x 2 not pulled out yet), too little/too much HC, too little T3, etc. etc. etc. etc.>> , your headache that goes into your cheek and teeth sounds like how I feel when I get a sinus infection. Hope whatever it is, that it goes away soon. TC!> > > As for dosing by symptoms:> > How do I know if I need to dose up my Thyroid, lessen my T4, OR switch to T3-only? I can't possibly know what's causing my symptoms, so I can't do anything with my meds!> > Right now I have the worst headache, like my brain is rottening/feels infected. The pain goes down thrum my cheeks and into my teeth.> > I am taking 2 x 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid and 50 mcg T4 daily, as well as 20 mg HC daily. + Vitamin and mineral supplements.> > I did get too little sleep this night. Fell asleep at 4.30 am and woke up at 11am.>

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>I am taking 2 x 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid and 50 mcg T4 daily, as well as 20 mg HC

daily. + Vitamin and mineral supplements.

Get tid of that T4 even if you have to add an extra half (or full)


The more T4 there is compared with the T3 you are taking the worse

your RT3 is going to get.

Could your headache be teeth?


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>If rT3 increases and the ratio gets lower, will T3 be blocked (invisibly) from

entering the cells or will I see that FT3 gets lower in a blood sample?

The FT3 can remain high, it's in the serum, and not get into the cells

if RT3 is causing receptor blockage. What tends to get higher is the

FT4, if that goes above mid range then it tends to convert to RT3

instead of T3.


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>If rT3 increases and the ratio gets lower, will T3 be blocked (invisibly) from

entering the cells or will I see that FT3 gets lower in a blood sample?

The FT3 can remain high, it's in the serum, and not get into the cells

if RT3 is causing receptor blockage. What tends to get higher is the

FT4, if that goes above mid range then it tends to convert to RT3

instead of T3.


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>So, if I keep increasing my ERFA Thyroid, and I won't get better...

>Then boom, I need to change to T3-only. Right now I just feel amazingly bad. I

can't even describe it.

Yep, enought Erfa might work, enough T3 WILLwork providing there is

enough ferritin and cortisol


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>So, if I keep increasing my ERFA Thyroid, and I won't get better...

>Then boom, I need to change to T3-only. Right now I just feel amazingly bad. I

can't even describe it.

Yep, enought Erfa might work, enough T3 WILLwork providing there is

enough ferritin and cortisol


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>What if I'm getting a feedback-loop already? It was only 4 days since I started

taking 1 full grain of ERFA Thyroid. Right now, I definitely feel HYPO. More

than I've felt for 12+ years since before I took any meds at all. :(


Could be, because you've been on a mix and fluctuating dose for years

who knows what your bodies's feedback loop is doing.

You could drop that last 50 of synthetic T4 and add another half grain

now, there won't be a lot of fluctuation going on as the body doesn't

have to wait for T4 to stabilise, if anything it will be dropping

which is probably good and an extra 5 of T3 can provide some immediate

symptom relief


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>What if I'm getting a feedback-loop already? It was only 4 days since I started

taking 1 full grain of ERFA Thyroid. Right now, I definitely feel HYPO. More

than I've felt for 12+ years since before I took any meds at all. :(


Could be, because you've been on a mix and fluctuating dose for years

who knows what your bodies's feedback loop is doing.

You could drop that last 50 of synthetic T4 and add another half grain

now, there won't be a lot of fluctuation going on as the body doesn't

have to wait for T4 to stabilise, if anything it will be dropping

which is probably good and an extra 5 of T3 can provide some immediate

symptom relief


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>What if I'm getting a feedback-loop already? It was only 4 days since I started

taking 1 full grain of ERFA Thyroid. Right now, I definitely feel HYPO. More

than I've felt for 12+ years since before I took any meds at all. :(


Could be, because you've been on a mix and fluctuating dose for years

who knows what your bodies's feedback loop is doing.

You could drop that last 50 of synthetic T4 and add another half grain

now, there won't be a lot of fluctuation going on as the body doesn't

have to wait for T4 to stabilise, if anything it will be dropping

which is probably good and an extra 5 of T3 can provide some immediate

symptom relief


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>However, a few months into 2008, my new and ignorant doc at that time, removed

my T3-med and upped my T4-med to 150 mcg daily (up from 100 mg daily in the past

years) - THIS can have given me rT3 issues. I remember my FT4 going as high as

22.5 in the beginning when T3 was removed and T4 was increased to compensate for

the removal of T3.


>Does this make any sense?



>It is, however, a scary thought that FT3 can look ok while NOT going into the

cells. Same as with Adrenal Fatigue, then.

The nature of " tissue resistance " , the T3 is there, it can't get into

the cells.

By all the normal measures you are fine, it's only looking deeper that

it can be seen if you are looking for it


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>However, a few months into 2008, my new and ignorant doc at that time, removed

my T3-med and upped my T4-med to 150 mcg daily (up from 100 mg daily in the past

years) - THIS can have given me rT3 issues. I remember my FT4 going as high as

22.5 in the beginning when T3 was removed and T4 was increased to compensate for

the removal of T3.


>Does this make any sense?



>It is, however, a scary thought that FT3 can look ok while NOT going into the

cells. Same as with Adrenal Fatigue, then.

The nature of " tissue resistance " , the T3 is there, it can't get into

the cells.

By all the normal measures you are fine, it's only looking deeper that

it can be seen if you are looking for it


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I have heard it can be clear and still be a sinus infection. I know that is how I am. I can have the slamming sinus headache, jaw and teeth hurting and either blow nothing or it can be clear. I take the antibiotics for a day or two and start feeling better. So I am not sure color is always the way to judge a sinus infection.

Terri-lynne Tavares

Yes, I agree, the headache sounds like a sinus infection which is very common with hypo's. I get them a lot. When you blow your nose, is the discharge any color other than clear? Donna

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Not likely it is changing but the things oyu do every day cahnge. any

little stres can cause these symptoms when oyu have no cortisol to spare.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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