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Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Val, adrenal advice please

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I think my headaches got better the same day I took 2.5 mg less HC. And I

haven't really had much problems with the head in the past weeks. Only after

raising HC again (and adding ERFA Thyroid) the headaches/headpressure


I think I already wrote this, but I take my HC like this:

11:30 am - Wake up

12:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, ALWAYS after food. I tried with no food = stomach pains. +

Sometimes I take a small glass of water with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of real raw Sea


4:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, again with food

8:00 pm - 5.0 mg HC, with food.

I don't always hit these exact times, you can give or take 1 hour. Depending on

when I wake up. But I always remmeber to take my HC. I am constantly reminded

about my health/meds because I feel so shitty all the time.

When I started with HC, I did 10 mg when I woke up, then 5.0, then 5.0. I also

tried with two times 2.5 in the evening. I can't remember if the results were

any different than they are now. But I do remember than when I stared with HC in

June, my sleep got better and better than with no HC. Only after 4+ months on

HC, sleep got worse and worse. It just takes a long time to fall asleep. Does

that make any sense when I take my last dose of HC at 8 pm (which is not that

late considering that I fall asleep at 5am sometimes!) - I am all up for

changing my dosing times, sleeping pattern etc.

I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!


> >I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.


> Did the headaches get better then??


> >I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.


> OK

> >

> >Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.


> OK.


> Let me rephrase the question. How are you taking that HC?? AAre you

> taking it all at once 30 mins after waking?? If not what timing are

> you using?


> Nick


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>I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!

We are trying to find pieces of the puzzle for you.

Try just taking the Erfa and no additional T4 today, If I got this to

you in time?

T4 levels decay slowly so you shouldn't see the difference in a day

but would miss the T3


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>I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!

We are trying to find pieces of the puzzle for you.

Try just taking the Erfa and no additional T4 today, If I got this to

you in time?

T4 levels decay slowly so you shouldn't see the difference in a day

but would miss the T3


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>I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!

We are trying to find pieces of the puzzle for you.

Try just taking the Erfa and no additional T4 today, If I got this to

you in time?

T4 levels decay slowly so you shouldn't see the difference in a day

but would miss the T3


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It's one giant puzzle.

I just got a partial blood sample result. rT3 NOT included. I am pissed off, and

will call my GP and ask him to call the lab to get that rT3 analyzed on the

double! Here's the partial result, with fully detailed reference ranges.

TSH 1.20 (TSH: 0.5 - 3.6 mlE/l)

FT4 12.6 (8 - 20 pmol/l)

Thyroxin 125 (60 - 150 nmol/l)

Trijodtyronin 2.3 (1.2 - 2.7 nmol/l)

What I see now is that FT4 has gone down, somehow. Can this mean it's impossible

for me to have an rT3-problem? Shouldn't FT4 go up if rT3 increase? My Total T3

has gone up a little, from 2.2 to 2.3, and Total T4 has gone up as well, from

117 to 125. TSH has gone up from 0.76 to 1.20.

Can anyone see any sense of what's going on here? Changes clearly happened after

I replaced 24 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 with 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid.

I'm thinking... Maybe I just need more ERFA Thyroid? Speculations, until I get

my rT3 result.


> >

> >I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!


> We are trying to find pieces of the puzzle for you.


> Try just taking the Erfa and no additional T4 today, If I got this to

> you in time?


> T4 levels decay slowly so you shouldn't see the difference in a day

> but would miss the T3


> Nick


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It's one giant puzzle.

I just got a partial blood sample result. rT3 NOT included. I am pissed off, and

will call my GP and ask him to call the lab to get that rT3 analyzed on the

double! Here's the partial result, with fully detailed reference ranges.

TSH 1.20 (TSH: 0.5 - 3.6 mlE/l)

FT4 12.6 (8 - 20 pmol/l)

Thyroxin 125 (60 - 150 nmol/l)

Trijodtyronin 2.3 (1.2 - 2.7 nmol/l)

What I see now is that FT4 has gone down, somehow. Can this mean it's impossible

for me to have an rT3-problem? Shouldn't FT4 go up if rT3 increase? My Total T3

has gone up a little, from 2.2 to 2.3, and Total T4 has gone up as well, from

117 to 125. TSH has gone up from 0.76 to 1.20.

Can anyone see any sense of what's going on here? Changes clearly happened after

I replaced 24 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 with 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid.

I'm thinking... Maybe I just need more ERFA Thyroid? Speculations, until I get

my rT3 result.


> >

> >I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!


> We are trying to find pieces of the puzzle for you.


> Try just taking the Erfa and no additional T4 today, If I got this to

> you in time?


> T4 levels decay slowly so you shouldn't see the difference in a day

> but would miss the T3


> Nick


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I cannot let go of the feeling that I'm taking too much HC. And my symptoms got

even worse, including growth of my face and waist, after increasing with 2.5 mg,

up to 20 mg HC daily 11 days ago.

I feel stressed now. I woke up 2 hours ago. Took my HC about 45 minutes ago, my

first 7.5 mg today. I just took my 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid now 2 minutes ago.

I called the lab, and they said that they decided that my rT3 will be done on

Friday. Ignorants - They can analyze it today, but they don't " want to " . They

don't see the reason why this can be important for me, based on my last rT3

result of 0.38. (Well witin the normal range of 0.14 to 0.54, they said.)


I have a phone consultation with my specialist in 25 minutes, at 2 pm over here.

I guess we won't make any decisions without those fresh FT3 and rT3 results. :(

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>Can anyone see any sense of what's going on here? Changes clearly happened

after I replaced 24 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 with 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid.


>I'm thinking... Maybe I just need more ERFA Thyroid? Speculations, until I get

my rT3 result.


You are under medicated.

generally on natural people feel best with a low TSH and a FT3 in the

upper part of the range or just over.

Half a grain of Erfa is not enough to do that for you and not is the

remaining 50mcg of T4.

You either need to get rid of T4 completely, and start ramping up to a

sensible level of T3, at least 75mcg with it spread through the day or

get rid of the synthetic T4 and start dosing the Erfa as per the STTM

site directions ramping to up the 3 to 5 grain mark.

All the time you are on miniscule doses of anything you are going to

remain hypo with all the associated fog, sleep disturbances, etc.

Looking at those results you are so under medicated that it's hard to

say if you will develop RT3 issues on the Erfa or not. That's a 90%

sure way of feeling well if you can get onto enough of it. T3 only is

a 100% sure way of getting the needed thyroid levels of T3 up to an

acceptable level provided adrenals and ferritin permit.

Good luck


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>Can anyone see any sense of what's going on here? Changes clearly happened

after I replaced 24 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 with 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid.


>I'm thinking... Maybe I just need more ERFA Thyroid? Speculations, until I get

my rT3 result.


You are under medicated.

generally on natural people feel best with a low TSH and a FT3 in the

upper part of the range or just over.

Half a grain of Erfa is not enough to do that for you and not is the

remaining 50mcg of T4.

You either need to get rid of T4 completely, and start ramping up to a

sensible level of T3, at least 75mcg with it spread through the day or

get rid of the synthetic T4 and start dosing the Erfa as per the STTM

site directions ramping to up the 3 to 5 grain mark.

All the time you are on miniscule doses of anything you are going to

remain hypo with all the associated fog, sleep disturbances, etc.

Looking at those results you are so under medicated that it's hard to

say if you will develop RT3 issues on the Erfa or not. That's a 90%

sure way of feeling well if you can get onto enough of it. T3 only is

a 100% sure way of getting the needed thyroid levels of T3 up to an

acceptable level provided adrenals and ferritin permit.

Good luck


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>Can anyone see any sense of what's going on here? Changes clearly happened

after I replaced 24 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 with 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid.


>I'm thinking... Maybe I just need more ERFA Thyroid? Speculations, until I get

my rT3 result.


You are under medicated.

generally on natural people feel best with a low TSH and a FT3 in the

upper part of the range or just over.

Half a grain of Erfa is not enough to do that for you and not is the

remaining 50mcg of T4.

You either need to get rid of T4 completely, and start ramping up to a

sensible level of T3, at least 75mcg with it spread through the day or

get rid of the synthetic T4 and start dosing the Erfa as per the STTM

site directions ramping to up the 3 to 5 grain mark.

All the time you are on miniscule doses of anything you are going to

remain hypo with all the associated fog, sleep disturbances, etc.

Looking at those results you are so under medicated that it's hard to

say if you will develop RT3 issues on the Erfa or not. That's a 90%

sure way of feeling well if you can get onto enough of it. T3 only is

a 100% sure way of getting the needed thyroid levels of T3 up to an

acceptable level provided adrenals and ferritin permit.

Good luck


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>I cannot let go of the feeling that I'm taking too much HC. And my symptoms got

even worse, including growth of my face and waist, after increasing with 2.5 mg,

up to 20 mg HC daily 11 days ago.


>I feel stressed now. I woke up 2 hours ago. Took my HC about 45 minutes ago,

my first 7.5 mg today. I just took my 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid now 2 minutes ago.

Change one thing at a time!!

I would dump the T4 and talk a full grain of Erfa today in 2 halves,

(waking and half way through your day).

In two days time I would up to a grain and a half and in a week to 2

grains and this might start clearing hypo symptoms.

By that time you would need the extra HC you are on.

After that dose as the STTM site

Otherewise it's go onto T3 only and take that route.


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Actually, I think it's interesting, and impressive to see that you are saying

almost exactly the same as my specialist is. She told me to up the ERFA Thyroid

to 1/2 grain more, daily, in the eveningtime, so that my total is 1 grain ERFA

Thyroid daily. But she told me to STAY on the 50 mcg Synthetic T4 until

*Friday*, when I get my fresh rT3 and FT3 results. The lab told me that Friday

is the day. I am, no matter what, Hypothyroid right now. No doubt about it.

The rT3 result will say something. It can either say I need T3 only, or it can

say that I can continue with ERFA Thyroid. When I up my ERFA Thyroid with

another 1/2 grain this evening, I will anyway feel either Better or Worse.

Symptoms decide, no matter what blood samples say. Blood samples are just extra


Thanks Nick. Your sypport means a lot to me, and others who might be reading

these posts.


> >I cannot let go of the feeling that I'm taking too much HC. And my symptoms

got even worse, including growth of my face and waist, after increasing with 2.5

mg, up to 20 mg HC daily 11 days ago.

> >

> >I feel stressed now. I woke up 2 hours ago. Took my HC about 45 minutes ago,

my first 7.5 mg today. I just took my 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid now 2 minutes ago.


> Change one thing at a time!!


> I would dump the T4 and talk a full grain of Erfa today in 2 halves,

> (waking and half way through your day).


> In two days time I would up to a grain and a half and in a week to 2

> grains and this might start clearing hypo symptoms.


> By that time you would need the extra HC you are on.


> After that dose as the STTM site


> Otherewise it's go onto T3 only and take that route.


> Nick


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As for Iron, and Ferritin:

My reshest Ferritin status is at 45. The range goes from 30 to 350 for adult

men, and I know I should have a Ferritin of 70 at least!

I am now taking 25 mg of Amino Iron, Ferrochel standard. One pill every evening

around midnight.

My spefcialist didn't know this particular kind of Iron, but wanted me to take

at least 100 mg of it. Can anyone with knowledge about this kind of Iron tell me

if 4 of these 25 mg tablets will do to increase my Ferritin level?

And should I take all these pills at the same time or split them eventhu

throughout the day? - That's a problem, because I know I can't take Iron

supplements until 3 hours before or after ingestion of Thyroid meds. That's why

I take my Iron so late.

As for increasing the Iron dose, maybe I should start with 2 tablets of 25 mg

Iron daily, then 3 after some time then finally 4?

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As for Iron, and Ferritin:

My reshest Ferritin status is at 45. The range goes from 30 to 350 for adult

men, and I know I should have a Ferritin of 70 at least!

I am now taking 25 mg of Amino Iron, Ferrochel standard. One pill every evening

around midnight.

My spefcialist didn't know this particular kind of Iron, but wanted me to take

at least 100 mg of it. Can anyone with knowledge about this kind of Iron tell me

if 4 of these 25 mg tablets will do to increase my Ferritin level?

And should I take all these pills at the same time or split them eventhu

throughout the day? - That's a problem, because I know I can't take Iron

supplements until 3 hours before or after ingestion of Thyroid meds. That's why

I take my Iron so late.

As for increasing the Iron dose, maybe I should start with 2 tablets of 25 mg

Iron daily, then 3 after some time then finally 4?

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As for Iron, and Ferritin:

My reshest Ferritin status is at 45. The range goes from 30 to 350 for adult

men, and I know I should have a Ferritin of 70 at least!

I am now taking 25 mg of Amino Iron, Ferrochel standard. One pill every evening

around midnight.

My spefcialist didn't know this particular kind of Iron, but wanted me to take

at least 100 mg of it. Can anyone with knowledge about this kind of Iron tell me

if 4 of these 25 mg tablets will do to increase my Ferritin level?

And should I take all these pills at the same time or split them eventhu

throughout the day? - That's a problem, because I know I can't take Iron

supplements until 3 hours before or after ingestion of Thyroid meds. That's why

I take my Iron so late.

As for increasing the Iron dose, maybe I should start with 2 tablets of 25 mg

Iron daily, then 3 after some time then finally 4?

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>Actually, I think it's interesting, and impressive to see that you are saying

almost exactly the same as my specialist is. She told me to up the ERFA Thyroid

to 1/2 grain more, daily, in the eveningtime, so that my total is 1 grain ERFA

Thyroid daily. But she told me to STAY on the 50 mcg Synthetic T4 until

*Friday*, when I get my fresh rT3 and FT3 results. The lab told me that Friday

is the day. I am, no matter what, Hypothyroid right now. No doubt about it.

I would say bin the synthetic. Glad we agree otherwise


>The rT3 result will say something. It can either say I need T3 only, or it can

say that I can continue with ERFA Thyroid. When I up my ERFA Thyroid with

another 1/2 grain this evening, I will anyway feel either Better or Worse.

Symptoms decide, no matter what blood samples say. Blood samples are just extra



>Thanks Nick. Your sypport means a lot to me, and others who might be reading

these posts.

My gut feeling is the RT3 won't tell you anything, you are so under

medicated now that you won't be producing much RT3, you are not

producing much T3 either.


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>Actually, I think it's interesting, and impressive to see that you are saying

almost exactly the same as my specialist is. She told me to up the ERFA Thyroid

to 1/2 grain more, daily, in the eveningtime, so that my total is 1 grain ERFA

Thyroid daily. But she told me to STAY on the 50 mcg Synthetic T4 until

*Friday*, when I get my fresh rT3 and FT3 results. The lab told me that Friday

is the day. I am, no matter what, Hypothyroid right now. No doubt about it.

I would say bin the synthetic. Glad we agree otherwise


>The rT3 result will say something. It can either say I need T3 only, or it can

say that I can continue with ERFA Thyroid. When I up my ERFA Thyroid with

another 1/2 grain this evening, I will anyway feel either Better or Worse.

Symptoms decide, no matter what blood samples say. Blood samples are just extra



>Thanks Nick. Your sypport means a lot to me, and others who might be reading

these posts.

My gut feeling is the RT3 won't tell you anything, you are so under

medicated now that you won't be producing much RT3, you are not

producing much T3 either.


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>My reshest Ferritin status is at 45. The range goes from 30 to 350 for adult

men, and I know I should have a Ferritin of 70 at least!

Correct, that will be a cap on taking enough thyroid.


>I am now taking 25 mg of Amino Iron, Ferrochel standard. One pill every evening

around midnight.

It will take more than that. Hopefully someone will chip in with more

detailed advice.

With Erfa I wouldn't take any nearer than 12 hours to when you decided

to go to bed so that leaves plenty of time for Iron.

With T3 (and I think Erfa) the advice is to take T3 1 hour BEFORE Iron

or 4 hours AFTER iron. The iron is absorbed slowly and the T3 quickly

Taking either of them sublingually avoid these issues as the T3/Erfa

is directly absorbed instead of going via the stomach.


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>My reshest Ferritin status is at 45. The range goes from 30 to 350 for adult

men, and I know I should have a Ferritin of 70 at least!

Correct, that will be a cap on taking enough thyroid.


>I am now taking 25 mg of Amino Iron, Ferrochel standard. One pill every evening

around midnight.

It will take more than that. Hopefully someone will chip in with more

detailed advice.

With Erfa I wouldn't take any nearer than 12 hours to when you decided

to go to bed so that leaves plenty of time for Iron.

With T3 (and I think Erfa) the advice is to take T3 1 hour BEFORE Iron

or 4 hours AFTER iron. The iron is absorbed slowly and the T3 quickly

Taking either of them sublingually avoid these issues as the T3/Erfa

is directly absorbed instead of going via the stomach.


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Remember that my Thyroid Gland works perfefctly. I have Hypothyroidism Type 2,

resistance at the cellular level.

Probably from quicksilver/amalgam fillings.

My FT4 is at 12.6 which is a bit low, but this happened only because I started

with ERFA 12 days ago. My specialist told me patients switcihing to dessicated

always see a falling T4. Especially in the switch.

She told me to take my 1/2 ERFA when I wake up (always around 11am) and the next

one before going to bed. I guess that means about midnight. I was also thinking

about taking the second dose of ERFA at 5-6 pm.


> >Actually, I think it's interesting, and impressive to see that you are saying

almost exactly the same as my specialist is. She told me to up the ERFA Thyroid

to 1/2 grain more, daily, in the eveningtime, so that my total is 1 grain ERFA

Thyroid daily. But she told me to STAY on the 50 mcg Synthetic T4 until

*Friday*, when I get my fresh rT3 and FT3 results. The lab told me that Friday

is the day. I am, no matter what, Hypothyroid right now. No doubt about it.


> I would say bin the synthetic. Glad we agree otherwise

> >

> >The rT3 result will say something. It can either say I need T3 only, or it

can say that I can continue with ERFA Thyroid. When I up my ERFA Thyroid with

another 1/2 grain this evening, I will anyway feel either Better or Worse.

Symptoms decide, no matter what blood samples say. Blood samples are just extra


> >

> >Thanks Nick. Your sypport means a lot to me, and others who might be reading

these posts.


> My gut feeling is the RT3 won't tell you anything, you are so under

> medicated now that you won't be producing much RT3, you are not

> producing much T3 either.


> Nick


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Remember that my Thyroid Gland works perfefctly. I have Hypothyroidism Type 2,

resistance at the cellular level.

Probably from quicksilver/amalgam fillings.

My FT4 is at 12.6 which is a bit low, but this happened only because I started

with ERFA 12 days ago. My specialist told me patients switcihing to dessicated

always see a falling T4. Especially in the switch.

She told me to take my 1/2 ERFA when I wake up (always around 11am) and the next

one before going to bed. I guess that means about midnight. I was also thinking

about taking the second dose of ERFA at 5-6 pm.


> >Actually, I think it's interesting, and impressive to see that you are saying

almost exactly the same as my specialist is. She told me to up the ERFA Thyroid

to 1/2 grain more, daily, in the eveningtime, so that my total is 1 grain ERFA

Thyroid daily. But she told me to STAY on the 50 mcg Synthetic T4 until

*Friday*, when I get my fresh rT3 and FT3 results. The lab told me that Friday

is the day. I am, no matter what, Hypothyroid right now. No doubt about it.


> I would say bin the synthetic. Glad we agree otherwise

> >

> >The rT3 result will say something. It can either say I need T3 only, or it

can say that I can continue with ERFA Thyroid. When I up my ERFA Thyroid with

another 1/2 grain this evening, I will anyway feel either Better or Worse.

Symptoms decide, no matter what blood samples say. Blood samples are just extra


> >

> >Thanks Nick. Your sypport means a lot to me, and others who might be reading

these posts.


> My gut feeling is the RT3 won't tell you anything, you are so under

> medicated now that you won't be producing much RT3, you are not

> producing much T3 either.


> Nick


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BTW: Cold feeling in the chest/heart. Is this normal when low on thyroid

hormones in the cells? I feel like this is a life and death situation. I would

hate to do mistakes now.

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BTW: Cold feeling in the chest/heart. Is this normal when low on thyroid

hormones in the cells? I feel like this is a life and death situation. I would

hate to do mistakes now.

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>Remember that my Thyroid Gland works perfefctly. I have Hypothyroidism Type 2,

resistance at the cellular level.

>Probably from quicksilver/amalgam fillings.

Then the " set point " of the TSH feedback loop is wrong, and the way

round that is a total replacement dose, ie TSH down to a miniscule

reading and FT3 to top of range. That will take 3 to 5 grains of Erfa

or 75 to 125 of T3.


>My FT4 is at 12.6 which is a bit low, but this happened only because I started

with ERFA 12 days ago. My specialist told me patients switcihing to dessicated

always see a falling T4. Especially in the switch.


>She told me to take my 1/2 ERFA when I wake up (always around 11am) and the

next one before going to bed. I guess that means about midnight. I was also

thinking about taking the second dose of ERFA at 5-6 pm.

I found that natural after 2pm prevented me sleeping when I went to

bed at 11.

My personal experience is I can take T3 at bed time but not natural.


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>Remember that my Thyroid Gland works perfefctly. I have Hypothyroidism Type 2,

resistance at the cellular level.

>Probably from quicksilver/amalgam fillings.

Then the " set point " of the TSH feedback loop is wrong, and the way

round that is a total replacement dose, ie TSH down to a miniscule

reading and FT3 to top of range. That will take 3 to 5 grains of Erfa

or 75 to 125 of T3.


>My FT4 is at 12.6 which is a bit low, but this happened only because I started

with ERFA 12 days ago. My specialist told me patients switcihing to dessicated

always see a falling T4. Especially in the switch.


>She told me to take my 1/2 ERFA when I wake up (always around 11am) and the

next one before going to bed. I guess that means about midnight. I was also

thinking about taking the second dose of ERFA at 5-6 pm.

I found that natural after 2pm prevented me sleeping when I went to

bed at 11.

My personal experience is I can take T3 at bed time but not natural.


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