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Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Val, adrenal advice please

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>So my symptoms for today, like it has been more and more in the

>past week is pressure-like symptoms in my head, and stinging pain

>in the head. And waves of " magnetic shocks " through the head.



>I am seriously suspicious about HC and the raise I did 9 days ago.

>I was on 20 for some months, got headaches (for unknown reasons),

>lowered my HC to 17.5 mg, and then abck up to 20 mg 9 days ago,

>because me and my specialist thought I needed more HC to tolerate

>the T3 I am taking in ERFA Thyroid.

On the PC in the office at the moment so don't have the history of the

thread here.

>It feels like my brain is swelling or something. Can it be

>dangerous to be on 20 mg HC? I mean, what if I am the few

>people who get huge problems while on HC?

20 is in the range your body normally produces, your body should lower

it's own production if there is too much around so that should be


Suggestion, and Val may have better ideas, your sleep seems all over

the place, and hence it's not just a matter of " bringing it back " ,

its a matter of establishing a pattern in the first place. Dictate to

your body with the clock to establish a pattern but align it with


Decide on times to suit your life, but work with daylight. I've

suggesteimes here, move them to suit but be consistent from day to


Front load the HC quite heavily, say 10, 7.5, 5, 2.5

Set up a time clock to put a light on in the bedroom at the nominated

" waking time, and have 2 alarm clocks, one to wake you to take HC and

thyroid, the other to get you out of bed if you doze off again.

Set things as follows roughly, adjust it to suit you but try and match

the natural light, don't be asleep in daylight

7am, light comes on

7.15 first alarm goes off, take the Erfa and first dose of HC,

7.30, backup alarm goes off, get out of bed, eat and drink.

Try and get some exercise early in the day, a brisk walk or whatever

but something to get the cortisol moving.

DO NOT sleep in the day at all, even if it's hard to stay awake. NO

stimulants (coffee for instance) after 12.00 noon

by 9pm be " running down " , nothing strenuous or exciting, fairly dimly

lit room, read or look at web rather than watch a film, nothing to

generate " excitement "

Pick a bed time, and this is where you may be able to bring things

forward eventually. Start at midnight say and bring it earlier each

day. Have a glass of milk before you go to bed. Get into bed, read for

5 mins if you want to, and put the light out, make sure the room is

dark, no street lights. If there are disturbing occasional noises then

maybe put on one of the CDs of wave sounds or similar to stop slight

noises penetrating. If you wake in the night then minimum physical

activity and dimmish light, read if you are wide awake and put the

ight out again 30 mins later.

Be sure to take the HC on the first alarm in the morning and get up on

the second even if you were awake in the night.

If you end up on T3 only take a good night dose as you put the light

out, it lowers cortisol and promotes sleep because of it. DO NOT try

this with Erfa, the T2 wakes you up and disturbs sleep.

Give it a week, see how it goes, no matter how tired you are in the

morning get out of bed on that second alarm. You may end up getting

more tired before you pick up on it but the HC and light in the

morning ought to kick your body into life and give you a handle to

hang the day on as it were. The ideal will be to wake feeling rested

as the light comes on with the timeclock.

If anyone has better ideas please feel free to chip in.


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Possibly you need more sodium or potassium as cortils can lower these

adn your body will sometimes already have lowereed them du eot inability

to funciton correctly wiht out cortisol. Try a glass of asea salt water

and ssse if ti releives the head pressure feeling,. ROUTINELY doctors

give out 20-40mg PRED fir allergies and asthma, thi sdose is 5 times as

much as HC odsing so that would equal 100 to 200mg of HC. People only

react htis badly to LOW doses of HC when theoir adrenals are shot and

the HPA over reacts and lowers ATCH.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Possibly you need more sodium or potassium as cortils can lower these

adn your body will sometimes already have lowereed them du eot inability

to funciton correctly wiht out cortisol. Try a glass of asea salt water

and ssse if ti releives the head pressure feeling,. ROUTINELY doctors

give out 20-40mg PRED fir allergies and asthma, thi sdose is 5 times as

much as HC odsing so that would equal 100 to 200mg of HC. People only

react htis badly to LOW doses of HC when theoir adrenals are shot and

the HPA over reacts and lowers ATCH.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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I check my electrolytes about once every month. One time, the chloride and

sodium appeared a bit low, at the lowest limit for what's considered as

" normal " . Next time, everything was fine. Maybe I should drink more sea salt. I

do drink sea salt several times every week. But not one or twice Every day. I

have lost my taste for salt. I feel like I no longer crave it, like I did

earlier, before I started taking HC.

My head is hurting. It's pressure + knives stinging in my brain

now and then. This has lasted since I 1.) Started 1/2 grain ERFA, and 2.) Upped

my dose of HC from 17.5 to 20 mg daily. Both changes happened 21st of November,

9 days ago.

I am thinking... Can it be 1.) ERFA's T4 giving me more rT3? or 2.) HC. I simply

cannot tolerate more than 17.5. Maybe I even need less. I have no clues to

follow. Temperatures are stable no matter which dose of HC I take.

This is living HELL.


> Possibly you need more sodium or potassium as cortils can lower these

> adn your body will sometimes already have lowereed them du eot inability

> to funciton correctly wiht out cortisol. Try a glass of asea salt water

> and ssse if ti releives the head pressure feeling,. ROUTINELY doctors

> give out 20-40mg PRED fir allergies and asthma, thi sdose is 5 times as

> much as HC odsing so that would equal 100 to 200mg of HC. People only

> react htis badly to LOW doses of HC when theoir adrenals are shot and

> the HPA over reacts and lowers ATCH.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I am thinking more in the lines of side-effects. I can be one of those rare

people, you know... Who knows, maybe my brain is swelling. I know my waist,

manboobs and face are all swelling up. I can see a difference today, compared to

10 days ago, before I went up to 20 mg HC and took my ERFA for the first time.


> Possibly you need more sodium or potassium as cortils can lower these

> adn your body will sometimes already have lowereed them du eot inability

> to funciton correctly wiht out cortisol. Try a glass of asea salt water

> and ssse if ti releives the head pressure feeling,. ROUTINELY doctors

> give out 20-40mg PRED fir allergies and asthma, thi sdose is 5 times as

> much as HC odsing so that would equal 100 to 200mg of HC. People only

> react htis badly to LOW doses of HC when theoir adrenals are shot and

> the HPA over reacts and lowers ATCH.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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>I am thinking more in the lines of side-effects. I can be one of those rare

people, you know... Who knows, maybe my brain is swelling. I know my waist,

manboobs and face are all swelling up. I can see a difference today, compared to

10 days ago, before I went up to 20 mg HC and took my ERFA for the first time.

So drop the HC back down and see how you do. Changing 2 things at once

is bad news anyway.


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Awaiting the rT3-results with great expectations... Cause the new ratio will

decide (I hope) what happens next!

I knew I made a mistake when I upped my HC at the same time as starting ERFA

Thyroid. I still did it. I don't know why I did it. Maybe because I was afraid

of not having enough HC/Cortisol to get the T3 into my cells. I don't want a new

case of atrial fibrillation.

Man, this headache/pressure in the head is AMAZINGLY painful!!!

I have been thinking about wisdom teeth (I have 2 that needs to be removed), as

well as cavities (haven't gone to the dentist in 3 years time - I'm an idiot..),

blood clotting (doubt it, but my blood has become thicker lately for some

reason) and finally inflammation of the brain from my chronically infected

tonsils (also needs to be removed asap!) ... BUT the pain came with the increase

in the dose of HC, and start of ERFA, so, I am almost sure one of those are the



> >I am thinking more in the lines of side-effects. I can be one of those rare

people, you know... Who knows, maybe my brain is swelling. I know my waist,

manboobs and face are all swelling up. I can see a difference today, compared to

10 days ago, before I went up to 20 mg HC and took my ERFA for the first time.


> So drop the HC back down and see how you do. Changing 2 things at once

> is bad news anyway.


> Nick


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Thanks for your long reply about the HC, nick. I will reply to it as soon as I

have the energy to do so!

I just wanted to add an experience from this morning. I take my oral basal temp,

and it's 97.1 (36.2 C) which is a bit low. I get up. " Feel ok " (considering

everything) and take my HC after preparing a meal. From the moment I wake up to

I take my HC, it's about 30 minutes.

15 minutes later, I take my 1/2 grain (well it was more like 60% out of 100%,

cause my pill cutter won't cut things straight, plus, ERFA Thyroid is hell to

split in two!) of ERFA Thyroid.. After another 30 minutes or so, the pressurized

headache sneaks up on me, more and more.. And now, I'd have to say that it's

pretty god awfully painful!

My personal feeling is that I am either not tolerating the HC, or taking 2.5 mg

too much of HC (or even more). OR my body is using a whole lot more sodium (or

something else) because of HC and I am lacking things which are giving me


rT3 is being analyzed as we speak. My good GP (he likes the work my specialist

is going with HC, ERFA etc.) put an " EMERGENCY " note on that rT3 to get it

analyzed faster. Normally it takes 2-4 weeks.

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I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.

I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.

Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.

I haven't checked my Potassium lately.


> >

> >15 minutes later, I take my 1/2 grain (well it was more like 60% out of 100%,

cause my pill cutter won't cut things straight, plus, ERFA Thyroid is hell to

split in two!) of ERFA Thyroid.. After another 30 minutes or so, the pressurized

headache sneaks up on me, more and more.. And now, I'd have to say that it's

pretty god awfully painful!


> How much HC was that


> Did temperature rise of fall??

> >

> >My personal feeling is that I am either not tolerating the HC, or taking 2.5

mg too much of HC (or even more). OR my body is using a whole lot more sodium

(or something else) because of HC and I am lacking things which are giving me




> Have you had potassium tested??


> Nick


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I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.

I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.

Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.

I haven't checked my Potassium lately.


> >

> >15 minutes later, I take my 1/2 grain (well it was more like 60% out of 100%,

cause my pill cutter won't cut things straight, plus, ERFA Thyroid is hell to

split in two!) of ERFA Thyroid.. After another 30 minutes or so, the pressurized

headache sneaks up on me, more and more.. And now, I'd have to say that it's

pretty god awfully painful!


> How much HC was that


> Did temperature rise of fall??

> >

> >My personal feeling is that I am either not tolerating the HC, or taking 2.5

mg too much of HC (or even more). OR my body is using a whole lot more sodium

(or something else) because of HC and I am lacking things which are giving me




> Have you had potassium tested??


> Nick


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I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.

I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.

Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.

I haven't checked my Potassium lately.


> >

> >15 minutes later, I take my 1/2 grain (well it was more like 60% out of 100%,

cause my pill cutter won't cut things straight, plus, ERFA Thyroid is hell to

split in two!) of ERFA Thyroid.. After another 30 minutes or so, the pressurized

headache sneaks up on me, more and more.. And now, I'd have to say that it's

pretty god awfully painful!


> How much HC was that


> Did temperature rise of fall??

> >

> >My personal feeling is that I am either not tolerating the HC, or taking 2.5

mg too much of HC (or even more). OR my body is using a whole lot more sodium

(or something else) because of HC and I am lacking things which are giving me




> Have you had potassium tested??


> Nick


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Lil update: The pressure on the chest, and more specifically, the heart, is back

again today. An important observation: The last time I felt This EXACT symptom,

was earlier this year when I was on T4 only. I also felt this symptom all

through last year, when I was on 150 mcg T4 daily, and was taking less and less

every month. Now, the thing is. I was originally on 100 mcg T4 and 30 mcg T3 for

years before all this mess started appearing. I figure the start of AF gave me

high cortisol, I was severely stressed back in 2007, then boomed down to lowish

cortisol (in the cells, at least) or unstable lowish cortisol, and because of

this, rT3 increased, made T4 useless, and stopped T3 from entering my cells,

thus giving me Atrial Fibrillation which nearly killed me. The " treatment " for

this was to remove my T3 in less than 4 weeks (a big no-no, cause you should

never, ever remove T3 that fast!) and upping my T4 dose with 50 mcg daily, to

150 mcg daily, to compensate for the removal of T3. The main goal of this

hilarious doctor was to remove all T4/T3 meds from me, because, in her opinion,

I've never actually Been sick with Hypothyroidism. What a goon. Anyway. Here I

am today, with my 20 mg HC daily, 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid, 50 mcg Synthetic T4,

and rT3-issue. I do have a load of other health problems, but I will concentrate

on the endocrine for now. rT3 is the most interesting aspect of my health at the


rT3 may very well be the main culprit, after getting AF in 2007. . .

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Lil update: The pressure on the chest, and more specifically, the heart, is back

again today. An important observation: The last time I felt This EXACT symptom,

was earlier this year when I was on T4 only. I also felt this symptom all

through last year, when I was on 150 mcg T4 daily, and was taking less and less

every month. Now, the thing is. I was originally on 100 mcg T4 and 30 mcg T3 for

years before all this mess started appearing. I figure the start of AF gave me

high cortisol, I was severely stressed back in 2007, then boomed down to lowish

cortisol (in the cells, at least) or unstable lowish cortisol, and because of

this, rT3 increased, made T4 useless, and stopped T3 from entering my cells,

thus giving me Atrial Fibrillation which nearly killed me. The " treatment " for

this was to remove my T3 in less than 4 weeks (a big no-no, cause you should

never, ever remove T3 that fast!) and upping my T4 dose with 50 mcg daily, to

150 mcg daily, to compensate for the removal of T3. The main goal of this

hilarious doctor was to remove all T4/T3 meds from me, because, in her opinion,

I've never actually Been sick with Hypothyroidism. What a goon. Anyway. Here I

am today, with my 20 mg HC daily, 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid, 50 mcg Synthetic T4,

and rT3-issue. I do have a load of other health problems, but I will concentrate

on the endocrine for now. rT3 is the most interesting aspect of my health at the


rT3 may very well be the main culprit, after getting AF in 2007. . .

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Lil update: The pressure on the chest, and more specifically, the heart, is back

again today. An important observation: The last time I felt This EXACT symptom,

was earlier this year when I was on T4 only. I also felt this symptom all

through last year, when I was on 150 mcg T4 daily, and was taking less and less

every month. Now, the thing is. I was originally on 100 mcg T4 and 30 mcg T3 for

years before all this mess started appearing. I figure the start of AF gave me

high cortisol, I was severely stressed back in 2007, then boomed down to lowish

cortisol (in the cells, at least) or unstable lowish cortisol, and because of

this, rT3 increased, made T4 useless, and stopped T3 from entering my cells,

thus giving me Atrial Fibrillation which nearly killed me. The " treatment " for

this was to remove my T3 in less than 4 weeks (a big no-no, cause you should

never, ever remove T3 that fast!) and upping my T4 dose with 50 mcg daily, to

150 mcg daily, to compensate for the removal of T3. The main goal of this

hilarious doctor was to remove all T4/T3 meds from me, because, in her opinion,

I've never actually Been sick with Hypothyroidism. What a goon. Anyway. Here I

am today, with my 20 mg HC daily, 1/2 grain ERFA Thyroid, 50 mcg Synthetic T4,

and rT3-issue. I do have a load of other health problems, but I will concentrate

on the endocrine for now. rT3 is the most interesting aspect of my health at the


rT3 may very well be the main culprit, after getting AF in 2007. . .

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Yeah, I know, Val. I'm thinking about this 24/7. I just need that rT3-result. I

am curius as hell about it.

Right now, more and more this day and into the evening, I've felt pressure on my

chest. Right now, it feels like a light person is standing on my chest. Not


Just hope I'll make it til I get the rT3-results. I have a phone consultations

with my specialist tomorrow.




> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Come to think of it... I never, ever really felt this pressure on my chest..

Like, ever.. Even when I was a teen and had tachycardia and was big like a

whale, I never had this pressure on my chest. It MUST be hypothyroid doing this

to me - And it can very, very well be rT3. I take your advice very seriously. I

am waiting so badly for that rT3-result!

I just hope I won't just die! I hope I will make it and do the switch to the



> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Come to think of it... I never, ever really felt this pressure on my chest..

Like, ever.. Even when I was a teen and had tachycardia and was big like a

whale, I never had this pressure on my chest. It MUST be hypothyroid doing this

to me - And it can very, very well be rT3. I take your advice very seriously. I

am waiting so badly for that rT3-result!

I just hope I won't just die! I hope I will make it and do the switch to the



> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I had pressure on my chest all thru the night. It was difficult breathing. I

remember I fell asleep thinking " either I die, or I survive " . Fell asleep at

3:30 am. Woke up at 11:30 (cellphone alarm) and here I am. Not much pressure in

my head, no pressure on my chest. Can the effect of T4 go away over the night? I

am about to once again take my ERFA Thyroid + 50 mcg Synthetic T4. I got to, til

I get my rT3 results.


> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I had pressure on my chest all thru the night. It was difficult breathing. I

remember I fell asleep thinking " either I die, or I survive " . Fell asleep at

3:30 am. Woke up at 11:30 (cellphone alarm) and here I am. Not much pressure in

my head, no pressure on my chest. Can the effect of T4 go away over the night? I

am about to once again take my ERFA Thyroid + 50 mcg Synthetic T4. I got to, til

I get my rT3 results.


> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I had pressure on my chest all thru the night. It was difficult breathing. I

remember I fell asleep thinking " either I die, or I survive " . Fell asleep at

3:30 am. Woke up at 11:30 (cellphone alarm) and here I am. Not much pressure in

my head, no pressure on my chest. Can the effect of T4 go away over the night? I

am about to once again take my ERFA Thyroid + 50 mcg Synthetic T4. I got to, til

I get my rT3 results.


> With your symptoms I owuld stop any T4 meds including the ERFA and go to

> T3 onyl.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I think my headaches got better the same day I took 2.5 mg less HC. And I

haven't really had much problems with the head in the past weeks. Only after

raising HC again (and adding ERFA Thyroid) the headaches/headpressure


I think I already wrote this, but I take my HC like this:

11:30 am - Wake up

12:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, ALWAYS after food. I tried with no food = stomach pains. +

Sometimes I take a small glass of water with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of real raw Sea


4:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, again with food

8:00 pm - 5.0 mg HC, with food.

I don't always hit these exact times, you can give or take 1 hour. Depending on

when I wake up. But I always remmeber to take my HC. I am constantly reminded

about my health/meds because I feel so shitty all the time.

When I started with HC, I did 10 mg when I woke up, then 5.0, then 5.0. I also

tried with two times 2.5 in the evening. I can't remember if the results were

any different than they are now. But I do remember than when I stared with HC in

June, my sleep got better and better than with no HC. Only after 4+ months on

HC, sleep got worse and worse. It just takes a long time to fall asleep. Does

that make any sense when I take my last dose of HC at 8 pm (which is not that

late considering that I fall asleep at 5am sometimes!) - I am all up for

changing my dosing times, sleeping pattern etc.

I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!


> >I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.


> Did the headaches get better then??


> >I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.


> OK

> >

> >Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.


> OK.


> Let me rephrase the question. How are you taking that HC?? AAre you

> taking it all at once 30 mins after waking?? If not what timing are

> you using?


> Nick


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I think my headaches got better the same day I took 2.5 mg less HC. And I

haven't really had much problems with the head in the past weeks. Only after

raising HC again (and adding ERFA Thyroid) the headaches/headpressure


I think I already wrote this, but I take my HC like this:

11:30 am - Wake up

12:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, ALWAYS after food. I tried with no food = stomach pains. +

Sometimes I take a small glass of water with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of real raw Sea


4:00 pm - 7.5 mg HC, again with food

8:00 pm - 5.0 mg HC, with food.

I don't always hit these exact times, you can give or take 1 hour. Depending on

when I wake up. But I always remmeber to take my HC. I am constantly reminded

about my health/meds because I feel so shitty all the time.

When I started with HC, I did 10 mg when I woke up, then 5.0, then 5.0. I also

tried with two times 2.5 in the evening. I can't remember if the results were

any different than they are now. But I do remember than when I stared with HC in

June, my sleep got better and better than with no HC. Only after 4+ months on

HC, sleep got worse and worse. It just takes a long time to fall asleep. Does

that make any sense when I take my last dose of HC at 8 pm (which is not that

late considering that I fall asleep at 5am sometimes!) - I am all up for

changing my dosing times, sleeping pattern etc.

I appreciate these helpful words I am getting in this group, a lot!!


> >I started out from June by being on 20 mg HC (raised it slowly, for 3-4 weeks

first) - Then lowered the HC to 17.5 mg about 1 month ago, or a little more.

Cause I got headaches, and believed it was because of the HC dose I was taking.


> Did the headaches get better then??


> >I raised it again 10 days ago, from 17.5 to 20.0 mg. A 2.5 mg raise.


> OK

> >

> >Temps have been lower after this (basal, oral, when I wake up) - BUT I also

stared taking 1/2 grain ERFA 10 days ago.


> OK.


> Let me rephrase the question. How are you taking that HC?? AAre you

> taking it all at once 30 mins after waking?? If not what timing are

> you using?


> Nick


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