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Re: Urgent rT3-question!!! (low body temps!) Val, adrenal advice please

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I am 31. Since I was 13-14 (this is when I got Hypothyroidism, but I wasn't

treated until I was 18) I've had a bad, bad rhythm going to bed. It was mostly

like 5-6 in the morning. And in the past 6-7 years it's been even worse with

flipping the sleeping hours around all the time. Like I've been getting up at 11

pm, going to bed at 3 pm. And so on. Ever other day I would change it to bed at

11 pm and get up at 3 pm. Horrible stuff. But it was my lifestyle for years. I

never founds my way to a normal life with all that Hypo-stuff behind me, and to

be honest, I never felt 100% healthy on synthetic thyroid meds.

Anyway... My waking-up schedule (around noon or even 1 pm at the time I did the

24 hour saliva sample) should explain why the results are skewed! :-) So, no

more confusion about that? You should just move the whole result thing one step

to the left!

I take 20 mg HC daily. Since June. These days, my dose is 7.5 mg when I wake up

at noon, next dose at 4 pm (always 4 hr in between doses) 7.5 mg, then the final

dose " before bedtime " at 8 pm, 5.0 mg. I STILL haven't fixed my schedule after

all these years, so I go to bed at anything from 1 am (rarely) to 5 am.

Actually, lately, I've fallen asleep later and later. So these days it's 5 am.

AND I HATE IT. I want to fall asleep at midnight!

I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?

I will give you more results tomorrow. Extreme headache now.



> >Thanks, Nick. I'll get there one day! Be sure about that!

> >

> >Three days ago, I woke up feeling ice cold with a basal oral temp at 96.6

(35.9 C) - I had all the Hypo symtoms that morning, and that's why I wrote in

this group that day, with the Subject-line above.


> Interesting, I am wondering about night time cortisol levels. The are

> a lot lower than daytime but if they were dipping too low they may

> mean you can't utilise the T3 at night and basal temperature is going

> to low.


> Remind me, you are on HC at the moment? How are you dosing it??

> >

> >I am taking blood samples for rT3++ tomorrow.

> >What if my rT3 hasn't changed, or even become better?

> >My ratio (STTM) is 15.5 based on my 9/11/2009 bloodwork.

> >Is that ratio low enough to go on with T3-only (T3/HC protocol)

> >treatment?

> >

> 15.5 says treatment. 18-20 is the treatment threshold.


> I saw an interview with Kent Holtorf, one of the leaders in the field,

> where he drew a distinction between ratios upset by very low FT3 and

> those with high RT3.


> If I'm following the thread right these are your cortisol results


> http://www.nightrangerweb.net/cortisol.pdf


> and they are completely in the basement on waking at 1.4 whereas we

> look for top of range there at 22! That's going to be having a massive

> effect on your morning temperature and you " getting going " in the

> morning.


> I've flagged this post for Val to look at your adrenal levels as she

> is much more experienced in that, in the mean time can you tell us how

> you are dosing the HC.


> My working theory is that you are not picking up with cortisol

> production early enough in the morning to bring your basal up and it's

> possible a cortisol dosing change may help that.


> Can you also post your last thyroid labs and whatever you were on at

> the time and lets see what we can make of them.


> Nick


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I am 31. Since I was 13-14 (this is when I got Hypothyroidism, but I wasn't

treated until I was 18) I've had a bad, bad rhythm going to bed. It was mostly

like 5-6 in the morning. And in the past 6-7 years it's been even worse with

flipping the sleeping hours around all the time. Like I've been getting up at 11

pm, going to bed at 3 pm. And so on. Ever other day I would change it to bed at

11 pm and get up at 3 pm. Horrible stuff. But it was my lifestyle for years. I

never founds my way to a normal life with all that Hypo-stuff behind me, and to

be honest, I never felt 100% healthy on synthetic thyroid meds.

Anyway... My waking-up schedule (around noon or even 1 pm at the time I did the

24 hour saliva sample) should explain why the results are skewed! :-) So, no

more confusion about that? You should just move the whole result thing one step

to the left!

I take 20 mg HC daily. Since June. These days, my dose is 7.5 mg when I wake up

at noon, next dose at 4 pm (always 4 hr in between doses) 7.5 mg, then the final

dose " before bedtime " at 8 pm, 5.0 mg. I STILL haven't fixed my schedule after

all these years, so I go to bed at anything from 1 am (rarely) to 5 am.

Actually, lately, I've fallen asleep later and later. So these days it's 5 am.

AND I HATE IT. I want to fall asleep at midnight!

I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?

I will give you more results tomorrow. Extreme headache now.



> >Thanks, Nick. I'll get there one day! Be sure about that!

> >

> >Three days ago, I woke up feeling ice cold with a basal oral temp at 96.6

(35.9 C) - I had all the Hypo symtoms that morning, and that's why I wrote in

this group that day, with the Subject-line above.


> Interesting, I am wondering about night time cortisol levels. The are

> a lot lower than daytime but if they were dipping too low they may

> mean you can't utilise the T3 at night and basal temperature is going

> to low.


> Remind me, you are on HC at the moment? How are you dosing it??

> >

> >I am taking blood samples for rT3++ tomorrow.

> >What if my rT3 hasn't changed, or even become better?

> >My ratio (STTM) is 15.5 based on my 9/11/2009 bloodwork.

> >Is that ratio low enough to go on with T3-only (T3/HC protocol)

> >treatment?

> >

> 15.5 says treatment. 18-20 is the treatment threshold.


> I saw an interview with Kent Holtorf, one of the leaders in the field,

> where he drew a distinction between ratios upset by very low FT3 and

> those with high RT3.


> If I'm following the thread right these are your cortisol results


> http://www.nightrangerweb.net/cortisol.pdf


> and they are completely in the basement on waking at 1.4 whereas we

> look for top of range there at 22! That's going to be having a massive

> effect on your morning temperature and you " getting going " in the

> morning.


> I've flagged this post for Val to look at your adrenal levels as she

> is much more experienced in that, in the mean time can you tell us how

> you are dosing the HC.


> My working theory is that you are not picking up with cortisol

> production early enough in the morning to bring your basal up and it's

> possible a cortisol dosing change may help that.


> Can you also post your last thyroid labs and whatever you were on at

> the time and lets see what we can make of them.


> Nick


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I am 31. Since I was 13-14 (this is when I got Hypothyroidism, but I wasn't

treated until I was 18) I've had a bad, bad rhythm going to bed. It was mostly

like 5-6 in the morning. And in the past 6-7 years it's been even worse with

flipping the sleeping hours around all the time. Like I've been getting up at 11

pm, going to bed at 3 pm. And so on. Ever other day I would change it to bed at

11 pm and get up at 3 pm. Horrible stuff. But it was my lifestyle for years. I

never founds my way to a normal life with all that Hypo-stuff behind me, and to

be honest, I never felt 100% healthy on synthetic thyroid meds.

Anyway... My waking-up schedule (around noon or even 1 pm at the time I did the

24 hour saliva sample) should explain why the results are skewed! :-) So, no

more confusion about that? You should just move the whole result thing one step

to the left!

I take 20 mg HC daily. Since June. These days, my dose is 7.5 mg when I wake up

at noon, next dose at 4 pm (always 4 hr in between doses) 7.5 mg, then the final

dose " before bedtime " at 8 pm, 5.0 mg. I STILL haven't fixed my schedule after

all these years, so I go to bed at anything from 1 am (rarely) to 5 am.

Actually, lately, I've fallen asleep later and later. So these days it's 5 am.

AND I HATE IT. I want to fall asleep at midnight!

I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?

I will give you more results tomorrow. Extreme headache now.



> >Thanks, Nick. I'll get there one day! Be sure about that!

> >

> >Three days ago, I woke up feeling ice cold with a basal oral temp at 96.6

(35.9 C) - I had all the Hypo symtoms that morning, and that's why I wrote in

this group that day, with the Subject-line above.


> Interesting, I am wondering about night time cortisol levels. The are

> a lot lower than daytime but if they were dipping too low they may

> mean you can't utilise the T3 at night and basal temperature is going

> to low.


> Remind me, you are on HC at the moment? How are you dosing it??

> >

> >I am taking blood samples for rT3++ tomorrow.

> >What if my rT3 hasn't changed, or even become better?

> >My ratio (STTM) is 15.5 based on my 9/11/2009 bloodwork.

> >Is that ratio low enough to go on with T3-only (T3/HC protocol)

> >treatment?

> >

> 15.5 says treatment. 18-20 is the treatment threshold.


> I saw an interview with Kent Holtorf, one of the leaders in the field,

> where he drew a distinction between ratios upset by very low FT3 and

> those with high RT3.


> If I'm following the thread right these are your cortisol results


> http://www.nightrangerweb.net/cortisol.pdf


> and they are completely in the basement on waking at 1.4 whereas we

> look for top of range there at 22! That's going to be having a massive

> effect on your morning temperature and you " getting going " in the

> morning.


> I've flagged this post for Val to look at your adrenal levels as she

> is much more experienced in that, in the mean time can you tell us how

> you are dosing the HC.


> My working theory is that you are not picking up with cortisol

> production early enough in the morning to bring your basal up and it's

> possible a cortisol dosing change may help that.


> Can you also post your last thyroid labs and whatever you were on at

> the time and lets see what we can make of them.


> Nick


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The best way to changbe sleep patterns is ot VERY gradulaly change them.

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and set an alarm to get up 15 minutes

earlier, whne you r body has adjusted to this, change another 15

monutes. It can take a long time but it cn be done and you will feel

better for it.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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The best way to changbe sleep patterns is ot VERY gradulaly change them.

Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and set an alarm to get up 15 minutes

earlier, whne you r body has adjusted to this, change another 15

monutes. It can take a long time but it cn be done and you will feel

better for it.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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See, the problem is... It doesn't matter if I go to bed 15 minutes earlier or

later.. There is no rule when I fall asleep.. It can be at 2 pm, at 3 pm, at 4

pm etc. I haven't tried melatonin yet. Maybe I should? I am generally not very

fond of medication, or any kind of pills for that matter. But if it's safe, I'll

give it a go.

Last night, I went to bed at 1:45.. Got up at 2:45.. Wanted to eat.. Back in bed

at 3:45.. Fell asleep at around 4.. Or 4:15..

Woke up at 11:30.. This is when my alarm rang..

It's a bit painful to inhale fully now. Hope it's not fluid retention.



> The best way to changbe sleep patterns is ot VERY gradulaly change them.

> Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and set an alarm to get up 15 minutes

> earlier, whne you r body has adjusted to this, change another 15

> monutes. It can take a long time but it cn be done and you will feel

> better for it.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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See, the problem is... It doesn't matter if I go to bed 15 minutes earlier or

later.. There is no rule when I fall asleep.. It can be at 2 pm, at 3 pm, at 4

pm etc. I haven't tried melatonin yet. Maybe I should? I am generally not very

fond of medication, or any kind of pills for that matter. But if it's safe, I'll

give it a go.

Last night, I went to bed at 1:45.. Got up at 2:45.. Wanted to eat.. Back in bed

at 3:45.. Fell asleep at around 4.. Or 4:15..

Woke up at 11:30.. This is when my alarm rang..

It's a bit painful to inhale fully now. Hope it's not fluid retention.



> The best way to changbe sleep patterns is ot VERY gradulaly change them.

> Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and set an alarm to get up 15 minutes

> earlier, whne you r body has adjusted to this, change another 15

> monutes. It can take a long time but it cn be done and you will feel

> better for it.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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I am constantly brainstorming myself; What IF the 24 hour saliva sample was

wrong somehow? What if I did something wrong during the sample-collection? What

if I don't need HC? What if I am taking too much HC? My face has clearly grown

after upping the dose to 20 mg daily 9 days ago - This was the same day as I

started taking dessicated.

But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value


PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.


> >I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

> >

> >Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?


> Hopefully Val can come in on this one, his adrenal results from the

> link) were


> waking 1.4 (12-22)

> +4 10.7 (5-9)

> +8 2.2 (3-7)

> +12 1 (1-3)

> total 15.3 (21-41)


> Nick


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I am constantly brainstorming myself; What IF the 24 hour saliva sample was

wrong somehow? What if I did something wrong during the sample-collection? What

if I don't need HC? What if I am taking too much HC? My face has clearly grown

after upping the dose to 20 mg daily 9 days ago - This was the same day as I

started taking dessicated.

But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value


PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.


> >I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

> >

> >Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?


> Hopefully Val can come in on this one, his adrenal results from the

> link) were


> waking 1.4 (12-22)

> +4 10.7 (5-9)

> +8 2.2 (3-7)

> +12 1 (1-3)

> total 15.3 (21-41)


> Nick


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I am constantly brainstorming myself; What IF the 24 hour saliva sample was

wrong somehow? What if I did something wrong during the sample-collection? What

if I don't need HC? What if I am taking too much HC? My face has clearly grown

after upping the dose to 20 mg daily 9 days ago - This was the same day as I

started taking dessicated.

But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value


PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.


> >I do feel much more " normal " when I wake up these days while on HC. Before

HC.... It was HELL - Waking up felt like I didn't sleep at all even if I did 8-9

hours.. But these days, I have much more problem falling asleep! :(

> >

> >Could I dose my HC differently to get up earlier and fall asleep earlier?


> Hopefully Val can come in on this one, his adrenal results from the

> link) were


> waking 1.4 (12-22)

> +4 10.7 (5-9)

> +8 2.2 (3-7)

> +12 1 (1-3)

> total 15.3 (21-41)


> Nick


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Your symptoms scream that you have a cortils probnlem. Most people wiht

sleep issues need ot unwind for an hour before sleep. Dim lights, no

computer, realxing or boring TV shwo or reading a book help many people

fall asleep. But if your coritls is all over the oklace or high at night

non e of that wil help. Getting a better cortils rythm is the best thing

oyu acan do for yourself.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Your symptoms scream that you have a cortils probnlem. Most people wiht

sleep issues need ot unwind for an hour before sleep. Dim lights, no

computer, realxing or boring TV shwo or reading a book help many people

fall asleep. But if your coritls is all over the oklace or high at night

non e of that wil help. Getting a better cortils rythm is the best thing

oyu acan do for yourself.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Your symptoms scream that you have a cortils probnlem. Most people wiht

sleep issues need ot unwind for an hour before sleep. Dim lights, no

computer, realxing or boring TV shwo or reading a book help many people

fall asleep. But if your coritls is all over the oklace or high at night

non e of that wil help. Getting a better cortils rythm is the best thing

oyu acan do for yourself.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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>But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value



>PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

eat can help sleep.

If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?


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>But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value



>PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

eat can help sleep.

If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?


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>But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value



>PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

eat can help sleep.

If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?


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Cortisol works with sleep, I think. Cause many people get

problems falling asleep while on HC.

So my symptoms for today, like it has been more and more in the

past week is pressure-like symptoms in my head, and stinging pain

in the head. And waves of " magnetic shocks " through the head.

I am seriously suspicious about HC and the raise I did 9 days ago.

I was on 20 for some months, got headaches (for unknown reasons),

lowered my HC to 17.5 mg, and then abck up to 20 mg 9 days ago,

because me and my specialist thought I needed more HC to tolerate

the T3 I am taking in ERFA Thyroid.

It feels like my brain is swelling or something. Can it be

dangerous to be on 20 mg HC? I mean, what if I am the few

people who get huge problems while on HC?

My face has been swelling quite a lot for these past 9 days

since increasing the HC dose by 2.5 mg.

Took the rT3-test today. I hope the answer will be ready on Wednesday.


> >

> >But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value


> >

> >PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.


> Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.


> As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

> sleep triggers is cortisol levels.


> A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

> Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

> has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.


> I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

> over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.


> It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

> cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

> curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???


> I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

> eat can help sleep.


> If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

> hopefully you will feel less fatigued.


> Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?


> Nick


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Cortisol works with sleep, I think. Cause many people get

problems falling asleep while on HC.

So my symptoms for today, like it has been more and more in the

past week is pressure-like symptoms in my head, and stinging pain

in the head. And waves of " magnetic shocks " through the head.

I am seriously suspicious about HC and the raise I did 9 days ago.

I was on 20 for some months, got headaches (for unknown reasons),

lowered my HC to 17.5 mg, and then abck up to 20 mg 9 days ago,

because me and my specialist thought I needed more HC to tolerate

the T3 I am taking in ERFA Thyroid.

It feels like my brain is swelling or something. Can it be

dangerous to be on 20 mg HC? I mean, what if I am the few

people who get huge problems while on HC?

My face has been swelling quite a lot for these past 9 days

since increasing the HC dose by 2.5 mg.

Took the rT3-test today. I hope the answer will be ready on Wednesday.


> >

> >But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every value


> >

> >PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.


> Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.


> As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

> sleep triggers is cortisol levels.


> A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

> Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

> has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.


> I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

> over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.


> It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

> cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

> curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???


> I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

> eat can help sleep.


> If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

> hopefully you will feel less fatigued.


> Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?


> Nick


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Would taking a melatonin supplement help to get you back into a proper sleeping pattern? This helping a person to being their cortisol back into a normal pattern? How would you know if your body was short on melatonin, is it just trial and error or is there a blood test? Would it hurt to just try some to see if it helps?


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Would taking a melatonin supplement help to get you back into a proper sleeping pattern? This helping a person to being their cortisol back into a normal pattern? How would you know if your body was short on melatonin, is it just trial and error or is there a blood test? Would it hurt to just try some to see if it helps?


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Would taking a melatonin supplement help to get you back into a proper sleeping pattern? This helping a person to being their cortisol back into a normal pattern? How would you know if your body was short on melatonin, is it just trial and error or is there a blood test? Would it hurt to just try some to see if it helps?


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The pain and pressure I am experiencing in my head now, can that

be from too much HC (what if my adrenals are producing more

cortisol now, like I don't need any more HC-meds!) or can it be

from rT3 increasing? I am not taking more T4 now than I did before

I took ERFA Thyroid. 1 mcg less daily. BUT ERFA Thyroid may be more

effective in the system, so I might be getting more T4 after all.

I hate being in this mess so much. All the pain and suffering, and

fear of dying, from all these symptoms. I was never really very

much afraid of dying before (2007), but after my Atrial Fibrillation

and then this long period of almost 2 years of getting worse

and worse, it's impossible to avoid getting scared.

I am, somehow, tougher now than I was last year. Probably because

it has been such a long time feeling like CRAP every single day.

My specialist told me that I can switch to Medrol. Is there a

chance it can be better for me than HC?

2-3 days til I get my rT3 result in...

> >

> > >

> > >But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every

value measured.

> > >

> > >PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

> >

> > Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

> >

> > As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

> > sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

> >

> > A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

> > Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

> > has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

> >

> > I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

> > over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

> >

> > It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

> > cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

> > curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

> >

> > I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

> > eat can help sleep.

> >

> > If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

> > hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

> >

> > Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?

> >

> > Nick

> >


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The pain and pressure I am experiencing in my head now, can that

be from too much HC (what if my adrenals are producing more

cortisol now, like I don't need any more HC-meds!) or can it be

from rT3 increasing? I am not taking more T4 now than I did before

I took ERFA Thyroid. 1 mcg less daily. BUT ERFA Thyroid may be more

effective in the system, so I might be getting more T4 after all.

I hate being in this mess so much. All the pain and suffering, and

fear of dying, from all these symptoms. I was never really very

much afraid of dying before (2007), but after my Atrial Fibrillation

and then this long period of almost 2 years of getting worse

and worse, it's impossible to avoid getting scared.

I am, somehow, tougher now than I was last year. Probably because

it has been such a long time feeling like CRAP every single day.

My specialist told me that I can switch to Medrol. Is there a

chance it can be better for me than HC?

2-3 days til I get my rT3 result in...

> >

> > >

> > >But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every

value measured.

> > >

> > >PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

> >

> > Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

> >

> > As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

> > sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

> >

> > A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

> > Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

> > has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

> >

> > I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

> > over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

> >

> > It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

> > cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

> > curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

> >

> > I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

> > eat can help sleep.

> >

> > If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

> > hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

> >

> > Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?

> >

> > Nick

> >


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The pain and pressure I am experiencing in my head now, can that

be from too much HC (what if my adrenals are producing more

cortisol now, like I don't need any more HC-meds!) or can it be

from rT3 increasing? I am not taking more T4 now than I did before

I took ERFA Thyroid. 1 mcg less daily. BUT ERFA Thyroid may be more

effective in the system, so I might be getting more T4 after all.

I hate being in this mess so much. All the pain and suffering, and

fear of dying, from all these symptoms. I was never really very

much afraid of dying before (2007), but after my Atrial Fibrillation

and then this long period of almost 2 years of getting worse

and worse, it's impossible to avoid getting scared.

I am, somehow, tougher now than I was last year. Probably because

it has been such a long time feeling like CRAP every single day.

My specialist told me that I can switch to Medrol. Is there a

chance it can be better for me than HC?

2-3 days til I get my rT3 result in...

> >

> > >

> > >But I see from this sample that my total was too low. As well as every

value measured.

> > >

> > >PS! I woke up at the first sample time, took it, and went to bed again.

> >

> > Which is why it's so low, it's a " sleeping " level.

> >

> > As far as I know, Val, please correct me if I am wrong, one of the

> > sleep triggers is cortisol levels.

> >

> > A rise in cortisol triggers waking and a drop triggers sleep.

> > Melatonin, if I understand it right, is a " dark produced hormone " and

> > has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.

> >

> > I have seen suggestions of using cortisol dosing times to help get

> > over jet lag, and it's basically jet lag that you have.

> >

> > It's also worth using some light therapy to try and get your

> > cortisol/melatonin production operating right. Do you sleep with

> > curtains closed or does daylight come into your room???

> >

> > I think another sleep trigger is blood sugar levels. What and when you

> > eat can help sleep.

> >

> > If you can get sleep/cortisol/T3 synchronised and stable then

> > hopefully you will feel less fatigued.

> >

> > Have you looked for any sleep groups on the Internet?

> >

> > Nick

> >


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>So my symptoms for today, like it has been more and more in the

>past week is pressure-like symptoms in my head, and stinging pain

>in the head. And waves of " magnetic shocks " through the head.



>I am seriously suspicious about HC and the raise I did 9 days ago.

>I was on 20 for some months, got headaches (for unknown reasons),

>lowered my HC to 17.5 mg, and then abck up to 20 mg 9 days ago,

>because me and my specialist thought I needed more HC to tolerate

>the T3 I am taking in ERFA Thyroid.

On the PC in the office at the moment so don't have the history of the

thread here.

>It feels like my brain is swelling or something. Can it be

>dangerous to be on 20 mg HC? I mean, what if I am the few

>people who get huge problems while on HC?

20 is in the range your body normally produces, your body should lower

it's own production if there is too much around so that should be


Suggestion, and Val may have better ideas, your sleep seems all over

the place, and hence it's not just a matter of " bringing it back " ,

its a matter of establishing a pattern in the first place. Dictate to

your body with the clock to establish a pattern but align it with


Decide on times to suit your life, but work with daylight. I've

suggesteimes here, move them to suit but be consistent from day to


Front load the HC quite heavily, say 10, 7.5, 5, 2.5

Set up a time clock to put a light on in the bedroom at the nominated

" waking time, and have 2 alarm clocks, one to wake you to take HC and

thyroid, the other to get you out of bed if you doze off again.

Set things as follows roughly, adjust it to suit you but try and match

the natural light, don't be asleep in daylight

7am, light comes on

7.15 first alarm goes off, take the Erfa and first dose of HC,

7.30, backup alarm goes off, get out of bed, eat and drink.

Try and get some exercise early in the day, a brisk walk or whatever

but something to get the cortisol moving.

DO NOT sleep in the day at all, even if it's hard to stay awake. NO

stimulants (coffee for instance) after 12.00 noon

by 9pm be " running down " , nothing strenuous or exciting, fairly dimly

lit room, read or look at web rather than watch a film, nothing to

generate " excitement "

Pick a bed time, and this is where you may be able to bring things

forward eventually. Start at midnight say and bring it earlier each

day. Have a glass of milk before you go to bed. Get into bed, read for

5 mins if you want to, and put the light out, make sure the room is

dark, no street lights. If there are disturbing occasional noises then

maybe put on one of the CDs of wave sounds or similar to stop slight

noises penetrating. If you wake in the night then minimum physical

activity and dimmish light, read if you are wide awake and put the

ight out again 30 mins later.

Be sure to take the HC on the first alarm in the morning and get up on

the second even if you were awake in the night.

If you end up on T3 only take a good night dose as you put the light

out, it lowers cortisol and promotes sleep because of it. DO NOT try

this with Erfa, the T2 wakes you up and disturbs sleep.

Give it a week, see how it goes, no matter how tired you are in the

morning get out of bed on that second alarm. You may end up getting

more tired before you pick up on it but the HC and light in the

morning ought to kick your body into life and give you a handle to

hang the day on as it were. The ideal will be to wake feeling rested

as the light comes on with the timeclock.

If anyone has better ideas please feel free to chip in.


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