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Hi ! Thanks for the advice. At first when the doctor said that he wouldn't refer us I was thinking no way. But then I realized how far people had to go to actually get one and I realized that it would be stupid not to get one for Logan. No one else can really tell (friends, etc.) but we can! I think that I am just really scared and worried. I teach school and I am out for the summer and I am worried that we will have to spend our whole summer in the air conditioner to keep him cool! (He loves to be outside!!) Do the babies adjust to the extra heat ok?


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Although my son was in his band from June-August in the South Florida heat,

he was only 5-8 months old so it was easier for me to keep him indoors. I'm

sorry I can't remember Logan's age!! But you can always take a break from

the band for an hour in a pool or so, and you can always have fun walking the

malls- or going to inside gyms. I tried to keep as cool as

possible, as he was pretty prone to getting heat rashes if he was too hot- so

we kept his outdoor activity to a minimum, and even sometimes when first

getting into the hot car if it was too overbearing I would keep it off until

we got to our destination (we're talking minutes). You'll have to use your

own judgement and weigh the pros of wearing it, with the cons of the heat and

decide what is best for that situation. Don't forget too, that Logan will

have plenty more summer fun in the years to come, and that this is a small

window of opportunity, so decide on each event what is the best route to take

without compromising important treatment time too much. Good luck! Keep us


' Mom

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Niki,

Thanks for your well wishes- I'm up and about and the rash is clearing up-

still tired (could that be vicoden?!) and a little itchy and achy, but all is

well! Thanks for asking!

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In a message dated 7/26/2002 12:53:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, catasofia2002@... writes:

& Catalina who is taking her sisters bow off the band

and blaming in on the squirrels)


That gave me a good laugh!! How adorable she must be!!! You can scan pics and then attach them to your regular email (I don't think you can do it when posting through the group) where it says attachments.

I would certainly give the pool a try- I know Ari was very knowledgeable with tort, everytime I talked about it she knew or had heard of a lot of it! They deal with it sooooo often, that I'm sure she has heard someone say that it worked for them.

That's fantastic that you will be able to go to Baptist PT!!! I hope you do get Patty, and you know, I think her daughter's name was Catalina, although it may have been Carolina its been so long ago now! Maybe its fate! I think Patty and Ariana were considered very well trained with pt- and I know she certainly has gained more experience since as she seemed to get very interested with it. I will tell you that Sofia may cry, and there is a well-hidden sign that says, no parents allowed in pt, but I was ALWAYS in there, and so were other parents, but Patty told me that one of her patient's parents could not handle any crying and was a big distraction. I would work with Patty in trying to get him to stop crying (bubbles, toys, etc.), but at times we would just take a break or try to get the deep stretch at the very end. Of course, if you ever feel uneasy about any situation, do what you need to do- but I know that Patty (if you get her) would be very willing and eager to have you do exercises at home- in fact- that was our assigment every night! Catalina will probably love to sit on the bench by the lake after and watch the ducks!! Will you be taking her along? Or can you go alone together?

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  • 1 month later...


Thanks- he's the apple of my eye! He was very severe, and I am so glad that

those days of worry and agressive stretching/massaging are over!!!!! What a

relief- thanks for such kind words- it really makes me feel great that you

would never suspect tort!

' Mom

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  • 2 weeks later...


Your doing an awesome job going the extra mile(s!) for Delilah- your a great

mom to be on top of it! I wish my friend was more like you and really took

notice of what plagio is all about. Good luck and keep fighting the good

fight, Delilah is a lucky little girl :)

' Mom

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YOu know that is soo sad..i would hope that the parents HAVE

NOTICED their child's head at a younger age & not be ashamed...i have

always asked ppl how they get their bb's head soo round. if you were

to approach me I WOULD BE SOO GREATFUL!! I was really hoping that

someone could help me out in little AR. Yeah, i know what you

mean..parents just really want to know that they're bb's are perfect

& it's hard for them to understand if they are soo unaware of the

problem...bb's are perfect, just that their head could look

better..you know what i'm saying...also, that is soo sad to heard

that your friend's bb is being called a conehead esp. at

6mth..Delylah was teased about that too. If i was her i would have

done something esp. bc it could affect her future...if she were to

grow into her teen yrs & do unacceptable things, i know someone will

mention about her head being all crooked (literally). I'd rather

those ppl see her in the band than teasing her yrs. to come. they

won't be able to say much(hopefully) when she's done w/her band

probably only : delylah had to wear a band to correct her head shape.

=) which is soo much better now!


> In a message dated 9/9/2002 12:51:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> rella1234@a... writes:



> > I am happy to say that

> > this weekend the friend's son with the severe brachy came down

for a visit,

> >

> > and his head shape has improved slightly. He had severe flat

back, and now

> >

> > its more sloped, still flat, but a little rounder towards the



> BTW- I forgot to mention- his shape was caused from lots of time at


> in the bouncer, and at 6 mnths they called him " conehead " - now he

is 2 years

> and 4 months, with some minimal improvement.


> ' Mom

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We're just here fighting for our BABes; & I would have probably

given up IF It wasn't for this group who told me to keep fighting.


> ,

> Your doing an awesome job going the extra mile(s!) for Delilah-

your a great

> mom to be on top of it! I wish my friend was more like you and

really took

> notice of what plagio is all about. Good luck and keep fighting

the good

> fight, Delilah is a lucky little girl :)


> ' Mom

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Haha- thanks, yeah, we don't get dressed up often, this was on our honeymoon

cruise. You pictured me right, with long brown hair! I'll let dh know he's

on the hottie list, he'll love that for his ego, especially since he's a very

low key guy- I can see him getting all flustered! Thanks for the compliment!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Man you poor thing! I could not imagine 4 mnths of that!!!!! I was lucky

because I happened to be online (surprise!) and started reading about acid

reflux and all the symptoms, then I found out that it could be genetic- my

sister and mom have it very bad- I had it while pregnant, so I called the Doc

and said I wanted the rx for Zantac. I was so happy that she just called it

in for me- never did an upper GI and all that, just talked with me over the

phone, and it worked like magic, as you know!!! I can understand being

afraid to leave her in daycare, it was so frustrating not being able to do

anything that would work, I can only think awful things what a stressed out,

too many kids, overworked and underpaid caregiver might do, besides call you

and say, please get this kid now!

You have been there and done it all!!! Still ready for #3?


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2 days?!!! You are so lucky.

Olivia screamed from the time she was 4 weeks old until about 5

months. She started screaming about a half hour after she woke up

and only stopped when she fell asleep. She even screamed in the

car - wouldn't sleep. It took so long to dx her, because I kept

taking her into see the part time dr. She had 3 colicky daughters

and just kept insisting there was nothing that could be done and it

would stop at 3 months. Our regular ped saw her one night when I

was ready to jump off a bridge. She dx it right away. That p/t ped

left the practice very soon after. I don't think they liked her


I ended up not returning to work because I couldn't trust leaving

Olivia in daycare. I was afraid someone would get so upset with her

that they would shake her. It would have been easier to return to

work than take care of a screaming baby.

It was so terrible. At least I didn't have any other kids to take

care of.

> I know what you mean , the 2 days of non-stop crying for


> reflux really had us going bezerk!!! Zantac saved us many gray

hairs too!


> Mom

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Folks:

I just wanted to let you know that I heard from and she's doing well. Her doc in La. sounds like a good one. Hopefully I'll hear more about her and with 's permission, I can share the name of her doc. I do know this much, she doesn't charge 14,000 for an explant!

Take care.


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Hi. All I know is Huang charges 6,500 for an explant AND mastopexy. My doc charges roughly the same. e paid about 3,500 to be explanted and she too was very ill and had extensive surgery. 14,000 is highway robbery in MY OPINION. My PS was STUNNED when I told him about the 14,000. For me, there's no justification.

I'm glad found a good doctor who cares and worked within reasonable pricing. 's happy and I'm so relieved for her.

I respect the right to your own opinion.

Take care,


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The extra amount was for the OR room and also anethesia costs. Now my lift was only an hour, instead of the two I paid for, and I was immediatly refunded afterwards so I got about $1,000 back.When asked about the amount, this was right after surgery, and I was estimating from the bills I was receiving from my ins company, and was yet to receive the refund on the lift (I didnt know at the time I had one coming) . Like I said, it was about $13,000 (not 14,000)and with the refund later on, it was more like 12,000. I know , you stated that yours was around 10,000 with a lift, well mine was a total of 12,000 with a lift. Some could say Dr. Feng is realy expensive compared to Dr. Huang at 6500, just like Dr. Kolb was in this instance, but all doctors have different prices.

Maybe if I didn't have the insurance agreeing to pay the full amount, and it was me having to pay for it, I am sure she would have given me a break . I feel that this wasn't a crazy amount, as it isnt just covering a long surgery, but also, a detox program I traveled 15 hours for , as I am only 27, and have two full blown auto immune diseases. I understand you can do alot of researching on your own, I'm sure I will hear this- but at the time, being so sick, having Hashimtos, a suspicious thyoid nodule being tested for cancer, and Rhuematoid Arthritis, which one to I study on first, and when? It was hard to walk, hard to do anything, I was so tired & overwhelmed with doctors appts, reading, my two year old son, building the house, working, feeling like I am going to die tomorrow, I needed a doctor to just take over, and guide me on specifically what to do for breast implant detox, what to take & eat, and when.And Dr. Kolb did just that. If I paid more than others, it was well worth it, I needed more than just surgery, and I still receive it. Dr. Kolb calls me weekly for almost two months now. I am sorry if I went on and on about this, but I researched on my doctors beforehand, (even traveled 5 hours to Dr. Feng) and I feel a little put down by the notion I was ripped off, when I wasn't at all. I don't need to hear where I could have went for cheaper, I fortunatly had the options- as I understand many women don't, to get the care I needed, even it is for more. I am thankful for being so lucky.

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Oh I wanted to add that it was $10,000 because of the lift, it would have been around 6,500 had I not needed the lift.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:08 AM

Subject: Re: Re:

I went to Dr Feng and my surgery lasted 6 hours long. It was almost as long as yours and it cost the same price I was quoted before hand. In other words it would not have mattered how long the operation went, it was the same cost. Now my implant surgery was different, it was supposed to be 2 hours and it went to 3 and he charged me more but only for the OR room. Dr Feng includes OR and anesthesia in her price and does not adjust it by time. I know women who have gone to her and had removal that was more complicated than mine and they didn't pay more than $10,000. Anyhow just wanted to let you know that my surgery was about as long as yours. Only it was 6 instead of 7 hours long.

How are you doing anyhow? I had an incision that spit at about 3 months post op, it was ok, but it sure freaked me out.

Take care

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 11:39 PM

Subject: Re: Re:

Marie, I just wanted to make this statement in regards to this $14,000 charge for surgery that keeps being thrown around. If we are referrring to Dr.Kolb, I just wanted to say this, because it refers to my surgery, not just to stick up to her..The cost of surgery with Dr. Kolb was about the same as Dr. Fengs from the very beginning. However, my surgery took almost 7 hours due to a very out of control, nasty infection in my breasts , capsules, ribs ,and chest cavity. Dr. Kolb worked very specifically to remove every little peice of that funky crap out of me, and the surgery being that long did cost near to $13,000. This is never the normal explant time (anywhere from one hour to four hours ) and my case was extremly bad. I think I was one of her longest surgeries on explant. Never, never , never did she expect or tell me this cost in the beginning. I can't see her telling anyone this cost up front for a normal expant/lift procedure. Maybe, she spoke worst case scenerio to , after I told what mine cost in the end, but I explained why. Everybody has a different surgery outcomes, and costs can vary. I know if I had went with Dr. Feng, the price for 7 hours would have also increased dramatically. I just wanted to clear that up. I don't & can't see how Dr. Kolb would start telling people this price for a normal explant, no one would go to her. If I am wrong, and this is not referring to Dr. Kolb, I am mistaken, However, it has to be, seeing that just a month after mine being that amount, and then me disclosing this amount, it was being talked about how outrageous that amount is. I think it isn't outrageous in my case, it was a tough, messy surgery. She had to cancel all her appts for the day, it was so bad.

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I didn't want to make you feel that you were ripped off, I hope that I didn't hurt your feelings. I do agree that this is allot of money, we all have to do what we have to do when it came to explant, I was also told by many people that I was crazy to go to Dr Feng but I still went and I don't really care what anyone wants to say about it, I am happy with what I got out of it, if you feel that way, then you should also be happy too. I agree that it is allot of money and I would hope that these Dr's might try to someday come down on these costs, because it is so hard for us to afford this stuff ya know. It really seems unfair that any of them charge this much, however, I was only sharing with you that my surgery was also long and what it cost. I feel it was worth every penny of it, because I at least have a great cosmetic outcome and I was so afraid I would not have that. I also do feel that there are many protocols for immune disease that are similiar to Dr Kolbs that one can use your right, you can research it yourself, however again I agree with you 100% that sometimes you just don't want to think about all that and want things handled for you. For me that was going to Dr Feng, I felt so happy and completely at ease there, so no matter what anyone else wants to say about it, I am completey happy with what I got for my money. THe thing that sucks the most is that these insurance companies are not going to pay for these procedures when they are so astronomical. Anyhow I hope that I didn't upset you by what I said, I was only sharing my own story.

Take care


----- Original Message -----


Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 1:04 PM

Subject: Re: Re:

The extra amount was for the OR room and also anethesia costs. Now my lift was only an hour, instead of the two I paid for, and I was immediatly refunded afterwards so I got about $1,000 back.When asked about the amount, this was right after surgery, and I was estimating from the bills I was receiving from my ins company, and was yet to receive the refund on the lift (I didnt know at the time I had one coming) . Like I said, it was about $13,000 (not 14,000)and with the refund later on, it was more like 12,000. I know , you stated that yours was around 10,000 with a lift, well mine was a total of 12,000 with a lift. Some could say Dr. Feng is realy expensive compared to Dr. Huang at 6500, just like Dr. Kolb was in this instance, but all doctors have different prices. Maybe if I didn't have the insurance agreeing to pay the full amount, and it was me having to pay for it, I am sure she would have given me a break . I feel that this wasn't a crazy amount, as it isnt just covering a long surgery, but also, a detox program I traveled 15 hours for , as I am only 27, and have two full blown auto immune diseases. I understand you can do alot of researching on your own, I'm sure I will hear this- but at the time, being so sick, having Hashimtos, a suspicious thyoid nodule being tested for cancer, and Rhuematoid Arthritis, which one to I study on first, and when? It was hard to walk, hard to do anything, I was so tired & overwhelmed with doctors appts, reading, my two year old son, building the house, working, feeling like I am going to die tomorrow, I needed a doctor to just take over, and guide me on specifically what to do for breast implant detox, what to take & eat, and when.And Dr. Kolb did just that. If I paid more than others, it was well worth it, I needed more than just surgery, and I still receive it. Dr. Kolb calls me weekly for almost two months now. I am sorry if I went on and on about this, but I researched on my doctors beforehand, (even traveled 5 hours to Dr. Feng) and I feel a little put down by the notion I was ripped off, when I wasn't at all. I don't need to hear where I could have went for cheaper, I fortunatly had the options- as I understand many women don't, to get the care I needed, even it is for more. I am thankful for being so lucky.

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, thank you for your kind response. You don't know how much I appreciate it. I agree about the costs, and realy what matters is that we help women get treated by the best docs out there, so they are not scammed twice. So they don't have to go thru what many women like Marie is now going thru. She is paying the price,. not the makers, not the doctors. We all just have to all just have to stick together to make sure we tell all the women possible, that to some extent, we do still have some type of control, even when it seems too late.That control being- that they have informed choices from all of us, about the best plastic surgeons out there in the USA, who will treat them correctly, and with their best interests in mind. Doesn't matter what doctor is a little cheaper, or alot more, or who is the best for appearances or for detox, just that they are the only good doctors we know of, who are trustworthy, and do wonderful jobs based on what we have seen. I think all these doctors, Huang, Feng, Kolb, and the rest are all the best out there. Period. Thanks, for understanding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amen !!! That was so well put!!! It even helped me to realize I shouldn't get so upset when people stare...thanks for the wonderful insight.

Taryn and


Krista,That really made my day to read that- its a great feeling to pass on the same help that I was lucky to receive starting out, so I'm glad I could help. I think the fact that also had pt at Baptist Hospital 2x a week, really kept things in fresh perspective for me, there was hardly an appt. that I didn't see someone being wheeled around with the halo or pins in legs, or laying on stretchers that made me realize how trivial molding my son's headshape really was. Not that those stares didn't bug me at times, but I wouldn't waste much energy on worrying about it, we all know anything out of the "norm" will make people take a second glance, blue hair, crooked teeth, a huge zit, you name it and people will gawk at it, its human nature. Take each glance with a grain of salt, for most its just that you have peaked their curiosity and do not mean any ill will by taking a look, or even staring longer. For those that couldn't break that glance, a nice smile and look their way usually embarrassed them and they would look away. Either way, as Marci said in her great post, its all about you and your comfort level, do whatever works for you in getting you past those moments- without compromising treatment by taking off the helmet- just keep in mind that your only prolonging treatment if you do take it off. I personally feel that the more negative attention or feedback you give the person, the more wasted energy you have spent in acknowleding their presence and perhaps drawing negative attention or vibes to your little one. Just remind yourself that YOU KNOW the real story behind the plastic, how trivial this is in the grand scheme of life, and hold your head up high because only you know that your doing the absolute best thing for your little one, and in the end, that's all that really matters. And the majority of the public is very uneducated and are not as lucky as your little one to have a mom so on top of things so early in life- so feel good about that everyday! It's a very small window of opportunity to be brave for your little one, use it to your advantage and thank God that it will all be over soon, without any serious problems to contend with. Good luck and thanks for saying that, it really made my day. :o))' Proud Mom For more plagio info

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Thank you so much for the information. It has made me feel much

better to hear a positive story. It can be so overwhelming in the

beginning. I will keep in touch as we progress. Please post those

pictures. I would love to see them.

Thanks again,

> ,

> Your story is exactly my story, almost to a T- although I think my

son was

> more severe as he did have a huge knot that was later determined

to be a

> hematoma, caused when they tore his muscle getting him out.

Literally, 8

> week old dx, 2x a week 1/2 hour sessions, left tort, but what

confuses me, is

> that you say you have a hard time turning him left without keeping

him off

> that flat spot. My son had left tort, and his flat spot was on

the back

> right, as he could only turn that way. Excellent to hear that

your son will

> turn left on his tummy, that's great! If you just started

exercises, and

> there is little resistance, it sounds like your son may be mild,

which is

> great news and should mean less time with therapy. We stretched

our son from

> 3 months to 9/10 months everyday, with massage and craniosacral

therapy as

> well- but he was severe so hopefully your road will be less

intense. We did

> try to reposition him, even before the dx of tort, as a friend's

son had a

> very misshapen head and at the time, we called it bedhead and knew


> could occur. But, he started daycare at 3 months (I was soooo

worried!!) and

> even though they knew of the situation, it was impossible to


> reposition and we saw it get worse (start documenting with photos

now!). I

> immediately went to CT for a free eval. They sent me home to


> aggresive repo in conjunction with the daycare to make sure we

tried that

> route extensively since he was still young. At 4 months, and in

talking with

> the great members of this Board, I went to my ped for his well

baby and

> brought it up. She said she saw worse, the ear misalignment was

an optical

> illusion, it will round out over time. I left, but felt very


> with that, since over time it continually worsened, and I knew the

window of

> opportunity for the best correction was fast approaching- not to

mention, I

> knew his ears were off, and it wasn't an illusion due to the

tilt. I called

> back and asked for that referral- no problem. My son wore the DOC

band from

> 5-8 months of age, the facial and ear asymmetry corrected to about

95% we

> guess. After all was said and done, she was so amazed at the

results, and

> said it was the best decision we made, especially with him in

daycare. So be

> very proactive, know your stuff, and educate yourself so that you

can make an

> informed decision on how you will proceed with this irregardless

of what a

> Doctor tells you. I can't tell you how many posts I've read where


> parents want to turn back time and not listen to their Doctor's

theories- its

> what made me very informed and in charge of our course of

action. Good

> luck to you as you are just starting out, and I will try to post

some before

> tort and after tort pics to give you the hope that I was seeking

when talking

> with other parents, your child will be a-ok, I guarantee you! If

I can help

> in anyway, please feel free to email me anytime.


> ' Mom

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How flattering! Your so sweet- I'm glad my words gave you a pick me up, it only comes from being a little farther down the road than you are, and soon you'll be sharing the same advice with someone else behind you, as the days go by, you get stronger and stronger about your decision and it gets much easier- and of course seeing progress certainly helps. I have to pull the pics out where he was 2 months old and then now, so you can see how far we had to come. Hang in there, soon this will all be old hat for you!

' mom

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I saw the pictures of your lil one, He is adorable, Where

are you from ? Just so you know I’m serious about your email, I have it

hear on my desk and I have read it to my friends, mom and finance. Your words

mean a lot and I’m going to carry it with me in case I’m in the mall or out and

people get to staring I will read your email again.






From: rella1234@...


Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002

1:14 PM


Subject: Krista


very welcome- I will search for those pics and send them to you. It can

be very overwhelming to start out, but just know that this is very treatable,

and with your hard work and effort, your little one will be just fine.

Definetly keep me posted through your journey, I would love to hear all of the

great milestones of achievement to come!

For more plagio


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/14/2002 10:04:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, aleys@... writes:

The hardest thing is when somebody tells me they see nothing wrong and I shouldn't be doing this (the helmet, the trips, the PT, OT and speech, etc etc).


It really is hard going up against the grain- for many its the "oh, she's a first time mom" kind of attitude, like your overreacting. Trust me, all of those nay sayers (my parents included), were all eating their words and boy did that feel great!!!!! I just took to the Doctor yesterday, ear infection, and again, she says on her way out, "and boy what a nice round head, I just have to say it!"

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