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In a message dated 1/2/2004 7:04:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

marcjen123@... writes:

If anyone has any suggestions on the time management, Isaac's hearing, or the

abnormal blood work result please let me know. I am always looking for new


Hi . Your post was familiar to me. My son got his CI at 20

months. He had his hearing aids at 3.5 months and also received some benefit


them. We also went through phases that lasted months of him pulling the

hearing aids out. We were vigilent about keeping them in. We also had lots of

trouble with feedback and it was so annoying. Those days were so frustrating


challenging. We still have daily challenges. is now 3 years old and I

have another son who is 16 months old. (lots of food allergies and eczema) So

again, I can relate to the challenges of managing two. I stay at home and

sometimes I think I'm going to lose my mind. I read some of the other posts


having the kids watch videos and I only wish I could get mine to sit still to

attend to it long enough for me to actually get something done! My son's

latest thing is to pick out a video, stick it in the machine and then


want a different one. They seem to be constantly clamoring for my attention

and sometimes literally climbing up my legs! Oh well, I didn't mean to go off

on a tangent about my high maintenance boys.

I can say that in time it gets easier regarding the hearing loss issues. A

few months ago was screaming all the time and talking in a high pitch

screech. It was so annoying and we had tried all different techniques to try to

get him to stop. As usual it just seemed to go away on it's own. ( I guess

on 's terms) But I remember how crazy it made us and we were actually

trying to remember those days just yesterday and we couldn't remember all the

details. So some of the things that cause you grief now will subside.

If you have any specific questions regarding the CI or other issues I'd be

happy to answer them.

's mom, 3 years, CI 7/30/02

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" My son's latest thing is to pick out a video, stick it in the

machine and then immediately want a different one. "

Oh, wow...can I relate to this one! Sam (will be 3 in April) does

this all the time. In goes one tape...he says " a Wee Wee pee "

(translation:I'd rather have Wiggles please). In goes Wigggles, " a

Star War Jedi pee " . In goes Star Wars, " a Woody Buzz pee " , in goes

Toy Story. On and on. I just had to comment because I just completed

a page in Sam's scrapbook about his video indecision ;-)

Sam is HOH (deaf in one ear; mild-severe sloping in the other), and I

also feel drained most days. Sam has speech 1x per week, AV therapy

1x per week, and soon starts preschool. Our older son, 5 year old

Gabe, is an amazing, bright inquisitive kid who would keep me busy

all day long just answering his many questions. Some days I feel

positively hoarse from talking all day..Gabe's questions and the

auditory input for Sam. I can definitely use a secretary. And a

cook. And someone to clean. And do laundry. And a driver would be

*spectacular*, too.

But, you do eventually get in a routine. And it all does start to feel

normal for your family. It takes some time...but you get there. I

think we're finally getting there.

Mom to Gabe, age 5, Hearing (asthma, anaphylactic food allergies)

and Sam, 2.5, HOH...otherwise healthy as a horse.

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