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Hi Pam,

My surgeon was pretty blunt in telling me that I probably never look exactly

the same as I did before, which is a shame cuz I used to be a hot chick!

(LOL!) But I will look much better and it may be a long process before I can

have strabismus surgery and then corrective surgery to my lids. So I have

learned to live with the fact that there is no quick fix for this and that

the eye disease has to run its course. I don't want to rush into surgeries

too quickly that will have to be redone if the disease progresses. My main

concern right now is preserving my vision and that has me a little worried.

Thank you for the comment on my " upbeat " posts....can't really take credit

for that. I have come to look at my ailments as a blessing in that I can

help someone else who is wearing the same shoes. It is not a curse. God

doesn't make mistakes. One day I looked in the mirror and said outloud,

" Man, I am a hag! " A still small voice very clearly answered me, " You are

beautiful! You are just the way I want you. " I have been blessed by a

loving God, supportive family and friends and all of my NEW friends on this

board and Mediboard who have carried me thru this!

But Pam, some days I cry.

God bless,

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Hi , what are they saying your eyes will be like once the surgery is all

done? Do you expect they will ever be back to normal? It sounds so horrible

what you are going through, and yet your posts always sound so upbeat!

Pam B.

Re: Greetings from Bangkok

Hey Hugh! Thailand.....WOW!

I live in the US in Virginia. I too have very serious thyroid eye disease.

My neuro ophth was going to put me on steroids at first. But my endo had

spoken with Dr. Neil at the Wilmer Eye Institute (renowned neuro

ophth) and they both decided that the side effects of the steroids would not

be worth it for me. I refuse to have any radiation to my eyes, so that is

not an option for me. I will be having decompression surgery soon as my

bulging (proptosis) measures 30 cm and I am having problems with blurring


dimming colors in one eye.

I don't have any advice on any of the things you were asking about, but just

wanted to put my 2 cents in and also to say WELCOME! Now you are not the

" only Graves sufferer you know! "

God Bless,


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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You truly are an inspiration! Truly! I shared your personal story with my

father, who thought you one of the most courageous persons he " knows. " When

you shared your pictures, I was touched deeply. You are right when you look

at it as a " blessing. " I do believe that if we weren't meant to make the

climb (and find lovely things along the way -- even when the going is rough)

we would not have been placed at the bottom of the glorious mountain.

Yes, at times crying helps a great deal, but it's also very healing, I find.

There is a lot a person can " gain " from having to face a personal illness, or

one affecting someone deeply loved. I know I've never been the same person

since being diagnosed with disease. I was forced to look at life in a

different way, and it's not such a bad view from here! :)

Keep shining your light -- I feel it with every post you make. We share a

common ground in illness (no matter what illness it is really) and I hold

onto the belief that our lives are richer because of this sharing. Your

willingness to help others through support and sharing your personal ordeal

and attitude is a gift to us all! You are such a wonderful person and I'm so

glad to have your light shining so bright!

All my best! When does your doctor think you might be ready for eye surgery?

(I understand you are waiting for your mm's to be under 30, but when does

he/she think that might be?)

Love and hugs,

Ann :)

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Hi again Pam!

Try not to worry about TED. Only about 5% of Graves patients get it as bad

as I have it. I am special! Just read up on the symptoms so you can be on

top of the situation if you start showing symptoms. My first symptoms were

watery eyes that were sensitive to light. Thought I was having allergies.

My mom had bought me some flaxseed oil to take, but it scared me as it states

on the bottle that it " supports the immune system " . She also got Echinacea

root and that bottle states that it " stimulates the immune system. " I

thought that my immune system was already over stimulated, so I should stay

away from anything that revs it up more? Any info on that for me?

Thank you for your words of support and encouragement! I'll take all of that

I can get!

God bless,

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Well, you are certainly an inspiration to me! And your faith is much

stronger than mine, I don't know that I could be as strong as you. You will

be a hot chick again, if you aren't still LOL!

Have you tried flaxseed oil or other sources of Omega 3? I know it's really

been helping me, not just with my eyes (I get very slight pressure behind

them and sometimes they bulge a little when I get stressed, nothing to

compare with you...) but also with my skin and probably other areas since

it's supposed to be so good for us. It is supposed to help with vision as


Thanks for writing back, I've been wondering if the surgery would be 100%

improvement or not. Especially since Elaine wrote that those with both

blocking and stimulating antibodies are more likely to develop TED, I've

been trying to wrap my mind around that as a possibility for me down the


Have a good night,



Hi Pam,

My surgeon was pretty blunt in telling me that I probably never look exactly

the same as I did before, which is a shame cuz I used to be a hot chick!

(LOL!) But I will look much better and it may be a long process before I


have strabismus surgery and then corrective surgery to my lids. So I have

learned to live with the fact that there is no quick fix for this and that

the eye disease has to run its course. I don't want to rush into surgeries

too quickly that will have to be redone if the disease progresses. My main

concern right now is preserving my vision and that has me a little worried.

Thank you for the comment on my " upbeat " posts....can't really take credit

for that. I have come to look at my ailments as a blessing in that I can

help someone else who is wearing the same shoes. It is not a curse. God

doesn't make mistakes. One day I looked in the mirror and said outloud,

" Man, I am a hag! " A still small voice very clearly answered me, " You are

beautiful! You are just the way I want you. " I have been blessed by a

loving God, supportive family and friends and all of my NEW friends on this

board and Mediboard who have carried me thru this!

But Pam, some days I cry.

God bless,


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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Hi ,

Supports and stimulates are two different things! I also take Siberian

Ginseng to " support " my adrenals, which are exhausted from being " on " all

the time. This is different from traditional ginseng which would stimulate

the adrenals and is something we should stay away from. I'm not sure how to

explain the difference though, except that I think that support in this case

means something like " taking a load off " or maybe like giving it a chance to


My naturopath doctors all say the same thing: take the flaxseed oil. They

call it an essential fatty acid and people do not get enough of it anymore.

It is essential because we need it to survive and the body can't produce it.

Especially since we get too much of the other types of oils that are mostly

Omega 6, and that upsets the balance. Plus ground flax seeds and oil have

been shown to make breast cancer tumors smaller or totally disappear, it

nourishes the brain, the heart, the eyes. I'm convinced it's not bad for

us - especially since I've been taking it for over 4 months now and feel

better all the time, not worse.

Stay away from the Echinacea, because that definitely stimulates, but try

the flax oil, it can really help. Walnuts also contain Omega 3. And there

are eggs now with Omega 3.

Here are some ideas for the flax oil, if you don't want to slurp down a

tablespoonful at a time:

Mix it in with a fruit smoothie,

Mix it in with salad dressing,

Mix it in with mayo when making a sandwich or potato or pasta salad

Mix it in with pasta sauce after it's cooked.

Drizzle it on veggies

And don't forget to keep flaxseeds and flaxseed oil in the fridge, it can

spoil and turn into linseed oil which is poison... and toss it after the

expiration date.

Thanks for the reassurance about only 5% getting TED. I do have some of the

symptoms some of the time, but so far I'm able to keep it away with the

Omega 3. Oh, and I had some cranial-sacral work done on them as well, which

really made them feel better. You might try that if you can find someone

that does it. Most likely a DO or ND would do it or be able to refer you to

someone who can. Dr. Weil's book, Spontaneous Healing talks about

cranial sacral work in the first or second chapter I think, and he does a

good job explaining it and its history.

I hope you try it and that it really makes a difference somehow!


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My N.D. does it - she is a naturopath. I've seen some D.O. on the internet

that do it to. I think it was invented by a D.O. Mine was taught by a South

American Shaman! Here is a link to check out: http://www.craniosacral.com/

there is a link on the bottom to search for a practitioner.


Hi Pam,

So would a doctor do this or a message therapist?


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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  • 1 month later...
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Re: RAI - worth it or not??


When people write to the moderators with this question, we tell them to try

again. For some reason, sometimes it doesn't 'take' the first time.

So I'd try again and wait a bit -- if it doesn't change, you can also write

to yahoo and see what's up.


RAI - worth it or not??



> I was diagnosed with graves in 7/99 and put on PTU-200 mil. A beta-

> blocker 25 mil. was added approx. 1 and a half years later and then

> at some point they upped PTU to 300 mil daily. PTU worked fine - I

> lost all the symptons that were bothering me. Then this may 02' my

> dr. told me that PTU was not intended to be taken as long as I have

> been on it and that she wanted me to consider REI to destroy my

> thyroid. She also told me to see and endo for a 2nd opnion. I have

> seen the endo and she concurs with my dr. on not being able to

> continue on with PTU and also recommends REI. She told me to stop

> taking the PTU and at the same time upped my beta blocker to 50 MIL

> daily. That was just over 3 weeks ago, and oddly I don't feel as

> hyper as I would have anticipated. Of course, when an emotional

> situations occur (anger for example) I can certainly feel the

> hyper " rage " occuring within me but overall I feel pretty good. I

> have been against surgery and REI since my first diagnosis but am

> feeling like I have few, if any, choices at this point.

> Is there someone else out there whom has had this disease for more

> than 3years?? They tell me that if I remain on the PTU that I am at

> risk of " sudden liver failure " . Has anyone else " out there " been on

> anti-thryoid meds. for more than 3 years?? Whats the worse that could

> happen if I continue to be against the REI? Iam worried that once I

> do it I will be sorry later.







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If your printing out the e-mail that contains your questions in it, you may

want to remove the part where you said your doctor doesn't have a

*clue*...hehehehe...I don't think he would appreciate it ;-)

You can copy the e-mail to MS Word if you have it and then do any editing

you need to.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

>>>And now I question if I'll ever be more than a person dealing with a

>>>chronic illness...having to watch every step, live in a bubble in an

>>>attempt to avoid stress. I'm so sick of being limited by the disease.

>>>Will I ever regain my old self?<<<

The move had to be very stressful and then throw in all the other changes,

part of your problem could very well be the added stress.

You WILL get better , but I believe you need to be on a more

structured regimen for now. Are you taking the PTU every 8 hours? If not,

this will be of more help to you than you know. And cutting from 200 to 100

could have been way to big of a cut. Try one 50mg pill EVERY 8 hours. This

will give your body coverage for 24 hours. PTU is very short acting, so

your leaving your body uncovered for part of the time if your not dosing

this way...which will kick up the hyper symptoms.

When you cut again, cut in 1/2 pill increments but don't do it without

labs...get the labs, then do the cutback. Take the 1/2 pill in the morning,

1/2 at 8 hours and full at night. Then maybe 1/2 at each 8 hours, then go

to 1/4 in the morning, 1/2 in afternoon, 1/2 at night. Pam L is the expert

in how to do this and do it slowly with success.

Whatever way or amount you are doing, every 8 hours dosing on ptu is

ESSENTIAL for you to quit bouncing around. I have seen more and more people

end up turning everything around by following this dosing schedule.

Hang in here , you will be yourself again, just have patients with

yourself and with your hubby.



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  • 5 months later...

For many of us, we have been TTC (trying to conceive) for quite

sometime. We read the abbreviations and understand right away what

they mean (just like English). If you have just started browsing the

web to try to conceive, you aren't expected to know what the

abbreviations stand for.

PG- pregnant. AF- " Aunt Flow " or your period. CD is cycle day. MC is

miscarriage. BD'ing is babydancing (having intercourse). BBT- basal

body temperature. OPK- ovulation predictor kits. CF- cervical fluid.

CP- cervical position.

At the website, http://www.tryingtoconceive.com, there is a list of

abbreviations for you to read that explains more.

Some of the more common ones are:


*2ww Two Week Wait - Luteal Phase - 14 days after ovulation

*AF Aunt Flo, menstruation, period

*AH Assisted Hatching

*BBT Basal Body Temperature

*BD Baby Dance, Sex

*Beta Blood test for PG

*BFN Big Fat Negative

*CB Cycle Buddy - Same cycle day as yourself!

*CD Cycle Day

*CL Corpus Luteum

*CM Cervical Mucus

*CP Cervical Position

*DD Dear Daughter

*DH Dear Husband

*DP Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other

*DPO Days Past Ovulation

*DS Dear Son

*DTD Doing The Dance, BD, sex

*DUST Alumnae sprinkle PG Dust~*~*~*~*~*~ on us TTCers

*EC Embryo Cyro/Freezing

*EDD Estimated Due Date

*EPO Evening Primrose Oil

*EWCM Egg-White Cervical Mucus

*ER Egg Retrieval

*ET Egg transfer (can be used as 5dpet to mean 5 days past egg


*HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected in HPTs

*H & H Happy and Healthy

*HPT Home Pregnancy Test

*HSG Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray

*ICSI Microfertilization

*IUI Intrauterine Insemination

*IVF In Vitro Fertilization

*KEGELS The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.

Very important to keep it toned by flex & hold.

Referred to as doing your Kegels

*LH Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs

*LP Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF

*O or OV Ovulation

*OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit

*PG Pregnancy, pregnant

*PNV Prenatal Vitamin

*RE Reproductive Endocronolgist or EXPERT- doctor who specializes in

fertility problems

*SA Semen Analysis

*ROBI A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup

(expectorant) used to thin CM

*SOD Sex on Demand

*TCOYF " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni Weschler

*TR Tubal Reversal

*TTC Trying To Conceive

*YI Yeast Infection

Hope these help some! lol

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Thank you so much now I can decipher! lol So this list is also for people who

are trying to conceive but are not yet pregnant???

To visit my website, learn about gastric bypass surgery, see my weight loss

pictures, or just to learn about me go to



For many of us, we have been TTC (trying to conceive) for quite

sometime. We read the abbreviations and understand right away what

they mean (just like English). If you have just started browsing the

web to try to conceive, you aren't expected to know what the

abbreviations stand for.

PG- pregnant. AF- " Aunt Flow " or your period. CD is cycle day. MC is

miscarriage. BD'ing is babydancing (having intercourse). BBT- basal

body temperature. OPK- ovulation predictor kits. CF- cervical fluid.

CP- cervical position.

At the website, http://www.tryingtoconceive.com, there is a list of

abbreviations for you to read that explains more.

Some of the more common ones are:


*2ww Two Week Wait - Luteal Phase - 14 days after ovulation

*AF Aunt Flo, menstruation, period

*AH Assisted Hatching

*BBT Basal Body Temperature

*BD Baby Dance, Sex

*Beta Blood test for PG

*BFN Big Fat Negative

*CB Cycle Buddy - Same cycle day as yourself!

*CD Cycle Day

*CL Corpus Luteum

*CM Cervical Mucus

*CP Cervical Position

*DD Dear Daughter

*DH Dear Husband

*DP Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other

*DPO Days Past Ovulation

*DS Dear Son

*DTD Doing The Dance, BD, sex

*DUST Alumnae sprinkle PG Dust~*~*~*~*~*~ on us TTCers

*EC Embryo Cyro/Freezing

*EDD Estimated Due Date

*EPO Evening Primrose Oil

*EWCM Egg-White Cervical Mucus

*ER Egg Retrieval

*ET Egg transfer (can be used as 5dpet to mean 5 days past egg


*HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected in HPTs

*H & H Happy and Healthy

*HPT Home Pregnancy Test

*HSG Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray

*ICSI Microfertilization

*IUI Intrauterine Insemination

*IVF In Vitro Fertilization

*KEGELS The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.

Very important to keep it toned by flex & hold.

Referred to as doing your Kegels

*LH Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs

*LP Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF

*O or OV Ovulation

*OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit

*PG Pregnancy, pregnant

*PNV Prenatal Vitamin

*RE Reproductive Endocronolgist or EXPERT- doctor who specializes in

fertility problems

*SA Semen Analysis

*ROBI A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup

(expectorant) used to thin CM

*SOD Sex on Demand

*TCOYF " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni Weschler

*TR Tubal Reversal

*TTC Trying To Conceive

*YI Yeast Infection

Hope these help some! lol

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This list is for anyone currently pregnant after surgery, or trying to get

pregnant, or thinking about getting pregnant after surgery if they choose to

have wls, or who have gotten pregnant after surgery. Not just pregnant women.

This way we can all share our individual experiences and information.



For many of us, we have been TTC (trying to conceive) for quite

sometime. We read the abbreviations and understand right away what

they mean (just like English). If you have just started browsing the

web to try to conceive, you aren't expected to know what the

abbreviations stand for.

PG- pregnant. AF- " Aunt Flow " or your period. CD is cycle day. MC is

miscarriage. BD'ing is babydancing (having intercourse). BBT- basal

body temperature. OPK- ovulation predictor kits. CF- cervical fluid.

CP- cervical position.

At the website, http://www.tryingtoconceive.com, there is a list of

abbreviations for you to read that explains more.

Some of the more common ones are:


*2ww Two Week Wait - Luteal Phase - 14 days after ovulation

*AF Aunt Flo, menstruation, period

*AH Assisted Hatching

*BBT Basal Body Temperature

*BD Baby Dance, Sex

*Beta Blood test for PG

*BFN Big Fat Negative

*CB Cycle Buddy - Same cycle day as yourself!

*CD Cycle Day

*CL Corpus Luteum

*CM Cervical Mucus

*CP Cervical Position

*DD Dear Daughter

*DH Dear Husband

*DP Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other

*DPO Days Past Ovulation

*DS Dear Son

*DTD Doing The Dance, BD, sex

*DUST Alumnae sprinkle PG Dust~*~*~*~*~*~ on us TTCers

*EC Embryo Cyro/Freezing

*EDD Estimated Due Date

*EPO Evening Primrose Oil

*EWCM Egg-White Cervical Mucus

*ER Egg Retrieval

*ET Egg transfer (can be used as 5dpet to mean 5 days past egg


*HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected in HPTs

*H & H Happy and Healthy

*HPT Home Pregnancy Test

*HSG Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray

*ICSI Microfertilization

*IUI Intrauterine Insemination

*IVF In Vitro Fertilization

*KEGELS The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.

Very important to keep it toned by flex & hold.

Referred to as doing your Kegels

*LH Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs

*LP Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF

*O or OV Ovulation

*OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit

*PG Pregnancy, pregnant

*PNV Prenatal Vitamin

*RE Reproductive Endocronolgist or EXPERT- doctor who specializes in

fertility problems

*SA Semen Analysis

*ROBI A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup

(expectorant) used to thin CM

*SOD Sex on Demand

*TCOYF " Taking Charge of Your Fertility " by Toni Weschler

*TR Tubal Reversal

*TTC Trying To Conceive

*YI Yeast Infection

Hope these help some! lol

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The list isn't restricted to preggos only... it's simply meant to address

the issues that post-WLSers face or fear when it comes to pregnancy, whether

they are already pg or considering trying. : )


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First of all, I am just going to be 6 weeks post-partum on Thursday and

thinking about the next one. The sleepless nights must definetly be affecting me

as well! LOL

I am sure as a nurse you have seen some things you will never ever forget.

We lost andra after I was hit by a drunk driver. I had a lacerated spleen

that went undetected for 8 days. Finally the spleen ruptured, causing a

laceration of my Mesenteric artery. Needless to say we lost andra due to

Hypoxia, and it was really touch and go for me.

But, life has to go on, and we are so lucky to have . Thanks again for

the info, as well as the nice letter.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

, I have heard a few doctors say that people get to caught up on the

numbers doubling, and should just make sure they are rising, i am not sure,

but at the beginning of this pregnancy, i had my hcg levels done and they

didnt quite double in the 3 days, and this baby is very healthy..so yes, a

heartbeat is a great sign...one of the best signs you could have


RNY 2/27/2002

E.D.D 7/20/2003

5 precious children to light the way

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In a message dated 4/7/2003 7:48:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

schaub.julie@... writes:

> joy, can i ask how much you have lost and how close you are to goal since

> you are still losing so nicely this preg.? and how old are you? you may

> have said earlier and i just missed it.



If you're talking to me I can answer these questions.. don't know if there

is another Joy here. I got weighed this morning and am down 28lbs since I

got pg in October. I'm over 2yrs out and still 100lbs from goal. I'm 27yrs

old (1/22/76) and am on my 3rd child. Each child I've lost weight, my first

pg being the most (at 65lbs and that was pre-op). I have *plenty* to spare

so it doesn't bother me as much as the fact that in my current pg the babe is

growing on the smaller side (26wks currently he's measuring 23.5wks) when in

my other two pgs the babes measure 1-3wks ahead of schedule (after having

early u/s to determine EDD)


Lap RNY @ 491lbs

town Memorial

Dr. Bertha


Mommy to:

(1-9-99) & Saralyn (12-15-99)

Who'll be welcoming


EDD 7/14/03

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Now see I have ask my surgon right after i had surgery and they would

disagree with this. That the pill will still work the same as before. I have

had surgery were 1000's of people go and i am sure i am not the only one who

has ask this question and I have heard alot of people happy with the pill

after surgery. Remember you just got to take it everyday and take it the same

time.. I took mine when i woke up at 9 am. I never forgot...PLUS I Knew

wasn't ready for a bay yet.


Weight loss surgery

Surgery 2-26-02

BTC Ann Arbor

Mom of Bret(3) soon to be mommie to #2


EDD 11/20/2003



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi , Congrats! There are a lot of December Babies due in this group. I

personally am due Dec.30th.I know this group will be very informative and a

great support system for you in the coming months. I hope to see your future

questions and answers to postings from other women who are going through the

same thing as You and I.

God Bless.




WLS215lbs (DOT)

5 " 4

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Congragulations on the soon to be new addition to your family. Please

throw a little baby dust my way to Northern MN.


> good monday morning...and a great monday it is......

> you see, i didnt feel so well friday just like something wasnt right so i

> finally decided to test and it was POSITIVE!!!! i didnt believe it so i


> another on sun and it was POSITIVE!!! i cant believe it. i finally


> kristen would be fine as an only child and was really enjoying the age she

> is. i was enjoying the fact that i didnt have to buy formula and diapers

> and wahla...here we go again and cant be happier.

> my problem is that in march af was here march 3 then spotted for a week

> starting march 18th. what are they gonna use for lmp? i kept calling the

> clinic and telling them that something wasnt right and they blew me off


> i was a crazy woman. (my earlier tests were neg). they kept saying that


> was just my weight...i have lost a bit again now...or is was an off month.

> dont worry. youll be fine they kept saying. i havent had an off month

> since my first post op af and then the next month i was preg. guess i

> showed them : ) now i just have to convince the hospital to open that

> geriatric maternity ward : )

> julie



> Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3



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Yeah, !

The spotting you experienced may have been implantation bleeding. ;o)

Congrats, mama!

in CA


Jordan's WAHMommy


good monday morning...and a great monday it is......

you see, i didnt feel so well friday just like something wasnt right so


finally decided to test and it was POSITIVE!!!! i didnt believe it so i


another on sun and it was POSITIVE!!! i cant believe it. i finally


kristen would be fine as an only child and was really enjoying the age


is. i was enjoying the fact that i didnt have to buy formula and


and wahla...here we go again and cant be happier.

my problem is that in march af was here march 3 then spotted for a week

starting march 18th. what are they gonna use for lmp? i kept calling


clinic and telling them that something wasnt right and they blew me off


i was a crazy woman. (my earlier tests were neg). they kept saying

that is

was just my weight...i have lost a bit again now...or is was an off


dont worry. youll be fine they kept saying. i havent had an off month

since my first post op af and then the next month i was preg. guess i

showed them : ) now i just have to convince the hospital to open that

geriatric maternity ward : )


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OH MY GOD (or GAAAWD as Jakie says) that is great. I am incredibly jealous

and incredibly happy for you. Hope it's going around.


good monday morning...and a great monday it is......

you see, i didnt feel so well friday just like something wasnt right so i

finally decided to test and it was POSITIVE!!!! i didnt believe it so i did

another on sun and it was POSITIVE!!! i cant believe it. i finally decided

kristen would be fine as an only child and was really enjoying the age she

is. i was enjoying the fact that i didnt have to buy formula and diapers

and wahla...here we go again and cant be happier.

my problem is that in march af was here march 3 then spotted for a week

starting march 18th. what are they gonna use for lmp? i kept calling the

clinic and telling them that something wasnt right and they blew me off like

i was a crazy woman. (my earlier tests were neg). they kept saying that is

was just my weight...i have lost a bit again now...or is was an off month.

dont worry. youll be fine they kept saying. i havent had an off month

since my first post op af and then the next month i was preg. guess i

showed them : ) now i just have to convince the hospital to open that

geriatric maternity ward : )


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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