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Haven't heard from you in a few days. Hope things are going o.k.

Any word from Chavon on Sierra? How is your FIL? You and your family are in

my thoughts and prayers honey.

Take Care



> Hello*!!! well in my own opinion she doesn't need anymore

> kids.......BUT you know who am I to say anything....oh wait I do get

> to say something......teehehee BUT I won't.....

> Thanks....I hope that Sierra comes to live with us....but as of today

> no calls to come get her yet.....Bob will be calling tonight to see

> how things are going......



> (God Bless America)


> PS I hope you are feeling better.......



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Thank you for your thoughts. Dh may be able to work part time for his

company for a while. We'll have to go on my insurance, which sucks,

but at least we'll have enough $$$ coming in to keep our hands out of


I'm glad to hear that your anthrax scare was just a scare.

Are there any nonprofit parties going on next week that you could

take Sierra too? Around here, the hospital and the Parks and Rec dept

are having a little party next week. And I think a grocery store

nearby is having a costume contest Sat. Maybe she could go to

something like that and you could give her $15 to buy all the candy

she wants??? Look in your local paper and see what they have. Just an


Hope you get to feeling better emotionally. I feel pretty spazzed

myself. While waxing my eyebrows tonight, a big glop of wax dropped

onto my left eyelashes. I got most of it out, but I don't think I'll

be wearing mascara for a few days. Which really sucks because my eyes

are my only decent feature these days......


30 wks tomorrow.

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That's a cute story about the " Bob " confusion!!!

I hope that the increase in Paxil will help you. It is such a tough time

right now. I'm glad your scare with the mail turned out to be alright.


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I agree with the Doctor, as scary as that sounds! Cold turkey is probably the best way to do it at this point. She's a little older now and you are probably feeling better, so you may have better luck with it. I'm so glad she's gaining weight though... she obviously liked what you've been giving her! :)


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I'm with ya on the formula... It's just something with me, but it freaks me out. I think breastmilk smells sweet... thus the name "babies breath" for the flowers. I actually read that somewhere ladies! You are so close, just keep doing what your doing, you'll get there. I admire you for getting through this part.


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We both must be on line at the same time.

My dh and I so don't want to give her formula. Of course my dh will

go along w/what I want if I can;t do it. I hate the smell of formula.

Its gross.

I am going to try really hard this weekend. Especially since my dh is

home. We are so close. I just need more patience. Its so hard when

you are tired.


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Thanks! I loved the black and white pictures too. It was the first time I'd ever used b & w film and I was pleased with the results. I'm glad to hear Ross and Matt are so close too. Isn't it amazing? I always new I wanted another baby, but I I guess I never realized just how much joy Olivia would get out of having a sibling. It totally warms my heart to watch the two of them interact.

Hey, I have my first PC party this Saturday and I have 6 more scheduled. I'm nervous! What did you make for food at your first party?


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I'll let you know how it goes. I just finished talking to my friend who is having the show and she has 14 people coming, so I am very excited, but a tad bit nervous too!


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Tons of luck on your show! I made 3 cheese garden pizza and apple/berry

salsa w/ cinnamon chips for my first show. If fact I have made the

3 cheese garden pizza for all of my shows so far and it is a HUGE hit.

I have also made the apple nut ring and the apple crisp at shows.

I think for my next show I am going to be making the chicken ceasar salad

pizza. I haven't made it yet, but it sure sounds yummy!

I am averaging 2 kitchen shows and 1 catalog show per month so far,

which is just fine with my regular work schedule. My goal right now

is one show per month so I am doing fine.


kdjohio@... wrote:



I loved the black and white pictures too. It was the first time I'd

ever used b & w film and I was pleased with the results. I'm glad

to hear Ross and Matt are so close too. Isn't it amazing? I

always new I wanted another baby, but I I guess I never realized just how

much joy Olivia would get out of having a sibling. It totally warms

my heart to watch the two of them interact.


I have my first PC party this Saturday and I have 6 more scheduled.

I'm nervous! What did you make for food at your first party?


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> One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come


> the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. " Yes, sir, I just

> caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I


> they couldn't resist. Got 'em all! " " What are you going to do with them? "

> Jesus asked. Satan replied, " Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them

> how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how

> to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and

> bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun! " " And what will you


> when you get done with them? " Jesus asked. " Oh, I'll kill 'em, " Satan


> proudly. " How much do you want for them? " Jesus asked. " Oh, you don't want

> those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just

> hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you!! You don't want

> those people!! " " How much? " Jesus asked again. Satan looked at Jesus and

> sneered, " All your tears, and all your blood. " Jesus said, " DONE! " Then


> paid the price. Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash God


> then wonder why the world's going to hell. Isn't it funny how we believe

> what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Isn't it funny

> how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe,

> think, say, or do anything the Bible says. Or is it scary? Isn't it funny

> how someone can say " I believe in God " but still follow Satan (who, by


> way also " believes " in God). Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand

> jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start

> sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.


> it funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through

> cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school

> and workplace. Isn't it funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on

> Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. Are you

> laughing? Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will

> not send it to many on your address list because you're>not sure what they

> believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them. Isn't it

> funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than

> what God thinks of me. Will YOU pass this on? I did.






> _______________________________________________________

> Send a cool gift with your E-Card

> http://www.bluemountain.com/giftcenter/


> ------- End of forwarded message -------



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Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont

kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to

have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be able to concieve? Will I

have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your

experience? How long does the pain last...?

I have too many questions to ask.

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is

> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to

> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a

> > uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her


> > open arms.

> >

> > Love & hugs,

> > Jo-Ann

> >

> >

> >

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Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont

kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to

have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be able to concieve? Will I

have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your

experience? How long does the pain last...?

I have too many questions to ask.

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is

> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to

> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a

> > uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her


> > open arms.

> >

> > Love & hugs,

> > Jo-Ann

> >

> >

> >

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Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont

kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to

have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be able to concieve? Will I

have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your

experience? How long does the pain last...?

I have too many questions to ask.

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is

> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to

> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a

> > uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her


> > open arms.

> >

> > Love & hugs,

> > Jo-Ann

> >

> >

> >

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, Welcome to the group. I hope we can help with some of your questions and give you some support. I am very sorry for your losses and all you had to go through. It is a horrible experience. I had an ep in Dec. 00. and required surgery (the big c-section cut) and lost my rt tube. Starting to ttc was very scary for me. I didn't think I could ever go through such a thing again but I knew deep down I wanted a baby. Did your dr suggest having a hsg?(test were they run dye through your tube to see if there are any blockages in that one) Some people opt not to have one or their dr suggest to wait awhile and ttc again but I did have one 3 months after my surgery. (I had some complications from my surgery....bladder problems) Though the hsg isn't 100%, me personally, I wanted to have one done for a little piece of mind. Has your dr mentioned about being able to ttc natural again or that you would have to go to a specialist? I am glad you found us and I hope the group helps you as much as it has helped me. Take care. Re: Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be able to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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, Welcome to the group. I hope we can help with some of your questions and give you some support. I am very sorry for your losses and all you had to go through. It is a horrible experience. I had an ep in Dec. 00. and required surgery (the big c-section cut) and lost my rt tube. Starting to ttc was very scary for me. I didn't think I could ever go through such a thing again but I knew deep down I wanted a baby. Did your dr suggest having a hsg?(test were they run dye through your tube to see if there are any blockages in that one) Some people opt not to have one or their dr suggest to wait awhile and ttc again but I did have one 3 months after my surgery. (I had some complications from my surgery....bladder problems) Though the hsg isn't 100%, me personally, I wanted to have one done for a little piece of mind. Has your dr mentioned about being able to ttc natural again or that you would have to go to a specialist? I am glad you found us and I hope the group helps you as much as it has helped me. Take care. Re: Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be able to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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Thank you for your kind words. My doctor has not discussed with me the hsg test, but thanks for telling me, I will mention it to him my next visit. Is there any surgery required for this test, any cutting of the skin, etc? I cant handle another cut in my lower stomach.

Did your scar ever completely heal? How long did it take for the puffy stomach to go away? I used to have a beautiful flat stomach, I used to be in top shape. Now I look like I gained 15 pounds or so. I am so depressed about this too. Winter is coming and getting out the house is getting harder. I am also very sorry for your loss.



Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be abl! e to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > ! uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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I have a doctors appt nova 21. To be honest I am terrified of trying to get pg again. I don't think I can handle the tube for the hag. I almost KILLED my dry when he took the tube out of me that was discharging all the blood from my where my tube was. He just yanked it out of me, I almost slapped his face with the phone. I was so peeked off. I begged him for Dramamine or something.

--- Original Message -----

From: Meisenhelter

To: PregnancyBabiesAfterEctopic

Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 5:38 PM

Subject: Re: Re:

Hi ,

No, there is no cutting or such for the hsg. They run a tube up inside of you and they fill it with dye so that they can see if it follows through your tube or not. Some women have said the test was painful but maybe I was lucky because mine seemed to be more of an uncomfortable feeling than pain...and let me tell you I am a big chicken and not good with pain, so I was all ready for some pain. (smile) It will take some time for you to heal, I know it seemed to take about 1/2- 2 months for me to really feel better physically and for my stomach to go back to normal. I know it is extremely hard to deal with the physical aspect along with the emotional aspect. Though it might not seem like it right now, things will slowly get better. & n! bsp;You have been through alot and it will take time. Things are never quite the same again but you will slowly heal and there is great hope for the future. When do you go back to the dr again?

Take care.


Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be abl! e to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > ! uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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Hi , No, there is no cutting or such for the hsg. They run a tube up inside of you and they fill it with dye so that they can see if it follows through your tube or not. Some women have said the test was painful but maybe I was lucky because mine seemed to be more of an uncomfortable feeling than pain...and let me tell you I am a big chicken and not good with pain, so I was all ready for some pain. (smile) It will take some time for you to heal, I know it seemed to take about 1/2- 2 months for me to really feel better physically and for my stomach to go back to normal. I know it is extremely hard to deal with the physical aspect along with the emotional aspect. Though it might not seem like it right now, things will slowly get better. You have been through alot and it will take time. Things are never quite the same again but you will slowly heal and there is great hope for the future. When do you go back to the dr again? Take care. Re: Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be abl! e to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > ! uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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, Being terrified to start ttc is unfortunately a very natural emotion. Like I said, it is extremely scary but for now you just need to concentrate on healing and in time you might feel alittle differently. Don't rush yourself, for now, just take the time to heal physically and emotional and we will be here for you. I am sorry your dr was so insensitive, they can be such jerks sometimes. M Re: Hi and thanks for the intro. I have tons of questions, but I dont kno where to begin. lets see.....I am terrified of trying again (to have a baby). Is it dangerous. will I be abl! e to concieve? Will I have to go to a fertility specialist now? What did you do after your experience? How long does the pain last...?I have too many questions to ask. > > > > Hello all,> > > > I wanted to welcome a new member. Her name is and she is> > looking for inspiration and reassurance as she begins trying to> > conceive (ttc) again. She recently suffered an ectopic (ep) and a> > ! uterus pregnancy (pg) loss. I'm sure everyone will welcome her with> > open arms.> > > > Love & hugs,> > Jo-Ann> > > > > >

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Thanks for sharing.



> > One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come

> from

> > the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. " Yes, sir, I just

> > caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I

> knew

> > they couldn't resist. Got 'em all! " " What are you going to do with them? "

> > Jesus asked. Satan replied, " Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them

> > how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how

> > to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and

> > bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun! " " And what will you

> do

> > when you get done with them? " Jesus asked. " Oh, I'll kill 'em, " Satan

> glared

> > proudly. " How much do you want for them? " Jesus asked. " Oh, you don't want

> > those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just

> > hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you!! You don't want

> > those people!! " " How much? " Jesus asked again. Satan looked at Jesus and

> > sneered, " All your tears, and all your blood. " Jesus said, " DONE! " Then

> He

> > paid the price. Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash God

> and

> > then wonder why the world's going to hell. Isn't it funny how we believe

> > what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Isn't it funny

> > how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe,

> > think, say, or do anything the Bible says. Or is it scary? Isn't it funny

> > how someone can say " I believe in God " but still follow Satan (who, by

> the

> > way also " believes " in God). Isn't it funny how you can send a thousand

> > jokes through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start

> > sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

> Isn't

> > it funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through

> > cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school

> > and workplace. Isn't it funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on

> > Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. Are you

> > laughing? Isn't it funny how when you go to forward this message, you will

> > not send it to many on your address list because you're>not sure what they

> > believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them. Isn't it

> > funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than

> > what God thinks of me. Will YOU pass this on? I did.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________________

> > Send a cool gift with your E-Card

> > http://www.bluemountain.com/giftcenter/

> >

> > ------- End of forwarded message -------

> >

> >

> > Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

> > http://www.shopping.altavista.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

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did they detect this disease with an hsg? I assume it was curable or controllable? Congrats on your baby Belle...!

I had an ep 8/99 after over a year of trying to get pg. I did go to see an RE. It turns out I have tubal disease. We ended up doing IVF. I got pg first time. I have a baby girl Belle born 10/5/01.Pam

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I had two HSG's. The first one showed one clear tube and one blocked.

I went on Clomid and got pg two months later. That was my ep. I then

went back on Clomid. When I did not get pg I then switched to an RE.

I just knew in my heart something was wrong. My RE looked at my HSG

and said I had tubal disease. We did another HSG. Then I had surgery

to try and open up my tubes. We ttc'd for awhile. Then switched to

IVF. This was the right choice for us. At my ob/gyn office one of the

dr specialized in IF. We started w/him and he did some basic tests to

start. My reason for meeting w/him was because I was not conceiving.


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